East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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1 IjI?
cial Inducements
Shirt Waists !
bargains aro offered on every Shirt
lin our store.
Ttest Court Street
Prices Now Placed on all
jiPianos Organs
Mandolins, Violins, Sheet
sk and Holiday Goods
lonth's Free Instrucsion Given
vith Each Piano Sale
1st Court Street,
Phone Red i!5i
ty a Scientific Plumber and you will not
r1 oaa breaks. Let us figure on your won.
'Smaller Holdings Are Conducive to
Higher Cultivation Variety of
Products and Industries Pay Bet
ter Than One Cron from Larger
Washington, Bee. 28. On tho great
desert of Colorado, In southeastern
California, a marvelous work of rec
lamation is In progress. Ultimately
half a million acres of fertile but ut
terly arid sou will bo converted into
tho most productive agricultural land
in the world. !
The present tendency In this dis-'
trlct Is toward n largo farm unit 320 '
or G40 acres, since this portion of tho '
public domain Is passing Into private 1
ownership chiefly by means dr the
desert land law. Under this law, a
singlo individual may take 320 acres
or a man and his wife twice as much,
which is a full square mile. i
Is so much land reasonably neces
sary for a prosperous homo on rich
Irrigated land, where crops never fall
because Insured . tho flow or o
ercat river, and In a climate where
.1.1 ... . '
lumgs grow every month n the year
and where that wonderful forage
crop, alfalfa, may be harvested eight
times In 12 monthB?
Thero are some good business men
in tho United States who answer this
question in tho negative, and who
oven go so far as to say it is unfor
tunate for a settler of small means
to try to subdue that amount of des
ert soil.
One of these men is a Chicago
manufacturer who is deeply Interest
ed in tho colonization problem.
Ho declares that 20 acres are quite
sufficient for a good home in that
locality. He Insists that alfalfa and
cows are the surest money makers
for tho settler of small means. Each
aero of alfalfa will support one cow.
One good man will take care of 20
cows. Hence, the 20-acre farm Is the
The Chicago man has lalth enough
In his idea to advance money to nu
merous settlers so that they may get
a start. They will repay him In la
bor applied to other lands which he
will later subdivide and sell to other
smnll settlors. Creameries will be
necessary to take the product of these
small farms. The Chicago man will
build tho creameries as fast as re-
It is a most interesting experiment.
both in Its economic and Its socio- j
logical aspects. '
It will be interesting to compare i
the prosperity of these small farm
ers with that of their neighbors who
aro trying to till from in to 30 times
as much land, and it will be Interest
ing again to see how these settlers
aro able to succeed with borrowed
capital to be repaid by devoting a
part of their time to the cultivation
of olher land. Perhaps the experi
ment will furnish a good deal of
light for the problem of making
homes for poor men In tho desert.
Tho Chicago capitalist makes no
pretense to philanthropy. It Is pure
ly a business proposition with him.
He thinks the enterprise offers good
security and promises to return a
leasonnhlo pi out.
But. In the meantime, the nation is
squandering Its land by permitting it
to bo taken up in big blocks by those
who will later sel out to actual
home makers or to syndicates which
aro making great stock ranchos.
And so It will be until the present
land laws aro repealed in favor of a
true homestead provision. It Hi
claimed that the desert laud act can ,
bo enforced. Experience In every j
nioIoKT " l'roted hu Dnndruff 1
Cniutrd lx a Grrm. j
Sdenco Is donls wonders thCBO days In ,
medicine as well oh In mechanics. Bines
Adam lived, the human raco has been
troubled nlth dandruff, for which no hair .
preparation has heretofore proved a sue
cossful cure until Newbro's Horptcldo wan
put on tho market. It la a scientific prep
aration that kills tho germ that makes
dandruff or scurf by discing into the ,
ecalp to Ret at the root of the hair, where
It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp, ,
falling hair, nnd flnolly baldness. With- '
out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. ,
It Is tho only destroyer of dandruff. ,
Sold by leading druKgtijtf. Send 10c (
in stamps for sample to The Herpl
cldo Co.. Detroit, Mich.
F. W. Schmidt, special agent. I
1 0 Per Cent Off
On all Vase Lamps, China,
and Fancy Goods from now
gntil New Year's
Owl Tea House
Western state has shown that It gen
erally cannot; but even In those
cases where it can bo or where Us
reclamation proMstons are complied
with In good faith, an abnormal
amount of land la allowed tho entry
man. If there has ever been a law
which operated for years with no lo
cltlmato xciite for existence It Is t'-c
desert land law. nut Its repeal, even
at this !ato tlr.te. would be a boon to
Ameiican homcseekcrs William E.
Spanish Republicans Demand Radical
Change In Government.
In Spain the property of tho rclisl.
ous orders is not taxed, and, as many
of these communities carry on busi
ness In competition with others, this
immunity from taxation gives them a
great advantage.
This is one of the leasons why tho
Republicans of Spain demand that tho
religious communities shall bo pro
hibited from competing Tn the Indus
tries, agricultural and mocnamcal,
with ordinary citizens; that all church
property not used for purposes of
worship or charity be taxed; that all
titles to property other than that
used for religious and charitable pur
poses now lying In the hands of
agents or trustees of religious com
munities be transferred tn the gov
ernment; that clergymen be prohibit
ed from holding public office, educa
tional, charitable or otherwise; that
religious processions which excito tile
fanaticism of the masses be prohibit
ed rrom ,passlng through the streets,
that tho compulsory education law,
already on the statute books as a
dead letter, be enforced with a freo
school system, with secular teach
ers, and that the money now appro
priated for the benefit of the church
be npplled for educational purposes.
It Is a very broad and radical pro
gram for a country like Spain, which
hnB always been more or less con
trolled by the priests, but it is based
upon economical as well as political
Glass Workers Get More Pay.
The joint conference of plate glass
manufacturers and skilled workers,
held at Philadelphia, resulted in the
adoption of a uniform wage scale
whereby nearly 10,000 workers will
receive an advance in wages of from
1 to 'IVi per cent. To meet this .n
oi ease the price of glass will prob
ably be advanced lfc to 20 per cent.
There are nearly 4,0u0 pots In the
United States, employing 2,000 expert
blowers. The others who will benefit
by tho Increase ate the gatherers,
liattenert) nnd cutters. Under the new
hcalo the wages for blowers will av
erage $180a month for single strength
glass and $100 a month for double
thick plate.
To Drive Out Chinamen.
Chicago has in the neighborhood of
425 Chinese laundries, bomo of them
employing a score or more of work
ers. They are really making an Im
pression on the laundry business of
the city, and for this reason the laun
dry wagon dilvers, laundry owners
and laundry workers propose to begin
an agitation to drive all the China
men out of the business. Tho work
ers In the Chinese laundries have no
regular hours, but practically work
continuously. They work three or
four hours, take a bite and a nap, and
then begin again. Against this sys
tem white workeis are unable to"
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
headaches, etc., e would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo sell
undor a positive guarantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. COc.
and $1.00 F. W, Schmidt & Co.
Has $20,000 in Treasury,
The quarterly report of William
I'enje, secretary of the Lake Sea
men's union, Just maue public, shows
a decided Increase In membership and
funds, us compared with a corre
sponding period last year, Tho In
crease In the treasury, that stands to
tho credit of the I-ake Seamen's un
ion, In round figures, is $20,000, an
Increase of one-half over what tho ac
count was at this time last year. Tho
enrollment of members for the year
reaches the number of 9,CCo, with
7.407 in good standing, an Increase of
3,063 over the enrollment of laBt
year, which was C.512, wjth 4,840 In
good repute with the union.
Sick headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Con
stipation and Indigestion. Makes
you eat, sleep, work and happy.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 26c and BOc. F. W. Schmidt
& Co.
Work of the Special Session In
Salem, Dec. 28. The governor has
In his nanus for action 34 bills, pass
ed by the legislature. 18 from tho
senate, and 16 from the house.
They are: $100,000 canal bill, !
peal Phelps' net, restoring tax law,
tax exemption net, Lincoln county
Judge's salary. Pleasant Armstrong
execution, assignment of claims
against cities and counties, SoldletH'
borne appropriation, term of rourt In
ninth Judicial district, diplomas Mon
mouth graduates, game laws, record
ers' fee bill, competency of witnesses,
Jercphlnc county officers. Multno
mah county circuit Judges' salaries,
appropriations cxrense special sec
Eion. six bills to amend code, im tho
following charters: Ala siinoiu, Norm
nond, Gold llay, lcbanon Ikaver
Hill, Adams, Seaside. Tho Dalles.
Athena, I-ostlne, McMlnnvnie, uot
tage Grove,
It Is rot expected that the governor
will feel compelled to veto any of
thom, unless ho flnds some grave er
ror hns been committed.
The governor haB approved a num
ber of the bills passed, and a few
others he has filed without his signa
ture, so that they will become laws
in 90 days. They are;
Hills signed--Repeal of Phelps act,
ro-enactment of old tax law, canal
bill, exemption act, Multnomah coun
ty circuit Judges' salary, appropria
tion for expense of session, terms of
court tn ninth Judicial district,
amending section 3132 of code, amend
section 6030 of code, execution . f
Pleasant Armstrong.
Filed without signature Charter
bills of U'bnnon, Heaver Hill, .Mc
Mlnnvllle; salarlec of Josephine
county, game laws amendment,
rinendmt nt to 4322-3 of code.
Children's school shoes that wear
and look well at Tcutsch's.
Try "Pendleton Boquet"
Made at home.
The Standard of Excellency.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
ELATERITE li Mineral Rubber.
urUml ltuocuBBury to lUU'UACK A Woim-OUT HOOK
Takes th, place ot shingles, tin. Iron, tar cud gravel, and all prepared
roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay.
Temperc ' for all climates, Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit Outran
teed, it will nay to ask for prlceiand Information.
Worcetter Building. Portland.
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
San Francisco, Oct, G.
To F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy;
Dear Sirs There nre dally occur
rences In this city that ought to be
known nil over tho world. A guile
less old gentleman and octogenarian,
a distant relative of Robert Fulton,
of first steamship fame, has saved tho
lives of hundreds (probably thous
ands) after they were behoved to be
beyond human nld. His discovery Is
undoubtedly tho long-sought euro fer
Urlght'a Disease nnd Dlnbetes.
This Is not easy of belief, and It Is
the purpose of n number of business
and professional men of this city (ot
whom I am one) to tell the people.
You nre hereby authorized to tell all
tboso In your city who have eltflor
Rilght's Disease or Diabetes, that
nearly nlno-tcnths of them can ro
wer. Among tho business men who
are giving moral and llnnncl.il sup
port nnd who would glvo neither If
tho above was not strictly truo, are
Hon. D. M. Burns, President Caudel
aria Mining Company: Edward Mills,
President ot Dullock Jones Compa
ny; Captain Roborts, President Itoca
and Ixiynlton R. R. Co.; Thos. KirK
Patrick. Capitalist; D. B. Render,
Capitalist; W. C. Price. Capitalist;
Wm. Sharp, Capitalist; C. W. Clark.
Capitalist, nnd many others. Tfce
pamphlets herewith are to be given
to nil Inquirers without charge. They
give the complete history of our long
and cxliaustlvo Investigation.
Yours truly,
President Pacific States Type Foun
dry. Money BackSKK
fail to cure Khcimintl'tti, For Sale by
A. C. Koepprn it llros. Agts. for l'eniU'n.
A Supreme Moment
of expectation could l easily
turned Into an hour of vexation
by linvlng a dull e.irver to wrestle
with. Your Xnuts feast would
be one of annoyance unless yon
have a set of our line Sheffield
steel cnrveis, with good stag
handle, that will disjoint u tur
key and carve it In wafer slices in
it hurry. On r line stock of table
cutlery for Xinus gift aro uM-ful
und will lie appreciated by the
& Co, 211 Court Street
and "Pride of Umatilla."
A. ROHDE, Maker