East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight mitl Tuesday cloudy to
partly cloudy, mid moderately
.-.-aat thfi Hoavv
n.. tho Signal
n w -
ilnHIInn- In
......... n Survl
urred on a Michigan
T,a!n was Running
Ja, Mich., Doc. 28.-j.-.i
ill injured,
B fatally, as tdo result
. ..iv last evening o
: trains mi the l'oro
illroad, one-noil muo
Paris, about six ralltiH
...nu hmiii rin
n, winm .- -
ccorillnt; t a Htntemont
officials of tho road at
SMS in UUiriJIl, IIJ
wing nut tlio rod Bignni
nil nit 1. 1 IlltVil RTnil'
ISO. 0, BlHJUMi " w
ivtd orders to pass the
4l.nl n tn I CM n 11 Of.
-.no mUliriTlKiilll HIT
.ft riA Rtntument of the
t raffia wnrn orlirittnlly to
1 rn1,,lnl.
L.I. th.. Anul.hnllllil tm H
tho moo tine mace.
tini b. lUBiutm n"''"1
nit's imilll wurt uiiki
met with a terrible
do 11 or oi me cnuiue
2d JitflndiiiL iioriieriuicil'
Kb at the Hide of tho
catastrophe. Bays ho
Qnli thi Mrninnn worn
inev iiau t'ir.n in save
He sayw ho did not see
V. Ilflffl-nirri flliM gitinL-lllir
rv lAnr nvfinntlnne wnrn
Frank Hewitt, of the
lor Detroit, nnrt whn ns.
'tpflt In Iml.... !,
B-t tujuuvo, mil iu niv
t reek lilt (rntn ninl our.
by groans and crlos
W lanterns delved Into
4 with fence timbers
w uui mo Bunerors.
h Drought 15 bodies
itS tnnl it fntni-fwl
'toy saw at least throo
under tho wreckage,
wincK couiu extricate
-I'wv.ui uutll lull UIO
4- -r
Fast Mall Collision.
Itahway, a. J Dec. 28. Tho
fast mall on the Pennsylvania
railway collided near here
early this morning with the
wreck of a freight. Mail Fire
man Chovellor was killed and
nine others seriously Injured.
The Jail, Several Business Houses
and the Postoffice Were Burned
White Populace Enraged and .De
mand Punishment of the Lynchers.
Pineapple, Ala., Dec. 28. In tholr
effort to hide the lynching of Arthur
Stuart, a colored prisoner, whom they
Recured from the Jail here last night
n mob Is thought to have fired the
Jail, which was not only destroyed by
fire, but panned tne loss of emht
stores, two warehouses and the post
ofllco, valued nt $35,0(10.
On Wednesday, P. Melton, a prom
inent wh'ite mlin, bad a quarrel with
some negroes, and one of them shot
him. On Chrl8tm.-.s day a negro
said to be Ills accomplice, was arrest
ud nnd placed in Jail, and the friends
of Melton, It is alleged, swore veng
eance. This morning at 4 o'clock a
mob broke into the Jail, and ufter
Knocking tho negro in the head
pourud kerosene over ills body and
set Ii afire. The flames spread to nit
Joining buildings.
Excitement continues lntonse to
night. 'Citizens in mass meeting
passed resolutions requesting a spec
lal term of court to try members of
the mob who will be arrested. A
Hpoclal .term will probably be ordered.
Apparently Organized Labor Prenatal Influences Urged to
is Getting the Worst of it- Prove Murderer Marx' Ir-
Everywhere. ! responsibility.
Labor Leaders Arrested Right and
Left In Colorado In Utah Evic
tions Are Made Under the Protec
tion of the Military Strike Break
ers Are Smuggled Into California
MJnes, Which Are Now Being !
Two of the Defendants Do Not Seem
to Realize Ther Plight It Is
Claimed That Two of the Defend
ants Are Mentally Unbalanced All
Are Implicated In the Car Barn
and Saloon Robberies and Murders.
Boreas and Burglars,
Kroeport, O., Dee. 28.
While tho blUiard was In pro
gress Inst niEht burglnrs forc
ed tbu Harmon department
storo and carried nway seal
skins, silks and Jewelry
amounting to several thous
and dollars. No clues yet obtained.
4. 4. 44.44"h 4'
Chicago, t.vt; 28. Despite tho
tuamstrrs' offer of arbitration mUde
Sunday, n settlement of the livery
drivers' strike is remote as ever.
The liverymen say they have nothing duct immediately after the arresl.
Chicago, l)-c. L'S. The car barn
bandits were arraigned this morning.
The four prisoners wore neatly dress
ed and well urooined. but minus the
air of bravado that marked their con-
to arbitrate.
A number or hearses were sent out
today without interference.
Norman Larson, a union teamster,
who attempted to cut the traces of a
team drawing a hearse, was fined $ou
In nolloe court this morning. Ho
They wore placed In a row before
the Judge on the bench. Vnndlno,
Neldermeyer wore a serious look, but
Marx and Hooskl seemed unablo to
realize their plight. Marx smiled
continually. Itooskl looked bored.
The Indictments were read cbarg.
may be prosecuted under the state ng Tnndlne, Marx and Neldermcycr
labor law, which makes Interference , -with murder, and Johnson and Stow
r - .
nunning i rain
- as, uurgiars
Mj. last night, robbed
"' Hallway's safo,
Started ncrnim thn
Ma., WRS waiting
eJtyon planned to
ni Wie it nwav.
ra In " '
"iu around a
a knocked tho safe
i ,L8.,by a miracle- tho
t derailed The rob-
can -in ro-
all rftncnii..
a, i, '-""y issued a
' begun h,,,.. ...
t Iniil" "fsatilzod la.
e PUtlinsn l
' ,rw Tynhold.
"!, !8..Ti,: ..... .
,al flvo yostordny.
Mrs. Mary Wood, of Hillsboro, Was
Born In 1787.
Hillsboro, Dec. 28. Mrs. .Mary
Wood, now living in tills city, was
born on Muy 20, 1787, in East Ten
nessee, and is therefore 11 G years
old and Is tho oldest person now
known to be living on tho Pacific
She came to Oregon lu 1849, and
has resided in tho Willamette valley
over since. For many years she con
ducted tho Washington House, HIUs
boro's first hotel.
When n young woman she heard
and road of lewls and Clark's ex
ploration uf tho Oregon country und
she expects to attend the 100th anni
versary of that trip to bo celebrated
In the Portland exposition In l0r..
i . . .
Product Brings Highest Price In 38
New York, Dec. 28. The Cotton
ICxcbnngo Is opening In great excite
ment, rocormng HO points above
Thursday's closing tho highest price
wince tho civil war. l-'ouvtoeu-foiir-leen
for Muy.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Pendleton, Dee. 28. Wheat opened
strong on good buying by shorts.
Continued dry weather In whiter
wheat belt Influenced considerable
buying of wheat. Northwest re
ceipts small.
The bull side of the market teems
to have finally gono out and higher
prices are predicted on all sides nua
tho situation Is becoming stronger
every day. There has been little con
tract wheat. Visible supply wheat in
creased 1 818,000. Clearances wheat
and ('our the pas ,nrce 'ln"' 'l""1
894,000 bushels.
Stocks opened with a strong under
tone and soon devoloped considerable
strength which carried the whole list,
although trading was not larce- To
tal salos. 715,200 shares. Mono
closed 414 por cent.
Sugar touched 127 today.
highest point this winter. All the
Inside dealors say it will go to
130 beforo stopping.
Chicago, Doc. 28.
whCat Opening. Close.
Mnv "'A 84 Yt
inly 78
Minneapolis, Dec. 28.
Wheat- Opening- Close.
Mav 83 V 83
Liverpool closed wheat Y hleuer;
com. W higher,
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago Doc. 28.-Wheat opened
84, closed 84.
Merchants Trying to Influence Gov.
ernment to Reconsider.
Madrid, Dec --M8WB
propose to exhibit t S . Louis art
today planning to appeal o j '
ornmont to roconsiuor Its action m
Suing on appropriation for a
SpanlBh exhibit at St. Louis.
with a funeral a felony
California Strike Broken.
Stockton, CaU Dec. 28. The Iloynl
Consolidated mine, nt Hodson, has
succeeded in smuggling 22 strike
brenkers through the lino of strniers
and they arc now working in the
mine. The strikers are afraid tn
trespass on the mine property, or in
terfere with non-union miners be
cause of thu federal injunction issued
trom the federal court at San Kran
elsco. Business men at Milton and other
Calaveras county towns have refused
to sell provisions to the strikers. It
looks as though the strike is lost.
Arresting Labor Leaders.
Tellurlde. Col., Dec. 28. Colonel
John Williams, an ofilcer In the
Western feneration of Miners, who
has chargo of the strike here, wes
waited upon last night by civil auth
orities and ordered to leave lown
this morning. Ho refused to do so
and will be arrested today.
Former Attorney-Oeneral Tingley.
counsel for the miners, was arrested
this afternoon, charged with vagran
cy nnd causing a disturbance general- Preparations n Enqland for Possible
lests of strlKers will be begun with
in 24 hours.
art with ihe car barn raid, and Moos-
kl with the murder of Hnner In the
saloon hold-up.
.Marx's attorney asked for a two
months' continuance on tho ground
that present public opinion will pre
vent n lulr trial. He rend affidavits
shuw'lng that the line of defense, will
bo flint Marx Is the victim of prena
tal Inlluences. His father was a man
of low. vicious, brutal Instincts and
Is now serving n term at .Toilet for
criminal assault on a 14-year-old girl
Also, yoimu Marx is further Irrespon
sible by reason of an Injury upon his
bead. Inlllcted by his father, who
struck him with a broomstick In his
A similar idea for continuance be
cause of heredity nnd Insanity will
lie set up for Vundlne.
Neldormeyer and Ilosekl asked for
continuance for the same reason, ami
nresented affidavits pleading mental
The court passed the cases up un
til tomorrow.
Claimed He Was the Innocent
Victim of His Agent, Who
Leased His Property.
Pink Bradley, Who Ran Away With
Foreman Hoober- Wife, Pays an
Awful Penalty Domestic Troubles
Cause Murder and Robbery,
Mnnuin rw.i. 9N Fnreninii Hoober.
of the Dewey farm, shot and killed
Pink Urndloy at 8 o ciock whs morn
ing, who, a week ago, ran nway wun
his wife. Tho shooting occurred at
the farm. Six shots were fired nnd
all took effect, one lu the log, ouo In
an arm and four In thn back. An
Inquest is being held this evening.
About a week ago Mrs. Hoober
stole $r00 from her husband nnd de
campeu with VUnuley, The latter was
arrested In Caldwell and served a
sentence or five days In Jail, llu was
released last evening and at once re
turned n, the farm.
Oregon Short Line Reduces Freight
Rates on Mining Materials.
llolse, Dec. 28. The Olegim Short
Line bus established a late via the
1'nlon Pacific, Oregon Stunt l.lne and
connections to becomo effective Jan
uary 2. 190-1. of JMfi per 100 pounds
from Chicago; $1.37 from St. louls
timl V "! from Missouri river to Ida
ho points on mining machinery car
loads, to Inolune engines, hoists, boil
ers and many other articles.
The old rate for the above from
Chicago was $1.77; St. Louis l.G0'&
and .Missouri river $1.45. The com-
nauv Ik alsn reducing tho rate on
mining rails to $1.25 per 100 poundB
from Chicago and on structural Iron
for buildings, beams, girders, etc.. In
cailonds, la $1.35. The old rate on
f-truc tural Iron, etc., was $1.77.
Portsmouth. Ungland. Dec. 28.
The admiralty today Issued a request
to all naval reserve men to give no
tice of tnelr addresses, from which
hey can bo summoned Into uctlvo
Evictions in Utah.
Winter Quarters, Utah, Dec. 28.
Deiiuty sheritl's attempting to evict
man led coal mine strikers have pre-
or lb
... ...tit,!..
return nc witu a cum muy ui minim, i . .. ,.. i,i i,i.,v
The s.rlkers then submitted peacea-1 "gj Petersburg with Important
ul'- . olllcial dispatches for the Russian
inert coa. ,ne" service by telegraph. The action Is
Son of Wife of Prominent New York
Physician.. i Great Damage Done at Bath Beach,
Now Yolk, Dec. 28. A general Near New york,
nliirm was sent to police headquarters y .2H mm
today ior the sou or Mrs. Chailes killed and seveial others
Hendricks, wife of t 'e pnyslc an who "i d k.tie. m
figured a year ago In tho La lira 11 lg- , ' , , thu t.,,c.
ger suit to gain the Dennett estate. r a con8U-ucted at
Thu misslpg boy was kidnapped this Qf the Injured two are
morning by a man who drove o at" J c
front of the residence In a cab, sel.od
tlie child and escaped.
fatally nurt.
Wanted In New York for Personating j
J, Ogden Goelet.
Buffalo, Uco. 28. James Abbot,,
who was arrested at Niagara Kalis,
Ontario, charged with imporsonating
J Ogden Goelet and making love to
a' Now York restaurant keeper's
daughter, will fight extradition. He
was arraigned this morning charged
with forging names to his letters of
Montavilla Man Claims Justifiable
Portland,, Dec. 28. David Van
Houghton, who shot and killed Albert
Young last night, was captured In his
burn nt Montavilla this morning. He
made no resistance and claims Young
despolleil his home.
Herring Fishers and Horses Lost In
the Black Sea.
Odessa, Dec. 28. An Ice lloe In
Soroka Buy, broke away today, car
rying 40 horsos and 150 men who
were herring fishing, out to sea. All
the horses nnd five or the men were
drowuod. The others woro saved
utter desperate efforts.
The Old Man Was Beating His Wife,
and Son Interfered.
Indianajiolls, Dec, 28. Harry Chap
man, aged 18, colored, shot and kill
ed his father last night, becauso tho
latter struck his mother.
Distillery Fire.
I'eoria. 111., Dec. 28. Fire partially
destroyed the elevator or tho Corning
distillery this morning. I.t was pre
sumably of Incendiary origin. I)ss,
Mayklng. Ky.. Dec. 28. While craz
ed with liquor, William Shopard en
tared Ills komo this morning nnd
ithJ'it ptovocatlon, shot and Mllod
lilluy Webb, tfho was standing talk
t 1 rg. Shopard. Ho then fired
a v which Wiled Mrs. Shopaul,
iiasiuig through i-or body and kill
lug a 10-raonths-old baby which she
was holding In lier arms. Shepard
escaped to the ' mountains, whoro
later ho was surrounded by a iiobso
and atter his ammunit.on was ex
hausted was captured,
it a niinnretl a mob Is bcliie form
ed for tonight. The state guard has
been notified to assemble In ream
ness to protect tno Jail.
Was Suffocated in
Lodging House
Boston. Dec, 28. Fire thin morn
ing destroyed a rooming bouse on
Court stleet. Professor Marshall,
the aeronaut, a well known Western
character, wus suffocated. He had
boon In Boston for several months
working on an air Biilp model.
Wealthy Contractor Perishes
Storm In Ohio.
l.lmii. O.. nnc. as. Tho wealthy
innirnctor. Charles Wloemeyer. "waa
rminil dead within a block of his
home this morning, fiozen In n snow
Early Closing at Ontario.'
Ontario. Dec. 28. The leading
bi!Klno" men of Ontario urn about to
enter Into an aErccment to closo
their places of huslnoss promptly at
7 p. ni. each eveulng ami to keep
lltpfr fttrires closed on Sundays, the
agreement to go Into effect Jnnuury
1, 1!K)1.
Birch Creek Farmers Delighted at
Prospects for New Industry.
r'lmrlnii White, who resides ut tno
mouth of Birch creek, flvo and one
half miles west of this city was In
Kntttrtlnv evenlni: and register
ed with thu Kast Oregonlan as a pat.
rou of tno new creamery uj mo in
tent of 20 cows, and wild there wore
is .tuo in lilii iiplehhorhoad that
would ho milked If the creamery Is
Mr, White makes butter from his
ltnni or Jerseys now and has u host
of regular butter customers In thin
city, He finds an excellent marnui.
for his product at top prices, but
thero Is bo much hard work and ex.
jienso altocned to butter making (bat
ho welcomes tho opportunity to sell
)iu niim t,i n creamery which will
collect it from Ihe farmers' door, ut
good prices Hie enure year.
Ho is interested in i iy
..Ifoiro nln mill ir It will ltiiw on thu
foothills of' the Birch creek district
he thinks this will bo the greatest
butter and cheese district in tne
West. His neighbors are also deeply
interested In tho prospects of this
alfalfa and the Pendleton creamery.
Three Drunken Indians.
Three Indians came berore tho city
,.nnii thin morninir charged with hav-
tnc InUon more of the Hlllrlt that
cheers than wob good for thein, und
each was fined 5, In default of which
ibov nil went to the city Jail for
threo days,
Colombia Issues a Three-Deck Ulti
matum to the United States, De
mandlng a Chance to Lick Panama
SIngle-Handed and to Submit Dif
ferences With the United States to
The Hague Tribunal.
Washington, Doc. 28. Postmaster
general Payno announced today that
tno lease of the postofllco quarters
at Cheyenne contains the name, of
Senator Warren as lessee, In viola
tion or the statutes, but that It would
bo continued In force until tho com
pletlon of tho now government
building, which will probably lie sev
eral months.
Tho lease wob executed between
tho government Inspectors mid an
agent for tho property while the sen
otor was ubsent.
Panama Postage Reduced.
u',iBlilnL-imi. nee 28. Panama has
notified tho government of a reduc
tion of Its postal rates to 4 cents
foreign and 2 cenlB uomosuc.
Mr, Payno said beforo the expira
tion 'of the previous lease on March
I, 18D3, tho lessors wanted thu rent
raised Trom $1,400 to $1,900, which
I'osttnastor-Cjonornl Emory Smith
deemed exorbitant, nnd ho cnusod an
Investigation to bo nindo. According
to the records, an ngont for Senator
Warren, In tho senator's obsenco,
then bxernted a lease for a building
affording much better quarters, for
$1,200 a year for 10 years beginning
April 1, 1890. Mr. Payne, snld that
this would hnvo savod tho govern
ment In 10 years $7,000.
Will Break All Relations,
Washington, Dec. 28. Unless tho
United States In tho reply which
Secretary Hay will mako to the note
of General IloycB accordB Colombia
that measure of satisfaction which,
from her point of view sho reels her
seir entitled to with respect to Pau
amu, both General Itoyes apd Dr.
Herriui will leave this capital. This
was Iraiikly admitted tonight. Whllu
disavowing uny Intention or bringing
undue pressure) to bear on Secretary
Hay ior a speedy roply to tho note,
which General Iteyes has Hied lu be
half or his government, both he and
Dr. Herrrun nro most onxlous to bo
appilsctl or the secretary's contu
sions at the enrllest posslblo monienL
Thu hppu Is ontorfulnod both by
Gonernl Itoyes and Dr. Kenan that
In the event or u rerusal by Mr. Hay
to ndmlt their contentions, tho United
Stales may ugreo us a last resort to
a submission of tho proposition to
The Kaguo couit of arbitration. It
was pointed out that tho filing or tho
note was lu accordance with tho
treaty or 18 IG between tho United
Stales and Colombia, ono or tho pro
visions of which gives tho contract
ing party fooling aggrlevod at the ac
tion of tho other thu right to protest,
with tho further stipulation that a
reply shall bo furthcoming,
Colombia Reads the Riot Act ,
. Washington, Dec. 28.- It Ib learned
from au authoritative source today
that, threo ullornatlves are presented
th iTnitmi HtntcH In Mhi unto rocard-
lug Panama which General Iteyos has
mibmlttod to tho state department.
I?lrat Ihnl tlin ullllllH Cixlstlni! Ilfl-
or to the revolution on tho Isthmus
bo restored,
Kr.niml Aimirli-u keen hands off
whllo Colombia tries to whip Panama
into submission.
Third, If thu United Statos will ac
,.l iK.IDmr nt the iireccdlns nrono-
sllloiis she should pay Colombia dam
ages for the injury inuicieu uiruuKu
thu loss of territory, tne amount io
ha flxed throimli submission to TTiu
Kaguo tribunal.
No publication or tno text or ueyes
note Is expected until It Is BOnt to
(nncri'HH w It ii other documents bear
ing on tho Panama case. It Is a
lengthy communication, based entire
ly on the Colombluii Interpretation of
tno treaty oi imu.
Tho note carnoB tne inreai iiiav
fnllorn lli mill nf thn United
States to hued Colombla'B protests or
accept the propositions submitted
will result in a soveranre oi uipio
mutlc und commercial relations be.
tween the two countries.
Sails for Colon,
iiMin,lliinin nc -R Thn Dixie
onlin.l tmlnv fnr Helen with GOO ma
rines and with six months' provisions
and fighting supplies ior i.wuv men.
New York 8alls for Panama.
San Francisco, Dec. 28. The cruis
er New York sailed for Panama this
artemoon. It will Afimlra) 'aB
flagship when It reaches the JstBjaus.