DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1903. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 t 1 Shoes - Beautiful - Shoes Long lived anil luxuriously comfortable arc not a dream by any menus. They can be, and are made. They art: scarce only because most stores insist on good (at profits. The best Three Dollar Shoe for Women will not stand fat prolns, or they would not be the best. Queen Quality $3.00 shoes for women are such shoes, and we unhesitatingly offer them with the assurance that there arc no others so good. DINDINQER, WILSON & CO. Phone Mnln 1181. GOOD SHOES CHEAP 4li m ll l l tfr 44j j-4t4 4lfr -4lj OLD SETTLER DEAD MRS. ROBERT SEMPLE DIED LAST EVENING. She Was Born In Scotland and Had Lived In Wisconsin and Missouri Before Coming West Was the Mother of Eleven Children Fune ral Tomorrow From the Christian Church at 2 p. m. Mrs. Robert Semple tiled at her home near the Sisters' Academy yes- leruay evening at 7 oclock, after a short Illness of pleuropneumonia. Mrs. Semple was taken HI Saturday aiiernoou, anu rapidly grew worse until death came to relieve her suff erlngs. She was 66 years of age at the time of her death. The deceased was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and These three words go we!' together: Schilling's Best and .iiioneyback. Why? Your grocer will tell you. at the ago of 17 came to Colunilil county, Wisconsin, with her parent Sho was married two years after wards and lived there for 12 years, from which place she moved with her husband to Gentry county, Missouri where thoy lived for 11 years. Twenty-six years ago Sir. and Mrs Semple came West with their family and took up their residence on a farm in the vicinity of Walla Walla, and after residing there for a time came to Camas, where thoy lived for years. Four years ago thoy came this city, where thoy have resided since. There wore 11 children horn to Mr. and Mrs, Semple, three of whom survive nt the present time. Mrs, George Join's. Mrs, C. E. Hoover and Charles D. Semple, all of this city .Mrs. Semple was always noted for her mildness nnd charity In times of irouoio anil sorrow, having many times nursed nor neighbors and friends back to health. She was devoted Christian, and at all times believed in and followed the teach ings of the Christian church. She was a loving mother nnd a woman o rare virtue. me iiuicrai services win c con ducted tomorrow afternoon at oclock from the Christian church miner the direction of Itov. It. J uiven, of the Presbyterian church. Beautiful China What can you think of that would make a more suitable Christmas Gift than a beautiful piece of CHINA? We have everything de sirable in the China line. See our hand painted pieces. ROHRMAN COUItT STREKT CHARLES CHANDLER DEAD. Died Suddenly Christmas Eve, at the Age of 68. Charles Chandler tiled in this city on unnstmas ove of pneumonia, after a snort illness, aged 68 years. Mil. . 1 mo deceased nas lor many years uuen employed by G. W. limit as a loreman In the carpenter work which lie has at various times under con struction, ami .Mr. Hunt will be in me city tomorrow to look after the details of the funeral. Air. Chandler has a sister. Airs. jonn Flint, of Pa 011 so. Wnsh wim will not be able to bo present at the nme of tno funeral, which will be conducted .tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the undertaking parlors of M. A. llader, Itov. Howard, of the South Methodist church, officiating. Sick With Lumbago. Dr. T. M. Henderson was called to the home of J, J. Tro.xel. who Hvks atvjut eight miles tho other side of Vinson, mursday. to nttml Mr Troxcl, who was suffering with n hard attack of lumbago, ' J- A. Gurderian Returned. 1 J. A. Gurderian has returned trom 1 a visit of several weeks to Footvllle, Wis., and to Chicago, where ho lias I "ueu renewing me acquaintances Qf SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent to wit- The festivities of Chrlstmns nro gathered at tho parsonage now n thing of tho past nnd tho pleas- noss the ceremony. ,. , r.'seokor Is looking forward to the Mlw Arnold is o of IWloton b enjoyments attondn.it upon tho Now well known young 1 les and Is Year's holluay. nulto PP"nr with a largo t rclo of While social events of the past two friends who win nil ju... ... . 1 ..... 1.. ... ..!... fnr in.r much hannlncRS In tlio future WCCKB IlllVe UUUII IUY .. .......v. - v. many fnmlly affairs have tnkon place, and out-of-town rolntlvos and friends entortalned, nB Is always tho ciiBtom during the holiday poriod. Tho Copeland-Boyd. JIIsh Clmiilo Copolond and Lostor Hovd. both resldonts of tins city, i ...n.,l wor.. married on Christmas ovo at nH" "'V..'"r.,u''".nv.nci nt tho residence of tho bride's luruigll aum.u.o, ... u .,. . .,,, n land, on West Altn streot, Itov. U. W, King, of the lluptlst church, pro' their parental abodes to partake of the good tuings motnor makes, nnd tho good cheer Incident to tho sea son. It Is rumored that for nurao time the young Indies havo bean tanking preparations for a leap year cntur tnlnmcnt of some Bort, nt which thoy will act as escorts, hosts and general "good follows" In an effort to recip rocate for the four yenrs or attention paid them by their masculine friends. Arrangements aro in progress by ninny of our gentlemen to hold open house nt several homes Now Year's evening, while their lady frlonds nro anticipating tho jolly tlmo nhond calling on these receivers. The Year. What can ho snid in Now Year rhymes. That's not been snid a thousand times? The now years come, the old years go. We know wo dreum, we dream wo know. We rise up laughing with tho light. Wo Ho clown weeping with the night. Wo hug Die world until It stlugs. Wo curse It then nnd sigh for wings. We live, wo love, wo woo, wo wed, We wreathe our brides, wo sheet our dead. Wo laugh, wo weep, we hupe, wr fear, And that's the burden of tho year. rcna Wheeler Wilcox. Qpen Houses New Years. Now Year's day being the begin ning of leap year. It will he the ladles' turn to call on tho gentlemen on that day, and a fow of them hnvc signified their intentions lo keep open house, Different little parties nro being formed by tho lauies with tho Inten tion of calling on their gentlemen frlonds who are playing tho part of hosts. At the homo of Thomas Ayres, on Water street, tho following gentle men will assist Mr. Ayres In receiv ing: Dr. Vincent, .1. V. Tollman, C. J. crguson, G. A. Hartman, Sr., T. C. Warner, I)r. Vaughn, Frank Frazler, red J-ampkln and Win Stowart. iVt the homo of Frank Clopton, Fred Judd, l.eon Cohen nnd T, O. Hailey III usslst as hosts. .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. K. brock will also I keep open house. Arnold.Dupuis. Al 7 o'clock on Christmas uve, at the parsonage of the Bnptlst church. .Miss Hazel Arnold nnd Edward 11. Utipuls were united In marriage by Itov. II. W. KJng. tho pastor of that church. A few of tho most intlmntc frlpnrii nf the hrulo nnd trrnnm woro tiouncliig thu coromony. A largo number of rolntlvcs and In timate friends of tho principals woro In attendanco and many beautiful presents woro received. At tho con clusion of the coromony the guests assembled In tho dining room, wlioro n bountiful wedding supper bad been pru pared. .Mr. and Mrs. Itoyd nro well known young people of tho city, and will make tholr futuro homo hero, whore the groom holds a good position. Personal and Social Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Krnost 8kllcs nro spending the holidays at Spoknno. Miss Delia Banner Is visiting friends at Arlington during tho hull days. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rnosuvult spent Christmas with relatives at Walla Wallu. Mrs. Van Horn, of Walla Walla, is tho guest of her dnugmer, Mrs. Frank Wamsley. Mrs. Thomas Hailey entertained friends nt a dinner party on Satur day evening. .1, W. Jlulr and wife, from Milton are in thu city visiting friends and relatives Cor n few days. Mrs. Thomas Warner entertained a fow friends Christmas evening nt hur home on Thompson street. George A. Hnrtmnn, Jr., will bo host for n watch party on Thursday evening, nt his homo on Water streot. Miss Alice Gray of Astoria will reach the city this evening ami will I lie tho guost of Miss Eva Froomo for a week. .Miss Hesslo Swltzlcr loft today tor Han Francisco for u visit of a fow weeks. She will spend n fow days at roruami en route. Oiierney Hayes, Will Iloescli, Jess Allowny and Ed Smith, nml Misses Hints and Todd nnd Miss Leech form ed n party who attended the dnnco nt Adams last night. Miss Ida Howard, of Hoppuor, and .Miss Illnnclie Campbell, of Woston, are 111c guests or the .Misses Swag gert lor a visit during tho holidays. The upproaching nuptials of Miss Coshlo Haloy and W. C. E. l'ruott win bo solemnized on Wednesday evening at X o'clock, at tho Church of the ltedoomcr. .miss 8. Merndith Wlckham of Portland I.i expected to reach the city tomorrow evening nnd will bo the guest of .Mrs. Georgo Porringer and Mrs. o, A. Fowler for n week. The dancing party to lie given on Tncjday evening hi the young men of I'endioton, is looked forward to with great Interest by tiioso fortu nate enough to hold invitations Mr. and -Mrs. Charles J. Forg'uson will ho at homo In tholr now resl- oonco on rondleton Heights, after .Monday. .Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Berkeley will occupy tho house vn cated by Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. ladles In Weston, nnd ho says thoy aro turning out good work, and aro as enthusiastic as tno school pupils. Tho Women's Club gladly wdl. comes any ono Intorostou In tholr work to visit the sewing cIiisb hold nn RntltrdavH In tlio old Arnrinmu Bchool room. Tho work will go on' after tho holiday vacation, 1 SOCIALISM ON THE BOOM. Crook County Organization Growing and Several New Clubs Are Being Formed, The socialists In the city and sur rounding points are proparing for a wlntor's campaign In tho Interests of Christmas ovo at 8 tholr party, says tho Crook County Journal. Tho Prlnovlllo organization FHU I Mil e and mI" I..... MUD hVAl.11 ' or O .i T?l 1 " , N t TV0 limit. J. . tho rrinovino organization has a 4. nt., r 1 U801 momborshlp of 47, nnd tho officers at 'I u . 8 rll0 CofL tho head of tho society Btato that Its T L'lVon fnv w ... 1 . 111 i. IIUUIUVIU U.w kUuluullT 1UU UUBJI1K. ,1hn VU A club Is bolng organized In the Hay.' sincK country nnu anoiuur at ami. t wood, which will Include all that ills-1 trlct lying nlong tho uppor Ochoco. , It Is oxpectod that tho momborshlp, which 1b fast gaining In power, will Includo 200 members In this county lllflUU Ol WIU UUAL IUW UlllUUIH. I mm t. .. fc i 11 ST. t t T : nianKing aw our tnemls and patrons lo, vcrv liberal tiatronai'i- ilnr..., ul 'i assuring them of our great appreciation, all a glorious and prosperous New v. m lr.. lnf. .1 ' .. n, ,t ..ai e in iniiiimnco ttint. ow nir tn th. . tlmt we must take our AXNPAi, invi'vt?.,,?.' '! .in. 11, ik nun in urm-r 10 ninKoroniu fornnt TxrVirV,; SKhKCTIONBof Hl'RlNO ANI B m p SE wo MUST ItEDUUK OUH STO0K ,01 our IUC4 INVKNTOUV on K"? Wo will oiler the greatest ImrguliiH v fiA?A (lleton liierchaiHirsinK We will p.ll g "d ll'L,' your pockets, In savings, h 1 ""n WATUM, WAIT ANI) BAVE HONEY 5T irTi CTAnr? Tlie Leaders of Low lrlces in Pendleton. Some of the Suitable Gifts in Our Store Ladius, (Jentlmnen aud Boyt shapus. Razors, Table Cut- Knives for 111 ah sizos and sliai)iis. liazors. Tab ftt. lery CurviiiK SoIh, Shot Gun? nnd Uifl. Tho now Browning Automatic Shot Gun, i revalution in gun working. Examine this now invention. Wo handle exclusively in Poudleton the Eochestor Nioklo l'latt Waio. i There Is only ono genuine P. I. it. l--l--l NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Mark Twain 1 "To Fetch the People you must Serve Them Well" f Once said OUR FAITH In this doctrine is manifested in the great success we have met with in the sale of good products. We have always tried to serve the public well not well today, passably so tomorrow, and well enough the next day but "always good alike." That we have "fetched" the people there is no gainsaying. Trade is won and held by the sale of msntorious goods. Evidence of this fact is not far to seek. A GOOD BEGINNING F. r the New Year will help to make it one of the most successful of your life. If you haven't been among our many satisfied customers, wc invite you to join therh in 1904, and we will try by every kaik means to make you glad you have done so. Our large trade shows the public appreciate 00011 ooous. Wc keep only the I.EST, nnd have the largest variety of Groceries jtfwtl Frutts-in the city to select from i J , 1 Ji'ii JJLIIJX F. S. YOUNGER & SON f CLUB AND FEDERATION. Club Directory. The Thursday Afternoon meets once In two weeks, Thursdays. The Current Literature, alternnte Fridays. The Woman's Club meets the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Tlio club pane In tlio Oregon Jour nal increases in Intercut with every issue, it s Honed that the club ofn- corn of tlio whole stato will seo that whatever of value transpires In the individual clubs will bo reported to tho club editor of tho Daily Journal. The press is tho very strongest fac tor In tho development of club and federation work, wlioro a larger than tho "solf.improvement" Idea Is tlio object of tlio club, and thoro Is scarcely a club In tlio Oregon Federa tion that has not something or tno wldor work In Its year's calendar. From State Secretary, Next Saturday a very practical let. tor from tho secretary of tho Saca jawea Hlntuo association will bo printed In tho club and Federation columns. Our Pendleton womun nro rather behind in falling into lino in this work, though we bollove tho first pledge of monoy tamo trom here, anil no doubt after tho rush or the boll. days Is over tho matter will he taken up. For the "Rose City," An urtlclo from tho ixin of Mm. It. H. Hoyt, tho oncrgetlc president of tho Portland federation of city clubs, shows that tho women aro beginning to do something for the "Itoso Olty" proposition In connection with tho I.owls and Clark fair. The work taken 11 11 hv iim Hn. Association nnd tho City Fedonitlon of Women's Clubs, of beautifying tho approach to tho grounds of tho iiwIh and Clark Exposition, by setting out. unuicu roses on each sldo of Thur- man streot as far as may ho dono with a llmlliiil amount or monov in now nearly completed. the roses havo been set out with a motive In color, having llrst a lino 01 unroiluo Turnout, followed by the pink I.n France, covering nearly 11 block, tlinn unotner of while l.a France, ending with a longer line of tho.Uirlc llrunor, a beautiful red rose, In all wo havo four varieties. These havo been helccted for their good neaitu, good habits and tholr beauty. They aro continuous bloomers from early spring until winter arrives. with his Icy touch a movablo sea son with us, Hlow-movinir this vear tor yesterday in Inspecting .tlio roses wo were .enabled to toll which was which by .tho newly-opened buds, still upon tho bushes, oven nrtor being iniiiNpiumeii, -- Plea for Manual Tralnlnn in local club nows there Is nothing of Importance .to report except tlio fine address of Sir. B, m. llruce, of mo wesiun normal school before tho Women's Club on Tuesday afternoon. It was a strong plea for tno wider In troduction or mnnuul training In tho public school, of tho educational viuuo or sucii training there Is no doubt In tho minds or many think. ing people today. Every year sees ii miopiion in now places. Through this work tho number nf rumlla lo largely increased and boyg are kept longer In school. Mr, Hruco has a Saturday class or TH WHOLE30MU CRESCENT E$&4sphate OAWSO POWDER The mint ilc increase in con sumption Ui . 1 ,ites .tB supera five merits a i Scltfsqmeness. ONE I OUND 25 CT& murirfcUN hardware Co, 621 Main St. I OF Mtsslm Uacfeyweaf and White Goods GET ONE OF OUR HANDBILLS ? Useful Presentt l have a full line of IIODGJSKS,' - t - LWKEi . Knives for men, boys and Indies, Ror 08 ' fits. niflU-Al rJninA Won. atp... tllftt will D1' .' "ice and useful presents. Call and examine my lino before buyM i Tlie Hardware 74i MAIN STREET -SX5smI?bor the Full Nnmo . OL. Sv- CwWaCoMlnOnoDay, CrIi 2 ys