East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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If Suddenly Galled
abroad, would you convert
' your estate into cash and leave
it in the care of your family to
be invested? Or would you
see that it was safely invested
before leaving? Do you re
gard a safely invested estate
the best thing to have, as well
as the best asset to leave your
You can secure an invested
estate yielding a good income
to yourself if you live, to your
family if you die, by purchasing
5 PcrCent. 20-Ycar Gold Bonds
an the Instalment, Plan.
In writing for termj aWt your are, nJ Ihi
amount of Income you with to secure.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
Richard a, McCvidt, PmiinL
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager
Pendleton, Oregon.
December 31
300 Costumes
from Portland
Will be on display in
Cash Prizes
Five dollars for the hest lady
Five dollars for the best gentle,
man character
Music by
Of all Description
Sash, Doors & Windows
Made to orjer. Unildmg
paper, lifrie,; cement, brick
and sand; wood .gutters for
barns and dweilinga i' spec
ialty, J
Oregon Lumber
Yard '
Alta St. Opp, Court Hqusp
Will meet' the lowest prices
quoted by unyoue on meat.
You alwayit GET (1OOI)
MKAT when Miescke nil
your order.
Don'tmlas Uie place.
Rheumatism Positively Cured
By Oil and Sweet Spirits of Hdan.
Jtoaer.fucj: uoocu. A. W. KUKJTMN ft
SKOfci., Sole Agwte for I'endleton.
Not More Than One Hundred Thous
and Dollars to Be Spent In the Pur.
chase of Right of Way to Be Given
to the National Government Free
of Charge Commission Created.
Following Is tho entire hill, nppro-
imnt. or condemnation. In the nmn
nor hereinafter provided, Bald right
nr unv for snld canal ntul Improve'
incut of tho uliatiuol of tho Columbia
river between (Ho foot of The Dalles
rapids niitl tliu head or Cenlo FnllB,.
mid releases irom damages to tlio
United States.
Sec. S. Tlio aovernor, tiecrutiiry of
state mid state 'treasurer of tho state
of OreRon are hereby constituted
board oC commissioners of cutmla nnd
locks, nnd said hoard Is hereby nil- f
t onzed to procure by purchase, j
right of way nnd releases from
ages, nnd to expend nam sjiwii,
so much thereof as mny be
Frazer Theatre
u. .1. nix'on, Man.
l'uonc MkIii II.
n, sain t
im dam- T
Q.000, or
j neces-
Saturday, December 26th
printing $100,000 lor the purclm.ie of sary for said purposes; and to that t
CIMI sail! liuaru UIUJ Illlultunu turn tjw- 1
tho rw' 1 of way or tho ship rami, at
Thy Dalles, passed by the special
session of the Oregon legislature un
December 22:
Knr an act to erentau the board ot
commissioners of canals and locks
and to authorize It to acquire and
procure, by purchase, agreement or
condemnation, a right of way for Im
proving the Columbia river between
tho foot of The Dalles rapids and tho
head of Celllo Kalis by means of ca
nals and the Improvement of the
channel ol said river and releases of
damages to the United States, nnd
lo appropf.iif- inn"-, therefor, mi4 in
conv y sah: right of way and reluo
from iiiimiis.es to the United States
free from cost, and to declare an
Whereas, the United States, In aid
of the navigation of the Culurauia
liient of the Columbia river ber 'J1010'
tween the foot of The Dalles' rapids V".
n,,.l tli., I, ..ml nf r".ltl.. U"hIIk. Iiv "u
means of canals and tlio Improve
ment of the channel of said river, by
an act of congress approved June 13,
1!()2; and,
Whereas, the hoard of engineers'
authorised by Said net has recom
mended that no work should be begun
until tho right of way therefor and
release from damages liavo been rim
veyed to the United States free of
cost; and,
Whereas, Mo said recommendation
was concurred In by tho ehler of en
gineers, and the acting secretary of
war. under date of November fi, 1.103,
npproved the said report subject to
the condition that no work shall be
begun until tho right of way nnd re
lease from damages havo been con
veyed to the United States free of
cost; and,
Whereas, tlte ssiil canal will lie
wholly within this state, and will bo
of great utility and value to the pco-
nle of t.ils state and Is a ptimic use,
and it will be of great public bcnu.tt
to have said improvement begun and
completed-without delay: now. tnore
fore, lie It unacted by the People of tho
State of Oiegon:
Section 1. The sum of $l(),ono, or
so much thereof us may be neces
sary. Is hereby appropriated out of
any tumls In tho state treasury nut
otherwise appropriated, to be expend
ed In procuilng by purchase, agree
makes pale, thin children fat
and chubby. Overcomes
wasting tendencies and brings
back rosy cheeks and bright
It's surprising how quickly
children respond to Scott's
Emulsion. It contains just
the element of nourishment
their little bodies need. They
thrive on it.
Even a few drops in the
baby's bottle have a notice
able effect for good. Nothing
better than Scott's Emulsion
for growing children.
We'll send ou a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, Ne York,
a Comet
In the sky comes
the star 01 neam.
to the weak and
weary despon-
.curlne all
A stomach
troubles and
)Mi disorder.
famous remedy
does for the atom
Lach that which It
U unable to dolor
Itself, even if but
slightly disordered
or overouroenea
supplies the natural
Lluicesof digestion and
does the work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
snd membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indieestlon. flatulence.
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and 1
strengthening the elands. I
membranes of the stom-
ach snd digestive organs.
Dyspepsia Cure
Tier Dealer Cm SuMrr Tm.
th trial elM, which sell, to? SOc
rrtswtt sr e. c Mm coM cucam.
Bold by Tallmsn 4 Co.
tnln from the owners of land through
which said canal will run or upon
which said Improvement will he
made, such amount or Interest In
said laud ns may be required by the
United Slates for said right way.
and said release from damages to
the United States.
Sec, :i. K said board and nny own
er of any of said land cannot agree .
upon the prlco to ho paid for the
amount of, or Inturest In his snld land
required for sain right of way, or the t
damages lor the taking thereof, sald
'board shall, aim It Is hereby author
lzed to Institute and prosecute in nny J
court of competent jurisdiction. In tho
name of the state ot Oregon, nny .J,
necessary or appropriate miit, notion t
or proceeding for tho condemnation
of said amount or, or interest in, said
land so required for said purposes, l
and for tho assessment of the value T
thereof, and for the assessment of,
damages tor tho taking thereof. 1
the procedure In said suit, ae- ,
(Ion or proceeding shail be. as far ns,
applicable, the procedure provided ;
ror in and by ihu laws of tho stale
of Oregon for th condemnation ot
land or rights -of way by public cor
poration or quasi-public corporations
for public use ur for corporate pur
poses. Sec. I. The said board Is hereby
authorized .mil directed, us soon ns
nil the land and Interest therein rc
tuilrcil by the United States for snld
rlisht of way and salt! releases from
damages to the United States has
been purchased, obtained, condemn
ed or assessed as heroin provided, to
pay therefor to the several owners
thereof the sums so agreed upon or'
assessed, and to procure the proper
deeds, conveyances, anil judgments,
to and In favor of tho state or Ore
gon, and leleases from damages to
the United States, atiu, for and In
tlie name of the statu of Oregon, by
approprfale conveyances, deeds, re
leases and agreements, to convoy and
deliver to the Unlte.il States, free of
cost, the said right of way and re
lease from damages and all t)w laud
and Interest therein, acquired as
herein provided. ""t the expendi
tures authorized by thin act shall not.
in any event, exceed the sum of
Sec. D. The secretary ot state Is
hereby authorized ami directed to
draw warrants irfion tho state treas
urer in favor or the said board, upon
its requisitions therefor in writing,
for such' sums as may be specific .
therein aiu- at such times ns it mny
require, but the nggregato or such
warrants shall not exceed the said
sum ot $100,000.
See . Upon the completion of Its
duties herein provided for, said hoard
shall make and (lie In tlio office of
the hcerptnry of stale u mil and com
plete report of nil its actions and pro
ceedings, which shall be nnd become
a public record, nnd any part of said
$100,000 remaining unexpended shall
i evert to the general Tund.
Sec 7. Inasmuch 'ns said Improve
ment of said Columbia river tuny fall
unless this net takes effect imiiieui
alely. and said improvement of said
Columbia river Is of utmost and im
.medlato Importance to the people of
the state of Oiegon, it Is hereby ad
judged and declared that existing con.
.dltlons nre surh that this act Is nec
essary for tlie immediate, preserva.,
Hon or tlie public peace, health and
safety, nnd excepted from the opera
tion and power of the referendum,
nnd un emm-Kcncy is hereby declared
.to exist, and this act shall take ellect
Return (Engagement of the f
Young Romantic Actor
Bring Your Bill toj
fr-iiin' 1L1
Oop. Wise,
t A Mist
Was Mid,:
A Dramatisation of Winston Church
ill's Famous Novel of the same
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Cure gives Imme
diate relief In all cases of Cough,
'('roup nnd LaOrlppo' becuuso It doo
pot pass Immediately Into tho stom
ach, but takes effect right at the seat
of the trouble. It draws out the I
flanunatlon, heals and soothes and
cures permanently' by enabling the
jungs to contribute pure llfo-glvlng
ant) llfesiiHtujtilng pxygen to the
blood and Itlssiics. iy, Armstrong. of
pelia, Tex., prescribes It dally and
says there Js no batter cough remedy
hiade. Solfl by Tollman fc'Co. '
ll." Will Start for Australia
t in a Short Time,
J Uhlcngti, Dee, 26. In tho Auditor
him. tomorrow, .Mr, Dowle, the self
styled "Klljah II," Is to mnko his
farewell public utterances In Chicago
prior lo departing tor Austrnlln for u
visit of several months. He has tin
iiounced that he will review his wqrk
of the last 10 years, since coming to
America, and It is expected also that
he will turn the mooting into a eelu
hrutlon of Ills late victory over those
of his creditors who aotight to put a
quietus on the enterprises, of Zlon
City by forcing )r. Dowio Into bank
ruptcy. According to present pluiiH Dr.
Dowle will sail for Australia about
two weeks hence, having booked pas
sage from Vancouver, it has been
freoly Intimated that it in hi Inten
tion to never return to America, but
these statements the head nf tho
church of 'Ann vlgonuwlj refuted as
malicious rnbrlcutloim on the part of
his enemies.
The original massive scenic
production and magnificent
costumes that marked the suc
cess of this play at the Empire
Theatre;, New York, for a run
of seventeen consecutive weeks y
' la-t season, arc carried com- .'
I have only a fe,
ouoes, butcaatt
Any Man
Men s Snses rni.J
J 28 Court Street!
Moved from Jnddtel
The Reservation of Seats daring Mr. Rofcson's
brief visit to Pendleton has begun.
Seats on sale at Brock & McComas
. i
comioruDie roomi iros-ifl
centuo. Neuli forat-tijl
thrntiKhout. QuetnCtosBmul
in cimcrtlloii. Mtili II ul
1-mn Onlj while tt!p tt.1
(jnyt'r,. mv Ul 1 will.
".. e--i--- ! t K
t '
iHot Lak
? Oregon's Greatest Natural Wonder
Many Acres of Hottest Sprinc Water
on Earth ----Marvelously Curative
Sanatodm lake,0(
Steam Arisiig From, lot Lakc-rVfcw -of
"WonUerful water and lent cure.
In Winter.
A bemitiful heftUb rtmirt. Cool In Snmmw
Ornnd Itonde Valley, on O. It. A .,mllroad?200 miles (fimi )o
Fifty thousand KastornurH visited
California last spring nnd -10.000 this
fall over tho Houthern Pacific, trov.l
ellng on "colonist rates," I
.re to the t. It
hnrlinnil. ' .
.mi. mf? l Uu? lT".known p "BlK Medicine" of tho Imllan. Flo ,-r'00'(W K
jotia per aay, bolllug hot-maoy iwrea of tho hntttxt spring walerJii the world.
that nn? water U in such perfect Kilotw,
that no particle of precipitate will full, even (ter hImioIhk for dayn. , , .
lMta.mtenaTa,Vd,'0,UM of "'"aoli, towels, liyer. hladder, skiiiaiul.t''1'
aUo In ilieuumtUm, catarrh, neurnlKla and other uervou troubles,
Every up-Udute convenience and equipment of hlgh-olam.' modern hold.
It will luterwt jo". A"an"
Hit down and write for our lllutratl Ixmklet today,
Dr. G. W. TAPE, Gen. Man, or Dr. W. T
medical Supt., Hot Lake Oregon
JSiUUlUatOiN HATE 2c A MIIiK THK W.a?i inntinri.. a-v n R. A K
iititi...J m . . , ... . i.AtT