'A. , t DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1903. - A. Special Inducements f IN Q.Ik Shirt Waists I ttxtTTT THR MFW VRAB ' T I . i.wrains a.re olFored on everv Shirt, lioi LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE J MOVED TO I East Court Street Protect Yourself Impure Miiy Our cp labels, shown aboTr, are guarantee against all Impnrlliti. We usa only the belt part of cow's, int'.k. Our ililriei are kept scrupulously clean and the greatest precaution ii exercised from the feeding of the cows to the cannier of the Cream. lie sure and ask your dealer for Economy Brand Evaporated Cream Made by the originators and laigett producers of Evaporated Cream. Every can guaranteed. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO., Highland, IIllooli. .. t: rvi... ni J .11 v r i ii i t. i w r ini.r-:si i. n a nil t Pianos (2b Organs f Irs, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet Music and Holiday Goods Month's Free Instrucsion Given with Each Piano Sale , "RICHARD CARVEL" TONIGHT Andrew Robson Will Make His Sec ond Appearance In This City. Strong In a manly beauty, vigor ous anil Impetuous in his nctlng, the sterling young slar or romance. An drew RoIiroii, will lie welcomed most heartily on the occasion of his pnarance here as Menard Carvel to night. Of winning personality, both in lorm and l'eatuie. and a grace, of ear rlngo seldom found In men of the magnificent physical build of Mr. Robson, this superb actor last season easily established himself as a prime favorite. He is admirably fitted for Mr. Churchill's hern, Mellaril Carvel, an . his characterization or this brave and tender lover of the Colonial peYlod Is not easily forgotten. The 10I0 has brought him lasting lame ami a pe cuniary return thoroughly deserved. This season affords positively the last opportunities of seeing Mr. nob son In this character, as it Is bis pur pose to retire the play, even In the height or Its success, for nt least two seasons, and appear next year In a new romantic role, the creation of an eminent French dramatist, M l.eon Jacques Dupree, reviving Rich arcl Carvel only In the event that -l Dnpree's role proves a failure. Mr. Uobson Is nccompanied by tho same fine cast of players, and the beauti ful stage pictures, whlrh won so much commendation on Ills previous visit. REMARKABL E PHYSICAL CULTURE IN ALL ITS PHASES Different Systems of Physical Culture Will Have Object Lessons Wom en's Events and Fasting Exhibits Will Receive Much Attention Three and Seven Day Fasts Closing With Feats of Strength. 4! New York, Dec. 2ti. Physical cul ture In all Its different phases is to be brought more prominently before the attention or the public than over before by the physical culture exhi bition to be held In Madison Square ftarden next week, the llnal arrange ments for which were completed to day. in many respects this will bo a novel exhibit, for nothing on exactly the same lines has been attempted In this country before. While thero will be a number of the regular ath letic events, such ns are seen at all Indoor competitions, as running mill jumping, there will also be contests in every other department of strength lasting exercises, exhibitions in dlfl'eioiit systems of physical culfuie education, demonstrations in the use of various appliances for Indoor and open air exercises, while prizes of $1,U(N) each are offered for the most perfectly developed man and woman. Events by Women. One ol the novel and Interesting features will be the women's athletic competitions, which will be held on Thursday afternoon on the running track In the (Jarden. An unusually ninbltlotiH program has been provided anil there will doubtless bo as much eutloslty to see the fair sprinters themselves as to learu the records they will be able to establish. The, Amateur .Athletic association has glvem Its sanction to tho' purely athletic events, and In the men's competitions many of the prominent short and long distance runners or the ICast have entered. The men's events will be held Wednesday after noon and Thursday evening. In the llrsf series the events will be 200-yard run. five-mile run and throwing the Hit-pound weight for height. You May Be Cured M 1 (iarfielil Avenue, t'ltii aoo, 1m... (VtoVr'J, 1WB. After doctoring fur eleven months ami hiking forty-three hollies of medicine and linding no relief for li'iirorrlura rcultimi from irntntiuii of a fallen womb I took Wine of C'nrdiii ami fourteen bottles cured me. Tins serins strange but it is the simple troth. Wine of Cardtii hrliied mo from the time I lii'paiitnkiufr it ami mump heard it prae-cn 50 highly by friends wholiad tried it 1 felt satished that it would help inc. and it did. It cured me. Took every hit of ache. iain ami headache, craiups and dragging down sensations .may till I Wt joitmj, strong and happy once more. It Ik;; iwmdt-rfuliiimiicinoaiiu a true friend to women. When I look hack on the months of torture. I had it seems hkca hideous nightmare. Wine of (Vrdui will cure ai'v wnman I bclieie. I have more faith in it tnnn all othir medicines combined. IVkt-Prss., Chlcigu Historical I'lub. How can jou refuse, relirf when jqu know yon are growing worse dnj nf tcr day? Shooting pains, irregularity, inflammation and bearing down pin make thousands of women Miserable. Why drag through life liner enjoy ing anything? Wine of Oardui has made over 1,600,000 weak and Buffering women' well and strong. Weak j on to go to jour druggist today and wcure a ll.Oii bottle of Wine of C.irdui ami begin to tako it at onro. Oo that and tho health .Mrs. Kingsley writes about willsoon bo yours. If jou think swx ial directions are needed in your caw, address, Riving symptoms, ladies Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. IBCARDOI 4 Fasting Athletes. lND empire music COMPANY ! East Court Street f i Phone Red J "15 J 1 ' 1 . jHtfl l j H , iAi--lll 141 I I I i"lm JR PLUMBING! Je by a Scientific Plumber and you will not 'with bad breaks. Let 'us figure on your work. ? THE -PLUMBER COURT STREET t The Colombia Lodsyine' House Well ventilated, neat and comfortable rooms, good bed. Uar in connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Alta and Webb Streets. ) , F. X. Schempp Proprietor Two other novel events will bo lor fasting or starving athletes. There will piobably be very little spectacp lor ilnterr'st In the contest before tho real test of strength ai the end of the starving period begins, but elaborate statistics will be given of the dally loss of llesh tif each aspirant for fast ing honors, together with the an nouncement of his condition. The object Is tu show Hint a pioi eily conducted method of fasting will not injure one's bodily health or vigor mill hi is also hoped to demonstrate that! these fasting competitors will be able? to perform athletic exercisos nearly as well as those who have eaten their regular amount of lood each! day. One of these lusting events will jbe for three days, and at tin. close all who have been starving fpr thaClength of time will enter. go-as-j ou-jleaso face. " In the other event tin contestants wllljstnrvo, or3ry to. up to their abil ity lor seven days, and at the close they wllj show what they can dfj with the r.ti-jiouiid .weight,' In the. 50-yard dash, the 1'20-yard run and the one- I mile run. physical culture, wrestling I Is another Interesting event, on the I iMograni wnlch is .expected Jo attract ; ni uen at'tentioii, ( Colusa county. California,, this year had t(io largest grain crop harvested , there since. 1880. It was the largest yield of any county in tho United , States compared with the number of square miles WE WISH YOU THE COM PLIMENTS OF THE SEASON ! with all heartiness, and at the same time beg to remind you Mint If yon wish to.. make Christmas a "White Day," you will do well to have us launder yuir linen and nil of your washable garments, forsooth! for It is a matter of common knowledge that clothes aro washed clean and prop erly Ironed here. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY ITrfV BaRkBjssm. w v ') A Supreme Moment of expectation could be easily turned Into an hour of vexation by having u dull carver to wrestl with. Your Xiiihh foitst would he one of alihoyiuice tllilei.n you have u set of our tine Khellleld steel carvers, with good stag bundle, that will dii-Jolul a tur key and carve It III wafer slices In a hurry. Our Hue stock of table cutlery for Xiiihh gifts urn Useful and will Ik- appreciated by Hie housewife. jj W. J. CLARKE & Co. 211 Court Street J ELATERITE la Mineral Rubber.! VOU MAY IN I'KM) JIIJIMMNO iirlln I II uecuhMirj' (o ItKI'I.AC'K A WOltN-tUIT HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th, place of shingles, tin. Iron, tar aad gravel, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Kasy to lay Tempore for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Bold on merit. Outran, teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland: 1 0 Per Cent Off On alt Vase Lamps. China, and Fancy Goods from now until New Year's Owl Tea House . ii'."- 1 J4 f