East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, DECEMDER 20, 1903,
unibl t-nu i v i -
Overcoat Sale
To clean up tho halanco of our overcoats wo
mako tho following sweeping reductions:
$7.00 Coats go at $5-00
$8.00 Coats go at $5.75
$9.00 Coats go at $6.75
$ 10.00 Coats go at $7.50
, , $ 12.50 jCojjts go at $9.50
$1 4.00 Coats go at $ t J .50
.All other price boats not mentioned are re
clucecA'in b'rtmo proportion.
Advised to Try Medical Lake Treat
mentDoes so and Is Cured.
Meillrnl I.nl.o SnltH MiumfncturlliR
Company, Spolmno, Wnsli:
iiw sirs For Bovorul years I
GYPSIES OUT OF TOWN I hml hvtm n guitoror from chronic (lis-
orilor of the Htotuticii. uoiimi numw.
cat nor drink with tomfort, and my
Btonmcli sPumoil to rohol ngnlliHt Bitch
food as othiir pooplu unjoyod. It wnB
- tlmn nflnr I Ii'IH'THm! ()f tllO V I T"
MlillL' mill; . - .
tncs of Moillcnl l.nlo In oiiro of mirli I
Tho now Culiaii.Uiilteil Status re
tilriroctly law socs Into offect at
in I tin Ik lit of December 27.
Lord Rothschild says American In
lluonce In the far east can tip the
scale aculnst Russia by InslstlnR up
on Manehurla hcliiK an open market
to the world,
Representative Shafroth, of Colo
rado, will endeavor to have a law
enacted making It a ponnl offense to
melt down gold coin or to make
jewelry and buttons of It. j
Wagner and Leach, two I'Jttslnirg j
baseball players, have refused uti of
fer of $1(1.000 Tor next year'B season, I
the money to lie divided half and half ,
between them If they would travel I
together. " I
Thugs attempted to kill Hov. .1.
Nlel Sheridan, of I'noblo because he
has been making war on the tough
element of the city. His life was '
saved by a dog, half must Iff tind half
The latest researches by ethnolog
ists reach (he conclusion that thu j
Eskimo pe'ople trom Greenland to
llerlng Sea. are Identical racially with
the aboriginal inhabitants of Siberia,
and ate essentially .Mongol, j
The rumor Is persistent among i
botli democratic and ixipiilist politic-1
inns of the Middle West that Ilryan
will bolt his party tho coming sum
mer should the conservative wing I
dominate in the national convention. I
William (loebel, Fred Habcrstraw
and William Hackus, of Ualtlmore. !
went to bed Christmas eve when
s-omewhal "mil," forgetting to turn
off the gnB. which was 'blown out by
a draft of wind. They will never do
It again.
Hotel Pendleton.
F. Wlcden, Portland,
G. S. Youngman, I -jrtlnnd.
George N. Iiarron, Now York.
Mrs. Ganger and child, done.
Hnrvoy Jones. I'llot Rock.
C. R. Cook, Spokane.
W. T. Holland, Los Angeles.
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
George Stovens, Spokane.
William Mnhcr, Spokane.
C. St. Smith, Portland.
F. 11. Hell, Spokane.
S. A, Frans.
W. I). Chamberlain, city.
W. F. Hlslop and wife, city.
F. W. Lampkin, city.
A. Carney. San Francisco,
Hotel Bickers.
Airs. linker, Meacham,
.Miss U .M. Laughlln.
S, St. Cutting.
S. J. Cutting.
.Mrs. .M. E. Baker, Seattle.
George Jackson, Seattle.
J. T. Coffey.
.Miss Williams, .Meacham.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
C. F. Weiss. Freowater.
C. G. Stewart nnd wife. city.
W. H. Shannon, Helix.
D. H. Truff. city,
hlu Abblt, Hot Lake.
C. Vanderfnry, Hot Lake.
J. W. Smith, Athena.
Mrs. Fred Long. Spokane.
C, F. Harris. Baker City,
C, Sunbock,' linker City.
J. II. Listen, Eugene.
N'. U. Hlbbs und family, Lowfstnn.
' E. IJ, 'Fletcher, Gervlas.
Mrs. R. McDougal and son, Tekoa.
Harry Chamberlain, a Great North-
ern conductor, fell from the top of
liitf train near Everett. Christmas
morning and was instantly killed.
George It. Grace, member of the
Grate Commission Company, of Se
attle, committed suicide Friday morn
ing, by shooting himself through the
Local transport officials at San
Francisco have been ordered to pre
pare the troopships' Sherman and
Newport lor Immediate sea service.
Their destination Is not yet known.
Joe Richardson, a loafer around sa
loons, died at Colfax Friday, alter
drinking In .quick succession, 18
glasses of beer, on a bet that ho
could drink 20 glasses without stop
ping. Frank Goodman, a Northern Pacific
brakeman, was forced to Jump from
his train, near Tenlno, Wash., Friday, 1
while It was running 35 miles per1
liour, by two negro thugw who first ,
robbed him of $40.
General Funston annouuees that
four companies of troops will be, sta
tioned m Fort Wright by March 1.
and that this fort will bo thu princi
pal one In the Inland Empire after
thlB year, although Spokane will not
likely tie tho department headquar
ters. Eighty-thiee bales of hops wore
sold at Eugene on Thursday evening
for 20 cents per pound, and It Ih tho
opinion of the most conservative deal
erB that this is nbout the top notch
lor the season. Many tons of hops
will bo sold this week It the buyers
still offer 20 cents.
H. Dillon, one or the smoothest
thieves- -on the coast, was captured
in Portland Thursday, while In the
act of" selling a Htolen Hiiit of clothes
at 'a pawn shop. Over 30 aulta una
overcoatK wero located nt different
shops where he had Bold them
within the past three weeks.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign or approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system la
nervousness', sleeplessness, or atom,
nch upsnts. Electric Hitters will
quickly dismember tho troublesome
causes. It novor falls to tone tho
stomach, regulate the Kidneys and
Rowels, stimulate the Liver, and
clarify tho, blood, Rundown systems
benefit particularly and all tho usual
attending aches vanish under its
ficnrchinir and thorouch effectiveness.
Electric Hitters is only COc, and that'
Is returned if it don't givo perfect sat
isfaction. Guaranteed by Tollman &
Co., druggists.
S. C. Kllnore Is Recovering from Kick
I. O. O. F. of Weston Entertain,
ed and Members from Athena At.
tended Baptist Revival Medina
Has Closed There Is Some Grip In
the Neighborhood.
Athena, Dec. ,B3.'-iAthona was visj
lU'df the Inst Tow days by n band o(
gypsies. The city marshal ran them
cut of .town. Uhey nro enmped Just
out of Mio city limits nt present. Yes
terday (they panld to t)ie house of S.
C. Kllgoro nnd'gitve Ills wlfo a prctly
Wid scare.
Mr. William Parker and daughter.
Grace, of Washington, nrrlved In the
city to spend tho holidays with Mrs
Paikor3 son and daughter, Mr. ml'l
Mrs. Will McCullom.
S, iC. Kllgoro has nlimist recovoied
being kicked by n horse, Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Orange Chnmborlaln's
children had an attack of grip last
The I. 0. 0. F. lodge of Weston
gavo a lino entortnlnmont, Thursday
evening. About 18 or 20 members of
I. O. O. F. lodge of this city attended
and a -very enjoyable evening was
Rev. Clarke, the noted evangelist
from Connecticut, und Rev. Moore,
pastor of the Baptist church, closed a
mnpt successful meeting Sunday after
auuui ilirco months' hard work.
Earl SaundorB has returned from
Itosuhurg to spend tho holidays and
attend the Christmas dance
cases before I consonted to try tho
water fur tho reason thut I had no ,
fui.h In It, But porslstont frlpuda
tinnltv prevailed nnd I commenced, t
using tho tvntoo Much 10 my huh
prise Immediate Improvement follow!
cd and In an Incredibly abort time
wan entirely iwell. Since then I eat
what best pleases mo nnd. no further
trodllle 1. experienced. fi
Aledlcnl Lake, Wash.
Sold by Tnllnian & Co.. lending
drugglfltB, and A. C. Kooppcn &
t In Real Estate f
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved.
f,i 2. 50 per acre.
1000 acre stock ranch. All
fenced. Raises 200 tons of
hay; has running water; open
range near by, $5000
to-room house and two
lots. Modern conveniences.
1 All on Easy Terms.
Idaho's Largest Bridge.
Assistant State Engineer James
Stephenson returned yesterday trom
Amerlcau Fnlls, where ho Inspected
the state bridge under construction
there. Three of thu crib piers are In
and tho trestle approach to the east
end of the structure la completed.
Unless delayed by accident, the
bridge will bo ready for traffic by
February 1. It is ono of tho most
substantial and economical structures
in the state, besides being of hand
some design. Bolso Statesman,
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very ox
ponalve. Occasionally life Itself Is the
prico of a mistake, but you'll nover be
wrong If you take Dr. King's New
Life Pills for .Dyspepsia, Dlmlness,
Headache, Liver or Bowol troubles
They are gentle, yet thorough. 35c at
Tollman & Co.'s drag store.
From Bowman's ranch, on 'McKay
creek, seven miles from Moac.ham, in
October, three head of horses. One
3-year-old 'roan horse, branded Q on
left hip. Ono 2-year-old bay horse,
branded Q on left hip. Ono 2-yoar-old
bay fitly, branded Q on loft hip. A
reasonable reward will be paid for in.
formation leading to tho recovery,
Address W, Brummott, Meacham. Or.
The Peruna Almanac In 8,000,000
Tho Poruna Lucky Day Almanac
has become a fixture In over eight
million homes. They nro to be ob
talned at nny first-class druggists',
free, Do" sure to Inquire early. The
1904 Almanac is already published,
and tho supply will soon be exhaust.
ed. Do not put It off. Get ono to
Acker's Bldod Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and Hcrotu
lous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and purifier.
Money refunded if you are not satis
fied. 50c. and ?l.ou.
For- sale by K. AV. Schmidt &! Co.
P. O, 1IOX Xlt
Thone black 1111 Office In'K, O, Bide
Olympla Beer Olympla Ceer,
Tho most popular brand for family
uso. On draught at Anton Nolto's.
He also handles tho bottled beer In
any quantity desired,
Congregational Church Sunday
services iib follows: Sunday acliool
nt 10 n, ni.; morning worship and
preaching nt 11; home missionary
sermon on "Our Country for Christ".
Junior Endeavor meeting at 3 p. in.,
evening service at 7:30. A cordial
welcome to all. Jonntiinu Edwards I
M. E. Church, South Preaching'
by Rev. W. C. Howard, of .Milton. I
sou of the pastor, at 11 n. nu Sun-1
day school at 10; Epworth League at
fi:30; preaching nt 7:30.
First Baptist Church Services
Sunday, Dec. 27: Sunday school at
10; preaching, 11 n. m. und 7:30 p.
m. Rev. Bleakney will conduct the
services both morning nnd evening.
Methodist Episcopal Church 10 '
a, m Sunday school, A. J. Owen, hii
perintendent; 11 a. m., sermon and
baptismal service for adults; 12:15 p.
m., class meeting, ltev. G. W. Illgby.
leader; 3 p. 111., Junior league; 6:30
p. m Epworth League; 7:30 p. ui
preaching. All nro cordially invited.
Robert Warner, pastor.
First Christian Church Sunday
school, in n. m.i preuciiing, U n, ni
subject, Gal. Ill;' Christian Endeavor.
fi;30 p. m.; preaching, 7:30 p. m.;
subject. "Pardon Its Means nnd Evi
dence." At this service the choir
will sing mi anthem, nnd Miss Mity-
lene Williams Fraker will sing "The
Star or Botlileliiim," by Adams. The
members will lake dinner nt thu
church and in the afternoon will have
their annual "roll call" and business
meeting. N. H. Brooks, pastor.
Fir.1t Pri.ithui.rlan rhiarM, 11, n
m., Sunday school; 11 a. m annual
Now Year's service nnd sermon;
1:45 p. ra.. Christian Endeavor: 7:30
p. m., sermon by Rev. E. C, Wort
man, nf Tnrnm.i. It fa onrmmtlv ,lr,.
sired by. the pastor that all persons In
nny way related to tho work of this
eiiurcn, do present at me morning
service. Strangers are very cordial
ly Invited. Robert J, Olvcn, pastor.
Temple and Pleasant View Hov'.
R. j. Attnr will nrpnch In Tnmnln
Chapel at 11 a. m.( and Pleasant Vlow
in o p. m.
Nearly a Thousand Are Gathered nt
Cincinnati. O., Dec. 2C- -Representative
teachers of tho IiiisIiiosb col
leges nnd (Milling Institutions,
throughout tho country are nrrlvlng
In Cincinnati to attend tho iinmial
convention or tho Nutlonnl Commer
cial Teachers' Federation, to he held
during the four days beginning Mon
day next. It will he the eighth annu
al gathorlng of the federation nnd nn
attendance 01 nearly 1,000 moiiibera
is oxpected.
.During the four days, of (he conven
tion. In addition to tho general meet
ings of tho federation, separate ses
sions will bo neld by the National
Penninnshlp Teachers' association,
the Nntlonnl Shorthand Tcnchcra' ns
sedation, the National Business
Teachers' association nnd the Associ
ation of Private Commercial School
Muiiagors, all of which organizations
are nlllllated with the National Com
mercial Teachers' Federation.
Owing to the recent strike of tho
prisoners In thu Multnomah county
Jail, Sheriff Storey decided not to
furnish them with a turkey dinner on
t Christmas day ns usual. For tho
first time In IS years they nte plain
fare tor dinner on Christmas day
TrvvitAH irniii, inn.....!
nomay Go
Oat Prices arc the Lowest that First-(
can be sold for,
For ono of our high-grado Sewing M
The Singer js acknowledged to hethji
poneci sowing macnino built, Tm
proven it to bo the best machine fornjl
pose. Wo would bo pleaded to have vo i
o:.. ...... :i nr.. 1 , 'J .1
u owifcui uu tnui. o Know wnat therd
will be, for a trial proves its merits Ah
inj mum iiuwn auu nio uuiunce in ejijl
Office 5o9 College Street
The Lono Star State.
Down In Texas at "Yoakum ia a lie
dry goods firm of which Mr. J, M,
llallor la (ho head. Mr. ifnllor on one
of his trips Bant to buy Rooda wild to
a friend who was with him la tho
palace car: "Here, tako ono of these
Little Early nicors upon rotirlne and
you will bo up early in tho morning
reeling good."' For tho "dark brown1
taste, .headache and that logy fooling
Do Witt's Llttip Early Rlaors aro.the
befit pills to use. sold by Tollman &
"Ited" Comyns, a noted thief of So.
attle. Who swore that ho was advised
and Influenced to rah a .prominent
tin shop In Seattle, by tho chiof of
polite, was discharged Friday, Ho Is
a common thief, and thu police do
partmont wanted (o. catch hint in
some crime and gut him out of the
Way for n term of yeara, hut 1i!b dis
charge by n Jury wob n disappointment
Cklldron's school shoes that wear
and look well at Toutsch's.
Deafness Cahnot Be Cured,
by local applications, a they cannot reach
tuf dtsward portion of tun ear. -There 'It
only one way to cure deafneatf. and that
In hy constitutional remedies. Deafness la
caused hi ' an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining or the Kustacnlan Tube.
When this tube In Inflamed you have a
mtnbllntf sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Ik entirely closed, Deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out nnd this tnbo restored to Its
normal condition, bearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cane out of ten nre
caused hy Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an iniiameil condition 01 tue mucous sur.
We will give Oun Hundred Dollars for
nny case nt Deafness (cuused by catarrh)
that cannot bo cured hy llnllH Catarrh
Cure. Heuu for circulars, rree.
P. J. CHENHV. ic CO,, Toledo, O.
Bold ly druggists, 75c.
Hall's family fills nro the best.
X'mas Presents Fn
Beginning Friday, Dec. 1 8 , and continuing until Sa
ight, Dec, 26
With every Man's Suit of Clothes a pood Hat, worth 20 per cent oftte j
Hit? nuit L with a $IU.UU Suit a $2.00 Hat, etc.J
With every Boy's Suit of Clothes a Hat worth 20 per cent of value of mil
With every Overcoat, men's or boy's, a' Pair of Gloves worth 10 perci
value or the overcoat.
With every pair of Long Pants a Pair of Suspender
With every pair of Shoes a Pair of Socks or Hose.
With eveiv Lady's Coat a Fine For worth 20 per cent of the value of
with $10,000 coat a $2.00 fur, etc.)
With every Lady's Skirt a nice Shirt Waist worth 20 per cent of tie
the skirf ($1 .00 waist with 5.00 skirt, etc.
To every person buying Si .00. worth or more goods not mentioned i
ijottie ot tine JPertome, or any 25c article from our toilet case.
As Sure as the Sun Shines
yuu u icci oeiier, iook uciwr antr washing the kla sad
calp with Medical Lake Toilet Soap-no one who
Dandruff and other akin Irritations, or bn pestered
with the soreness of Sunburn and Mosquito Bites sod
Juts used thU delightful Sop erer had any doubt at to it
being the sweetest, purest medicated soap. nude. ThU
ciwcraciy rcircsnioc
toilet article it 'per. .
uraca wiia ine nal-
url flower odors and p.il0,t''1"j
contains all the wonderful curative nd "''f'-ffi, otL
rUdlcal Uke Salt. aoHerandMvho I" ffi&V
exposed to the tun and wind delight in it. "c
Soap and a, good healthy complexion. K,
ask voun nnucGI8T-26e. A 9
Medical Uke Soap and Ointment are ait cl V
for hair and tcalp-use lhem both for dandruff, l
and nurlfvlnf. M,lir.l lUe remedies are 00' V -
. . , j vn nlNTMENT.. ..rf'ill
If applied (especially after ""'''"'."jl-js.:,
' . ..iiicM
Medical LakeSaHfMfr.Co..SoleMfri.,NcwYof U
For sale by Tallmnn 4 .Co., Leadlnn Druno.t.( and A. Q. Kooppen Bros.