East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
by using the
t contlnnci
Tonight nml Sunday fair and
continued cold.
NO. 45)25)
Ohio Limited Pas
uns Into Heavy
n the Track.
civv Miles an
Half the Peop.e
Killed Accident
inders Holding Tim
Ignt Train Breaking
i in the Pullmans.
Pa., Dec 21- While
Igh rate ot sliced, the
led train on me iiiuu-
i ... i, .. nil,, r
on tho track and wnB
(5 0 Clock lasi mum.
nmrs on the train.
re killed outright or
to death In the hr
ai some 30 were moro
dv mimed.
.........I nt 1 ntll'lil Tfiin
i nl nnwKnn. and was
breaking of castings on
Mjc timbers on u west
iraln at n curve. The
the track used hy tho
g, 15 minutes later, tiiv
cot able to see me on-
nzht udoii it.
a nir trom the wrpe
e pm nnKmrnt in mi!
..... . ... .il-v
h ii an i-iour. "
uc iuu cuume nuu
nn uniiiprH in n vi, mm.
an noiir. 'i ne encmc
rher. The smoker fol-
np flmf lnmln1 untinro.
(ram the engine' to till
tmokcr wan nacked to
pacuv. mm n tun tins.
pusenser In this car
till I. Id .DlmiilA.I
" it ,0 vaumuit:u LUUL
vre n arpf in 11 ,,rr rnw
single lino 38 forms
7PT1 (rrmmil 1 4 i. I, .,
OPPOSUO side of tin
-v- uviuvu tl U1UJJY
iu V. I CI It 1 11UIII
but died hefore nld
'.- '"miiitiwr ui iiiu
9P .1,... 1.
- --.,,., i fin..
-- -. nuui IIUllIUUU(l
ncrwarils. n -,, i
t shouted lit thn
rr UlHl B saKe. 1
" J will milllO nnf
lamp and flag' 49
on us."
Rob the Dead.
ft flfrnM.
i "nuvcH were
iao dead nnd InJur.
- .uu wuwsun nollrn
i" rnmo.
Torn Up.
n inn - .
1VC1 UUL1I 11111
-u wm.ua are orn
:- "a completely do-
'M ble 700-lrnllnn nV
M thrown inn foot
1,;,. Br was mrown
' W was only Bllghtly
e cars worn Wni.i
. a'l ejtcont tho itinr
n afnl.. . .-w.
I. ,r01" under-
In ,u Pe01'10 WOro B0-
r .10, ,rul"nnn cars
-although hardly nnv
i least Bomo slight
' ttiero ..i., . . .
on tk. "i ue any
""Krintendent D. W.
M Ihkt
uc mil-,..
- wajr. it is ftn
Mto' ft.,.".
M t((1 by 12 ton.
W. 1 .
too apparent." Pointing to half a
dozen heavy limbers under the coach
he said: "Thoro Is the cause of it.
An extra freight west-hound, has
dropped those timbers on tho track,
and proceeded unconscious of thn
trouble It had loft behind."
Body of J. D. Mock, of Grant's Pass,
Found at Yale, Idaho, After Nine
Months' Search.
l'ocatollo, Doc. 20. 'I he body of J.
D. Mock, of Grant's Pass, Or., who
has been missing for the past nine
months, was found on Thursday eve
ning near Yale, in this Btato. Ho had
evidently just died from exposure and
exhaustion, and his ticket, money
nnd papers wcro all found undisturb
ed on the person,
Last April Mr. Mock bought a
ticket from Grant's Pass to'Albla,
Iowa, and left his home with tho in
tontlon of goiug directly to Iowa,
nnd after leaving Grant's Pass was
never seen by his friends again until
his remains wore found Thursday at
He had evidently become demented
iiiid on reaching Huntington had
started to walk to his destination.
Tho records of the 0. XL & N. show
that he rode on his ticket from Port
land to Huntington, but there all
traces of Un vanished. The Short
Line railroad company has prosecut
ed a diligent search for him for tho
past nine months, as his ticket had
never boen used nnd no trace of It
could lie found In any possible man
ner. Ilta son, who resides at Qrant's
Pass, has also made a thorough
search going from house to house nil
through Oregon. In search of some
The old gvntlman was over ri
yvnrs old, and the supposition is that
lie heeume demented nnd when ho
reached Huntington left the train
and walked until he died from sheer
exhaustion. Ynlo Is 277 miles from
Huntington, and bo had walked tho
entire distance. It is thought. ,A1 Ills
papers, money and ticket to Alhla.
Town, wcro In his pocket.
This is the Daily Program in
the Negro "Republic" of
San Domingo.
Germany Sends a Fleet to Protect In
terests of German Creditors Be
lieved Situation Will Find No Re.
lief Until an Outside Government
Steps in and Interferes Every
thing at Standstill.
Washington, Dec. 26. The btate
department has received the follow.
Ing from Minister Powell:
"Insurgents are now marching on
San Domingo from Macorls. Tho
gunboat Newport has arrived and tho
German fleet Is expected today. Ma
corls favors .limlneck."
Riot, Anarchy, Revolution.
New York, Dee. 2G. Passengers on
the Clyde liner New York, which has
arrived from San Domingo, sny that
country Is a seething storm of riot,
anarchy and revolution until the peo
ple have no Idea what they are fight
ing for.
They predict tho condition will
continue until some outside couutry
steps In and stops It.
Communication between ports Is
suspended nnd nil wires are down,
mid business is at a complete stand
still, all traffic being practically suspended.
Indians Had Plenty of Courage and
Activity, but Were Shy of Skill
They Only Need Practice and
Coaching to Be a Fine Team
Score Stood Twenty to Naught at
the Conclusion of Game.
, Coghlin Denies That Americans
Were Landed on Colombia.
Washington, Dec. 20. The navy
department this afternoon announced
the following telegram received from
Admiral Coghlin at Colon: "The
Atlanta did not land armed forces on
Colombia territory at any time, for
any purpose." Two officers landed
I nt the Invitation of Colombian (it'll-
The football game yesterday after
noon was a very one-sided affnlr, and
this with the cold and the tact that
It took more time to get the bull in
play ufter n foul thun to make the
play, or to make n score, combined
to moke It uninteresting tor the pat
riotic, cranks who braved the cold and
the frost to see the game.
Tho Pendleton boys had the best
of It from the llrst, and nt no time
was their goal In danger, while the
Indians made one steady tight for
victory from the time the game was
called until the last half was finished.
But their team work was a minus
quantity, and they could nt no time
hope for the long end of the score
Hoesch nnd Strand of the Pendle
ton team did somo of the best play
ing of the day and wort the ones
resorted to for sure gains when those
were needed.
On the Indian side of the field were
several good men, but they had neith
er practice nor team work, and their
desperate struggles availed their
cause nothing.
With a little coaching and enougu
practice to teach thorn to play to
gether, thoy could mnke it very liner
estluc for the Pendloton boys.
The Bt-ores woro frequent and easy
nnd nt the end of the game the re
sult stood 21 to 0 In favor of the local
Liability of Trouble Expanding Liv
cry Drivers Still Out.
Chicago, Dee. 20. Unless the union
teamsters coiiKeut to the formation
of a permanent arbitration board on
Wednesday next, n general strike Is
liable to result between them and tho
associated teaming interests. The
livery drivers' strike is still on
Funerals today used hearses accom
panied by police guards, and no dem
onstrations wero made.
A Native of Massachusetts and 76
Years of Age,
The funoral of Charles A, Wheeler
was conducted this morning at 10
o'clock from tho resldenco of tho son,
(J. S. Wheeler, on Altn street, Rov.
iiniw.rt inuon of the Presbyterian
church, conducting tho sorvlces
Mr. Wheeler was uorn m
Adams, Mass.. June 23, 1R27, an
-J. .-i.,.. ,u- vmilh lived in f'Civ-
oral places In thu Uast, though he al
ways retained a greiu mmm..
i.i.. i,mo Aitnnt four years ago
he came to this city, where he had
since mado his nomo wun
tho well known photographer.
n- in ,.. oimrt nnd the end
came suddonly. though not unexpect
edly to tho ramiiy. some i ;
cnught a bad cold which dove lope
Into an nttnek or pnouimmm.
ranldlv mow worse until death camo
on Christmas ovo.
Two sons nnd tnroo aauBm.
vivo tho death of their fn her, C. S.
,i iioo Mnmio Wheeler, or
this city; Fred Whco or , of Potci.
son, Iown: Mrs, uaniuuu,
Wis., nnd Mrs. wary -
Burlington, Iowa.
Mr, and Mrs. Garner Are Reconslled,
and Will Live In Arlington.
.Mrs. Omn Garner, tho woman from
Ileppner who started for the Hast
with Will Davis, of Heppner, Intend
ing there to secure a divorce from
her husband and marry tho her
man, has returned to Arlington,
where she will Join her husband and
live In tho future.
Wednesday afternoon Mr. 'Garner
had a conference wun his wlfo over
the telephone, and peace was patch
ed up and she agreed to go to Arl
ington, though she refused to live
longer In Heppner Domostlc felicity
reigns once more In the Garner fam
ily, and the causo of tho trouble is
benefited by the $120 which the lady
gave him to keep, and which ho fail
ed to return to her when he took his
leave from her at flie depot In this
Few Details Have Yet Reached
the Outside World From
Boston and New York,
New York Enveloped In Darkness and
Intense Cold Prevails Everywhere
Fires and High Wind Raging In
the City Adelphla Hall Burned
Clyde Liner Collides and Sinks in
Boston Harbor.
Mining Interests Will Demand a New
Government Department.
Portland, Ore., Doc. 26. Prelimin
ary arrangements have been complet
ed for the "meeting of tho American
Mining congress in this city noxt
August, tho required guarantee fund
having been subscribed and other for
malities concluded.
The executive committee Is now nt
work on the preparation of ablll to
ho Introduced In tho federal congress
providing for the establishment of a
department of mines nnd mining, .ue
head thereof to be a member of tho
president's cabinet. This bill will
come before tho mining congress
next summer mid will be Introduced
In consress during tho noxt session
Charles White, of Birch Creek, 'Order,
ed 100 Pounds of Judson Dry Land
Charles White, who resides six
miles west of this city near the mouth
of Birch creek, today ordered 100
pounds of "the Judson dry Jand al
falfa" of T. C. Taylor, and will test
It on his land. If it Is a success; Mr.
White and his neighbors will seed
all the available land they have to
this forage plant.
Several farmers have signified
their willingness to try this plant,
and Umatilla county will thoroughly
test Its value.
C. H. Baker, "the Spectacle Man,"
Was from That State.
it has been learned that C. II Ba
ker, the man found dead In his bod
on Tuesday night at his room In the
Qiinon lodging-house, was n resident
f iinm.nr Mnlne. where he has many
rolatlves now living. Ho was known
In that place by William McDonald,
. ., i ...,. i i ,n,t.
Who ts tiom mere, aim wuu hum iuiiv
...i t iitii,,,- nt hi hnmo nml frlnnds
In that imrt of the nation. The rela
tives will bo communicated wun to
determine whether or not they wish
the body sent to them.
Boston, Dec. 2f. General Po", the
largest dredger iu uie harbor, sud
denly sunk this afternoon In the
storm. George Coombs, a govern
ment employe, William O'Neill and
Thomas Jones, blacksmiths, wore
drowned. Thirteen men were aboard
and 10 wore rescued. The dredger
was being towed at the time the acci
dent occurred. When the blast struck
everything In thu harbor either
hunted mooilngs, or doubled their
anchorage. Many moorings nnd an
chorages were broken nnd craft of
all kinds are drilling wildly.
The steamer Dewey and the Clyde
liner Kiowa collided in lighthouse
channel. The latter sunk nlmost In
stnntly. The Dewey was today disa
bled and towed back Into port. The
crow of a nearby tug rescued those
aboard the Kiowa.
New York Storm Swept.
New York. Dee. 20. A storm,
sweeping In fiom the west struck
the city IbiR morning nnd has envel
oped the city and bay In darkness.
The Forrb; Is drifting helplessly
and unable to keep her bearings, her
lines leaving, have forced her to an
chor. '"
The day Is almost universally be
lli!? observed as a holiday. Other
wise business is being hampered and
darkness reigns.
The weather forecast shows today
and tonight are the coldest of the
year Ten below expected by night
fall. Sovnral 'IT- tbl "'torno'in nm)
the high wind make extinguishing dif
ficult. Adelphla Hall, a IIvpsI
building on Seventh avenue, was de
Cold in Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 20. The cold con
tinues, the mercury recording eight
below since early this morning.
Cold at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Dec. 20. The cold wave
continues. Zero this morning.
Spokane People In Jail for Alluring
Young Girls Astray.
Spokane, Dec, 20. Andrew Hond
rlckson, Minnie Tayce, ,1. 11. Mllloi,
each under $1,500 bonds, nnd Alfred
Hawkins, under $1,000 bonds, wero
bound over to tho superior umrt by
JhfiIco Hlnkle at the preliminary ex
amination yesterday on the chr.rg.i of
attempting to Follclt girls mule IS
ynrs of age lo enter a dls u-lerly
house nt Kallspell Cutoff, Mont.
Tho Tayce woman and Hawkins
went to jail In default of bond. I. D.
Holland furnished the bond for Hcml-rickson.
Chinese Soldiers, Disguised
as Immigrants. Flocking
Into Manchuria.
Great Activity Among Chinese Sol
diers In tho Northern Part of tho
Empire japan Will Send Fifteen
Thousand Troops to Korea to Keep
Peace Startling Events Are Imminent.
Sir Henry Dullard Dead.
London, Dec. 2C Sir Henry Bill
iard, a conservative member of par
liament, Is dead. This gives the lib
erals a chance of obtaining another
Ohio Bank Burned.
Marietta, 0 Dec. 21!. The Hirst
National Bank building was destroy
ed by fire this morning. Two mer
cantile houses also suffered damage.
Loss, $250,000.
Had Secreted a Pair of Overalls,
Jumper, Cap and Shoes in a light
Grip Unawares to the Detective
Broke Shackles From His Ankles
and Walked to Condon Parker
Will Be Prosecuted.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 2i!. 'Lie Nova
Vreinyii today states alarm Is folt
oer thu belief that China Is plotting
to aid Japan against Russia. The
Boxer general, Mar, and Viceroy Kluy
are mentioned ns lenders of I hn move
ment. Chinese soldiers are having con
stant target practleo, ns though In
preparation for active duty, mid Chl
ncBo Immigrants suspected of being
soldiers In disguise, uro entering
Manchuria In large numbers. Arms
aro being hidden In accessible places.
Tho paper adds the Clilneso may
ultimately hold tho trump card In tho
Manchuria campaign.
Japan to Keep Order,
Paris, Dec. 26. It is learned today
that Japan Is preparing n force which
will probably number 15,000 troops,
which will be sent Into Korea to
maintain order at the disturbed
ports. She has been assuied hy Bus
rla such action will not he consider
ed as an unfriendly act, or n casus
Five Indians and Three Gypsies Were
Fined Today.
Today was a good day In the re
coi dor's court, theie being eight men
before tho recoider, trom which $45
was collected to go towards taking
up somo of the bills of the city.
Three of tho men were gypsies be
longing to the band that lias been
infesting the city for bomo days, and
the rest were Indians, and all weio
celebrating Christmas In the way
that suited thera best. They stated
to the court that as everyone mado a
point o( celebrating tho day they
failed to see why they should be
fined for Its observance. Tho gyp
sies were fined for fighting, and tho
rest for being drunk.
C. F. Weles Has Just Sold Twelve
Hundred Sheep and Is Holding
Fourteen Hundred More.
C, F, Weiss, of Freewater, was In
the city yesterday on business. Mr,
Weiss has just sold 1,200 or 2-year-old
wethers, which he fattened at
his farm near Milton, and Is now
feeding 1,400 moro of tho same age,
for tho eurly spring markets.
Mr. Weiss has experienced u fa
vorablo winter for feeding, so far,
and feels highly encouraged with' the
prospect for good prices In tho spring
for good mutton sheep. He will hold
until the market Is favorable.
Only One Man Scored a Flush, Get
ting Ten Out of Ten.
At the live pigeon shoot held hy
the Pendleton Sportsmen's Associa
tion on Wednesday tho following
scores wero made, each man having
a chance at 10 birds;
M. A. Ilader, 6; S. Thompson, 7:
Charles Ferguson, 8; W, Warner, i;
C. C. Berkeley, 7i W. J. Sewell. 6;
C. C Bolller, 4; H. J. Stillman, 8;
D. C. Clark, 10; Wes Matlock, 4; O.
U Turner, ; O. K, Boettcher, 4; A.
D Stillman, 8, J. It. Means, 7; Wal
ter Markham, 4; Will Ingram, 8.
During November last there were
217 caseB of proseoutlou Iu San Fran
cisco for cruelty to animals.
Thurlow W Parker, the forger,
who made his escape from Detcctlvo
Jo Day, of Portland, In a rather ex
tuonlliiary manner on Tuesday
nlffhl, was captured at II o'clock
Tuiiihday night while silting In a
hulol at Condon, Gilliam county, hy
Sheriff Johnson, of thut county.
PaiKer made Ills escape from train
No. 3. at Arlington, about midnight
Tuesday night, while Day was snor
ing houndly in a berth opposite, un
mindful of his movements. Day find
placid Parker iu a berth in the lour
Ut. Willi tho shackles on his feet,
utter riving a!! the prisoner's cloth
ing to the porter for safe-keeping,
Paiker look advantage of tho
sound nap of tho detective, dressed
biai, .(.!.' In a pair of overallu, Jumper,
cap und shoes brought along In a
small grip, anil quietly slipped out of
the car, broke the shackles oft his
feet and walked from Arlington to
Condon, and registered at the hotel
as "Fred Johnson, O. It. & N."
He had only been In the city two
hours until tho sheriff walked into
the hotel olflco and arrested him. He
mado no resistance and told of his
escape and trip overland to Condon
with much Interest.
Day's carelessness in allowing Par
ker to escape has caused considera
ble comment in official circles, and
the deputy district attornoy of Mult
nomah county says ho will not recog
nize Day as a detective again. Day
says tho reason ho did not sleep In
the same berth with Parker was thai
Parker had been con fined for u few
days In the city jail at Helena, and
from all appearances had contracted
a heavy and active Bupply of Jail
"grey backs," and that he did not
wish to share the luxury with him.
Parker'u mother has arranged Ui
pay up all tho losses sustained by
Portland business men, through Par
ker's forgeries, but thu man who
holds the last forged check passed
by Parker says he will prosecute the
criminal, no matter If tho losses are
made good, to Parker will not escape
i. .rough bis motbir's Intervention.
Suit for Divorce.
A suit for divorce was tiled this
morning in the office oi the lounty
clerk by H. 15, Collier in the case
of Dello Parrlsh vs, Hruse Parrlsh.
Tho plaintiff alleges that she end the
plaintiff were married iu thli; .' on
October 14, 1902, at.il th-tt tfcii n
one child as the tesult of tae uulon,
a son, Joseph Parrlsh, aged 3 .vonks.
Tho causo of action Is cm '1 mil In.
human treatment and failu'e ( iro-
.vide the necessities of III (lotUIng
or medical attendance when s'f
nlalntlff asks that the custod-
child be given her and that ul have
costs and attorney's fees.
New Feature In the Work of the
Christian Church.
There will ho tho regnlar services
at the Christian ehucch tomorrow
both morning and evening, nnd In the
afternoon will ho held n speclnl ser
vice which will bo from this time
on a regular part of the work of tho
In tho afternoon tho mcmberH of
tho church will gather ut the building
and will tako their basket dinner
At 2 o'clock the unniial meeting ot
tho congregation win bo called to or
der by tho pastor and nt this tlmo
will bo elected tho officers of the
church und Sunday school for the
year to como, Tho reports of the re
tiring olllcors will bo road and all of
the routine business or tho church
will bo transacted. The meeting will
be, in fact, u meeting or the com
mittee or the whole church, which
will outline and discuss thu work of
tho churcli, for the coming season,
und when the roll of tho church will
he called.
This Is a new departure in the
church, but will be followed in tho
future, It being tho Idea of the offic
ers of tho church to bold an annual
meeting on the last Sunday in De
cember of each year, when tho plans
for tho noxt year will bo laid, and
tho olllcors or tho church will bo
Boats Below The Dalles Aro Forced
to Raise Rates From That City and
The old prices on the river boats
between Tho Dalles und Portland,
have been restored and tlcketB now
cost as much as formerly. A sharp
rate war has been on for several
months between tho rival river linen,
and rates were' cut down below a
figure at which tho companies con Id
afford to do business. Owing to tho
great expense of operating the boats
the companies have been driven to
restore tho old pricoB or go out of
Tho cut In priced has Inducud many
noople to travel by boat hotwoon Tho
Dalles and Portland, but this arrange
ment will bo dono away with In fu
ture as tho boat ticket at the old
price is no inducement to travel,
owing to tho long tlmo required to
make the trip.
Tho French government employs
1.5C0 workmen and 15,000 women in
(ho state tobacco manufactories, nml
makes a yearly profit of '400,000.00
Three Outlaws Killed.
Fort Won.., Tex., Dec. 28.-
August, Sam and Boll Martin,
Territory outlaws, were killed
4 by United States Marshals
Bennett and Haines today The
4 governor Immediately paid the
officors tho $9,000 reword
which was offered for thu out-
laws, dead or alive. They
wero of mixed Indian, negro
and white blood,