East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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    Shoes - Beautiful - Shoes
Long lived and luxuriously comfortable are not a dream
by any means. They can be, and are made. They
ar scarce only because most stores insist on good fat
profits. The best Three Dollar Shoe for Women will
not stand fat profits, or they would not be the best.
Queen Quality $3.00 shoes for women are such shoes,
and we unhesitatingly offer them with the assurance
that there arc no others so good.
Plume Main 1181.
Not as Large a Proportion as Goes
to the Asylum From Other Por.
tions of the State History of Each
of the Five Cases Four of the
Five Were Women.
Tli at Umatilla county Is nut a place
where an of the people are Insane,
Is shown by the records of the county
court, which nnte only five commit
ments for the yeur. J. Holland, a tai
lor, was the first one to be sunt to
the asylum, nnd he was committed
the last day of the first month. Ho
was driven Insane by brooding over
the robbery of his shop some weeks
previous, and Imagined that he was
very sick. He visited every doctor
In the city and got a prescription
from each one, which he had filled
Shortly after that he was sent to the
Ida Poole was sent trom this city
on February 11. Sho was a native of
Sprague, Nebraska, and became de
ranged while on the train, tearing
up her tickets and burning a bank
draft. Her Insanity wns caused by
the loss of her husband, who secur
ed a divorce from her, and by worry
over her boy having gone tn the
war. She was discharged its cured
on April 3.
Margaret Flack, of Weston, was1
sent to the institution on March 10.
She was 65 years of age, and was af
flicted with religious mania. She
thought that God wb her husband,
and was continually seeking to find
Ailam, who was her son. Before be
ing committed she attempted tn cut
her grandchild's throat.
Nettle Carmichall was sent from
I'undloton May IS. She imagined
that people were trying to kill her,
and suffered from acute mania. She
was suicidal and violent.
Mrs. George Dougherty, of Cayuso,
was committed October 27. Her in
sanity was caused by tho loss of her
You can get - on without
Schilling's Best
rotit AaTnrinx Ittrutl mJa
of course; but why should you?
Moo7bu&, II your rTttn!
What can you think of
that would make a more
suitable Christmas Gift
than a beautiful piece of
We have everything de
sirable in the China
Se,e our hand painted
Largf: crisp bunches, 4 for 25c.
.Large and sweet Navels, 30c per dozen.
- Nice New jej.y berries, i5c per quart.
children, and Bho was violent and
nbusive to her guards.
This list shows a very slight pro
portion In comparison with somb of
the counties, and proves tnnt uma
tllla Is not taking more from the
state In the way of care for her In-
snne, than slie Is balancing by her
share of the taxes which sue pays 10
hel maintain the institution, and
is safe to say that no ano grieves on
that account.
Former Umatilla County Man En
gages in Journalism in Seattle.
C. T Taylor, for eight years agent
and onerator on the o. it. : n. at
Kamela, has Just started a monthly
iournal of astrology in Seattle.
Ho calls the new publication "The
New Moon," and It will be issued on
the date of each new moon in the
year. It is devoted to the teaching
and advice of astrology in uusniess,
religion and life, and will ninni'
specialty of predicting future events
by means of astrological horoscopes,
Mr. Taylor was a known crank on
the subject of astrology while holding
the position of agent on the u. it. &
N.. and went from Kamela to San
Francisco three years ago, whore he
intended to launch "The Now Moon.
Two Animals at Platzoeder's Weigh
1,275 Pounds.
Conrad Platzoeder has a cuuple of
tho biggest hogs on record In his
shop on Main street. Both of them
were raised by Dave Cargil on his
ranch near the city, and one weighs
080 pounds and the other 595 pounds
dressed. The animals were but a
little over a year old when they were
killed, and ns they hnng In the shop
look ns big as young beoves. They
were speciallly fed for the market.
Society Affairs Inaugurated January
1 for Next Year.
The gentlemen of the city are mak-
Ing great preparations to receive this
year, when the glad New Year Is ush
ered in. As this is the first time the
world has seen a leap year for eight
years, the gentlemen have one last
opportunity to make up for and thoy
arc intending to do it in the best
style possible. At many of tho
houses the gentlemen, both young
and old, will entertain their lady
friends, and bo for once tho hosts at
the celebration of the hirth of a Now
Marie Walnwright Coming.
Hugh Grady, advance agent for tho
.Mario Walnwright theatrical compa'
ny. was In tho city today, nrranglng
for the presentation of "The Twelfth
Night, by that company nt tho Fru
zer on January 2, lie left for Port'
land on the delayed train this nftor-
Egg - Phesohate
The remarkable increase in con
J tive merits and wholesomeness.
According to the Woman's Story, She
Has Deen Sinned Against by a
Trifling Husband Her Guilty Part,
ner Has Disappeared With Her
Savings, Earned as a Cook, Leav.
Ing Her Stranded In This City.
A romance wns stranded last night
In Pendleton, and this morning one-
half of It Is In this city, while th
other Is some plnco between here
and tho East, though the exact loca
tlon Is not known.
I-ast night the sheriff's olllco re
eclved word to watch for on eloping
couple on tho evening train, who
were supposed to he on their way
from Heppnor to the East. Thoy
were will Halter nnd Mrs. Oma Gar-
ner, both of that city.
The officers were not able to cntc
the peoplo wanted from the descrip
tions given, and came to the conclu
slon that they were not on tho train
but this morning the woman was
found nt the Hotel Pendleton nnd tin
man had vanished, together with tVl
of her money and tho keys to hur
.Mrs. Garner is the wife of llnrve
Gamer, who has been for some time
working for a sheepman near Echo.
She has been a resident of Heppnor
for some time, nnd Is well known
there. In the sheriff's oftlcc till
morning sho broke down nnd wept
bitterly as sho told her Btory.
Sho said that sho had been marriei
tor over five years and that hut a
small part of that time had been
spent with her husband. After mnv
lug to Heppner he had still spent
most of his time away from home,
and the last time, since he had gone
to Echo, ho had been away for over
three months. In that time she had
written to him five times and he had
answered Iter with one short lotter.
The money she had with her wns
her own and not her husband's, ns
reported by him, nnd Bho worked for
It all, earning it conking for a sheep
man of Heppner. She had $200, all
of which with tho exception of $20
sho had earned, and tho hiikiII sum
was given her by hur father.
She had given the money to Baker
telling mm to keep It, as she was
afraid of losing It, and she did not
think that he had run away.
Iiaker Is a carpenter and stone
mason of Heppner, and had over
Jjuu with him at the time ho reached
tills city. He has been making love
to tho wifo for some time In the ab
sence of the husband, and for a long
tliMi fcho repulsed his advances. t
last, overcome by his promises, slu
consented to olopo with him, mi
they had agreed to be married.
At Heppner Junction Inst night
they received a telegram warning
them that tho officers were after
tr.uu, and when thoy reached Echo
they l id ci the train whllo thn lut'j-
band and the deputy sheriff went
through the cars sovernl times Ar-
riving nt Pendleton Baker told his
companion to go to the Hotel l'ondlo-
ton and thnt ho would call her for
the early train, when thoy would go
on their Journey. Since then he Iibh
not been seen.
Mrs. Garner still believes that Ha
ker Is true to nor. hut thnt ho be-
came frightened nnd Is In hiding nn
til such a time ns he thinks safe to
send for her. Sho says that she
Knows her husband would not llvo
with her now, and that she would
not return to him If ho would. She
will not return to Heppnor, where
sho Is known, nnd does not want to
stay in Pendleton, whore there aro
Heppner peoplo who might know her.
Nothing has been heard of the hus
band, nnd thoro is no warrant for
tho arrest of Hakor; hut Mrn. Gar
ner Is under tho caro of tho sheriff's
office ponding word from Heppner or
Frank Davey, of Marion County,
Member of the Legislature, Bobs
Up in Baker City.
The Hakor City Herald has locateu
Hank Davoy, tho missing member of
tlie Marion county delegation in tho
legislature, after the session lias nib
joiirned and It Is loo lato for tho ecu
tloraan to present his bill for mileage
and per dlom.
Speaking of the discovery of tlm
gentleman, the Herald says:
'ueproseutatlva Frank Davoy. of
.Marion county, who has been mls.ilnir
since lAicember 13, nnd lias caused
alarm In the stnto legislature, and
sunt ins wuo almost distracted, hnf
been faun..
"Ho Is In Manor City, whore ho has
been for nearly two weoks. His
friends hero ore willing that' tho log.
Isiaturo, his family or any ono olso
rany nave mm. Hemrrlved hero from
Whitney about two weeks ago with a
fairly good jag on nnd since that timn
no lias gono tho full limit.
"If tho sergoant-nt-arma of tho
house of representatives would like
to rind tho gentleman ho may do so
by coming to Daker nnd calllnir at
inn Jioici uraoill. Ho Is thoro nm
muchly i..ore. nnd has been for lo.
these many days."
Alleged That He Stole a Hone From
J. 8. Holmes Yesterday,
Senator MItchnll linn
In nn ontlroly new rolo. The last
time It was Just plain drunk, but now
ho has risen tn thn illi-nliv..f nn ..i.
legcd horso thief. Ho was arrested
mat evening cnargod with having
untied a saddle horso belonging to
J. 8. IldlnlpH n fnrmnr tliln.. In 1,
vicinity of Pendloton, from his stand
ing pmco on uoiionwood strcot, and
riding him awoy contrary to tho
pence nnd dignity of the Htnto nnd
the desires of tho owner.
He Is now In the county jail, and
will remain there until lie Is Invited
to nttend the session of the United
Stnd-K court In Portland.
First Issue of the Official Paper of the
I Fair Is Now Out.
1 mm... nrui Iumiik of the Lewis and
I Chirk Journal, published by the
! Lewis and Clnrk Kulr Corporation, nt
Portland, and which Is the only of
ficial Journal 111 any way huiuui .-
by the corporation, has made Its up-
It Is a highly Illustrated Journjil of
.. ..,ninlml tlfllinr
;ih pages, pnnii-w .i..........-.
and hearing many ple.turcsn.uo de-
I I- l,lv oillln.l I IV Wl Ik
HlgllH "Mil in tiii.j ......v.. .
Diinlway. It will bo onlargcd to
about -H pages nureniier, mm win u
devoted to publicity of tho fair, and
In making known the wondorful re
sources and natural advantage of
the Northwest.
The company gunrnntoos nn Issue
of lO.noo copies per month, nnd It Is
llbornlly patronized by all the lead
ing hrnis of the metropolis.
No Paper Christmas.
Thoro will lie no Issue of
the East Orcgonlnn 011
Christmas day.
Suit for Divorce.
A suit was filed tills morning by
Perrv & Iteeder In the case of Ilannn
Plant vs. Edward I,. Plant. The
plaintiff alleges thnt she and the de
fendant were married In Ogden In
lsan, mid that three children worn
horn to them. The cause of action Is
given as desertion ami the plaintiff
asks for the costs of the action nnd
the custody of the children, the old
est of whom Is 11 years, and -tiio
youngest :; years of age.
Looking for a Location.
George G. Patterson of Portland,
is In the city looking for a business
location. .Mr. Patterson Is a baker
from that city, whore he has been In
business for some time. Ilcfnro that
he was located In Hillsborn. Ho Is
desirous of establishing n hakury In
this city, or In some other plnco
where there Is a good opening, nnd
will remain here for several days
looking over the situation.
Team Pnotographed.
The Pendleton football team had
their photoginphs taken this morn
ing nt the Unwninn studio, In order
that their friends might lie uhle to
remember how thuy looked liefnre
the Indians finished with 1 limn on
Christmas day.
Spends Holidays in Salem.
11 E. Dickers left this afternoon
for Salem, where he will Join IiIh
family for the Christmas holidays.
He will settle up all of his affairs In
that city, nnd will then remove with
his family to this city, where lie will
reside In the future.
Parker Not Captured.
No definite trace of Purker. the es
caped forger, has yet been found.
Conductor Frank Coykondnll put two
men off the east-bound train nt Hu
ron yesterday morning, one of them
partially answering tho description
of Parker, hut this man has not yet
been located.
Sale of South Side Lots.
A deed was filed today by which
H. L. Swaggart and wife transfer lo
.1, D. Clark, W. J. Warman nnd Chas.
H. Warman for $2,200. lot 7 In block
181 of tho reservation addition tn the
city of Pendleton.
Marriage License.
A innrrlage license was Issued yes
terday to Walter T Glnn nnd Miss
riesslo R. .Miller. The nrosnective
groom Is n resident of Washlniiton.
and the lady Is from tho vicinity of
The recent marriage
ot h couple 01 cripples,
chcii Having oniy uun
the proper comple
ment or arms
and, legs, was
noted by the
press as n " con
nubial curios-
lity." But who
notes tne mar
riages which
occur daily in
which both par
ties are cripples
in neami.
Crippled health
means, as a rule, in
sufficient nutrition,
anil luck of tinlrlttrtM
points to diaeaac of
the stomach and dl- I
Keitive and nutritive
tract. Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical DIs
co very cures diKasca
of the atmnnrli a...!
other organa of digestion
and nutrition. It enable
the perfect nourishment
Of th lu-ulw 1 .1 an J
it up in sound health and strength.
"I hid beeu a grail ufforcr from Indlnitios
tor the lat nine yean." wrttcn Mr yiiritnl
8lln,e, ol Omni. Mill,, altlmo,e co?m2
. . . T n...i. ,. iun, umn was near.
ff.'.iU'SlL'! y I lkr. nolh" woman:
Do not be cailllnl Intn lr,.M.. . ...1.
atatice for a Hiioitnu, a.. -.?,.-......
ofTeretl as "just as good" as "Golden
claim timtle for the Discovery."
ine Lomnion tensc Medical Adviser.
free on receipt of twenty-one one-cent
tamps to iy expense of mailing only.
Celestial Marries American Girl and
Will Come to Pendleton to Live.
A dispatch to tho Orogoc Daily
Journal frum Ilolonn, Mont., says that
Kam, a -wealthy Chlnoso, has mar
rled n whllo girl nnd Intends to .make
Pendloton his futuro homo.
Kam wns arrested for betrayal nnd
rnthor thiin stand trlnl for thn
crime consontod to mnrry Lota Me
Cormlck of Helena and with 10,000 In
ensh In his pockots, the proceeds
from tho snlo of 11 buslncsB In Liv
ingston, Mont., took his protty bride
and bought a ticket to Pondloton.
An Inquiry mining tho local Chinese
morchnnts docs not disclose nny fur
ther Information In regard to tho
pnlr, but tho rcsldonts of Chinatown
nro oxpoctnnt and will welcome the
new addition to the Wost Altn street
social circle In a lifting mnnnor,
Fechter Again in Business.
W, I). Focliter, tho former ownor of
the Palm Candy Storo, on Court
stroot, lias bought In tho stock of
tho storo nnd the fxturos from T. D.
Gnddls, who has boon running the
plncc, mid will open the store in a
few dnys, Intonding to run it hh It
has been In the pant.
WIT" I r Y? -rt -
We will make U.K Hc,lmtiot,s all lhJ
Men's Clothing
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits
ivt; win mju 1111:111 1UKK mnn imx i.
ulnar c ranj.n ir,t!,,r, i,.t ...... ,
v ' : t we are 1 fit:..i
mice our stock very mueli liefore antiarv 1 ,n
ninbi. -in iv,.rni. - f ". '50-)-
Some of the
I Suitable Gifts in Our Store
KnivuB for Ladies, Gentlemen and Boyi
-(111 til.US UlKl HIlUnOM. K.Vnrs Tnldc ('(
i 1 --..-...j .uw,v ,ur
Jury Carving SotB, Shot Guiip and Kifl
Tho now Browning Automutie Shot Gun, 1
revalution in gun working. Examine this
new invontion.
We handle oxchiKivoly in Pendleton the
Koenester JNickle i'late Ware.
t I HllOlfVlftrX, HAUI1WAUI- i
W tlllM II Jl II II II (1111 I II
A w w mm i-m m yw 1 1 rm 1 b wi
G21 Main St.
aTl an 1
MM I I illl . 'mill
Useful Presents
I have a full line of KODGEBS 1847 W
w . .Lai 1
Ohafi Mni. Carvere,!1"
Ci . 1 1 , . ... .! II IDM
ma, nicKoi plated ware, eic,
nico and uaofnl nrHntH.
Call and examine my line bofore buyw
Tiie Hardware
With n...-l ;"j
' Kiiur Ori . t.
unci. w.. '
1IIVO - .
or 0. TS1"
Two rinii.J. .
, r'"uul8M
givun for it, Z
" ill
nun . ..
rmm k. 11
iiiiH ire anM 1..
. UUU 111
. . ,.,u iiuv inr eiiM.
0 ' "' H-guiar prkti
' . . . .
O HV u - - .
mini lirtva nn A InflieB. Razor on-
1 -- -