East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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m&a00Bk Bk jfcgggglp'p Tonight and Frtldny partly
With Being Lessee
finartfirs in
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piles a Dignlfieu and
Against Action of
In Panama Matters
! Dsnima Phil"
purchase Bonds As
issue of Currency.
Dec. 24.- PoHtofllre in-
tint jitinFfTM
OTWlio"' "
Ksrrcn, "f Wyoming Is
.A.,nA;iu) nnnrtors at
home town
Mi,t mil mnmlicr
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United States, and pro-
ii i 1 th.it Itui, vitro.
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ra! practice or outorlng
trjptu with memliorB of
Inasmuch ns It eould
my loss resulted to the
It was ordered tiiai an
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man rruicBt,
uec i. A onei ei-
nmhll'R nosltlOIl in ret-
. i . . t r i .........
sisiea is now in iuu
irr Hay, It was
personally lam night
Dec. 24. The state
at Hfivirps T 11 n T nun
recoin izoii t'nnama.
for Currency Issue.
Doe 24. Secretary
n liH1rn!i(.a hrini a ...III
t! par as security for
be made, anil may be
it government bands
curlty on condition
s thus released be used
sr additional circulation
tie secretary's imlir
kin Pennsylvania Does
n Slaughter.
r Dec. 24. A wreck
t Ohio near Law.
W 68 persons, and
Inii imrHmlnrc
LE S llll-inrr
ueurcu H flrnn.t
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,re to leave Franco,
Out of
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Returned by a
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pedal Brand
Inlu 1 ,
"K rill08
Records, With
1 Pack
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Which Died First?
Paris, Dec. 24. At a special
sitting of the Fair will case nt
Facysqure today. Dr. Prlnnua,
who testified at Paris that
Mrs. Fair survived her bus-
band, was severely cross-ex-
amined. Tho witness Ecneral-
Ircd, hesitated and finally con-
tradlctcd himself, thus scri
! ously damaging his previous
Tax Law Remedied, Ship Canal Right-of-Way Bill and Bill for
Expenses Passed -Governor Well Pleased.
for killing deer was considered
Mulkey's bill authorizing state dt
ploraas, passed.
i The bill allowing three days' extra
1 pay to clerks, pages and doorkeepers
- n.isspri
iiuniiriti . iTiiiiTi 1 ' ...
onw.n.iu I I'or ot shippers, ably championed by Jufld's resolution to allow no
bpcakw Harris and Jones, of Lincoln ; "bunch grassers" In the legislature
Snlein, Dec. 24. (Special to
Kast Orcgonlan.) The special
slon closed at midnight.
i tie senate passed the portage bill
l by a vote of 20 to 5.
Tin1 Jones railroad bill, for the re-
Police Patrols Accompany Hearses
and Attend at the Churches Strike
Will Fall Unless Other Unions Can
Be Enlisted Which Is Extremely
Chicago. Dec. 24. The first hearse
UBed at the funeral since the strike
of livery drivers began, was sent out
this morning.
Behind the hearse rode a carryall
filled with policemen with Instruc
tions not to parley with anyone In
terfering, but to use extreme meas
ures immediately.
The strikers were warned In ad-'
vance it would be dangerous to stop
this funeral, so no trouble was exper
ienced. The church from which the
funeral wns held is also under a
heavy guard.
In this city it Is regarded as cei- (
tain that unless the union can en-'
list sympathetic strikes that their ,
fight will come to naught In a short
time. The possibility of sympathet-1
ic Btrikes in any Industry Is extreme
ly slight, owing to the extreme cold ,
with no nrosnect of abatement for !
county, met defeat after a long and
hot debate. Hodson and llurlelgh
were Its principal opponents. The
vote wns 2(1 for to 24 against. 31 be
ing required.
The fiat salary bill passed the
house alter strenuous work by its
adherents. In the senate it was ably
championed by Smith, 67 Multno
mah, and Pierce, of Umatilla, and
was opposed by Hand, of Daker, sri
Speaker Tliownell. It failed to pnss
hy three votes.
Kay's appropriation bill for tho ex
pense of the special session, curry
ing $7,5(10, passed.
Carter's game protection law fail
ed to pass the senate, as the penally
hereafter, that they are good fellows.
, but come too high, was referred amid
In an Interview with Governor
, Chamberlain, in answer to the nues
tlon. "How does the result of the
special session please you?" ho said:
"You may say for me, I am very
we.ll satisfied with the results accom
' pllshed.
; "I have not yet made a critical ex
amination of the hills passed, but so
J far as I now know, no bill has pass
ed which requires my veto.
"1 am pleased that the legislature
paFed the tax bill and portage bill
without delay. The result or mo seB'
slon is satisiactory to me."
Old Armory Collapsed.
New York, Dec. 24. Tho old
13th regiment armory building
being torn down, In nrooklyn,
collapsed without warning,
burying 14 workmen. Two
were killed outright, threu
nro dying and seven bndly in
iutvd. None escaped Injury.
Tho bodlos of two were crush
ed nnd almost unrecognizable.
5 :
High Authority in Creamery
Business Furnishes Data on
the Subject.
One Boat Is Missing and the Passen
gers Supposed to Be Lost Steamer
a Total Wreck Off a 'Dangerous
Reef on Connecticut Coast Has
Long List of Wrecks to Its Credit..
set down where the owner thought
would bo a good place to ha'vo it, and
when tho survey for tho streets was
made the surveyor chose this as tho
corner from which to start. Boslda
It was a small brick building, and
In the
W. S. Uyeis, the veteran miller of
this! city, was standing on tho front
many weeks, which naturally curtails i steps of his mill yesterday, looking
the reserve power or any stpners in n8 though in a reminiscent moou.
holding out against non-employment I and he was asked to tell of the first
and the blacklist. 1 Christmas he ever snent lu the city.
I .Mr. livers came, to I'uudleton In tho there was one small store
HOTEL FlhE fall of 1S74, and made arrangements place.
' to put up his mill. Ami It was not i In the Christmas time of 1S09 there
Two Killed and Others Injured at Me. I until nearly Christmas that he had was no observance or tho day in a
line wurii siuneu. .viirn ut u.v wwui iumn. nuj .....,, ...
' the road where Court street now is ' jieoiile composing the town having a
was a ravine 1C feet deep, which had ' little Clirlhtmas of their own. There
to be filled In before the lumber and was no Dig lush at mo stoic, or noin-
other building material for the mill
could bo hauled across lo the site of
the building.
Norfolk, Conn., Dee. 24.- Tho
steamer Krnsttis Corning, plying be
tween New Haven nnd New York, rati
on Copp's rock early this morning.
Tnlrty passengers took to the boats,
mostly clad In night garments, as tho
steamer sank almost instantly. One
boat, containing four women and two
men, is missing.
Copp's rock Is a most dangerous
locality, particularly In foggy wenth-
or, and nearly every vessel which has
struck thereon within tho past so
vnn.ru hint im.-t. n tnfnl wrnnL MIT.
..i i m . .' .i...... 1 inr fnt nrndiiceil each month tier cow
SI1I.I111 lilt) Wlliur l UUU IWl ttt;t.', . - -- ... t
within a distance of SO feet from the hy tho price of butter In the market.,
n i... i i... ti.- l less 2 cents nor nouml. .
Creamery Company Will Pay on Ba
sis of Butter In the Market Farm,
ers Given the Benefit of Every
Raise Butter Fat Will Sell at
About Two Cents Less Than But
ter, Tho following Interesting letter
from tho Commercial Cream Compa
ny, at Salem, will answer tho many
inquiries mado at this otllce regard
Ing the price paid for cream by tho
creamery compnny.
Tho price pnld will bn regulated
by tho market price of best creamery
butter, as explained, tho farmer be
ing given overy ndvnntagi' of every
raise in prices.
To determine the possible Income
from soiling mlllt, It Is only neces
sary to multiply thu amount of but-
offending point. Inshore tho water
is dangerously shallow, particularly
when the tide Is but, and every side
of tho reef Is beset nt all times with
conflicting and extremely variable
Tho wind oelng violent and In
shore, and tho fog dense, there is Icsh
chance for tho rescue of tho six In
tho lost boat, on account of the rocky
shallows than -ere would be had
thev been blown out to sea.
nominee, Mich.
Menominee, Mich., Dec. 24.
Twelve guests, travelers slopping In
the Home Hotel, jumped from the
second story from a fire this morn
ing. James Beatty was killed, and
Joseph Vorach was fatally burned.
Fred Jenkins was badly Injured.
Loss, $5,000.
Ing to denote the arrival of tho holi
days, and the day passed off with tho
sameness of tuo rest or the year.
Bryan In Berlin.
Berlin. Doc. 24. Mr. Bryan ar
rived today and will have an audience
with the kaiser tomorrow.
Mt- Itvoi-H fnniM hprt In a BDrlni: Each rurally had a little better din
wagon nom Walla Walla, where he ner than usual, and that was all the
had a mill, on Chrlstmas.eve, in 1874, ; extia observance to he noted,
to oversee the progress "on his plant Jesse Falling Narrates,
and spent tho following day looking Jessu yamBl; 8 another of the old
over the work and planning the de-, tfme tesiilents of the city, and he tells
talis or the construction. On thut ' UI1 ,,feiesting story of the first
day. howover. it snowed hard, and Christmas he spent in the city. In Do-
City Council Struggling
Fire Department Prob-
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B, E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager,
Pendleton, Dec. 24.-Liverpool
wheat opened steady U higher. Price
Current says wheat 1b benefited from
Illinois eastward by rains. The mar
ket opened steady.
Prlcos a little better in sympathy
with the firm cables and small receipts.
The stock market is aguin suuuk
cember, 1879.
Before coming to Pendleton, Mr.
Falling had been lu Umatilla for
years, where he ran a hotel. When
ho came hero there was a large cor-
; ral on tne corner' where the Froomo
liv the time he was ready to go
home on the rollowing day, the snow
was two Teet deep, and he had to
borrow a sleigh of William Swltzler
In which to drive hack to Walla
When Mr. liyers was here ou that i lmrn now stands, and in this Mr.
day. he could stand where his mill GOU,iwin kept all of his cows, which
now is and count just 50 roofs down fUrjshod the milk for bis hotel on
In the direction or what is now the ,he corner. At that time (hero were
business portion of the city. This I ni,out i0J families In the place, with
number Included all of the buildings u ,.0UI,e ,,f Bmun stores. All of the
In the place, barns nnd all. At that jUSt.b8 portion of the town was in
time Lot Livermoie was the post- tho hocl now CCUpled by the Hotel
master, as he is now, and uau ui j'endluton and the postofllco.
the site oi me iioiei
llt.l,. nHlo.. ttt Ilia Kltf nr tho Hotel ml... c?n..v,.-.l ... ,.n It.n ,ina.
.... . I livttv uni- .... .... iuu cuiltwitj null:! nita wit i...-
despite the holiday dullness ami j'onrtleton. Ho received tho munlfi- ,,nt location ot Younger's grocery
war cloud in the far East aud some i,,, SHarv of jlr) a year, and had toBtorp, and on Christmas Eve, 1879,
apprehension as to the political out- j m ollt of twiCP ,,Very night to i lt, l()wU gathered there to lmo u
come. Lonilou came a nwe mnt-.
Chicago, Dec. ii.
' Wheat Opening. Close.
May 82 83 '
July 77 7S
Minneapolis, 'Dec. 24.
Wheat Opening. Close.
May 82 82
July 81 S2-
Chlcago Wheat.
Chicago, Doc. 24. Wheat opened
83, closed 83.
Free Trade Voted Down in the Cu.
ban Congress.
Havana, Doc, 24.-Tho pioW to
place railroad, sugar and electric
machinery on the free duty list was
voted down In the Cuban congress
Employers Ignore Award.
Slattory & Co., coal operators of
Tuscarora, Pa., have Joined the Royal
Oak company in refusing
the decision of the nnthmr-'t. s M
commission. The employes hn' "n
refused hnck payment of wages i as oi
dered by the commission,
operators do not recognize lie author
Ity of tho latter. The miners ha.o
appealed to the conciliation board.
UnloTlabol for Candy.
The Teachers' Federation i of ha
go has decided that none of its n em
hers will buy any more lu a
dy that do not 1'nvo the lo. labr .
Thoro are nineteen linns lu CI lUafco
that use the label so thn t o
ers will haVO HO difficult) III Ilium
Plenty of candy mado under sanitary
conditions nt union wages.
Portland's city jail Is now crowded
to the limit and the .
loss to know what to do with prison.
deliver and lecelve the mall from j.nrn n,,,i Rhnfii Bnd nillow case nor-
the stages that came over the trail. (y There wero nearly 500 people in
Lot Llvermore's Reminiscences. I the place at tliat,tlme, and nearly all
1 rtt l.tvrmnrf Ik nerhans tho old- or them wero at mo puny,
ebt continuous resident in the city
house was so crowded there was no
'. . wo I.. isr,9 and lias Jived room to dance. All wore pillow
t. .... i... .,.l..wl .Lo iHiLDa fivpr Ihnlt-
l.ero unee.
nlaco there
When he icacbed the 'cases over meir ucuuh, mm mu tui-
, - . I nnt.a ctt.ftatl ti tn mnkfl llnrtlH and
was not mucn "t a cn . 'i"- - r , i
Dial u l licit wan hwi iii"" ' .... .' i
here only about 60 people altogether, young and old were represented In
and 'the houses were scattered over a the throng. Everyone came to haye
large part or what Is now .the city of ja good time, and made it a point to
'eiidleloti "ulfl" thelr expectations, keeping the
Some time before his arrival the dance up until tho day could bo seen
old Goodwin hotel had been built on over tho hills. The next day was a
the present site of tho Pendleton ho- quiet one, as most of the people spent
el and from this cornor tho town the holiday in making up for the sleep
was laid out. The hotel was simply they had lost tho night before.
Washington. Dec. 24. The Jour
nal's special Washington correspond
ent says: Asa Ii. Thompson, receiver
or the La Grande land office, and Sen
ator Fulton, called upon Secretary
Hitchcock today.
Tho secretary assured Mr. Thomp
son that he should be given ample op
portunity to present his case and will
arrange for a hearing so that it may
be gone over In dotali and the results
submitted to President Iloosovelt for
his information.
Thompson is hopeful that tho show,
ing he can make will result in his
United States Keeps Up Its Average
of New Construction.
Chicago. Doc 24. According to
the l'allw.iy Ago, the total railway
mileage of tho United States on Jan.
uuty "l. 1)0 209,855 miles,
the' present year having added 6,723
ir Jo This mileage takes into ac
(omit nH 'f the uow track laid up to
Mm it -ay of the year.
Or pared with 1902, tho present
ycai is about on a par in tho matter
of (iotisiruciion,
Famous Orenon Artist Now on
New York World.
nw York Dec. 24. Artist Daven
oort has none to the World. His
first cartoon appears in this morn
Ing's Issue.
Mortality statistics of San Francis
co and other Targe American cities
fall to show mat the percentage of
deaths among the Chlneso is any
larger than among tho Caucasians.
La Grande
With the
La (Jrnndo. Dec. 24. An ordinance
providing for a monthly payment of
$25 to the fire department was In
troduced at tho council meeting last
Tho firemen threatened to resign
Ir some Improvement Is not made In
tho system, and tho city ronnell feels
that this nonatlon is duo tho boys
ror miscellaneous purposes to be
used as they see fit in buying nuw
unirorrns, equipment, anil fixtures de
sired by nny of the different compa
nies. This donation, It is thought,
will be an Inducement to the com
panies to retain" their organization,
nendlug the Installation or the elec
tric alarm sysiem, which Is being agitated.
Dr. Andrew Smith, of Portland, Pres
ident and Dr. Woods Hutchinson,
Salem, Deo. 24. Tho state hoard
of health held a meeting last ovenlng
for tho purpose of electing officers for
tho ensuing year. All the members
wero present and tho following offic
ers wcih eieclcd: Dr, Andrew C.
Smith, of Portlanu, president, Dr. E.
A, Pierce, of Salem, vice-president,
and Dr, Woods Hutchinson, of Port
land, secretary.
Heart Failure Captures Rear Admi
ral Edwin White.
Now York. Doc. 24. Hear Admiral
Edwin White, retired, dropped dead
of heart disease at noon in the
Brooklyn navy yard, whore ho wont
to call on Hear Admiral Itogers. Ho
was born in 1843. His last sea duty
was In command of the ship Phila
delphia, on tho Pacific station. Ho
retired in 1899, his health undermin
ed in Samoau waters.
King Edward Gets Close to the Blar
ney 8tone.
Dublin. Dec. 24. 'fho Dally Ex
press today lins a letter from King
Edward's secretary announcing ii'ai
the king and quooii expect to pay an
other visit to Ireland uoxt summer.
less 2 cents per pound.
Interestlni Data.
In Eastern Oregon tho uveiage
herd of ranch cows yields 25 pounds
of butter fat per month, where cream-
cries have been operated and but
ter averagca 30 cents per pound nil
tho year. This would mean nu In
come of 28 cents per pound ,ror 25
pounds of butter fat per cow, or $7
per head por month. Not every herd
of common cows will average 25
pounds each por month, somo of
them running us low as 18 and 20
pounds, whllo several herds hnVo av
eraged over one pound a dny each,
ur 30 pounds a month, making an In
ferno from milk 8.0 per cow per
Another question settled by the
lottor is that of skimming stations.
It Is nocessnry for each farmer to
sopnrnto his own milk, nnd tho
creamery will take the cream from
every door, thtiB leaving tho wnnn
sMm milk at homo for Immedlnto
use and doing awny with the old te
dious tnsk of delivering milk. No
skimming stations are maintained
slnco hand separators have I n in
Mr, Goodhue's Letter,
Tho letter Is as follows:
Salem. Doc. 22. To tho Hdltor.1
Itonlylng to your Inquiry, will state
that tho basis of prices paid for but
ter fnt to patrons or our ctenmery
Is always upon tho highest market
quotations lor best creamery butter.
For exumplo, when best crenmery
butter is selling ror ;iu cents, tuo
prlco paid to tho patron for butter
fat would not be less than ZHft
cents per pound, delivered at. the
I wish to correct a wrong ImproB-
hiou you now soem to have In regard
o our methods of operating a cream
ery. Wo do not follow tno oni mom
oil of operating tho whole milk sys
tem. Hence, we do not esliihlisu
skimming stntlons and have milk
thoro to ho dollvured nnd separated
But to tho contrary, wo require ench
pntrnn to own and operate ft hand
power separator and taku the cream
from tho patron's door, or ir "ro
convenient, It Is delivered by or ship-
pod In by rail to mo creamery.
Bv t ils means tho warm sKimmim
milk Is kopt at nemo and tho endless
labor of going to and from tho skim
ming station ovury day in the year
with milk, Is abolished. The whole
milk system Is almost entirely aban
doned by every crenmery concern In
tho Northwest, Wlmt few stntlons
that are still operating nro simply
continued at a loss until tho few pat
rons they havo fan conveniently
hango to the hand separator.
Those hand separators coat on an
uverago for fivo rows, $65; flvo to
eight tows, $85; olght to 16 cows.
$100; 15 to 25 cows, $126, and 25 to
100 cows, $200.
Very truly,
Lockout In Pittsburg.
A lockout involving 10,000 men has
been ordered by tho Builders' Ex
change league. The aclion is tho re
sult of tho determination of tho con
tractors to stop sympathetic strikes.
The men are all members of the
Dulldini! Trades council. Tho plum
bers have boon striking slnco October
1 for 60 cents an hour.
John Lancaster died In patersoii,
N. J., lu 1898. leaving his entire for.
tune of S100.000 to his son. Thomas
William, another son, left homo in
diseust Thomas died a short time
ago, leaving all his property to Wit
nam, who cannot uo lounu,
Fate of a Man Who Held Up a
Carrier In Nebraska.
Sioux Falls. H, I).. Dec. 24.--After
having served 15 years imprisonment.
less timo allowance, ror tno then ot
a 2-cont stamp, Ellsworth De France
was liberated today, He hold up a
mall carrier in Nebraska, and, al
though it was shown at thu trial Hint
he secured, only a 2-cent stamp, ho
was Imprisoned for life, MelCluley
commuted tho sentence lo 15 years.
Wages of 100,000 miners in the bi
tuminous coal districts of Pennsyl
vania, Maryland and West Virgin!,
will bo reduced April J, 190, who
the present contract irw.
" Kcason