re DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1903. IGURA SOAP or Ifs Greatest Skin Soap. grid's Sweetest Toilet Soap. reaff Stm Soaps. Civilization Has ft YANKEEJOOL A FAMOUS AND ABLE OLD-TIME REFORMER I-rifoworld best people t Ma core, for pre- UflZ and beautifying the mlng too scaip 01 crui, rnff.BDd the stopping of . it ioftenlnc, whitening; Citd,Tonghaud pore hoods, Ljd, Itchlngs and coatings, Lfrrltttlons, or 400 'rco or Llrtlon. for nlccratlvo fiad many sanative, antl- Ct which readily sngscst women, especially motli- for all the purposes or A tod nursery. Sojp combines delicate MttlM derived irom i.ou eiuncurc, with the pnr ite Iniredlents and the js of Con er odours. No d loip ever compounded i with U fnrnrcficrr- tind beautifying the skin, i hands, no omer lor rtit. tnllor. flnnn. however E be compared with it for Ktol toe touct, Dam ana is It combines in one soap iiDMt effective skin and if, and the purest ana 1, bath and nursery soap Ll M&, .arid. Cnlkur RfMlvmt. on www nw- p , .St. pffotoi UBedan, 17 Cbrr EiiA .a- SUPPLY YOU WITH IS- . ..Material KIOX LUMBER OK description:. Hash, tj, Blind:!, Mould- In? and Tar Pa,?r. ir Bill to Us and Pur Figures, C R. Depot ; MEATS Thomas Wentworth Hlgglnson la 80 Years Old Today A Literary Mai -and Preacher Who Waa In the Forefront of the Anti-Slavery Agl. tatioi Was Colonel of the First Negro Regiment of War of 1861-5. Hosion, IX'c. 22. Colonel Thomas Wentworth Hlgglnson, student, au thor, abolitionist soldier, preacher and legislator, celebrated today the eighteenth anniversary or his birth at his homo in Cambridge. He has en- ! joyed good health during the past year ana continues even at this ad vanced age to take the keenest Inter- . est In public affairs. Many friends called upon him today and paid their respects and ho also received numer ous messages of congratulation from friends and admirers In different parts of the country. Today Colonel IIlggln3on Is known to the world chiefly as a literary ' man, but In his early years he was j known as a preacher who left his ihurih to light ne,R i:rt slavery. Af , tor he ixob p: initialed at Harvard, the law tried its sped on him for a white, as it did o.i Lowell but ho fell under lb'! iufluonto of Tlcodore Parker, siiid at 24 became ptftor of the Congra- ' Kaiiumtl cliurc1. pi Newuuryport, :c lami.'ii; ibis poj.iliou for three yean. Ho was one of the first assailants . of slavery, and lost his church on i account of his beliefs. Still under the influence of Theodore Parker, ho became what was called a "secular- ; Izcd" minister, and launched out as a reformer, which he continued as a , career until 1858. And if called on . today to say whether he Is a reform er or a literary man, Colonel Higgliv . son would probably hesitate before answering. i About this time he determined to devote himself to literature, but the civil war soon broke out and he joined a Massachusetts regiment. ' Later he was made colonel of the Thirty-third United States troops, the ; first negro regiment mustered into the Union service. In his volume of personal recollections. Colonel Hlg glnson throws much light on the John Brown period. Colonel Hlgglnson is tall and has a ' soldierly bearing suiting his title. , His voice Is clear and well modulat ed, his manners genial and tact is one of his chief characteristics. Ho Is a finished platform speaker and has a profound knowledge of parlia mentary rules. Blackwcll, president of tho company, I Important Notice tVl "?T paldtte 5 p. m., tho Mtr, v 7 a ";"j "(uecemuer 21th, entitles you to a i., , i ucKci, tii s means on account as ton wSr Prr fr0m Ul Wttsh nV well as cash purchases Tho Peoples ton Water Power company's plant Warehouse 1 hero was turned on to tho new line ' - ' yesterday The feeder line, which ' y. r -r-r- " has been completed through to tho If Y Oil I'rmt-rooi-lake for several days, carried the cur- , XUU VjUIlLI dV-t rent the entire distance wiui unex- . , pcctedly slight loss. , t0 DUy $IO,000 in It Is said tho Initial test proved ! cl pi j t j t that sub-stations would nnt lw tiofoc. I JJUliUS I TO III sary, as the straight feeder Is sum- j t. . cient to run the cars through. Tho 1 HE MUTUAL LlFE INSURANCE omer sub-stations will, howuver, not be abandoned. The first current was turned on from a connection with tho Spokane Traction company's lines. Later the direct connection with tho local pow er house was made. Good progress is being made In stringing the trol ley wire, and if the cars arrive In a few days, as oxpectcd, tho electric line will be in operation by Christmas. Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures Chronic Blood Poisoning and Scrofu lous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and purifier. Money refunded it you are not satis fied. 60c. and $1.00. For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Rat, Mouse and Roach Exterminator. No cats, poison or traps needed. In two nights not one will bo seen. By mall, 2oc. Department n. Pacific Supply Co., Portland, Ore. Company of New York, Richard A. McCorty, Pretident, Payment to be made during 20 years in annual instalments, and you die after you have made one payment, your estate will receive $500 a year for 20 ytara Then caih $10,000 10,000 Total juaranteed in gold $20,000 yA "''h know trim on which the bondi are oncrrd ddrtn. dating year air and a rawing twenty jcara htmc. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, nichard A. McCurdy, president. Alma D. Katz, manager. Poise. Idaho. Prank L. Hammond, District Manager, Pendleton Oreeon. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. Invites your inspection of tho following Holiday Goods JARDINIERES STEINS AND VASES LEATHER POCKET BOOKS CIGAR CASES AND BRUSH SETS STAQHORN DRESSING CASES MANICURE SETS AND MIRRORS FANCY PERFUME ATOMIZERS EBONY HAIR AND CLOTH BRUSHES SINGLE AND TRIPLICATE MIRRORS FINE PERFUMES IN HOLIDAY PACKAGES Our Prices are the Lowest that First-Class Goods can be sold for1. ROAST UTAH'S GOVERNOR. - T Beef J e Pork t Veal J Mutton ws Lamb f :t of this meat $ ek raiser on ld will be able jj " best meats in i ny quantity Miners Condemn Utterances Made by Gov. Wells on Strike Question. Salt Lake, Dec. 22. Resolutions denouncing Governor Wells' attitude toward the striking coal miners wero adopted today by the Trades and la bor assembly, as follows: "Be It resolveu by the Trades and Labor Assembly: "First This assembly Indorses the strike of tho United Mine Workers or America In district 15, .nud espe cially in southern Utah. We believe their cause Is Just and we extend our sympathy and moral support to the striking miners. "Second We condemn I he utter ances of Governor Wells, as reported in the daily papers, and not denied by him, wherein he said that the or ganizer of the Mine Workers was not I welcome In Utah and that the latter I should get out of tho state; and fur ther, that he would be responsible I for the people of Utah If they rose, 1 up and drove the organizer and his people out of the state, we ueneve this language to be Inflammatory, In surrectionary and anarchistic, and, if uttered by any labor leader In Utah, we believe he would have been jailed In short order. We believe In one law for all." If Prow. F Buildine West P street fwlnowinc F to be in. r e wilt I, Ue be lwts as I t woneyt IMatket oTt. it ..." an" "Mae,. RAILROADERS ARRESTED. of Will Have to Answer Charge Grand Larseny at Seattle. Seattle. Dec. 22. The arrest or prominent Northern Pacific and Great Northern freight men tor the i. of 1 nf 11 cnrlnafl of eastern Washington wheat at Seattle, Is ex-! citing considerable interest 111 rail road circles. The grain, 600 bushels, was haulod to the coast by the Great Northern and was to have been turn ed over to the Northern Pacific for delivery to thp owner. The grain dis appeared! Later It was found at tho Arlington dock, about to be shipped to fian Francisco, T T CTunn vntknv VpflTS a trust ed employe of the Northern Pacific rrolclit varrtR. was BUU 1UICUJBU U, .UU . arrested, and Is sa.u to nave auum tod his guilt. Later Herman Rein hart, manager of the dock, was also arrested. Now tho Great Northern yardmaster. James C. Graves, has been placed under arrest, accuseu ui being a party to the crime. Th. n Uo, 1 u'lii hnvn a nrellniln- ary hearing December 31 at Seattle. A report that luriucr arresia uiu made In the Interim adds Interest to the situation. Graves lias been with tho Great Northern in his present po sition for six years, and has always faithful servant. He Is said to be receiving a higher salary than Is usually paid In that po sition. ELECTRIC ROAD COMPLETE. Line from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene City Ready for Business. KnnWuno Dor. 22. A trust deed of ti.o ... .nA... ,1'Ainm. & Suokane vw hcw wuu, .. - . rallwnv uinn illnd for record vvltll tlie county auditor yesterday. The road; bed la conveyed to tne nun and Trust company to secure an is- sue of IDO0.000 In bonds. The guaranty company will act 88 trustee for the bondholders. F A. Rockers Dressers Couches Sideboards Parlor Chairs Parlor Stands Morris Chairs Tabouretts Dining Chairs Dining Tables Extension Tables Dining Suits Parlor Suits Kitchen Tables Kitchen Cabinets Cupboards China Closets Bookcases Combination Cases Writing Desks 3 Round Tables Chamber Suits Hats Racks Hall Trees v Standing Mirrors Wall Mirrors Round Mirrors I Square Mirrors jj Iron Beds Mattresses Grand Christmas 5 Sale 8 Our Big Sale has saved hundreds of dollars for customers. We want you to inspect the bar gains we offer. Our Annual Christmas Sale of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Linoleums, etc., has been started and will continue with unabat ed push until Dec. 25. During this great special sale we will ofl'er special prices on every thing in our monster stock, the largest ever shown in Pendleton. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF UMATILLA COUNTY WAS SUCH A GIGANTIC STOCK, NEW, BRIGHT AND FRESH GOODS SHOWN. IT WILL GIVE YOU REASONS TO BE HAPPY IF YOU CALL AT THIS Christmas Bargain Sale GOODS LAID AWAY AND DELIVERED CHRISTMAS Stand Lamps Hanging Lamps Globe Lamps Plain Lamps Chinavvare Dinner Sets Chamber Sets Odd pieces of China Glassware Wine Sets Beer Sets Water Sets Extra Glasses Fancy Glasses Crockery Knives Forks Spoons Carving Sets Brussels Carpets Ingrain Carpets Oriental Rugs Brussels Rugs All kinds of Rugs Kitchen Utensils Heating Stoves Steel Ranges Cook Stoves Airtight Heaters SewingMachines Don't put off until the last minute. Come and let us 5how you through our store and give you prices. This will mean much to economical buyers. Bus tar s B Furniture Store