East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Cold Weather Comforts
Heavy Suits
Corduroy Trousers
Over Shoes
Woolen Underwear
Lined Gloves and
Duck Clothing;
They arc unexcelled in Quality and Price
Eaer St Daley
. 4. -f 't'
Forty tons of raw sill, vulunl :u
J200.0OO. Is 011 tlto Imlrapura from
China to Portland, for American con
sumption exclusively.
TIip "several million ilollars" which
"Was Y. Olll, the deposed president of
San Domingu took with Mm to Eur
ope, has dwindled to $200,000.
Butler, Pa., has 1S.0OO Inhabitants,
of whom just one-tenth either have
typhoid fever now or have had the
disease within tlto past six weeks.
Germany, .Mexico and Japan are In
stalling their exhibits' at St. l.ouls
the first foreign countries that have
reached that stae with their exhib
its. Travelers over the Tians-Hlberlan
railway report a steady movement of
Husslan troops and munitions of war
eastward into Manchuria, despite all
denials on the part of Husslan offic
ials. As a result of Kiench Interdiction
of relislous orders, anil seculariza
tion of their property, C.000 monks
and nuns have gone to Knglnml, l.MHJ
to the Unite. States and -.100 to
Canada. '
A clerk In the office of an Importing
chemist in Chicago, has received $!!
per week for four months, and dur
ing that time stole valuable goods of
his employor to the average valuo of
$200 per day.
It Is believed that Panama will as
sume one-third of the entire debt of
Colombia, which Is $10,000,000. This
is President Hoosovelt's advice, and
is backed up by the most Inlluentlal
members of the now government.
Washington stockmen are taking
steps toward the formation of a state
The North Yakima Light and Pow
er plant has been sold to Kastern cap
italists for $300,000.
Mrs. W. M. nilyeu, ono of the old
est pioneers of l.inn county, died Frl
day at Sclo. aged 82.
Mrs. P. M. Gray, of Salem, died
Friday, aged "8. She crossed Ue
plains trom Iowa to Oregon in 1853.
W. W. Campbell was drowned at
rioantlim. JVash., Friday. He walk
ed off a scow Into the river. In the
The early run of steel head salmon
on the Lower Columbia Is very heavy
and the price paid the fishermen is
four cents per pound.
The body of Ilyron Larson, of He
public, Wash., who was lost while
hunting north of Spokano last week.
was found on Loon mountain Friday,
W. W, Cotton, of Portland, has just
been appointed a regent of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, to succeed
Denton Klllin, whoso term has expired.
Fur dealers of Victoria, II. C who
sent 14,000 sealskins to the annual
sales tn London this month, received
but $15.53 each this year, compared
to $17.60 ono year ago, a decline of
about 16 per cent.
Matt Cramer, of Hoaqulm, seized a
live wire In his hand Friday and was
knocked unconscious with the wire
In bis grasp. His wlfQ grabbed an
axe and severed the wire, saving his
life. Ills hand was roasted to a
Two masked men riding In a buggy
ncid up John Watchman, of Hubbard
Marion county, Thursuay night, and
robbed him or $15 In his homo. After
making another unsuccessful at
tempt on a farmer near by. the rob
bers drove away. The cntlro county
Is up in arms and expect to capture
tno nandits,
In Real Estate
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved,
f 12.50 per acre.
jooo acre stock ranch. All
fenced. .Raises 200 tons of
hay;, has running water, open
range near by. $5000
.10. room house and two
lots. Modern conveniences.
All on Easy Terms.
! O, Ilox 324
Tnoua DUcIt 1111 Office In'E. O, Bldg
Hotel Pendleton.
W. H. M, Chlstock, Portland.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
K. 11. Comon, Portland.
J. A.' ltackwood, Portland.
Anita Zorn, New York.
J. V. Clark, Portland.
,N. 13. Macklin. Portland.
A. S. Knight, city.
C. Pierce. Philadelphia.
Howard llutcher, Jr,
George H. Weaver, Spokane.
George K. Mosser, Spokane.
T. Frend, San Francisco,
John J. Kelly, Portland.
1J. S. Hubbard, Portland.
W. H. Patton, Spokane.
William Mahor, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
John G. Helfrico, Spokane.
Fled Fisher, Spokane.
Henry II. Hill.
V. K. Woods, Athena.
Case of Serious Illness from Typhoid
Fever Opera House Benefit Ball
Left for Cuba Masonic and East,
em Star Social Miss Pierce Is at
Home for a Visit.
Golden Rule Hotel
Dasslo Green, Adams.
I). Jacobs, La Grande.
Sam Lee, Spokane,
Kay Arhosast, Long Creek.
L. Caverhlll, Long Creek.
A. Ilefioy, Cola.
Mrs. R. Edwards, Adams.
.M. J. Larkin, Spokane.
C. O. Stephens ruiil wife, Umatilla.
J. W. Perrlnger. Adams,
C. L. Hunlap, Kclio.
J. A. Stephens, Milton.
M. It, Willis, Freowator.
W. It. Willis, Freowater.
William Dlnkosplel, Salt Lake.
C. K, DeGraff, Juniper.
P. A. Worthlngton, Portland.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
by local applications, an they cannot reach
tlii diseased portion of the ear. There U
only one way to cure deafness, and that
Is by CGiHtltutlonal remedies. Deafness Is
mused by nn Inuaraed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube h luflameil you have u
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out anil this tub; restored tu Its
normal condition, hearing will be de
stroys! forever; nine ras out of ten are
ciuwmI by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
mi lultametl condition of the mucous sur
faces. V,' will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cane of Deafness (caused bv catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Seud for circulars, free.
P. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold hy druggists, TSc.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Officers Gas and Electric Light Com
pany Are In Town.
J. W. Anderson, Cyrus, Plerco and
Howard Hutchor, Jr.. all of Philadel
phia, were In the city todny for a
short time, having stopped on their
way to Walla Walla for a visit with
Dr. F. W. Vincent. The gentlemen
nro all Interested In the Northwestern
Gas &. Klectric Power Company.
which has bought the Pendleton light
Panama's Size.
The now republic of Pauama com
prises the isthmus of Panama wltn
many Islands. It has an area of 32.-
380 square miles. It Is nearly as
large as Maine. Its population Is
about 285,000. The capital is tho city
of Panama, 'which has a population of
auout 35,000. colon Is at tho Atlan
tic ocean end of tho Panama rail
road. This road will .becomo the
property of the United States. Amor-
lean energy will speedily wnko tho
Isthmus out of Its age-long slumber.
Boise Infested With Toughs.
The polleo havo been busy today
in running in all suspicious charac
ters and no less than half a dozen
have been told to got out of town be
fore night.
Chief Horn is determined that tho
city shall not be Infested by a brand
of crooks to proy upon Innocent peo
ple. IJoIqo Capital News.
Cured 20 People.
Sorgt. C. C. Itummoll of tho 26th
United States Coast Artillery writes
from Fort Flagler, Wosh. TRin Is
doing very flno work among tho peo
ple here. I know of twenty persons
hero who wore cured of tho Drink
Habit. I take pleasure In recom
mending It Is a euro for tho Liquor
and Tobacco Habits,
Milton. Dec. 18. Mrs. It. M. Dor
othy has gone to Northport, Wash.,
In response to a message announcing
tho sickness of her daughter, Miss
Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Is here
from her homo at Pendleton, visiting
her daughter, Mrs, M. H. Stuart.
Mrs, John II. McQuary wuk In Wal
la Walla, Wednesday, the guest of lier
sister. Mis, J. F. Mcllae.
Miss Eliza Denny, of Pendleton,
who has been here visiting her sis
ter, Airs. II. II. Wilkinson, left yes
terday for Walla Walla, whoro she
will visit friends.
H. K. Finzler, pioprlelor of the Hoc
Hive store, wont to Lowlston, Wed
nesday, on a business trip.
1). C. Graham, of Walla Walla, was
here, yesterday, tho guest of Presi
dent and Mrs. Dixon, of Columbia col
lege. llev. W. 1). KaUIn Is expected heme
this afternoon, from Pasco, whore he
has been assisting In a revival meet
ing. He will 1111 his place in the pul
pit here Sunday.
The stockholders of tho new opera
house will glvo another of their pop
ular dancing parties this evening.
Klrkmau's orchestra of Pendleton
will furnish the music.
The .Masons and Eastern Star held
a oclal at their hall, Wednesday ev
ening. Tho Masons Installed their of
ficers for the ensuing year, nher
which a banquet was served.
Mr. A. M. Klam took lus departure
yesterday for Cuba. .Mr. Elnm will
combine business Willi pleasure and
will be gone about two months.
Gone to Rltzvllle to Live.
Miss Ida Tweedy, one of Milton's
popular young ladles, has gone to
Itltzvllle, Wash., where sho will here
after reside.
Miss Lawson Seriously III,
Miss Alice lawson Is seriously 111
of typhoid fever at (ho homo of her
brother in Freowater, nnd Is under
tho cure' of Dr. J. II. Kennedy.
Home From Spokane.
Miss Ada Pierce, who Is in Spo
kane attending Hind's business col
lege, will arrive hero Saturday even
ing for n brief visit with her mother,
Mrs. L D. Pierce.
V. R. Taylor Does Not Recover from
Blood Poisoning Several Cases of
Illness S. C, Kllgore Is Recover
ingVery Successful Protracted
Meeting Removal of Athena Poot.
olflce. 1
Athena. Dec. IS.-TI10 Infant son
of Dr and Mrs. llotkiu was sick lust
'II F. Ogle and T. II, Slmoiilun re
tut n'cd home from their mountain
1...., .i,, itiiiiri. mill Gtirdnne,
lumm-B, ......
yesterday. They report everything in
Hue condition In that vicinity.
Miss Lucy Jenkins was sick at Iter
home most of the week.
An entertainment was given Satur
day evening In honor of (3. C. Hogtie,
a grand lodge ofllrln, at which a big
1 crowd assembled.
! John T Ogle of Willow Spring ur
j rived In the city, Thursday, mid will
spend a few days visiting his parents
and other relatives.
W. It Taylor, who has been suffer
ing so imdiy with blood poisoning, Is
getting along very poorly and Is but
little or no bettor.
Itevs. Moore and Jenkins uro hav
ing line success with their moating,
with a crowded house every evening.
H, C. Kllgore, who recontly has
been unable to work on account of
an Injury on his right hand, is able
to take up bis work again.
j Postofrlce Moved.
I The Athena postofllce was moved
I in the new building that liaR recently
I been prepared fur It on the south
side of Main stieet. They will turn
the old postolllce building Into liusl
1 iiess nflices. ,
Tape Worm Removed.
It has been leported that Dr. Pin
moudon had removed a tape worm
fiom Lewis O'Det measuring about
l." feet
A Gfeat Christmas
Be Quick and Get First Pi
All of our Holiday Stock Is now here Th. 1
It that wo linrdlv linvo room i. 8 tottmii.
doing business untl 1..U of It, lfcciuTn?,.' Botw
i.iirisuiiun t" , : Kin "ling, nre (vt;.PUot
i.imiu inn, 11,11 mo times, it win nif 1 On.1'
to see Just wlmt you want. 101 ta Jooltjj
Leather and Silver
Gift Novelties
Leather Wrist Dugs. Silver Wrist Hue.
Silver Chatlaine Dags, leather Chatlalno r,
r',,11,.1. 1111,1 fluff llovnn I n.lloo, .... '. 'uo
Men's Illll llookB, Wallets and Dill Foldors " Pockctloli
Music Hons. Traveling Cases,
Come and look them over while they areji
and you can get iirst choice.
F. W. Schmidt
A Supreme Mi
of expectation could ij
umieuimo an hour cf n
by having a dull
with. Your XmM jJ
ne one or annoyance t
have u set of our ht
Hteel carvers, with .
handles, that ju
Iteyund carve it knit,.
u hurry. Our tine etoct
cutlery for Xmas fifo
and will be nppretbwl
n cur-owl ft.
A Frightened Horse,
Uuuning like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred 1
other accidents, arc every day occur-'
rences. It behooves everybody to :
have a reliable Salvo handy and
there's none as good as Ducklen's ,
Arnica Salve. Hums, Guts, Sores,
Ecicnin and Piles dlsapiiear tpilckly
under Its soothing effect. 23c nt Toll
man & Co.'s drug store.
W. J. CLARKE & Co. 211 Courts!
To thoso who pay their bills before
0 p, m., Thursday, December 21th,
will receive tickets for the dinwlng,
The Peoples Warehouse.
December 21 Is the day we give
, one of our customers u $:17G Christ
1 mns gift. All charge accounts receive
tickets upon payment of bills. Alex
j ander Department Store.
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
orllinl It ueeuHWiry to ItKl'LAOK A WllllX-OCTIS
Takes th , place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar aad gravel, tod till
rnnflncH Pnr tint nml nteeii Hiirfnces gutters, valleyt. etc. Ell
Tempore for all climates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on unfit 1
teed. It will pay to nsk for prlcesand Information.
Worcester Building.
Czar to Preside.
T nn.l.n 11., 1 H ml. I I . . I
ut...v,Jl, MCt, 111U IlIll'Ulllll
commission which was formed ro-'
ccntly for tho purposo of examining
Into affairs In tho far east, Is to hold -its
first meeting tomorrow, according '
to special dispatches from St. Peters
burg. Tho czar will preside over tho
rcootlngs. The commission will mako
a unni reply to the demands of Japan
Dest shoe repairing at Tctitscu's
Has prepared an exceptional strong line of
Presents for Male Relatives and Friends
An opportunity of a lifetime to choose from the cream of the cream. We have for yw
delectation the most beautiful, and at the same time useful, evhlhir of suitable, desirableai
practical presents for the man or boy. Beautiful Christmas Boxes to pack presents in, m
iree wiin an me netier grflcie or goods.
.JX?. '? -n .!lT lik" ,1,c Prtsent. BUY NOW, before the mad rush hfKins. We will hold your package' "4
ui!. , vr.t ft?i ijk ih.kkii ,i, e,.. -i i ,.., i fi. i-nnnnt, n
, , "'"i"" i um urisiiiius hiock is only cxcceoetl uy wie uenmy ui mv.
Chaistmns trade this year should be thu greatest in the history of this Great Store.
Dent's, "H. & P.," "Kennedy." "Stewart's," "Perry,"
in glace, suede, Mocha, and colors, black, white, pearl, tan
blown, grey and special Christmas boxes fcr these at no oxrta
Fancy Hosiery
Dame Fashion having decreed that men .?hall wear fancy
half hose, it has been our duty as servants of her majesty to
prepare in advance a "uitable showing at this glad Christmas
tide. We show creations of artistic morit, combined with
wearing worth.
25c, 50c, 75c
Handkcrchicfs - Ioitial Handkerchiefs
Japanetfe'silk initial
Excelda silk initial "
Silk Japanese initial .'..,,.....'
Silk Japanese initial
Silk Japanese initial
Fancy border Japanettc at . . -Vc and
Black and white silk handkerchiefs, plain or twilled.asc to
Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or hem-stitched.. .. ..-.fc to
6 handkerchiefs, in neat Christmas box, per box
White, black or colored mufflers, large or small i.vcc'to
New Carter & Holmes hemstitched Cbristmes mufflers
' $''25 t
Suit Cases
. . - ... . -.. . T . nn DnrPC
uesi yjuaiuy. uesi aiyies, wwcsi - ((
money on any style, size or quality suit case you
Our cases are guaranteed best made. No "f
Come tn and look at them. We carry a compi"--
All Kinds. Stvles or Prfces. For MttJ
Smoking Jackets-Bath RJ
A magnificent line to select from. A present fat
tur to the comfort of a man at home. All P"ces'
Our present stock of plain and fancy nf jlj
pleto and compares very favorably with the ow j
fore, we can unhesitatingly asssure you the d
! ITU T1 " A 1 Kt lrtl'IIf t. A J
Shield Tecks
Shield Bows
London Squares
five cents
ovor?S.f0rget that tMB 18 tb la8t m0Dth f ,he GREAT 0DT of u!l t ho"goodS of the Dry GoocJb Dip 1
Big Busy Boston Store