East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Cold Weather Comforts:
Heavy Suits
Corduroy Trousers
.Over Shoes
Woolen Underwear
Lined Gloves and
Duck Clothing
They arc unexcelled in Quality and Price
r & Oaky,
51. Comtess and 51. Hnech aro &
newly electa! president ami vice
president of Switzerland.
Dr. Kobert Hall, SS years of ase.
at Watfclns, N Y., is bolng sued for
J2G.00O for breach of promise by a
General Lew Wallace, author of
"Hen Hnr," is suffering from a can
cer In the nasal passaRes. ami Is In
bad shape.
A. S. Howe has been captured In
Canada and will be taken to EiiRlanil. 1
He Is charged with embezzling $.V)u,
000 In London. I
The special assessment fmulH of
Chicago show a deficit of $5,000,000.
due to looting by city hall -,'r.ifte s.
bid leans and poor bookkeeping ,
Henry and "Warren Fry. brothers,
aged 13 and 11 years, at l'lttsburg.
Pa., were playing Indian. Henry shot
and killed Warren with a shotgun he
"didn't know was loaded."
The anthracite coal business In
Pennsylvania is at the lowest ebb
since IS!)" Vast numbers of men '
have been discharged anu the wages 1
of all the remainder reduced. j
Two men drifted off the coast of
Massachusetts on a cake of ico until
they wore nearly fro.cn. Hescuers '
took them off In a boat. The boat
capsized anil all were drowned. I
.Miss I3ona Ireland, of Ithaca, N. i
V., has been ill with typhoid fovor
Just a year, according to her attend- '
Ing physicians, who claim tho case '
breaks all icconls. From 127 pounds I
IIIsr Ireland has wasted away to 50 j
John Swalbach, together with a :
largo load of coal, a heavy dray and
the team drawing It. went through
a chute at South Amboy, N'. Y. Tho
drop was 30 feet In the clear. Aside
from being almost completely scalp
ed, Kwnlbach was uninjured.
Hotel Pendleton.
Ueorge K. Mosscr, Spokane.
George I, Wllllnms, Porftland.
V. I). Chamberlain.
U. Lawrencoburg. Chicago.
Wat Goldsmith, SC. Joe.
.lustls Oreon, Portland.
H. 51, Dryer, Tacoma.
Edward Forbes, Chicago.
K. P. Jones and family, Sltner.
K. H. Hurke, Portland.
Fied Hogers, Spokane.
O. Drinker. Spokane.
A H. Caston, Spokane.
W. H. Hoyde. Echo.
A. H. Thomas.
K. I). Jlnrden.
W A. Coulter.
Golden Rule Hotel
C P. Smith, Weston.
S. Hradshaw, Weston.
James ItobS), John Day.
It. Albee. Pilot Hock.
.1. S. Edwards, Adams.
J. H. Ponnlck. Topeka.
(J. Ackerman. Spokane.
H. N. Adams, McKiiy.
51. Hruniiett, Denver.
W. T. Shaw. Hudson Hay.
Paul llulflneh, Weston.
J. A. Ross, Weston.
Thomas Robertson, Warren.
T. H. Nickclson, The Dalles.
J. T. Thomas, Hath.
J. Cherntwood and family, Hath.
A. S. York, Portland.
E. Kothe, Portland.
D. Hanks and wife, Now York
C. I,. Hanks, Now York.
A. DoVoy and wife. Now York.
A rich strike has been made in tho
Bohemian mines, near Cottago Grove.
Tho body of a Japanese laborer was
found floating in the lake near Teul
no, Wash., Thursday.
Tho University ot Oregon has Just
received a flno collection of fossils
from the Hlaok Hills, South Dakota.
Coos county has organized tho first
county iXiwls and Clark fair club and
has begun the collection of an elab
orate exhibit.
Lako Is the only county In Oregon
In which every cent of 1902 taxes has
been collected. The sheriff reports
every cent collected.
C. E. Clark was lound guilty of
Highway robbery at Centralla, Wash.,
Thursday. Ho attempted to hold up
a loggor at Cuntrnlla, a few days ago.
Tho first work on the now Morri
son street bridge. In Portland, was
done Thursday, when somo piling wbb
driven from which to tako measure
ments. Harry" Graves, of Vancouver, II. C,
one of tho most prominent hotel men
in tho Northwest, committed suicide
at Vancouver, Thursday, by drinking
carbolic acid.
The Portland liquor license com
mittee turned down six applications
for licenses Thursday, and nro going
to roject applications in largo num-i
hers hereafter. All the upstalm and
basement licenses am to be denied,
A petition for the release of Prank
.McCann, from the Oregon
tlary has been received by Governor
Chamberlain. McCann was sentenc
ed to serve nine yearn for assault
with a deadly weapon in Douglas
county, last Fubruary. He is ovor 60
years old.
- Deafness Cannot De Cured.
bj local applications, as tlicy cannot reach
i tin- cllseune.1 portion of tho ear. Tliere U
only one way to cure deafness, and that
Ih hy constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused hy an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the I.ustaclilan Tube.
ueu mis tunc H inuameu you bare a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearlnc. and
when It I entirely closed. Deafness Is the
result, ana unless the Intlnramntlon can be
taken out ami this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearlug will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
cauwil by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an lutinnifii condition of the mucous surfaces
We will elre One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Hcnd for circulars, free.
I". J. CIIR.NKY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold hy drugjtlsts, T.1c.
Hall's family I'll Is are the best.
Preparing for a Funeral.
Chief Iano will shortly begin tho
annual raid on Corvallfs dogs. The
signs nro that overy dog owner in
town will have to pay a tax or livo
to seo his beloved canlno climb tho
golden stair. A new Iron-clad steel
ribbed and turreted ordlnnnco has
been passed that deals out fatal
ueam to an canines on which no
taxes aro paid. It Imposes a tax on
a dog for living, fines tho owner that
refuses to pay tho tax, fines any man
thnt Interferes with tho chiof in tho
dlschargo of his duty, and otherwiso
dispenses big troiiDlo to any and all
things or men that conspire to de
feat tho cndH of Justlco as pertaining
to tho public tax on dogs. Corvalls
Fight Will De Bitter.
Those who will persist In closing
their cars against tho continual rec
ommendation of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption will havo a
long and blttor fight with their trou
bleu, If not ended earlier by fatal ter
mination. Head what T. H. Dealt of
n....lt f loc t.n.. ....... T ll
penlton, my wf0 nn,i 'eVcry symptom of con-
sumption. Hho took Dr. Kings Now
Discovery after everything elso had
railed, improvement came at once
and four bottles entirely cured nor,"
Guaranteed by Tollman Co., drug
gists. Price 50c and LO0. Trial bot
tles free.
In Real Estate
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved.
J12.50 per acre,
1000 acre slock ranch. All
fenced Raises 200 tons of
hay, has running water, open
range near hy, $5000
lo.room house and two
lots. Modern conveniences.
All on Easy Terms.
I', o, box an
'.'bone Mack nil Ofllce in'K. O. Mdg
New Industry for Dolse.
Hy March 1, 1904. a knitting fac
tory, equipped with tho finest mod-
em machinery anu having a pay roll
with upwards of 100 names, will bo
In operation In Boise, Tho capital
has been subscribed by a number of
progressive young Idahoans, tho
equipment lias been ordered from
Germany and tho men bohlntl the pro
ject aro now negotiating for a good
location down town. Holso Statesman.
Says It'c a Pleasure.
Walla Wnlla, Sopl 3, 1903 It It
a pleasure for ino t j j nltlu to
recommond TRIH ns n liquor and to
bacco euro, and aB a treatment lo
cleaiiBo tho ontlro system. V. H.
Lrfjwla, ox-chnmplon mlddlawolglit
wrestler of tho world.
Tollman & Co., local agents,
Hest shoo repairing at Toutsch'o
Line Will Traverse Richest Section
of Orenorv Right of Way Has Deen
Secured Most of the Way Said to
Have Good Financial Backing.
The people of Grant county, and,
In fact, those of Hakor nnd Harney,
are watching the development of tho
Honta railroad with deep Interest,
nnd by many of tho most conserva
tive men from those districts It Is
believed that the road will ultimate
ly bo built.
II Ik definitely announced that a
large tic contract has been let to a
Pialrlo City man, thnt much of tho
right of way through Grant county
has been secured nnd that clearing
the right of way In many places will
actually begin in tho spring.
The llonta road has been talked ot
for so long thnt the people tin the
outside have lost faith In It, but sub
stantial business men from the John
Day and Prnlrle City country have
expressed the opinion that at least a
short lino will be built, probably
with no further Intention than thnt of
heading off the Similiter valley peo
ple In securing vnluablo right of way
ami timber resources,
The proposed line will run through
Prairie City and Quartzburg, and on
through tho rich agricultural and
stock raising districts of Grant and
Harney counties, to Hums. While
tho right of way has not all been
located yet, those who aro In touch
with It say that It will tap overy rich
valley throughout that country and
will extend on through the Sllvies
Itlver government irrigation project.
It' the John Day coal fields juove
to bo valuable, a branch lino will bo
built down the John Day river, to
tap that great belt, and head off any
line which may be projected from tho
direction of Heppnor.
It is said tin Honta people have se
cured sufficient backing from a Phila
delphia firm to Justify tho assertion
that the road is 011 good financial
backing, and there is no fear of its
failure on that score, if once under
taken. The country through' which the
road is to ho built Is very rough, most
of the way, and tho construction will
cost a vast amount of money, but the
returns from the rich belt It will tra
verse will repay all tho expenditure
and Its presence will develop the
richest district In Oiegon.
Safe Crackers Failed.
Brownsville, Or., Dec. 17. An at
tempt was made to blow open the
safe In tho Southern Pacific depot
last night, but after drilling a hole
In tho top of tho saro and broaklng
off the combination lock without bo
.ng able to open the door, tho safe
crackers gave up the Job In dlsgtiHt.
Thomas W. Jackson Quits Trains for
Literary Life. j
Spokane, Dec. 18. Thomas W.
Jackson, the author of a coiulr Joke
book, entitled on 11 Slow Train
Through Arkansas," wiib in Token n
short time yesterday. Mr. Jactson
was until recently a passenger brake
man In the employ of lue O. H. & N.
company, but resigned to devote bi
tlmu to literary work, which is more
congenial to his taste and much more
lucrative than his former occupation
He has met with phenomenal suc
cess in the sales of Ills book, ttoveral
editions of which have already been
j exhausted. He Is now propnrlug nm
I terlal for another book, soniuwliat
similar in style ot the one which has
raised him from poverty In a rnlr de- ,
gree of affluence. I
.Mr Jackson's next book will be (
published in Chicago, lo which city ,
he is about lo remove to establish his
permanent residence. 1
A Frightened Horse,
Htmning like mad down the Btreot,
dumping the occupnnts, or a hundred
other accidents, nro every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody to
have a reliable Salvo handy nnd
there's none as good as Ilueklen's
Arnica Salve. Hums, Cuts, Sores,
Kczemn and Piles dlsnpixmr quickly
under Its soothing effect. 25c at Toll
man & Co.'s drug store.
I Strayed.
' From Howman's ranch, on McKay
j creek, seven miles from Mearhnm. In
' Ortober, three head of horsoa. One
H -year-old roan horse, branded Q on
j left hip. One 2-yonr-old hay horse,
branded Q on left hip. One 2-year-old
, bay filly, branded Q on left hip. A
reasonable reward will bo paid for In
j formation leading to the recovery
! Addtess W. llrutnmett, Meacham, Or
Hoit Mooie. serving a .'ID-days' sen
; tence in the Portland city Jail, walk
I ed away and escaped from tho chain
1 gang on Monday.
No Dessert
More Attractive
vuy us. g, i.uum nun r- .... TJ
SJX'llll I1"WIH K'iKlNg,JuC.U"-r VIY
kwivtenhiL'. llivnriUL' i "SutuK
and coloring when SKiM
Be Quick and Get rirst Kelt
Leather and Silver
Gift Novelties
Leather WrlHt H"BB. Silver Wrist Hags 1
Sliver Chntlnlno HngH. Iiathor Chatlalne' Ha
Collar and Cuff Hoxos. Ladles and Men's p!-..
Moil's Hill Hooks, Wtillots und Hill Poldors. octbool(,
Music Holls, Traveling Cases.
Come and look them over while they are m
and you can get first choice.
F. W. Schmidt
A Slinremp m-..
turned into nn im,,. .
Willi. " our Xmas feMt
lie one or iinnovinna
iiiiv,. il uur nr ..... M
Hlfei I'nrvi.ru t.,l,l. . -
""i gam
nimuum. tlmt u. 11 .11.1 . .
Key ami carve it In wafer tit
i lntrrtr Mn l... .
I'Utlcrv fnr Ymtm
-.l(Mui guiH arc
Hlltl Will tw flnnplHl,j
iirodncps l.'tlir ri"ulli in two nilimfes?
Worythiii;; in thu jutckiigti. Hiiuply mid hot
wutt'riunlhttociil. It'sperfiicticm. Asur. '
prise to tin imiwwiti', rio irouiin:, less ex.
Jieuse. Try it tn-d.iy. In Pour 1'rult Fla
vors! Lemon. Or.utgu, Stniwherr)', ltiwj-
At grocers, ltlu,
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.)
lit MAI IN I K.vi) lU'Il.lMNO
in-lln 1 II iii-tii-Hiiry to Itltl'I.ACT. A Wtlll.-()UT liOOT
Lll . IJiaLI! t.l nillllKICB. 1IU. llllll. ill, llJtl hll.lUI. HI1U Oil LIE
routings. Kur fiat and steep aurfaces, gutters, vulloys, etc. Eur to
iiiuni-ri mr 1111 fiiiuuiuu. iluuhuuji u iu cuoi. ouiu uu iuciil u
teed It will pay to ask for prlcosand information,
I Worcester Building.
Has prepared an exceptional strong line of
n JTL 1 O 1
Presents for Male Relatives and Friends
An opportunity of a lifetime to choose from the cream of the cream. We have for yonr
delectation the most beautiful, and at the same time useful, exhibit of suitable, desirable and
practical presents for the man or boy. Beautiful Christmas Boxes to pack presents in, given
free with all the better grade of goods.
i- VxfT-C 'R " t!m' I'k'' "'e Prt-SRnt lU'Y NOW, l.Hfort: the mail rush benins. VVt: will hold your package and
DbLlVbK AS ORDERED. The fullness of our Christmas stock is only exceeded by the beauty of the coloring. Oat
Chaisttnas trade this year should be the greutest in the history of this Great Store.
Dent's, "H. & P.," "Kennedy," "Stewart's," -Perry,"
in glace, suede, Mocha, and colors, black, white, pearl, tan,
brown, grey and special Christinas boxes for these at no exrta
Fancy Hosiery
Dame Fashion having decreed that men 3hall wear fancy
half hose, it has been our duty as servants of her majesty to
prepare in advance a suitable showing at this gUd Christmas
tide. We show creations of artistic merit, combined with
wearing worth.
25c, 50c, 75c
Handkerchiefs Initial Handkerchiefs
Japanetfc silk initial , a uc
Excelda silk initial " 2c;c
Silk Japanese initial 3c
Silk Japanese initial !i eoc
Silk Japanese initial
Fancy border Japanette at '. ." ' ' ' V5c andic
Black and white silk handkerchiefs, plain or twilled.2sc to $1 00
Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or hem-stitched 25c to $1.00
6 handkerchiefs, in neat Christmas box, per box ....Si 7c;
White, black or colored mufflers, large or small... 75c to 82 00
New Carter & Holmes hemstitched Christines inufllers
P 25 to 2.50
Suit Cases
Best Quality, llest Styles, Lowest Prices. Will save )'
moniiV on um til ot ,. nr n,ml!iu cnir rati, von want tO OtlY'
rv.. . 1 ' 1. .! I..tr a! unci,
wu" wuscs are izunranieeu neai muue. no ih.ii.. r-
Come in and look at them. We carry a complete line.
All Kinds, Styles or Prices. For Men or Woo
Smoking Jackets-Bath Robes
A magnificent line to select from. A present that will minu
ter to the comfort of a man at home. All pricrs.
Our present stock of plain , and ifancy neckwear is no "'1
llleli. anil rrw. f 1.1. ft. hi'St CltV SW""--
, .v.,..j.u,0 irivmauij win. .. ; ' There
in StVleS. COlorilll'fi. .manrtninnt iiriw! and nualltVt '".i '
fore, we can unhesitatinKly asssure you the best of every W
Ascrts Twenty'
Imperial--. five
Four-in-Hands cents
Tecks to
Clubs three
Midguts dollars
Shield Tecks and
Shield Bows fifty
London Squares cents
overyday.f0rg0t tbat th'8 18 the f th" GREAT CL0SIN0 0DT f "U m- good, of the Dry Goods Department.
Big Busy Boston