FOUR ARE IN JAIL QUARTET FROM WALLA WALLA ARRESTED TODAY, A Few Scandals More or Less Make No Difference to the Representa tlves of the Garden City's Social Circles Charges of Adultery and Seduction Are Profuse and Appar. ently Uncontroverted. Miss Gertrude Ackcrnmn. ot Wnlln Walla, Is In the city looking for n wayward lover, and has found him. Mrs. Addlo M. Sulllvnn and Miss Bes sie M. Mann, both of Walla Walla, nnd Frank Howard (or Leonard,) the erstwhile owner of tho bulldog that caused the prizefight, and J. 0. Hoke, an cx-rnllroad man of Walla Walla, aro In the county Jail charg ed with lowd cohabitation, and with a charge of seduction and adultery hanging over two of them Leonard and Miss Mann and Hoke and Mrs. Sullivan ennio to tho city the first of the week and registered nt the Gratz lodging house as man und wife. Last night, finding that Miss Ackerman was In the city look ing for them, they changed the regis ter, but not before they had been lo cated by the police, nnd this morning they were arrested In the rooms by Marshal Scheer, upon the complaint ot the visitor from Walla Wnlln. Miss Ackerman came to the sher iff's office this morning and had a talk with Hoke, and after a lime their differences were patched up to the extent that hp was willing Hint the ceremony should be performed. Hut as he did not have the price of the license, he left the matter to the lady, who wished to become Ills wife, and with the sheriff and the prosecuting attorney, went to the clerk's office lor tho necessary permit. Here, how over. It was remembered that neith er was a resident of this county, so the marriage was called off until the prospective and reluctant groom-to-bo had finished with tho compli ments which the county has in store lor him anil can hasten to the altar nt Walla Walla, under tho eye of the Washington officers. -Miss Ackerman will return to her homo this evening, where she will wait. In company with tho prosecut ing attorney of that district, for the return of Hoke. Miss Mann Is a working girl of Walla Walla, who has fallen' under tho spell of the actor man. and she Is In the Jail with Mrs. Sullivan, who is tho wife of a laboring man of Walla Walla. Hoke was formerly a brnkeman on one of tho roads leading into that city. Miss Ackerman Is another working girl from tho Garden City, though she was willing to stay in this city and wait for the release of her pros poctive husband, If sho can find a plitce to work. Want Proofs of Marriage. County Judge Hnrtman Is in re ceipt of n letter from John I'ringlo of Schilling's Uest b akin g powder, flavoring extracts, and spices, are best without quali fication. Coffee and tea good enough. ( Your grocer's; nioneyback. t FREE GIFTS On Wednesday, Decem ber i6th, and Munda, December 21st, with every 30c otsh purchase of Glassware or China we will give one Child's Set, PI.ATK. CUP, and SAUCE K. See display in our window. V t C. ROHRMAN COUKT 8TREKT kAAAAAAAAAA NOT GOOD, : Dressed Poultry of all Kinds FOR CHRISTMAS Leave Your Orders With Us at Once F. S. ITOTJlSrO-ER. & SON 1fn TTTT T VVT V TTTTT VTTTTTTTT I Vernonln, addressed to County .ludgo I W. C, LnDow. It is n request uiai ho nscortaln tho proofs of marrlugo In tho case of Alice A. Freol and Spencer Hoco, who were married by .ludgo LaDow about 20 years ago. Tho proofs nro wanted In order to mnke application for a pension, TRAVELING MAN ILL. Ted O'Mally Is Threatened With Ty i phold Fever. , Ted O'Mally, a traveling man of Spokane, lopresontlng the Spokane Cracker Company, and a prominent Elk, Is 111 at tho Hotel St. George, being threatened with an nttack of typhoid fover. Yesterday he was quite sick, but this morning was bet . tor. It was the Intention of tho Elks I to have Mr. O'Mally removed to tho I Elk room of the hospital, but as ho I is now so much better, ho will remain at the hotel until recovered. DIFFICULT OPERATION. It Must De Performed on Operator Dlakeman, of Bingham Springs. Night Operator Dlakeman, of Bing ham Springs station, was taken to Portland this morning, and will go to St. Vincent's hospital, where ho will undergo an operation for a mastoid abscess, which Is, in plain English, an abscess gathered just back of tho car. The man is ijuite sick and In much pain, and the operation Is a delicate one, as it has to go very close to tho brain. Senator Clark, of Mon tana, recently underwent nn opera tion for the same disease. Mrs. Gatch Returned Home, Mrs. Helen V. Gatch, who has been tho guest of Mrs. John Vert for sev eral days, left for Arlington and Hcppuer this morning, and will go from there to her homo in Salem. Shu will return here tho last of Jnnuary for an official visit to tho Eastern Star In her capacity as worthy grand matron. J. H. Gwinn's Father Dying, Mrs. James II. Owlnn Is in receipt oi a telegram from her husband, who was called to Portervlllc, Cat., by the serious illness of his father, stating that ho had reached tho place, ami, though his father was still alive, he was falling rapidly, and that tho end was near. Mrs. Van Orsdal Returned. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Orsdal re turned this morning from Leadvlllo, where they have been for some time. .Mrs. Van Orsdal was there In her of ficial capacity as grand guardian of tho Women of Woodcraft, where she attended the meetings of tho manag ers of the order E. T. Gerry Passed Through. Elbridge T. Gerry, of Now Yoru, passed through tho city this morn ing to visit with his son In Portland, who is ill in tho hospital with typhoid fover. Mr. Gerry was in the special I car "Columbia," tendered him by ! President Harriman, of the road. Wet Coyote on a Drunk. Wet Coyote, an Indian from tho reservation, was brought before the city court this morning charged with having been drunk nnd having (ought Insldo of tho city. He was fined $8, In default of which ho will sjiend tho next four days as the guest of the city. New 'Phone Directory, William Hilton, the proprietor ol tho I'endleton Telephone company, is having a now directory printed, whloh will give the signals and numbers of each patron of his line by the side of their names, and will have tho book In their hands in a Short time. John H. Means, of Los Angeles, I dlod recently leaving ?50,000 to Lucy Androws, who now refuses to pay his ' funeral expenses. THt WHOLESOME 1 CRESCENT El ;Egg-PhosDhate ' DAKINO POWDER The remarkable increase in con sumption demonstrates its superla tive merits and wholesomeness. ONE POUND 25 CTS NOT HERE VTTtTTTTVTTV t TV1 T T VVTTTT V .Y EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, NCREASE UN UMATILLA COUNTY GREW 8,000 ACRE8 THI8 YEAR. Acreage In the County Averaged 29 Bushels per Acre R. C, Judson Drought Seed to the County Five j Years Ago From North Dakota rirsi steps in ucvciupiiicm ui Great Agricultural Factor. i! n .iiiilKon. Industrial uncut of tho O. It. & N., returned from Athena last evening, after spending tne day la that vicinity yesterday, securing llgures nnd data on tho Umatilla corn crop. There wero grown In Umatilla county this year a total of 8,000 acres nf mm. which nvoraned 2D bushels per acre. Four thousand acres of this corn Is tributary to Athena aim 4,000 acres of It tributary to Weston. Enterprising Farmers. Among tho farmors growing the largest acreage wero Charles Wilkes, with 100 acres; Charles Drothorlng ton, with SO; T. J. Kirk and Charles Copplck, with 40, and many others with 30 to 35 acres. Many of tho small crops nvoraged 32 bushels and T. J. Kirk's crop nvoraged 3E bush els per acre. The corn grown In Umatilla coun ty Is the Dakota yellow dent vnrloty, and tho seed was brought to this county by Mr. Judson and It. U. Mil ler, freight agent of tho O. It. & N., tlvo years ago, from North Dakota. These gontlemon distributed $50 worth of seed among the farmers of the county and tho acreage has 'n creased from perhaps 60 acres flvo years ago, to 8,000 ncres, averaging 29 bushels por aero this year. Mr. Judson feels a justifiable pride in this record, as it was with difficul ty that ho secured n promise from the fnrmc-is to glvo tho first corn crop room to grow on their land. An O. R. &. N. Policy. Seed to tho amount of $50 was ills distributed last year and the company will continue this progressive policy until Eastern Oregon la producing somo valuable crop on every acre of Idle land. The corn hnrvestcd In this county this year was all first-grade and mar ketable at tho grist mills and tho acreage will bo Increased next year. Tho entire crop this year wns grown on summer fallow land and it has proved to ho one of tho very host crops that can be grown to rest the land and kill out the weeds. Experimental Barley. While at Athnnn vpstnrilnv. Mr .Illflsnn mndn nrrnnirnmflnto will. T J Kirk to sow an experimental field of tne tnmous Hannan barley, t!i" foremost brewing barley grown In Germany, and tho result of this trial will bo watched with Interest by thq company and the entlro community, Mr. Jur;&on rejoices to know that Umatilla county is now tho banner coin county of Oregon and will not rest until tho nrid hills of this nnd other Eastern Oregon counties are yielding harvests of his famous dry land alfalfa. FRAZIER'S HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Wonderland of Christmas Goods at This Popular House. The Frnsler book and stationery store Is a regular wonderland of beau, tlful gifts which aro arranged most artistically and offer a very pleasing View to spectators. Mr. Frazler this season has a larger and more varied liho than ho has over shown beforo and It includes many now Ideas for tho first time exhibited hore. Tho store Is a regular holiday bazaar and on all sldc3 aro displayed presents to please tho tastes of nil. In tho book lino nro all the lato works, and popular stories and poems aro put up in artistic binding. In making tho rounds of the holi day display the trip Is not completed until Frazlor's has been visited. An especially large lino of shell novelties and leather goods, such as wrist bags, purses, card cases and music rolls. Another very desirable lino carried by Mr. Frazler Is gold pens. Ho has the only complete lino In tho city, Frazlor's book storo will have a special doll sale tomorrow when a re duction of 25 por cent will bo mado on all undressed dolls. "LOOKING FOR A WIFE." Comedy Company Decides That It Won't Hunt Any Longer and DIs bands In Portland. Tho dato for "Looking for a mio" at tho Frazcr has been cancelled owing to the sad news from Portland that tho hunt is useless and tho play and players had vanished Into thin, air, without so much ns leaving a shallow by which their creditors may trace them. All tho nlco things said about tho company aro hereby taken back, nnd tho anticipated Joy of appearance noro is sicklied o'or with tho palo cast of disappointment. Tho dollar held In reserve for this event will no longer burn tho pockets, but will forthwith Join Its departed brethren, nvor tho ChrlstmnH counters, nnd tho people will bo relieved from witnessing tho snd hunt for n wlfo which has beeit so suddenly transformed Into hunt for n place to eat. IN LEGAL CU8TODY. Boya' and Girl' Society In Charge or Luclle McQuarry-Turnor, JuiIko Hartman filed tho pnperi this morning by which ho tromjtarrni Lucllo McQuarry-Turnor to tho mr tody of tho Hoys' nnd Girls' Aid i clety of Portland. Ho lias sent fr somo blank npiillcntlons of ndontlo . nnd whon thoy linvo arrived it ( OREOON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18, ' pro tho Immediate vie .. y, w .. m u . F S"r. .IT "ft v."'"1 I ' ... , .. utnlntV will bo grnmea uy Ill UU - I Cnunnil npllll O llttVO IIIIUIO HIUMItu- I Hon to adopt tho girl, nnd It Is sttro ,i..,t tlm murt and tho society will bo able to secure a good homo for 1.... Tim m-i nf turning hor ovor to the society nt I'ortlnnd is situpiy m r,.rmiiv with tho law. and Is for- mill In moaning more limn anything el so. PARTY WAS NOT DROWN Report of Second Drowning tain Sheep Rapids Not The l.owlston Tribune, speaking of the reported drowning Of a pany m lllll iiiim.ii n .".i.i woriiinen tin mumnuui In Siiako river, while trying to rescue the hollers of the steamer Inniahii. ; r:ivh: Moiintnln Sheop .rnpnls and woro on-; gaged In constructing n raft last Mon-' .inv such Is tho report brought to The IIoUu party wore snio m iuu day. Sue i is tno report urougm " . .. ... . ...i. ....... I,, i llie city yesieruiiy oy .i. m. minimm. Tim nt I hoard of an accident m the party was when I renched Aso- j tin,' said Mr. Edwards yesterday, 'but I api positive that they are all safe and aru now working on the raft to Hoot the boilers to Lewlston. The last 1 heard ot tho party was on my way to this city when n minor who was en routo to tho lower river stated that ho passed the Hoke party Inst Monday. " 'The crow wero then building tho raft and would bo ready within n few days to raise tho hollers. Had an accident of n serious nature hap pened to thu party or any ono of tno crew the minors of the upper river would have known of It iih a particu larly close watch Is kept on the rlvor nt this time by nit tho miners in tho hopes of recovering tho bodies of the McFarlnnd brothers. "'It is a very common occurrence for loose boats to be found In tho up per rlvor and It Is probable that tho tlndlng of tho skiff has caused the report that tho Hoke party bus been drowned.' " The MeFnrland brothers referred to wero brothers of E, D. .MeFnrland, ot Adams, who Is mnklng every effort to recover their bodies. Ho Is of the opinion that they will be found sonic distance down tho Sunko or oven on the Columbia river, owing to the high water In the streams. Successful Operation, (leorgo Wilkinson, who wns opornt ed on for appendicitis nt the hospital some time ngo, wns removed to his home yesterday and Is on tho rond to recovery, the opcrntlon having been entirely successful. - wiSOV I'llllrtlllg aVk. Heartburn W'W'i&iCi l''ltuleiii'V iGSr IndigHHtlo'ii 'CKll-C' mill nvnuiwln lSPl t then. ! AVBssmfeir m iters i t fvMA'Ui! the wmMz)W 'ttir8 ih ' strongly rpcnin ,-i!SSK''y mended hypliy from your ilriievlst. It Ih free. Ready lor a Cnrisimas Drive U tiiiitiiliioinit to having on hniid a Hack or Huggy which was sold in this t-MshlUliineiit, for here ure to bo found vehicles of imiiiy styles, slzei nnd shapes nil, huwovcr, noted for their Htrcngth, Ktaceful lines, cBrlainty of lafctlng many years nnd nf lielng driven ner mnr mllei, We hvc Top Ulisalei Irom tUiipani Winona llaiki ami Wmconi, Beat In (lie wollil Mado from air drlml Umber, will not cliock in tilts climate. Call nnd ulecl from ourUrKuttock, HEACLE BROS., THE BLACKSMITHS Are You Hungry? Docs what you eat hurt you? If you are BIHous or have a Sluggish or Disordered Liver, or have Indigestion, you can be set right by using Beechams Pills Sold Errnrwhtre. In boxe 10c. and 25c. Walter's flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped s"eed ttc, always on hand. THE SURE WAY i' i rcvent Pneumonia nnd Constipa tion 1m to euro your cold when It first appears. Acker's English Remedy will stop tho cough In a night, nnd iilvo tho cold OUT nf vniir avaAm Mwiiys a Quick and suro euro for mmi, uroiicnius, and all throat e n lunir troiihlnn. lr if .!,. , fitlsfy you wo will refund your i money. F v Sr.i,r,,i,it e. r 1903, WO0t.8ORTEnS AND GRADERS. f ' " ... Lnst Nlaht. 4 gates Last Night. The WoolsortorB' nnd Graders' t Unon ll0t 8l nght at Mllnrkey hull J f,, .I,,, oloctlon of olllcors for tlm conlI1B torm. A full Quoin .of tho ...nmlmm woro nrcsent. nnd tho fnl. a owlng officers woro oloctod: Pn.nldimt. Eddlo Coffmnn: president, Arthur Drachnm; secro- 1 tnry, uiaronco itoncn; treasurer, i (lie nn, .j, 1 .....,.... ..),.. .1.11 . ,i,.l.,.. it... 7 ""u 8I1Vp tu. ninn i'iiuhh: uu uuuiuh 11, wiu i.uuiir 7 "da ni.Ai. t. . " ' . . ..,.. 1 .,1 c! . . r'UUlM, ' t'oiincii, uiurouco iioucu, urvmo t,on- 4 m r ift v at Moun- man nnd Ilermnn Peters. (),. q '"'iona I rue. 1 f iw - i, Baker City Jail Break. 4 '"'use. liaiior uiiy, uec. ib. 1 nree vnga-1 4 rp il hrnlln nut nf hn rltv (nil Inn, 1 WO tiniln .1 : . evening, leaving a noto that tho board , - - - - t . -"a vi 1 wns mu m ii inm,i.mH io oat anil , y ,,,V(. . - dm, it ivnu imrnt in Hinrvn mitui.i,. I .? 'ui us .... ... ' ti. -UU In confinement, on tho scanty faro f furnished by tho city. Two of tho'o. prisoners had boon nrrestcd for ped , i hi-" ' ' ; - " '"-"-.a. hi. rnynru w tllnlll li rnnau n,,.l T r- - " t u ""w m. u mu in t confiscated ruzors for snlo. Tlicie Is only one gouulno P. I. it. ST. JOE ST0R Wc will nuik.; Big Hi:dnctions all this Mens Clothing Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Wo will sun tncin less than vou imv fnr c,i, . wjuii i uauuu v.iumu kjui i ricrs as wu are tletcrmicei tniuu uhi vi- iiiuvfii ijuiuiu January I, inn, rr uuinu tuvutut v-iifc i jt;i turn jium regular prices L,X INi-mCKAIN 1 1LE CO I Some of the r lll I "J HIM l i w ill lilt vtnu uuuuuiv viuiu ill vui UlUlt 5 t I KnivcH for J.iuHob, Gontluinun aiidLoji All nt...... r...,l ,,!....., t 'I'll. n. in hi.iir, iLiiti niittiii n. 1 1. .hi. iiiniu i .nf. lory Carving butb, Shot Guns and Hifltt The now Browning Automatic Shnt Gud, a rovahition in gun working. Examine thii now invention. We Handle- fxclusivdly in roiidleton the RoeheKter Nioklo I'luto Waio. THOMPSON i tfleiwvtfr-fiirir a OF ALL COLORS AT THE I Useful Presents I have a full line of RODGERS Ml WjJ Ohaling I)i?hus, Taasel Mats, Carvers, r ' . . .... VafMW Kuives for men, boys and ham fits, nickel plated Ware, etc., thai nieo and usofttl presents. Tii Hardware 74t MAIN STREET . 1 nnik. w 1 Meel hank 25 tlPtnl,. vit-.. T .. 't,iai ne Mil friqI..J T L'lVllli , w ? nun Tf-i ... .l uu i nn ---- . r n twn -1 . r Vw, HARDWARE 621 Main St, lino before bojW"