DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. Holiday Slippers t ; i A pair of Slippers right, in the top of the stock ing will pluaso iiiivn or woman, hoy or girl, on Christ mas morning, for it muniis homo comfort nil the year round. Wo havo a Hplondid slock for you to choose from, and till GOOD, woll-mado, sensibie, piaetical kinds, at fairest prices. PARISH U unniplniitlv to mnko tilt) trip, Ho will bo noronipnnli'ii by Mrs. nrnwn. ninl will remain at tlio HprliiKB W. & for nn Indefinite time. WAREHOUSE 8HIPMENT8. - CHURCH FAIR AND SALE AND EXCELLENT PROGRAM. CLAIM WAS SETTLED. In Afterward Action Was Dismissed the Probate Court. An order was mado In tlio matter Many Works of Art Beautifully DlsV uf tlio claim of Itouert McConl iiKiilnst nlaved Llterarv and Musical Pro. tlio oainto oi ram Will Be Given This Evening All Under Management Ladles of Church of the Redeemer. ,lanios McC'ool, tleccnH oil. tills morning, W '"K1' """ninn, In the probate court. The I'lnlin linil hemi settled by tho administratrix, ABtics JlcCool and tho rliilmmij, It bo C. R. Clearing the Decks for Next Year's Business. f K. II. Cnldorlioail, tho travollnR freight and passongor agont of tlio j 1 W. & C. It., was In tho city today. Mr, Calilorlioad wbb along tho lino of 1 f tho ronil yesterday BiiporlntontlliiK the shipment of several largo con 11 1 011 tun ntn it wlinnt frOtll thtt utnm lioiiHCS ot tho company, It holnc tho . With wish of tho company to havo tho trnf- i lie cleared up as much aq yosslblo 1)5" the firm of tho year. Owing to tho heavy traffic and the r 1 j . t it .... 1. . zt A it 1 1 rii in . . I " ' ft "WW V Aa - DINDINQER, WILSON & CO. i t Plume Main 1181. GOOD SHOES CHEAP ---.. EIS IMISSE RETURNED FROM VANCOUVER. A, W. FAILED TO PROVE ELMER TURNER WAS ACCESSORY A Cloud of Witnesses Testified That a Load of t Men Rode Out to the Field of Battle, Voluntarily, as Common Freight Mr. Turner's Ball Was Refunded and He Was Discharged. The case of the state against El mer Turner, charged with aiding and abetting a fight and wlin refusing to assist the officers In finding their man when requested so to do, enmo up in the office of "Justice of the Peaco Thomas Fltz Gerald this morning at 10 o'clock, and was tried before n largo and Interested audience. Tho witnesses were numerous and consisted of W. E. C. Prult, tho sport ing editor of tho Tribune, who was on the scene; Fred Taylor, tho wheat , man; Mr. Davis, O. D. Sanders and; Frank Howard, the principals In tho tight, and Elmer Turner, the defend-1 ami Nye Talks Entertainingly of Ex-Pendletonlans. A. V. Nyo has returned from a trip to tlie Columbia river country, and In Washington, and tells of his visit to his uld home in Vancouver, Wash,, ' where he first landed after crossing tho plains, -II years ago. He said; "I found many changes, mostly , mode within the last 15 years. Tho , old landmarks in every respect nro I nearly all gone. The town, which Is the oldest In the state, after having I a Ulp Van Winkle sleep lor about fill years, has awakened and Is now a beautiful, thriving city of about fi.nnn inhabitants. "I met our Pendleton friends, .Mr. and Mrs. Carter, (Oolden "Itule Car ter.) He lias a lino nuslness In Van couver and has regained his health. .My brother, also, who was in poor health for several years up here, Is in perfect health; has not been slcu a day after the first week camping on Columbia river. Ho Is stopping on Robert Prindle's farm, opposite the Multnomah rails, a perfect. Ideal spot for anyone seeklnc health or beautiful scenery, with all kinds of1 fruit and tho best water I over saw , A, J. Dillon, who sold out his farm I stock Interests to G. W. Hunt. I j has bought 200 acres of land down akii - V. . ,, ,i,,mllIi fnr nrnwH th whm,. Imr iiuroeu mat t"u no uni nun - - Tho International salo and church i ri ( all claims which he might "d "ior grnin storou lor shipment , J fair conducted by tho ladles ot tho hold against tho estate. An order "h. 1,01 neon nan iieu wuoro u cimim Parish Aid Society of tho Church of wns made by tho court dismissing tho ho put off for a tlmo, and now Hint , 1 tho Redeemer was opened this utter- claim. i of 11,0 yoar, ls ,nt lmml a!1(1 1 1 tin uti iMium ittv w tiiot'ii tui me yiMir. Hip work la boltiK don6, 1 X ot !? trim,.!...) .11- " . v" ITnnlt - "v i a it or 0, house. f..! noon at 2 o'clock, and a largo mini her of persons havo been visiting tho place this afternoon. The booths are works of art, and are proving a great succoss. Eacli is In charge of ladies who havo mado It a point to see that their booth la the best In the house, and the result is that all nro the best. The booth from Japan, under tnc management of Mrs. T, C. Wnrnor, assisted by Airs. J, A. llorlo and Misses Constance Despatn and Nor th a Alexander. The Indian booth ls conducted by Mesdnmes A. D. Stlllman and E. P. Marshall. Mexico Is represented by Mrs. F. W. Vincent and Misses Stella Alex ander and Koto Bean. This evening the ladies will have a literary and musical program which they will glvo to tho people nt the parish house, whern the booths arc, and to this the people of tho city nro rordlally Invited to attend. There will be no aamlsslon charged. Program In Full. Tho program to ho rondored Is as follows: j Duet, "The Boat Song," Miss Pot wine, Huv. Potwme. Christmas Carol Pantomime, four cherubs. "Love's Trinity," DoKoven. "Tho Slumber Iiont," Jesslo Gay nor, Mrs. John Hoss. "Where tho Winds O'er tho Sea Wow a GaleJ' Mr. Fred' Hartman. I Impersonation, Miss Paulino Minis. Duet, "Tho Bird's Farewell," Miss I'otwlue, Rev, Potwlne. Japanese character song, Mrs. John Albert Boric. , The entertainment Is free to ovorv. Miss Thomson Recovered. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Thomson, Echo, accompanied by their son,' Sloan Thomson, were In tho city to day the guests of friends. Their daughter, Miss Thomson, who has been In the hospital for some time, sufforlng from an attack of typhoid fever, has practically recovered and will he nbio to return to her homo the lutter part of the week. ---4V UIIIAA ... -"ISC 1 113 return er'B Pr ,1,, given for the Superintendent Resigns, A, B. Ackorly, who has boon super- Intendont of tho Iji Orando Sugar factory slnco that institution wan oh- j tahllshcil, has residue I to take a sim ilar position with th-j sugar factory flil fP III ,U,lIJi ill,, nuniuv H H till III till d. I MH Ullll mi; f-pi miKiir man 1111 iiiu i-fieii e i m w l in linil r t Program Postponed. The program announced for Friday evening by the high school has beeiii . . . m..n.... postponed on uccuillll ill llie uimtin j, of several of tho participants, until j T nftoi- the holldavB. The oxnet date , T of the program will be given later i? --"-- --4.-4.. ..4 N. P. Freight Agent. W, F. Carson, of Portland, tho general freight ngont of tho Northern Pacific, was a Pendleton visitor yes terday, having coma to nttend to some business In tho interest of the rond. He loft for Portland this morning. At Home on Marie. Mr. and Mrs, ThomaM BaKor havo returned from u vlsll to Portland, Seattle and other points of Interest, and nro now nt homo to their friends .nt their residence on Mnrio street, be tween Railroad and Webb. & nJ"i l'ts to nmko that his j ono. "'" to . charmd. nmi Hi"" .lo 1 w'.81 I the public Is cordially Invited to at- I we had Just one of tnes.e beautiful streams of water running Into Pen dleton; It certainly Is the purest ' water I ever saw.' j "'Yes,' ho said, 'I guess it is fine I water; everybody says so. I've ue.ver I tried It; It's too cold for me to wash tend. ant. They all testified that Mr. Tur ner had hauled a load of men to tho nelit i), battle, and another load back. Tho lighters said that they ..ad ridden In the wagon, but that to tho best of their knowledgo Mr. Tumor had not requested them to ride, al though ho had ordered one of them out of tho wagon on starting back to the city, at the same tlmo that ho niiicaiuu uiu reai 01 me crowu 10 ; iu. von Know ujiion never was get out or tho wagon. 'much of a hand for wnter. Mr. Turner took the stand in his ' "Yes, thoy all seem happv The T.t . ",m 01 "i,v,ig nearu , umy uiuig lacKing to complete tier1 Ho snys tho excellent sleddltur of the of he fight from a man on the street happiness is the East Oregonlan and " X wata " naWed tho wood, ami having started tn witness the fun. a Southern .Methodist church. You n,o, JJ mo", ot Tunnly oS hand ZJt !t0J"S,. an.lh5ban X, hM. -!! rl'". " E haiilejl nuf amrshin)ed, and there is thPv , m in,. V aout 100 cords on tho' :7 T V . r'W' " ",uo w"" i"--to. "r mill. ' (lnmns at Kame a. urn! verv llltln lnfr in Dr. Equl In Portland. I r. Marie Equl left last night for I Portland on professional business. I The time of her return will denenil upon the progress made by a patient Freight Agent Northwestern. 0. J. Orny, tho trnyellng (might agent of tho Northwestern railway, was a business visitor in the city tn day In tho Interests of the road which lie represents. Marriage License. A murrlago license wns Issued yes terday afternoon to Lelghton P. John son and .Miss Dora Ilehnke. The l.l.1n.l...l... ln .. ,.nl.l....i ,.r 1 Unnn A n , it- mnnnn . . I uiiuviiriiu 10 il IViSlilCill. ill r I i:tl H il iiji ..wis nuwu 1 anirrcu uui, I Sledding on the Mountain Has Been; The ,,mt t(,.g.,, for work Favorable to Hauling. 1 nnd nil members are requested to he 11. K. Charlton, one o( the pioneer l'"'8""1- woodman of Kamela, Is In tho city today for supplies and on business. ST. JOE ST OR Wc will make Big Retlnctions t)lis Men's Clothing Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits IQLl Vv I! Will Sl!ll 1117111 llUC Tinn ,t.i. . I wliat is called CIosinK Out Prices as arp .L!"' !. R?0lli ( linr -lir tliirL uiirw 111 ik li hiJii., T vu v I w j v I Clllllut V I . 1 1 r "TP .... n . ... JW VJ4 JIU( rUylUar pnces LYONS -MERCANTILE CO. w-t I Some of the stopiied and watched tho trouble and then started back to the city. A load of men were In the wagon, and he did not know where the fighters got out, as they Jumped off at the crossings. The case was dismissed court, and the ball refunded. by , ... oiiv- in l-.llietl JU consultation, and of whom six; has the personal care a portion of the ! time. Such best Schilling's Best as the poor would be richer for using. Your grocer's; moncyback. President McCabe in Town. President Joseph McCabe, or the W. & C. R was In the city today, having reached, here last night, Ho Is on a general lour of Inspection along tho lino of his road, nnd will return to his home In Walla Walla this livening. 1 iu 1110 iiniiier. auouc six cars per day are being shipped at tho present j time, but tho supply will not last ; long, and the wood now on tho yards , belongs principally to 0110 Walla Walla denier. The output of tho Kamela district j wll bo very little loss than Inst I year, but the amount cut next year will far exceed that of nnv voar In the past 10 years. If choppers can bo secured, as all the different dealers are determined to havo plenty of woou salo for noxt fall owing to tho wnrclty of timber and tho prospects 1 lor uglier prices tor wood in tho fu lure. THE REED-DROWN CONCERT. FREE GIFTS O, R. & N. General genl. It. Burns, (he pomil-.,. ninl otinrif nil; general agent of the O R & N at Walla Walla. )S n tho city' today on busitj5Sg connected with his olllces. x 1 ' On Wednesday, Decem ber 1OH1, and Monday, December 21st, with every 50c cash purchase of Glassware or China we will give one Child's Set, PI, ATE, CUP, and SAUCER. See display in our window. ROHRMAN COUUT STREKT Trie WHOLESOME CRESCENT High-Class Musical Entertainment at the Frazer Last Night. Those who were fortunate enough to bo present nt tho concert given by Mi. Wnltcr Ufced nnd Mrs. Sherman D. Brown, ot Portland, at tho Frazer last night, enjoyed 0110 of tho very best musical treats over offered a, i-cniiioton aumence. Tho music I was classical, the rendition perfect, am, tho appreciation of tho audience I genuine. 1 To enter Into far-fetched criticism I of this class of nrt requires more ox perienee and ability than is found In ' Hin rw.ii.iiM .loll.. Tl c. ..... ... .ui,iti,j uui!; iniii.'va, mi ti Hiriuer j.idgmoiu is suspended leaving this who carried away tho sweot strains of "Annlo Laurlo" und "My Lovo Is a Red, rted Rose," to enjoy tho mom. ory without any empty words of prnlso or uwkward and unmeaning criticism to mar the plensuro, ARE YOU AGEING? Dr. Holmes used to say he was "seventy years young." Some men are old at half that figure. Age is not in years. It is in the blood. Scott's Emul sion helps to keep you young by keeping your blood young; by supplying it with an abundance of rich, pure, vital nourishment; carrying con stant life and renewal to every fibre of your body. It will help you to rob advancing years of half their sting. Well send you 1 simple free upon request. SCOTT & UOWNE, 409 I'miI Street, New V01L Suitable Gifts in Our Store Knives for Ladies, Gentlonion and Um-iT All sizes and shaperj. Razors, Table Cut lory Carving Sets, Shot Guns and Riffo. Tho now Browning Automatic Shot Gun, a revalution in gun working. Examine this now in vontion. We handle exclusively in Pendleton the .Rochester Nicklo l'liitc Ware. THOMPSON HARDWARE t 621 Main St. Co. Closmg-Out Sale Egg-Phosphate DAKING POWDCR The remarkable increase in con sumption demonstrates its superla tive merits and wholesomeness. ONE POUND 25 CTS Pur. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE 3 Dressed Poultry of all Kinds FOR CHRISTMAS Leave Your Orders With Vs at Once I F, EL TTOXTDSTOEPl & S03ST TTTTTTTTTTVrTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTTTTT "DRY ALFALFA" SEED. All who Wlh to Try It Can chase In Pendleton. T c. Taylor, tho hardware man, has prdorcd from Utah somo of tho much talked of "dry alfalfa" seed, which ho will hrlng to this city for experimental purposes. Ho will uso part of tho Beed for hla own In and will furnish tho rest to those wno aro willing to mako a test of tho al. falra on somo of their land wnlch will yield wheat In greater or lessor quan tities, Any kind of alfalfa seed coatH 14U ents In Salt Uke City, and when it reaches this plnco It cannot bo sold for loss than 17 to 20 cents; but If the alfalfa will yield and grow on tho dry land, an It Is claimed, It will bo a good Investment at double tho price. Ready for a Christmas Drive U tantamount to lnivln If mi iifiii.t Hack or BugKy which was sold in this ecu tilUhnient, for here are to be found vehicle, ot iminv styles. h1 i.n.i shaptu all, however, notd for their strength, maccful lines, csrtalntv of InstliiK many years and of beliiK driven "'' mnnj uiiin. e risve Top Boguloi from IMup an 1 Winom lUrkt Dit Vodi. Beit in tUe world Made Irom air drlei timber will not cliee n th cMm.i.. ,..1 .rv:r'" fmm niirli,vAiti,t iicci NEACLE BROS., THE BLACKSMITHS C. 8. BROWN IMPROVING. Will Go to Hot 8prng, Ark., for His Health Soon, Conductor C, S, Drown, or the O. It. & N. passengof rim Iwtweon this city nnd Huntington, who has beon confined to his homo for thu past three weoks with a sovoro attack of erysipelas, Is slowly Improving nnd will leave, for Hot Springs. Ark., for iiih health, as soon ns ho recovers THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Dear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock food, Uso Kow Kuro for your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127 129 East Alta St Agent for Lee's Hop i.i'lnr Walter's Flourir? Mills" Capacity, 150 barroln 1. i ,y Flour exchanged for wii it Flour, Mill Feed, Chopji j etc., always on band, OF 35c CHINA SILK ALL COLORS 22c AT THE Busy Boston Store Useful Presents I have a full line of RODGEHS 1847 WARE Chafing DithuB, Tassel Male, ('arvors, Pocket Knives fur men, boys and ladies, Razor out fits, nickot plated Ware, etc., that will ra& nice and useful presents. Call and examine my line before buying' The Hardware 74J MAIN STREET