East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 17, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and rnuay ciuuiiy. hi
imrtly cloudy, with light snow.
. -. -- --
Pointers by R. C.
the lndustrial Agent
etc tor Athena
... , r.nrn Belt
u.. ftmrnitient Stock
uic - -
.. r.ltw En Route to
lis w-
i ,.-., AnvlnttR to
, JUUm" - -
llic in..-"
i N., was a vlKltor in
t... tl.llllV. He.
inuii '
Dr. Lantz am! Dr E. N.
-.-..I.... -.-urn nt thf
fUllliiuu, .in" -
things that should no
-rod of the country
s here l tlio intar.
iAr. tin -irii.n.
Albcna, whuru he will
.... ...in. T n
m -.imuiii'ii ti - v..
-.11. I fl.llr
(rem North Dakota .for
. -4 . . Ki
ll! ills uwii ujun n uui
me ceuiur oi a turn
cn oi inai part or uie
on the county at large
em ana ao away witn
by the old system, of
Shipment of Sheep.
startej on his vacu
m m n nriftrfl ntwi
td visiting IiIk home,
tilled back to inspect
(sleep for tho Carsten
Trill en mil m-nr Mm
HU evening. Aw the
on his vacation ho
Jtrhinsnn nl'.n.. l .1..
vvm umili: W IIU
he dOeS tllf) ll'lf-f-llll-
leave this evening lor
rc he w..l spend his
ur. Hutchinson will
fl into aWAn nn
Qeyeiopmcnt of this
the flfh'lllU'nnint (r
ilock, and of ilie jigri
Both Mr. Jn-i
wv.t 111 un:jr iruv
feat many things
' Ike to ni!u tried in
lllta nn.l
, 7"' '" iumu uiuru
. j" in mo cm
JUfalfa on the wuBtti
a Practically nselBBK
.1 1) - ...i . . .
- "b "IILUl ueius.
Whoand Utah.
I'lah both the slock.
8 w see the vnlim t
' from land that was
aitchlnson Raw j.oili)
i'wing from w.uch
cn one croji and
fP a heavy har-
"n cents n nounrt
.7- niuuilil Wlrn
wuero tbev
"Ine to oi,,.... n,
VOIUG rnr lil
10 cre or nm,,
bill. "
ucr mo city,
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No Exhibit Krom Spain.
Madrid. Doc. 17. The cnlii
net today decided to kpiuI an
offlrlal nollllcatlon to Atnorl-
ra that Spain Viiijiot partlc-
Ipato In the St. Umls Expo-
sltlon. The alleged reaKon Is
shortage of fumis. Tho real
reason Is tho Spanish tuorrli
ants' hatred of America.
Advocates His Bill
propriation for the Lewis
and Clark Exposition.
for an Ap-J Cuban Low Tariff and
Trade Bill Will Go Into Im
mediate Effect
STANDS OFF A POSSE I jne states Have Appropriated Near-.Hanna Will Keep Up Fight on Gen.
Barricaded His House and Holds Ihe
Port Until He Is Shot In the Face
With Buckshot Killed a Deputy
Sheriff Who Tried to Serve Papers.
ly $1,250,000 Proposed Measure
Provides for $2,125,000 of Federal I
Funds Not a Dollar of Government
Money Has Ever Gone Into an Ex. 1
Dosltlon in the West.
jiiversiuo, u t., Dec. 17. Alonzo
Ttuoves, who shot aim killed a dei- Washington, Dee. 17.- Most nf tin
uty Bheiiff yesterday when the latter ' sc-.-.a' . time today was nenipleil by
attempted to serve papers, and then an eloquent and forcible argument
tarrlcadod himself In his home, sur- liy .Mitchell, of Oregon, In behalf of
undored this morning after defend-1 his hill appropriating $2,125,000 for
lug tho house the entire night. the participation of the general gov
Fifty deputies surrounded the hoiihe eminent In the Lewis and Clark Ex-
.and when Iteeves refused to surren. position In Portland.
eral Wood Fraud Order Against
Maxim & Gay Nicaragua Recog
nizes Panama Senate Postpones
Action on General Wood's Appoint,
ment Till January ! Colombian
Troops Seen.
der kept up a fire with rilles and
shotguns. This morning the officials
;mndo 11 sally and attempted to smash
tho door. Iteeves appeared ahovo and
Jlred a shotgun on the Invaders. No
one was seriously Injured.
Iteeves received a charge of buck
shot In tho face. A few m'tnuten la
ter he gave up.
Wabhlngtnn, Dec. 17. Piesidout
ltuoHHVelt signed tho Cuban reciproc
ity bill ut 1 this afternoon with the
same pen used by Fryo and Cannon.
The pen will be senl to Havana at
tho request of tho Cuban minister.
Ho showed that work Is well under I wheu " wln "liu'0'1 In ,ho Cuban
way, the site being graded and land- I '"Vr "n . . . .
sennlniT nmen.Inmlr, nnd nnlul.,l Wesaiia ni.nneii uis government
Threats to Wreck a Train nn the N.
Y N. H. SL H. Railway.
ew Haven, Dee. 17. Heavy
guards have been placed on the spec
ial express on tho New York. New
Haven & Hartford railway as the re
sult of a letter received by the of
ficials In which the writer threatens
to wreck and rob tho trnln unless 11
specific sum Is put In a place he designates.
Fire In Portland Destroys Sherlock
Building Several Celeciials Miss,
Portland, Dec. 17. Fire In the
Sherlock building ut Second and OnU
streets last night, occupied mostly by
Chinese, caused a loss of $10,000, Id
sured. Threo bodies were found and
lui'.f a dozen Chinese are missing.
The building was located across from
the 1 jiico station. The officers help
ed mm y escape.
water and sewer syslem well ndvano!,h(! b1"1 as signed. Upon receipt of
lMl a reply that Cuba is prepared to carry
Nine states have already approprl-! tmt lts 1'ioyltsions, Roosevelt will Is
aled lUr.U.OOd-Oregon. California. l':lamatl,m putting the law
Washington, Idaho, Utah. Montana, I l"t" ''nnicrtlati. effect. President
North Dakota. Minnesota and Mis-! nnlum wil1 ifiM"' " slmlIar lilama
sourl. j ,lon'
He declared the exposition to lie or; n Effect December 27.
bllell II IlUtionnl diameter as lo jllS-; Th. Pnlinn Wflnrnnltv Mil mio Itit,.
nr.. ii... - . .1 11.. - "
111 lilt iiiu u'li lauuii jii ujniMril
showed that according to treasury
reports since 18711, the governmeiiL
has appropriated an excess of $21,
000,(H)() to aid various u.osltlons,
but not one dollar for such purposes
west of the Rockies,
Easy Come-Off for Man Who Attempt,
ed to Murder.
London Dec. 17. George Robin
son, tho engineer who made a mur
derous nttnek on Secretary of the
Hank of Euglaud Graham, nearly a
aiionth ago, was today adjudged In
sane and sent to n hospital.
He Is Arrested at Livingston, Mon
tana Will Be Taken to Portland.
Spokane, Doe, 17. li. C. Parker, the
ex-eonvlet lor whom the officers of
Portland have heen hunting several
weeks, has heen anesled at Livings
ton, Mont., and will be taken bad
to Portland to stand trial on a charge
of forgery.
Parker Is the man who attempted
to pass forged panT in Walla Wnllu
shortly alter his release from the
state irenllentiary. He went to Port
land, whole he lolloweil the same
practice, and after a hard chase by
the officers he escaped. He finally
reached Montana, whuru he lesumed
I his old tricks, but was apprehended
! by the officials.
Solves Nothing.
Cf.sn Presents Sent from America to
Chicago. Dec. 17. Chicago's Christ- j
mas gltt (o Europe this year In money
alone amounts to about $1,500.00(1.
Great Uriiain. iiprtlciilaiiy lioiuud,
gets nioiv of tills Hum any other
IIJIIIIIIJ. Vl'l 1114411,. I.41III.-CI liU4 (1 4JI4I j
elteel December
Havana Rejoices.
Havana. Dee. 17. When tho offic
ial news reached here last night of
the passing of the reciprocity bill by
the senate. President Palma had a
national salute fired from the Cuban
fortress, as the gun belched the
stars anil stripes fluttered over Morn,
while- the hands over tho city took up
the national anthem. Immense
crowds cheered America wildly.
Hanna Will Keep Up Fight
Washlngtou, Dee. 17. Senator Han
na today said emphatically ho would
continue tho fight against Genernl
Wood on the floor of l.ie senate.
Another Fraud Order,
Washington. Dec. 17. A fraud or
der was issued today against Mnxim
& Gay, the turf tapsters, who lire
cnargeu wnn Having caught many
suckeis through extensive advertis
Nicaragua m Line.
Washington, Dee. 17. Tho Nica
laguan minister, .Meyer cables the
stato department Nlcaaigua has rec-
I ognlzed Panama to the extent of a p.
pointing a consul nt Panama City.
Cclcmblan Troops Seen,
Panama. Dee. -17. The cruiser At
lanta, leturned to Colon, reports It
saw about .100 Colombian soldiers
north of the Atrulu river.
Vote on General Wood Postponed.
Washington. Dec. 17. The senate.
re ir,i-.:u"
... "'UK.
7 Hom,.
,V-t. Un.) ..
led in-,"" -ninont
10 ttr homo
London. Dee 17. Renter's agency ' lists in ine nionej oiuer timsion 01 , military committee has decided to
suys Russia's reply lo Jupau has not - Lhleago puslimire. men nweiieu postpone action on Wood's nomlna-
Tesultod In bolvlng the Eastern ills-j and Italy. tlon until July I.
....I., .,.i ........tiniinni. will be i The contribution In estimated to bu r iu announced at noon tin. nnnl.
II144--, 441141 1.II4M4I ...... ,.u 'Phi.. I. ' . , . , , 7 , .
: un- i.iiimi .ji H.-.4-I.' J.-111C. 4.MO .a j ufiif iihs lenin-reii wif posiuon of civil
i particularly surprising, as there was t senlc commissioner, vacated by urn
every reason lor hdii-ving fiat the death nf Proctor, to General John
I strikes and Hie high prices of beef Wack. of ChleaKo. comniander-tn.
und other commodities would compel j ,.nj(.f r the Grurnt Army of the Ro-
Quotations Furnl6hed by Coe Ccmmis-1 ,,,.onomv
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, lo-; -
cnl Manager. IDAHO MAN :iw JAIL.
2?A nu'and SSticla.med He Made" Fraudu.ent Sales
U higher. There was Borne good In New Ytri,
buyine of wheat at the oponliig, cans- ,. York, Df'e. 17.--Frank Hohbs.
Ing a .llttlo advance. This advance, I r Idaho, Is Jn Ludlow jail, ordered
however, brought out some beiuuK. anesled by liuwani jusiiu, ireasuier
The war deimrtiueiit conOrms the
nuws that Tnlt and tho Phlllnnlne fri
ars havo reached an agreement as In
the sain of the lands,
reHiflCltif if ti tin easlur market Min
neapolis Mqy was comparatively easj'
compared Avlth Chicago.
Receipts, Minneapolis and Dulutlu
381, against o71 a year ago. Winni
peg, has 148 against 1U5 a year ago.
Wo look for inoro activity In wheat
aa soon as tho December contracts
are closod up; In the meantime a good
scalping market Is perhaps all wo
can Iioihj for.
The stock market opened steady,
hut Inactive, which was the ruling
fenriirii miHnir the forenoon session.
A dull market Is usually a dragging
affair with nu easier tendency and
this morning's market Is no excep
tion to the rule. The active stocks
nro all fractionally lower, but any
buying of Importance would rally
prices very quickly.
Chicago, Doc. 17.
Wheat Opening. Close.
May 81 1
July 70 M 7 14
v.hv ia--i W4
July 13 S,'
IViInnoapolls, Dec, 17.
Wheat Opening. Close.
Mry Silt, SI
Jmy 807i M)
l.iviirpool closed, wheat. ',-ihlKlu'r:
corn, V higher.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Doc 17. Wheat openeil
7B, closeU 79,
of the Green Copper Company, who
.claims ho advanced $700 to devel
op a mining property to which Hobbs
Cannot Enforce Open Door,
St. PelersbuiK. Dec. 17 Tho Nnva
Vremya today says America will not
find It easy to keep an open door In
Manchuria, as It has been shown be
yond tho possibility of doubt her
Three Burned to Death,
Philadelphia, Dec. 17 -Mrs
Harry L. Smith nnd her two
children, 12 and 1C yenrs old,
wero cremated In a fire at
their homo this morning. Mrs.
Shclmer, a policeman's wife,
while trying to rescue the
Smiths, was seriously and xr
haps fatally burned.
Amendments to the Present
System Needed to Increase
Its Efficiency.
January 21, 22 and 23 the Big Shoot
Will Take' Place The Association
Expects a Large Attendance and
Indications Are Excellent,
Tho sportsmen's association met
last night In tho oflleo of the city re
corder to make nrrnngemcntK for tho
general tournament to bo held hero
In tho near future. The date of the
shoot was set for January 21, 22 i
23, and special committees were ap
pointed to make arrangements for
the event.
The committee on general nriangu
ments was designated as follows:
Otto Iloctchor, James Means, James
Spence, C. C. Berkley and J. C. Sow
ell. This committee will work In har
mony with tho executive hoard of the
association, which Is composed of V.
V. Wnmsley, Otto Turner, II. J, still
man, William Hoch and T. W. Ayres,
and will have general charge and
management of tho tournament.
A soliciting committee wns ap
pointed consisting of Otto Uoelcher,
James Spence, James Means and
Frank Frazlcr who will meet with
the business men of tho city and ar
range with them for tho prizes which
will ho presented to the participants
by the club.
Tho club will offer a prize of $25
for one of thu events, and this, in ad.
clltlon with tho entrance money, will
make a purse, of something like $100
for the winner of that event. This
same plan will be adopted In (he oili
er events, so that good purses will
he assured to ull those competing.
Tho club will nlso offer a medal
for thu highest average made during
tho tournament.
The members of the association uru
enthusiastic concerning the success
of tho tournament, and it is assured
that the city will see some very good
shooting during tho three days thai
the event Is In session here.
(Amendments and Suggestions Are
, Offered by a Woolgrower Who Be
longs to the Organization, and Who
Enumerates Some of the Draw
backs Encountered In Its Admlnis.
had no title, but which he caJlod the navy is too weak and her mercantile
Oumstock Mining Company.
fleet too small.
W 11 Habb may be the next mar
shal ol Pendleton. It is the desire
of Hit Jnconilpg mayor, and It is un-cl(ji-tood
that several of the council
men have agreed to support Mr, Habb
,'of the place. The rumor gained the
u,r this morning that Mr. Habb would
ho lecomniended for tho position by
,r Mai lock, and tho latter gentle
ina'n alllrmed the story.
When asked this afternoon if Mr.
Habb would be the next marshal of
the city. Mr. Matlock Bald that ho
hoped so'. "Of course, 1 am not able
to say," said the mayor-to-be. "Tho
council may not see It that way, Mr.
Habb and I are good friends, and I
think he would be a good man for
the place. I would llko to seo him
get the appointment, and will tucom
mend him to the council as my choice,
Of course, they may not think as I do,
but 1 hope that they will, You can
sav If you wont to, that I am In favor
'of Mr, Uabb's appointment, und would
like to see him In tho place.
Mr, Habb Is well known In this city,
having been a resident of Pendleton
nud vicinity for many years. Ho
has been associated with Mr. Matlock
In many business deals, and Is a
warm personal friend of the mayor
elect. He Is a man cool-headed and
firm, and it is thought by his friends
and supporters that he would make
as good an officer as tho city has
ever had, and they will do all In their
power to ensure his appointment by
the council.
They argue that being a personal
friend of the mayor he would have
the good of tho administration at
heart, and would therefore do his
best lo make It a good one and one
Ir.doued by the people. He would
be led by the suggestions o his
chief, und that such a condition would
ensure harmonious action and a good
Kaiser Wilhelm Feels the Need of a
Pottsdam, Dec. 17. The kaiser, ac
companied by Grand Duke Vladimir
of Russia, left for Cncrdcn today on
a two days' hunt, lie will atlond the
literary festivities at Hanover.
Reject Russia's Terms.
Toklo, Dec. 17. It Is generally in
lieved the Eastern situation lakes
on n gravor aspect. A meeting of el
ders and statesmen yesterday was
unable to como to any conclusion, us
Russia's proposal Is not acceptable.
Improvements on the Golden Rule
Hotel Nearly Completed,
.Manager Rfckors, of tho Golden
Rule hotel, expects to have Ills din
ing room ready to open by Sundny
morning. He has tho rest of tho work
well under way, and by tlio first of
the year will bu able to open (lie
house throughout.
The upholsterers have- been ut
work for somo time overhauling the
furniture and putting all that was
good Into tho best of Bhupo, unci In n
few days all (ho work will ho finish,
cd arid the Job of putting things In
sbapo over the house will lieglri
Principal Is $100 With Interest and
Costs Added.
A suit was filed this morning by
Cordelia Malonoy against It. II. Simp
son and Cora I. Simpson (o recover
on a note Issued by the defendants
to thu firm of Goedecko & Malonoy,
which note has since, been transfer,
red to the plaintiff.
The note was Issued October 2,
1900. and was for $100. Tho plaintiff
asks for the faco of tho noto with
Interest at 8 per cent, together with
the costs and disbursements of tho
action. Heedcr & Perry ure the at.
tornoys for plaintiff.
Appraisers Appointed,
On the application of Leu Moor-
house as the guardian of the person
and estate of Kusli-nu-wa Wilson, a
minor on the reservation, J. W, 1.1 a
loney, T, J. Mlmnis and F. G, Schmeer
were appointed by the court as a
board of appraisers for tho estato,
which consists of land and other per.
sonal property on the Umatilla reservation,
Eight million dollars wortli of beet
sugar la Imported every year Into
the United States from Germany,
A. H. Sundenuan, one of Ibe puum
nent woolgrowcrs of Echo, Is In tho
j city today and reports the stock In
that vicinity doing well, considering
tho "soft" weather and unfavorable
conditions for feeding. Mr. Sunder,
mnn will attend tho meeting of the
woolgrowurs jnnd the National Live
stock Association convention al Port
land In January, and thinks every Or
egon stockman should bo In attend
ance. Mr. Sundcrmun Is especially Inter
ested In Boeing the sheepmen nllend
(ho meedng of the Nudonal and State
Woolgrowcrs" Association and pre
pare to make those organizations
moro effective In usslstlng the Indi
vidual members In the struggle
against tho combinations.
For Better Organization.
Ho believes one of the most vlfnl
topics to bo discussed by tho Oregon
woolgrowcrs Is the more thoiongh nr.
ganlzatlon among the members Tor a
fixed sales day at which all the wool
grown by tho members musl be of
fcred for sale, after being graded by
the growers.
Ho bellovos Hint the woolgiowers'
organization should make It binding
on thu members lo save their wool
for this sale day, and prevent Indi
vidual membeis of the organization
from selling choice lots of wool In ad
vance of tho sale dny, thus making It
moro difficult to sell tho remainder
of tho clip, after the buyers tune
picked out (he choicest.
Present System Weak.
In thu present method of conduct
ing the sales days, .Mr. Sundermnn
thinks that very little good Is aceom-
I pushed for thu Individual sheepmen.
I Tho buyers go among (ho 'woolgrow
crs beforo (ho duto of sale, pick out
nil tho choice wool, and when I lie
day of tho sale comes the growers
aro left with tho bulk of thu poorer
grades on hand and the buyerH, lui
iug skimmed the cream fiom tint
market in ndvance, uiu Independent
and offer whatever they feel illspos
ud for the wool In the socalled pool.
.Mr, Suuderinan thinks dial Hie con.
stltutlou of thu woolgrowcrs should
provide for a sales day, and a pool
of nil wool clips of the rnenibors,
which would ho binding on all the
members alike, nnd make a sale day
a benefit lo ovory Individual mum
her. Tho forco of (ho organization
should slnnd behind nnd protect, every
member. In selling his wool. Tho
wool should ho graded beroici being
Bold, and nil the different grades
from (ho various clips should be put
togothor and sold together, thus
making tho wool pool a pool In fuel,
und making (ho organization a direct
benefit to every Individual member.
For a "Binding" Sales Day.
If members nro ut liberty lo sell
out tllf) choice clips In advance, it
takes iiwny tho Interest In the pool.
It spoils the strength of the organi
zation for (ho pool Is not binding,
and all (ho money spent In maintain
ing tho organization Is wnsled.
Ho thinks tho Oregon Woolgrowcirs'
Association should take up (his vital
question and docldo to ruiiko Hint
portion of thu constitution which pro-
vines ior tho salus duy. binding cm
the members, so not one pound nf
wool belonging to members win no
sold oiitsldo of thu pool on the sales
day. To this end he will labor and
If this Is not accomplished Ik. feels
that the aim of tho organization falls
of Irultlon.
Plaintiff Alleges Desertion Is Wil
ling to Relinquish the Child.
A suit for divorce was Hied this
liiornliiir bv Carter IIhIkv In ilm
i;ase or Robert Vinson vs. Armlldu
Vinson, It Is an action for divorce,
.uui the plaintiff alleges that ho was
married in the defendant, m MIHnn
on necembu- 10, 1895. There Is one
child, Mvrtla Mabel Vinson, aged C
years, an tho Issue t)t tho marriage,
and this Hie plaintiff Is willing to re
main In the euro of tho defendant,
where shn now Is,
The plaintiff alleges desertion us
tho caufj for action arrd asks for a
dojrct! of divorce and for tho costs.
1 ' T-
Ton Rcully, (he J'orflarid pugilist,
was iv ocKec) out In tho sixth round
at Sun Francisco by Hilly Woods.