East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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nouuay aiippers
A pair of Slippers right in the top of the stook
ing will pleaHO man or woman, hoy or girl, on Ohriat
mas morning, for it menus home comfort ull the year
round. We have a splendid stock for you to choose
from, and a' l GOOD, well-made, sensible, piautical
kinds, at fairest prices.
Phone Main 1181.
I O. R. & Nm reached the ctty last
night on his special car, after having
accompanied the llnrrlmnn special as
far east as Huntington. He loft this
! morning with No. S, hound for Spo
' knne. from whenco he will return to
Levy for County, State, City and
School District, for 1903, Should Not
Exceed 30 Mills City Tax Can Be
Raised by Six and a Quarter Mills,
State and County Seventeen and
School District About Seven Mills.
Pretty Event to Take Place at the
Parish House Tomorrow Afternoon
and Evening.
One of the most unique church en
Her Selections Were Rendered With
Ease and Grace, With the Appear
ance of Reserve Forces Not Brought
Into Action Mr. 2an's Singing
Captivated and Miss Raley's Ac.
companlment the Spirit of the Evening.
tcrtalnntents to he given In the city
has been arranged for tomorrow after-
i noon and evening by the women ot
The city and school district assess- the Parish Aid Society,
ments of Pendleton have been footed" The event will be social and bust
up and the totals reached in the as- ness combined and from the energy
sessor's and clerk's offices and somo and taste displayed by thu women n
Interesting facts are disclosed by a preparing for it, It will be highly sue
comparison between the assessment cessful.
of the years 1902 and 1903. It will consist, in the main, or a
In 1902 the total assessment of the commission sale, for the benefit of the
city or Pendleton was 1.033,u81.Gl society. The articles to bo sold wi.l
and the tax raised on that amount ho furnished by large mercantile
was $9,307.73. at 9 mills. In 1903 the houses and booths representing thu
, total assessmen. of the city amounts Japanese, .Mexican and Indians will
to $1,492,038, and in order to raise he tastefully arranged and presided
J9.307.73, tho same amount of taxes over by women drosscu In the typi
"ns last year, a tax or only 0,i mills cat garb of the people represented,
will be imposed. In the different booths will be va
in 1902 the assessment of school Hons articles In common use in the
district No. 16 was l,05li,3SG.B0, and countries represented by tho booths,
It required a 10-mlll tax to raise J10,- and tho sales will bo conducted on
llou.S7. The assessment of the school commission for the benefit of the Pnr
district lu 1903 Is $1,510,447.55. ami, Isli Aid Society,
n tax of 6 D-C mills will raise the same The sales will open lu the after
amount as a lii-mlll tax raised last noon tomorrow and in the evening !
year. i an interesting program will lie pre'
The total assessment tor the coun-! sented.
ty In 1902 was $5,6G3,91S.iQ. and a tax The parish house has been very
levy of 2S mills raised a tax of $1G8,- tastefully decorated and the booths
889.72 for that year. In 1903 tho to- arc models of art and skill, and the
'tal assessment for the county Is $9.-' articles sold will be in the keeping
214,030.75, and In order to raise $158,-, with the unique features of tho sale.
589.72, tho amount raised last year, ! So far, the women have decided to
a levy of 17 1-5 mills must he lm- have only booths representing Japan,
posed. I Mexico and the American Indian, and
The total tax levy for tho vear 1902 ' while It would be impossible to enu-
In this county was 47 mills, and the merate tho many useiul, artistic and
total lovy for the year 1903, in order ; beautiful articles which will be dls-
to raise the same amount of taxes, posed of. yet each booth will contain
will be 30 17-60, or fii for tho city. , a wide variety of typical wares of
o o-u tor tlie school and 17 1-5 for tho different people. In Mo inaian
county and state. booth the .Mnorhonse pictures, fnm-
, ed all the country over lor 'their orlg'
Superintendent O'Brien in Town. Inallty and beamy. Indian baskets
Superintendent J. P O'Urien, o ftho heai worI aml n" the various handi
work oi inese jieopio. in tne Japan
s booth thu daintv and dcliaate
I ...nno if tlm Ohrvriiintlimiinm M...
you know Schillings
nn.l JI-. i, t.
' - cnnll " BAnnr If)
dom win
tho Mexican nook will be surrounded
by tho art of the lam! of In mnnnnn.
rt4onnC ritfMlf
are moneyback? At) ut youf
New Piano Truck.
I). II. WafTle. the exprossmnn. has
Just' recehvti a fine new' piano truck
of the most Improved make, from
Holly, Mich.
. i Vaudeville at Athena.
! The artists tit the Shields; Park
t ' vaudeville company left thU morning
t i . .t - ... thnV Will jlnllnllt
I lOr AWIUIUl, wm:u .'.'V w-h..
i the people of that city lth a special
program. . iia-' . "4'ta3il
On Wednesday, Decem
ber i6th, and Monday,
December 21st, with
every 50c cash purchase
of Glassware or China
we will give one Child's
Sec displa) in our
Owing to the very disagreeable
weathor and the hnrd rain that was
pouring down at 8 o'clock last night,
the attendnnco nt tho dramatic reci
tal given nt the Frnzor. by Miss Dor-
tha Matlock, was not nearly so large.
as It would havo been under hotter
The entertainment was first-class
In every particular. Miss Matloak
has gcnuino dramatic ability, exhibit
ed it with ease last night, and Boom
ed 10 have further reserve, forces not
called Into action in her selections.
Her individuality Is strong, perhaps
too strong In many ways, and whllo
she portrnyB hor characters with
ease and grace, there may bo n lltt.o
too much of hor own personality In
her acting, especially In hor enunci
ation. Her solectlonB wore very
good and she has a most wonderful
memory, one of tho very, first and su
prcmo qualifications for an elocution
1st and drnmntlst.
Her expression and complete mas
tery of hor subjects wero remarkable
ano lias the true dramatic instinct
getting in touch with hor characters
and living their lives during hor im
personation, two of tho most difficult
requirements In n dramatic educa
"The Rescue of Io'fila," from "Quo
Vndls," one of the most ' dramatic
scenes in modern fiction, was given
in n thrilling manner. Tho audience
was transferred to old Home for 111c
Instant, and lived In tho historic
arena for a brief moment.
In the "Coming Out of Miss Cum
mlngs." Miss Matlock niado the
greatest Impression with her nnai
once, although tho true dramatic
valtio of the selection is inferior to
that of the selection from "Quo
Tho singing of Mr. Zan was excel
lent He has a strong, sweet, melo
dious voice, perhaps handicapped by
too long familiarity with masses nnd
nnthoms, to havo tho proper sway In,
tne simpler melodies, but captivating,
Tho entertainment was one or the
most highly enjoyable affairs over
given In Pendleton, and Miss Matlock
added many friends to her nlrcady
largo list, and Mr. Znn's 'Introduction
paved tho way for a warm welcome
on his return to tho city on any fih
lure occasion.
The nble accompaniment of Miss
Cosblo Haley was tho spirit of tho
evening, nnd her art added greatly
to the successful rendition of tho pro
gram. -Miss Matlock and. Mr. Zan left this
morning for Hoppner, where an en.
tertalnment will bo glvon tonight.
ofllcors In tholr search. Thu cases
will bo taken to the circuit court.
Sanderse and Howard l ined.
Sandors was later found and
brought before the city rocordor,
iwhoro ho pnld a mio oi n.
was arraigned mid after a short
speech to tho court pleaded guilty and
wns lined $20.
I Turner was arraigned nnd piencl
'not guilty, depositing 11 cash bnll of
$25, and will light the cubc. Ho naked
for a warrant lor thu arrest of Mayor
Hnlley, but what his complaint wns
ho did not state. His trial Is not sot,
as he asked for time to consult an
attorney. , ' ,
After the men nave passed through
the city court they have yot the state
wnrrnnta In fnco. and the district at
torney states his Intention to proso
cuto them vigorously, as the offense
wnB dollbernte and premeditated,
Sudden Flooci in the -spaln and
Stage Gulch Country.
Davo Nelson, I ho road supervisor
in tlie Dcspnln Gulch nnd Stage
Gulch country, telephoned Into the
city thlB morning to County Juilgo
Hnrtman asking for tools to rebuild
the road In the gulches, 11 i reports
that the warm rains of the past duy
or two has melted all of tho snow
yot on the ground, and that a Hood
and washout came down the gulches
last night, wnslilng out tlie road In
places so thnt the trnlllc was stoppen
nnd nothing could get past tho places,
Ho asked for plows and other Imple
ments with which to ropnlr the dimi
ago. It wns stated that the Hood was of
greater extent than the one of last
year, which washed out roads and
bridges and tore up the country gen
erally. Owing to the fact that tho
telephone -ines nro down, no donulle
news of tho extent of the washout
can be learned this iirternnun
Smoking Jackets and House Coats at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
$5 Smoking Jackets only eight days
Until Xmns, $3.90.
$6.50 Smoking Jackets, only eight
dnys until Xmns, $5.35.
$7.50 Smoking Jnckots, only olght
dnys until Xmns, $6.uB.
$8.50 Smoking Jackots, only eight
dnys until xmns, $o.8u.
$10 Smoking JncKots,
lavs until Xmns, $7.90.
We'll put your card In a pnekago,
properly addressed and deliver at tho
exact hour thnt you say and nil tho
time giving away tickets for our $400
ClirlRtmns presents, which will bo dis
tributed Thnrsdny. December 24, at
5 p, m.
Whore It pnys to Trndo.
us J
only olght
Board of Lady Managers St. Louis
SI Louis, Pec. 16. The boarll of
lady managors for the oxposltion to
dny elected Mrs, Dnnlo) Manning, of
New York, prosldent to succcod MrR.
Ilhilr. She was placed In nomination
bv Helon Oonld.
nun Tn ......
uiiL I lh n v
Liioanestti i
J-JI 1- . . . 0"
Unexpected Action by L. Rayburn,
Marshal of La Grande Great Ex
citement and Chagrin by the Card
Wlelders, Who Put Up the Costs
as Soon as PendHston Is Reached.
Their owners seek
a field of battle.
The Statutes Therefor Made and Pro
vided 8uffer the Greater Injury E.
E. Turner Under Arrest for AldTng
and Abettinn a Disturbance and for
Refusing to Give Evidence and As.
sist the Otiicers.
Baking Powder
' The rtnurkable increase In consumpuoo
I crave its purity and wholetomencsfc
With a Coupon
Dressed Poultry of all Kinds J
Leave Your Orders With Us at Once
I F, S. "Y-OTJIsra-ER. & S03ST
Frank Howard and O. it. Sanders
were tho principals In a small-sized
prize fight this afternoon, and one ot
them Is in tho county Jail while tho
other Is somo place nhead of tho ofllc
ors. E. E. Tumor, tho expressman, Is
Incidentally under arrest charged
with aiding and abetting a fight by
hauling tho men to tho field of battle,
and Is therefore before tho city re
corder charged with disorderly con
duct. Howard Is one of the singers nt the
local vaudeville, and Is tho possessor
of a small bull terrier. He Is proud
of the dog, and tho trouble all nroso
over it. Whllo in tho saloon of Baker
& Ogg somo trouble arose ovor the
dog, and tho men had a mix-up, but
wero separated. Thoy tbon agreed to
go out of tho city limits and fight It
out. This thoy did, about 150 men
following them ucross the river to the
Hold of battle.
8andera Vamoosed.
The shorlff was notified, and arrest
ed Howard as he was coming back
nftor having fought a couplo of
rounds and shaken bands with Ills op
ponent. Ho was takon to tho county
jail, Sanders, who Is tho night man
nt Carney's llvory stable, camo back
In a hack with 13. E. Turner and
could not bo found. When Turner
was asked by the offlcors whore ho
had put tho man, ho said ho did. no.
know, and was placed undor arrest for
aiding nnd abetting tho disturbance
Tho men will bo arraigned as soon
as found and asked to plead to tho
chargo of disorderly conduct in tho
city court, after which It Is the In
tention ot District Attorney Hnlley to
file complaints against thorn for fight
ing contrary to- tho statutes,
Against Turner two complaints will
bo filed ono for aiding and abetting
a fight by hauling tho men to tho
placo, and the other for concealing a
participant and refusing to assist the
I.. Rayburn, tlie marshal of I-a
Orande, was in tho city last night
while on his wny homo from a trip
to Walla Walla, whore ho went tn
take a deserter whom bo had caught
in La Orande. bnck to the barracks.
Mr. Hnyburn had a funny storv to
toll, thnt happened na ho camo to this
city last night from Wnlia Walla.
There was a party of four men on
the trnln two traveling man nnd n
couplo of Walla Walla business men
nir Pondleton bound. After the train
had started well on Kb way, one of
tho traveling men suggested a friend
ly little game of draw, and the four
men mentioned wore agreeable nnd
eat In, A few minutes passed and the
game was getting strenuous, when
tho njnrsiini stopped tin to them, nnd
showing li! Btnr, told them that they
were undor arrest, an thCy wore
gambling, which was contrary to the
rules of the company, and the laws
of the state as made and provided.
The four men were completely tnkun
by surprise, but made no resistance
nnd were kept undor arrest until thoy
reached tho city, when they wore
turned loose, nnd Inst night bought
things for the benefit of the crowd.
Ono of iho Walla Walla men, who
Is reported to havo been recently mar
ried, was especially discouraged when
ho was apparently in tho clutches 01
tho law. "I have lost my overcoat
and umbrella since starting on this
trip," he explained to the sympathet
ic officer, "and now I have got mixed
up wltii these traveling men and havo
lost my reputation, and when my
wife hears of it I will Iobp hor." His
Joy, when found It wns a Joke, con
bettor bo Imagined than described.
f """is mi jnih week on
Men's Clothing
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits
Cloaks an A T.l
ye win sun wicm less man you pay for such
mice nnr stuck vtirv 1unr.l1 Imfrirf Ism,.,,.. . "
... ' , J-....J 1, ,n04, u, ,
niniif. nn nvnrnnn nil oi ,n ti,.r run, -... - i -
nw - 3 "ul" 'cyiuar prices
T" -I 1 r ,
I Cfimo nf i lip
f Suitable Gifts in Our Store
Arrival Mesdames Reed and Brown.
Mrs. Walter Heed and Mrs. Sher
man I). Ilrown, both ot Portland, are
gueHtu at tho Hotel Pendleton during
tholr visit In this city. The ladles will
appear lu a concert here this evening.
Left for Nez Perce.
Kov. and -Mrs, I). W. Yoakum and
family left this morning for Nez
Porco, where .Mr. Yoakum Is In chargo
of the South Methodist church.- Tho
party has boon the guests of Mr nnd
Mrs, J. M. nqntloy while In tho city.
Work Suspended.
Thu work on the Martin building
on Webb street has been stopped on
account of tho wenthor and will not
bo commonccll again until tho condi
tions nro favorable for the completion
of the work,
Mrs. Walter Reed and Mrs. Sherman
Brown, Two Favorites, at the Fra-
Tho ovont which has been antici
pated with pioasuro In music circles
of Pondloton, will tako place tonight.
Mrs. Walter Heed, ono of thu leaillnir
singors on the Coast nnd Mrs, Sher
man 1), nrown, a violinist of rum skill
nnd art, will ho heard In a high-class
concert ut tho Fwor Thoy oro to
ho assisted In the program by Profes
sor Kmll Motschmanu, of this city, at
the piano, which adds to tho Interest
of tho envertuinment.
It Is usolo' to say unyihlng further
than has ben snid about those art
ists. Th5y nro well known In Oro-
gdn, and Mrs, Heed U milto woll
known in this city nnd tho event has
boon arranged at the npoclal solicita
tion of frlonds hero, it will bo tho
musical ovont of tho icafon In this
Knives for Ladies, GonUemon and Boys
All sizes and shapes. Razors, Table Cut
lery Carving Sets, Shot Gune and Kifles.
The new Browning Automatic Shot Gun, a
revalution in gun working. Examine this
new invention.
We handle exclusively in Pendleton the
Eochester Nickle Plate Ware.
; 621 Main St.
Closing-Out Sale
Busy Boston Store
Useful Presents
J have a full line of ItODGEBS 1847 WAJtf
Chafing Difhos, Tassel'Mats, Carvere, Pocket
Knives for men, boys and ladies, Razor out
fits, nickel plated Ware, etc., that will
nice and useful presents.
Call and examine my line before buying-
I Tiie Hardware
C" 5 . Remember the Full .Naroo
wive Rromo Quinine JC (VLJ?
CuCoWlnOneDay, CripTn 2 Days S&f