East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Coklulifd nttj nfteraon lexrt dundar)
at I'cndlfton. (irrcou. by tb
.3.ixi '
2-6g i
'. !Hu I
' i jjfl j
..5.oo I
I'bone. Mala II.
xIIt ont jar br mill
Dallj. lx months br mall
Dally. :Urw month bjr mall
Daily. uur munlli bj mall
lally. wr aionili bj carrier
wklT. one jtnr by mall
Wkljr, Ms month by mall . .
KVklT. four months by mall . . .
tml-rtly, one year by mall . .
Seml-WeefclT, tlx month by mall
Semi-Weekly, three month by mall
The Eat Oresonlan l no lale at II. It
Klch'a News Stand at Hotel Portland and
Hotel I'erklna. l'ortland. Oregon.
Member Scrlppa Mcltae
News Assocla-
.an t"rauclro llureau. Fourth St.
Chlcege llureau. Security llulldlng.
Washln;tin. I). C. Uureau. SOI Htb St..
Entered at Pendleton poatotfice as seecond
elas matter.
Thy husband Is thy lord, thy
life, thy keeper.
Thy head, thy sovereign: one
tha: cares for thee.
And for thy maintenance: com
mitt, his body
To painful labor, both by sea
and land.
To watch the night in storms.
the day in cold.
Whilst thou tiest warm at
home, secure and safe:
And craves no or tribute at
thy hands
Hut love, fair looks and true
Too little payment for so gTPat
a debt.
Taming of the Shrew.
The Uving Church Annual, the
year hook and authority of the Epis
copal church, bitterly complains that i
infant baptism has decreased in that
chnrch 50 per cent in 14 years.
In the past year the number of
adult baptisms has largely increased,
while the number of children baptized
has decreased greatly.
The annual does not mince its
words In explaining . the cause. It
goes directly to the liottom of the
statistics and shows why this de
crease in the numlier of children
coming into the church. It shows
mat it is caused by a diminishing
number of children liorn to members
of the church: It complains of the
childless families, and the childless
Sunday school classes and rather
sharply rebukes those responsible for
this condition.
In the homes of the wealthy and i
prosperous, among people amply able
to raise families, educate them and
prepare them for useful lives, there
are found no children.
People with palatial homes, with
wealth to lavish on "poodle" dogs,
donkeys, cats and freakish and empty
ideals. ..uve learned to despise child
ren and this high church authority
predicts that the time Is near at hand
when a condition will prevail in
America resembling that In France,
where a woman bearing one child is
given a premium by the government,
the mother of twins Is given a pen
sion for life, and a mother of triplets
Is canonized.
Elbert Hubbard, editor of the Phil
istine roazaglne. one of the most
original thinkers in the United States,
has figured out the railroad question
lu a practical manner and here is
what he says:
"The trusts are a movement of na
ture in the interests of mankind. The
iieople will yet own and control the
railroads, Just as we do the postoffice.
The state will own the rallroaas. just posts in this Instance without much
as wc control the highways, where ceremony, but It represents the great
once everybody paid toll. But the est diplomatic victor of the century
Wrist Bags and
A c inplete sfisortmont of
all the fashionable ideas.
5Ve buy direct from the manu
facturers', and can sell at a
a price that will suit the
change cannot come by voting out
the strong men who hove brought
rallrontling up to Its present high de
gree of excellence, and putting In
diHsntlsflcd walking delegates. We
will make terraB with these strong
men and retain them In power.
"The nation can only be strong by
using the efforts of Its strong mon.
These men In power have proved
lclr fitness and the rnen who oper-
ate the railroads of the co-operative
commonwealth will be men trained
and educated by the men now In
power. And the change will come as
quietly nnd Imperceptibly as a change
lu schedule It will be evolution, not
"1 believe In co-operation, even with
people we do not like. If it will bring
us any nearer our Ideal. Never was
there u time when men of steady
judgment were more in demand. We
want hopeful, earnest men. and thove
all. men of patience, kindness and
good cheer. We want the opportunist
the man who does what he can. the
best he can, and who tomorrow will
do the same thing."
The unsatisfactory labor situation
revealed by the riot of the Greek
track laborers at I .a Grande, on Sun
day, is worthy of serious thought by
every one Interested in his country.
If the 0 Ft. i X. company could se
cure sober, steady, trustworthy white
men to perform its work, does any
one think for a
moment -this horde
' of mongrel barbarians would be tol-
r erated. no matter what the pricp? If
I gangs of while men. who could be
., ..... . ..
return to work so-
tier ami in tit condition to .penorm
1 their work, on Monday morning, after
! hoine nald off Saturdav evening.
could be secured, does any one think i
the company would Invite such un
pleasant occurrences ns the riot at j
l.a Grande, by hiring the riff-raff of
Europe and Asia in even the most
menial service? In conducting large
enterprises like railroad construe- J
tion and track repair, it is necessary
to keep a heavy farce on hand, ready
to crowd work when it will not Inter
fere with traffic, and the fact is that
white men cannot be dejiended upon
to "stick." Some form of contract '
must he entere I into between the j
company nnd the laborers to Insure
a working force at all times, hence
these gangs of Greeks and Japanese
are contracted from large employment
concerns In order to have some re-
sponsible force back of the individu-1
als to Insure the presence of a certain j
number of men at times when most .
needed. The gradual deterioration of j
the shiftless white laborer on the Pa
cific Coast Is responsible for the
presence of the barbarians. Railroad
companies hate these pagans as hear-1
I lily as anybody, but they are driven
to employ them in self-defense
There are 200.0iii miles of ocean 1
cable In the world, valued at 210.noo.j
ooii. their maintenance and repair re
quiring the service of 40 specially '
equipped vessels. The land lines of I
telegraph in Europe and America ag-1
gregatlng 2.S09.00U miles of single!
wire, valued at the enormous total of
JUO.OOO.uOu, with several hundred
thousands of dollars Invested in re
pair and construction equipment All
this wonderful achievement and in-!
vestment, binding the remotest cor-
ners of the earth together in almost
Instant communication and employing !
a million servants Is threatened with
absolute disuse by the alarming
growth and simplicity of the wireless
miracle, and yet how wonderful it
was before Marconi swept his wand
across the dark realm of science
It was a sad day for the Canadian
mounted police along the Alaskan
frontier, when they were compelled
to move back from their old statfonsj
to the new lines Just established by
the Alaskan boundary commission,
The United States advanced her out-
D?ireinitt tllnffltt
Cut Glass
Is also one of the pretty
things we have forXmas.
Everything from Bon-
bons to Punch Bowls.
Cut Glass is always ac
ceptable. It is rich in
appearance and prices
will be a pleasure to pur
I A political quarrel of more than SO
years standing between Iceland and
' Denmark has at last been settled.
; The Tall .Mall Gazette says: "The
Icelanders, who speak n lauguagc till
ferent from uanisn in ibci.
tongue Is very nearly that of the old
N'orse Edda -have incessently con
.tended that between that country and
Denmark there should only he the
golden link of the crown.' In making
this claim they weut by ancient his
torical traditions of still greater tree
Their claim was that thore should
he a speclnl minister for Iceland
who should reside at Reykjavik and
he a native of the island. Hitherto
the Danish minister of Justice was a'
the same time the minister for Ice
land, and he. residing at Copenhn
gen. was not required to know th
Icelandic language. This was held t"
be sore grievance. eseclally win"
the althlng. or parliament, "was ns
sembled. and the Danish governoi at
Itevkjavlk had often to correspond b
letter from the often storm-boiiml
island, with the authorities at Coiien
hagen. there being no telegraph!'
Now the Danish government has
yielded to the Icelanders and the al
thing has given its assent to he bill
In question. As n curious fact. It may
I... ,tlr,T,u.l thnt thr. Islnnil with a
population o( but Mi.nOo. has an upper
and lower house, of 12 and 2t mem
hers, eaeh easily accommodated In an
ordinary 'room. As a rule, the Ice
landers are Intellectually much gif
ed. producing many learned men."
At first the figure was only an inn
dent of their dances, a "crow." in ini t
itatlon of the game-cock ns be nn 1
pounced his victory. Then was mill
ed the strutting nnd Happing of wines.
then the cock at the heud of his brood
this was represented by a negro
man at the head of several men anil
women in couples, each dancing nnd
imitating the strutting crowing,
scratching, and other antics of the
brood of fowl, the lender geuorally
having two palmleaf fans to use as
wings. The more grotesque nud
novel the antics of the negroes won
rendered, the greater was the amuse
ment, and the couple who produced
the most fun were voted the most
popular nnd the man was dei-laieii
cock of the walk." nnd made thi
leader of the next exhibition. R F
Smith. Sr.. in December National
John Alexander Dowie the evan
gelist who denies his own father
seems to be a thrifty fellow I.Ike all
other self-styled Messiahs, who pro
fane the name of Jesus Christ, he Is
out holely for the "stuff " His religion
is simply but blasphemously used as
The strongest
castle could le
ti! educed by siege if the
ri i out. The strongest Irody M
I M Has to give up me tiglll
Jf when starvation weakens
it. There are more deaths
from starvation titan the world
dreams of. When the stomach is dis
eased and the food eaten is not digested
and assimilated, then the strength of the
body lie gins to fail because of lack of
'nutrition, nud the weak body falls an
easy victim to the microbes of disease.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
mres diseases of the stomach and other
argons of digestion and nutrition. It
restores physical strength in tbe only
possible way, bj,- enabling the assimila
tion of the nutrition contained in food.
I ra aide for over thrrr year with a com-
f licition of ftomich trouble. writes Mr. John
. Caitoiu. residing at m Arch St.. Chicago.
Illinois. IUd tried every good phykican I
knew of, a well a many patent medicine, but
received only temporary relief One ilav a
fnend recommended ourGoldeu Medical bi
eovery ' 1 immediately procured aonte and le
gan it uc Commenced to gain the nrt weeL,
and after I had taken ouly one bottle I could
eat a well a anyone without experiencing ill
effect. I took five buttle, and to-day am happy
to annouuee that I am aa well and healthy aa
any ooe could be. I owe It all to Dr. Picrcc'a
Gulden Medical OUcorery "
The sola motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of less meritorious
medicine, lie gains. You lose. There
fore accept no itibatttute for "Golden
Medical Ducovery.'
FREK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is senty'rrr on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing
tnly. Send twenty-one one-cent stamp
for thr book, in paper covers, or thirty
oce stamps for the cloth-bound volume.
Addre Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
L I .
are Oseffnal a Wei
We will give.away New
ist GIFT
2nd GIFT
-,rd GIFT
Every dollar purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
$3o gilt. f
Fvery 59c purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
Every 25c purchase e ntitles you to a ticket on the
$5 Giit-
. , In rhn In.
n recder tor ms
vestlgatlon of his commercial nrfalrs
. .. - i. I... nut mnlnil the
Itl COUri tni8 WIT-, -- ---
value of his estate at four teen mil
lion dollars above all liabilities. H i ,
creditors made Inquiries, round his
smiement correct nnd withdrew an
action -hev had brought to have him
declared a lmnkrupt. Think of such
a man scourging the money-changers (
and driving them from the Temple,
as did the Gentle Norarene. whose re
incarnation Dowle professes to be
San Fraiuisco Star
Itching, Scaly and Crusted
With Loss of Hair
Speedily Cured by Guticura
Soap and Ointment
When Every Other Remedy and
Physicians Fail.
Warm shampoos with Cntlcura Soap
I and light dressings of Cuticura, the
I great skin cure, at once stop failing
j hair, remove crusts, scales and dandruff,
soothe Irritated, Itching surfaces, de
stroy hair parasites, stimulate the hair
follicles, loosen the scalp skin, supply
the roots with energy and nourish
si' s:, aud m-Ue tlu Lair fc.-ow upon a
sweet, healthy scalp when all else falls.
Millions of the world's best people
ne Cntlcura Soup, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, the great skin core, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and the stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing and soothing red, rough and sore
hands, for baby rushes, itchtngs and
uhnungs, for annoying Irritations and
inflammations, or too free or offensive
perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses,
and many antiseptic purposes which
readily suggest themselves to women,
as well as for all the purposes of the
toilet, hath and uun-ory.
Complete treatment for every ho
nionr, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to
cleanse the skin, Cntlcura Ointment, to
heal the skin, and Cuticura Resolvent,
to cool and clcau.se the blood may now
be had for one dollar. A single set
is often sufficient to cure the most
torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning
and scaly humours, eczemas, rushes
and irritations, from infancy to age,
when all else falls.
SoUtfcroutlmtllK wortt. CatKun BM4trvat.lUc.OB
fcm of ChoMUte ComW4 PUK lc pr nl of OJf. Oin.
m!.Ak.,Bop,Zfc. lMft lailon,ZT CbArtrrbooM
Mo, i tin. i hut d. U fftix lUfVon. 137 Colouou An.
yitur ltt d Cltrm. Corih. nm rropnetrtv
aj-Moo IV " U to Car Trr llaraour "
V'!l lit-properly am! prompt-
It done :l t'litnisi'-i! to .
W can fill tour wnt- lor J,
electricm supplies ol ail kinds
Elrctrical f.ontraci.ng is our 1
specialty r.nd we would like J
to figure with ou
Sole f'eaiers in the old re-It
able Edison I, amps
Good Work Right Prices
West Court Street
'tar Mattlock lildg.
The Standard of Excellency.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
How nitii'li more appropriate
is a gift if nicely ciigrnved.
It h doubly appreciated.
ArtlcUs purclinsed fum us
we engrave
Free of Charge.
Silverware forChristruasor
wedding gifts is not correct
unless It Is engraved.
Our Hue of silverware era
braeea some choice pieces in
sterling and also in best
grades of plated ware.
Jeweler and Optician
Near Post Office.
Ready for a Christmas
j Drive
' it. tantamount to having on band a
I Hack or Buggy which was sold in this
j esblishnient, for here are to be found
.vehlc'ei of many styles, size and
shapes all, however, noted for their
1 strength, graceful lines, i-srtninty of
las'tinc many years nnd of lielng driven
i nvt-r nmnr inlfw We bveTop HuRttlei from
Ittup au ' Mtior Harki nntl Wmiont. Bent
i in the world Made- irom lr dried tlmbsr.will
not check in thli clltuatr. Call and (elect
1 trcm our larte Mori
Dull t U' sititdied to move
alouir in the same old way for
low wugex. We can help you
carve out n successful cjireer.
Tluni-iiiids have iueit-aoed their
salaries by following our plan.
We can train you lu spare time
and ut small co-t for any of th
following positions ;
MwcllittiCltl. Klactricol, Stenill,
or Civil Knitlnecr, IXlectricUiik.
Siirveyuf, .Arotiitect. tJruftw
iiiiaii. HiHkl-e)er, hlnnintr-ph.
tir. 'reiicber, eliow Caird Wrltr
Window t3rM?r, ur Ad, Wrltar
Box 799
Or intl vn our local reprexentti
int. T W Bracking, 127 Lee street
Pendleton, Ore
I Money BackM'
Spirits of Edeu
fait to cure Kht-uiuatisui. For Sale by
A. v;. KocppeuS Ilros. Agrs. lor rendl n.
j : .
a BeattaHlffifl
We have an elegant line
of Alfred Wright's, Paul Rei
ger's, L. T. Piver'e, Rogers &
Gablet's and Col pile's. We
also have their lines of
Toilet Watfi- and Sachet
Powders. Fine collection of
Fancy Bottles.
lnn.l. ."UllfhL
1 I .. . ,
n in
atay u
i nil
vim a
i npfli
- OK I
1 aaM
Tl,:. llr- i . T"
" -.11 -T n I
A Cna.I.I U.
Kavmond and
and . tilt trim ra .tt
Hitchcock and
Mr. G.0.1
L'yotoritocui A it
T V.
TT J '
m m mm m
9.1 w av--. - --
fei three it, ticket
day night.
AI 2 v
iitvrtiL BTOCKHOlTltf
i a.v tm
TO wuu - rf.'. litw
. t...m thai ib rv
.ll Ulraa IttmiMI
.nn,,.l meatlBC - :
lor i """ M
-I- a W
round on
I'nilut Cases.
Triplicate Min1- .
Hand-painted CH
Manicure Sets
Statuary. fonCV I .- ,
1 ...it