East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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.t..i..i..i. .. .f -it-
Cold Weather Comforts:
. .
Heavy Suits
Corduroy Trousers
Over Shoes
Woolen Underwear
Lined Gloves and
Duck Clothing
They are unexcelled in Quality and Price
aer & Oaky
whs chosen leaner mr v.w...
n .. .1 tlA-lint i
team, with ltaipn uuron " !.
rs...!tr.n nQ fnII(nCUCS
Mr Torallnson lias been In the unl-
i varsity debating team for the past . J
three season!., ami Is considered ono i
.1! the strongest men on the const j J
11-l.lfmnr. t.mm TV-nil tllP COll-
FINANCE IS ENTHUSIASTIC tos( t Whitman College. Inst year, ! J
! btil the Orogon team hopes to win ,
. . , this debate, as tholr team Is much I
Saye American Are But People on J W ,nn ,, Ul0 Rtll
Earth Relations Between the Two j ,v)u ,a)-e place on their homo j
Nations Have Been Extremely Cor- j rui. which Is considered 10 points, ,
dial Many Americans Welcomed 1:. i jj
Into the Dominion. i ,
I Kodol Dyspessia Cure j
Former Secretary of Finance of Digests all classes of food, tones and ' i
Canada George E. Foster has Just re- strengthens the stomach and digestive J
Alberta from England, i "S- :,'rpiL WW,. , """Z I
nnd '
Three hundred thousand men will,
rote next fall 'in the United States
who hare attained their majority!
since 1900. ;
As attaches of the hoard of health
of -New York City, there are 64 in-1
spectors detailed to look exclusively t
after smallpox cases.
The past season was disastrous to j
potato growers in England and lre-J
land, causing much distress, and ex-1
Iiense for Importing tuhers.
In the Koraan Catholic churches of
New York City, women comprise two
thirdg of the attendants and 5G.C r
cent in the Protestant churches.
Pope Pius IX is a musician, and
plays the piano an hour every day.
Th entire Vatican did not contain an
Instrument, and one was purchased
for his ospecial benefit.
The United States consumes annu-;
ally B.nno.dOO pounds of mohair, of
which only 1,000.000 pounds are pro-;
duced in the United States, and of
which one-half is raised In Oregon. ,
A Messina astronomer named To
rn ago landC has all the astronomers '
Hotel Pendleton.
William llaher. Portland.
C 11. Smith. Portland.
Henry Jacobs. San Francisco.
Walter Jl. Pierce, city
U A. Falck.
John T. Hill.
Myer Abraham. Portland.
R. I. N. Aiken, New York.
H. M. Majors.
U. A. Seeds. Siokano.
A. J. Hali.
William Henry and wife, Portland
W. C. Marshal. San Francisco.
Dan McCarab. Washington.
Georse A. Lamb. Sioux City.
D. D. Baxter, St. Joseph.
E. B Dillon. St. Joseph.
Golden Rule "Hotel
J M. Bodel. Walla Walla.
George Jackson. Seattle.
S. A Thomas. Franklin.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
K. C. Long. Spokane
T. Nylander. New York.
flirt....! t AllinHn f.nm rnnl.nil
, ... ,, . ' ' Hon Stomnrh Trouoios. and makes
where he has been moving speeches r'ch r0(, ,l!ooJ and strength.
in favor or a preferential tariff and Ko(,ol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn-
assisting in the campaign of former . tiiiis mirlfies strengthens nnd
UlUUilll Ol'll V.4.1 J UUSt.-lU SWCVieilS UIV fUUitUVU. VIV. V.. "l 1
lain, declares that within five yeart. . Atkinson, of W. Va.. says: "I have I
the Dominion will be able to supply ' nsrtl a number of bottles of Kodol j
England with the wheat now s-ent Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to j
from the United States. 1 be a very effective nnd. Indeed, pow- f
"Last year," he says, "wo raised prfu! remedy for stomach ailments. ! j
Ko.OOO.OUu bushels of wheat nnd more recommend it to my friends." Sold ,
than 100.000,000 bushels of grain, by Tollman & Co.
We have now under cultivation .1,000.- '
000 acres of wheat land and still have No REDUCTION IN INDIANA.
100.000,000 acres. Just ns good, which , t
will be giain-produclng land in the conference of Bituminous Owners
near future. No country In the world , and operat0rs, t
will take the placo of Canada as a
food producer. This Is due to the Torre Haute Ind.. Dec. lu. Indiana
richness of her soil and the climate. . mine opeiators went Into session here J
"We Canadians think the United uday to discuss the attitude they will
States In all Its relations with ns has take at the approaching interstate
been a very insistent nation. Your Joint conference as to wages and labor
people nre the best in the world, but conditions for the scale year begin- .
we do not look upon vour government nlng April 1. From views expressed
as the broadest-minded In the world. ' by soveral of the most prominent of J
We import from the United States a . the mine owners, it nppears probable
large number of agricultural prod- that no reduction in wages win ne
uets. but from us the United Stntes asked for so far as Uie Indiana hi
imports vcrv Mttle. Ic tnaci'fa-'-.irr-' "-nvpons "''' !-. rnr-ep-n-rt.
goods our tariff runs about 2S per
cent, wnne that of the United States
is about 40 per cent The disparity
seems too great. If you won't let us
in on a fair tariff we'll have to raise
the tariff against you
"We think our country is Just as
good as the United States. There
was a feeling of disappointment
nmong us concerning the Alaskan
award, but that Is passing away. You
A Great Christmas
Be Quick and Get First Kck
All of our Holiday Stock Is now here. Th
u mat. wn imrui.y nave room to turn ... '"tol
.lolne business nnd lot ..f u l.?"! 1T
vurisuiiu nun Atuw lear ciu iiiin ..ri tltftm.
y . ,.... ...... .u.um... .mc ami;.. IT
. - ,
Leather and Silver
Gift Novelties
Leather Wrist Bags. Silver Wrist n...
Silver Chatlnlno Bags. Leather Chatiii.
Collar and Cuff Boxes, Indies' r,rt ft
.it'll o Ulil iiHstvio uiiu ijiii rn npM
Music Rolls. Traveling Cases.
Come and look them over while they ,
and you can get first choke.
Y I! O l .
mm mrmM
f '
The Lone Star State.
Down in Texas at Yoakum is a Ug,i
:'.r goods firm of which Mr. J. SI. j J
Mailer is Hie bend .Mr. Haller on one 1
of his trips East to buy goods said to
a friend who was with him in the
palace car- "Here, take ore of these
Little Earl
you will be
feeling good." For the "dark brown
.1 Q"
; -
y Rlcers upon retiring and J
e up early in the morning ! -
irl " Pnr thA "ilnrl." hrnwn' I "
si-e. the United States stretches its j taste, headache nnd that logy feeling, J
carcass across our front door. We've 1 DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the j
A Supreme
of expectation cos'd
..It!. a-
lie one of annoyua
a n:i VI OCT
steel carvers, t&
naua.ej, mat win
I. -1' an A nan.. 1-
uliurry. Oar fun
" " ..UUU la
tll L
got to step over you people when we best pills to ue. Sold by Tollman &
want to get out to sea that is. if Co. I
you will let ns." Z
nt PnniTin Itivntll.ltlnc. hlc rlnlm in
have Invented a telescopic attach-. Reports Sent Out from Spokane Re
nient that macnlfies o diamete'-s. . parding Their Actions Untrue.
One plan, credited by some high ol-! The boss plumbers, in a statemeni
fielals. is to pay for digging the Pan- o the public this morning, made clear
ama canal bv Issulne "canal certifi-. ibeir l-osltlon during the striKe 01
cates" n-decmable solely from the ' thrlr c.npleyes for
revenues of the completed waterway
"" J"-'-' """'Some of the statements
Contest With Whitman College Will
Take Place on January 15, at Eu
gene.' Eugene. Dec. IS. In the debating
contest nt Villard Hall at the Uni
versity of Oregon, held on
For Sale. I
Eight hundred high-grade stork cat.-
tie at a bargain. Hay to winter cattle
If d sired. Enquire of
C. B WADE. Pendleton. Or. ,
W T r'T A DVD J?. r" .
ELATERITE li Mineral Rubber.
cirtlu I It neeeur3-to 11E1MJVCE A WtiIL'-on
. . l 1 .Ut 1... . I .. Mn . .1 M ..1 .-J
i ... vursuy oi ureeon. neia on sunuay iioaanciies. etc. e woum recommenii iui.es lu iiiatv u. Hiiusira, uu. uuu, ui uu ti.'ci, ui
ftwn. f Jnm m tsl) Z riar of afternoon, for the purpose of select- Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleji, etc
. inr- rtphatprs fn mwt whitmnn rvii. imiifr r,citir.. m.nnin. t -iii TemDert for an ciimaies. KGasona Die in cost, soia a
e I Sfl 'rJhk ?,oen, P.hn mnSll- ln the Oregon-Whitman debat- always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic teed. It will pay to ask for prlcetand information.
If you are troubled with Impure
hlood. indicated liv sores nimnlps.
Sunday headaches, etc.. e would recommend Takes th place of shingles, tin. Iron, tar aud grarel, ui
then made ;
are by the plumbers claimed to be un-
ing contest to take place
Francisco at the Intersection of Lom-1 ,;"", ..li'i.-i. . -i,or fh.- ,v January IS. 1904, Vernon Tomlinson and $1.00
1 ii1nm!tftrc u-nnlft tnL'A tn-foo fhn lima iHMiHMHi
? t.ni. mr. iJSf nS Sobers would take twice the time
hTn "IWJr- T,e C"C ' 111 Unllsht'!for a job that a fairly skilled work
ed and unfenced. man wuld.
. NORTHWEST NEWS. ! "U",., i
j standing the published statements of i
The Chines cannery contractors o j tne master plumbers' association that
British Columbia have combined in wlH not the demands of '
demanding higher wages for fishing lIlt." striken. The boas plumbers
from the Fishpackers' Association of have appealed to the public for their
British Columbia. j support and the union also claims ,
All the big Portland firms have the support of the public,
greed with the Clerks' Union, to The action of the union last night
close early until December 19. close , In requesting all who had gone on
all day Christmas, and afternoon on ' strike out of sympathy for them to J
New Year's day. I return to worn is tanen puouciy as
, ,, , a sign that the union Is desirous of
Frank Sommcrs. of Des Moines. d(jjng thp thfnK b ,he bc
vis ting in San Francisco, has mys- and , ,n i.uilding operations
teriously disappeared, and friends lhB tIme "
think he has been murdered as he B tnclr actlon a sreat crisIs waB
was known to have J600 in his pock- avprted a8 all unIons as weI1 as a
ets when he disappeared. organizations of employers had
A battle between the Heinze and cleared decks for a great struggle.
Clark miners Is reported to have which, if it had come about, wquld
taken place under ground, at the Ra- certainly have resulted In the death
rus mine, near Butte, on Sunday, in of business In Spokane, from which It
which the underground workings of Is doubtful it would have recovered
the mine were wrecked with dyna- in many months, no matter which
mite. side of the question would have won.
here on poisons and all hlood diseases SOi
F W Schmidt & Co.
Worcester Building.
The executive committee of Port--land
citizens, having in charge the Deafness Cannot Be Cured.,
coming meeting of the National Live- bJ H1 "Jl'l lotions, oi tb-ry cannot raicb
. .tli dlwud portion of the ear. There U
stock convention, will meet in Port- Oolj ooe way to core dafo. and that
land on December 16. The sum of ! U by constitutional mnedlts. Ixatscu la
,10.000 .or the entertainment will be aa .nfl.m -dU.ooe
readily raised by the committees. Whea this tub la Inflamed you have a
,...., o,i rumbllag aound or Jmnerttct bearlog. and
Frank Wlnneshut, a Warm Spring wbtn ,t ta entln.y el0Hta, rafoa u the
Indian, is now on trial in Portland malt, and onltm the Inflammation can be
for the killing of Pelatt. an Indian po- ttic,, tthr-Mpd to ta
liceman. on the Warm Spring reaer- ao-oyed forerer; nine caw oot of ten are
vation, last summer. The policeman , caauxt. by Catarrh, ohleb la nothlne bnt
tt-AK r.-rM(.nt.nlU- nut in hp fap hv InCamMt condition ot the mocoas anr-
Winneshut. who
was drunk at the!
We will Eire One Ilandred Dollars for
I any caa of Dcafnmi (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be rand by Hall a Catarrh
uu.i- Cur. Kend for circa la rm, free.
V. J. CIIESCY m Toledo, O.
dancing and vaudeville artists for the j naip tamlty Wlla are the beat
past three months, were located in 1 .
The Melnottr sisters, who
"been on the Shields' Park circuit as I
Portland by their mother, whom thej
tiiri utrbriuu la aim r nsucincu, umt?
months ago, and wore returned to
their home by the superintendent of
the Boys' nnd Girls Aid Society, of
Portland. Monday.
We can salt yoa.
If wc have not
listed what you
want, we will
find it lot yoa.
r o. uoi su 4
Twine Clack 1111 Office lu'E. O. Bldg
Sportamen'a Aaaoelatlon Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the
Sportsmen's Association at the city
council .rooms Wednesday, December
lb, at 7:30 p. m., to arrange for the
annual tournament. All members
urgently requested to attend.
A Frightened Horse,
Running like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, arc every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody ,to
have a reliable Salve handy and
there's none as good as Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores,
Eczema and Piles disappear quickly
under its soothing effect. 25c at Toll
man & Co.'s drug store.
Thinks Trlb a Good Remedy,
B. F. Gray, Portland, Oregon, July
10th, 1902. writes; "I believe your
remedy for the liquor and tobacco
bablt, Trlb a good one. I took the
Keeloy cure and It cost me 150. I
think Trlb is honestly tho beat euro
of the two. If j ever can be of any
assistance to you, let me know I
consider you have dono much for me."
H as prepared an exceptional strong line of
Presents for Male Relatives and Friends
An nnnnrtnniTv nF o l.fot-Smc .1. n A . c I c . I- . U7oriBVIfnr
"Ki"" ...... wl u insulin, iu wiiuuit iriuii uic cream ui me cicuui. - ii---- .
.7 L. ... i'f , . , , . . . ..... 0, . . if J., MhU
. .... " i u.iu at nib same liiiic usciui. caiiiuil ui 3uiwii."---
F10"""" iui ttic mail iir uuy. OCUUllIUl nriSimaS DOXeS lO patrv ijrcacnw"'
free with all the better grade of goods.
There is no time like the nri'tem RI'V vntv i.f... a ,..ri. i. .,:.. w.. u.ill hnM vourratk1?
. .. .. , ...ii.i mi. inau IU9II utkiu. ..... - j .
ut-Ll Vh.it Ab UKUtKtD. The fullness of our Christmas stock is only exceeded by the beauty of the colony
uiuab iiauc mis year snotiiu ue tne greatest in the history oi this Great Store.
Dent's, "H 6c P. "Kennedy, "Stewart'." ''Perry,"
in glace, suede, Mocha, and colors, black, white, pearl, tan,
brown, grey and special Christmas bones fcr these at no exrta
Fancy Hosiery
Dame Fashion having decreed that men skall wear fancy
half hose, it has been our duty as servants of her majesty to
prepare in advance a suitable howing at this !ad Christmas
tide. We show creations of artistic merit, combined with
wearing worth.
25c, 50c, 75c
Handkerchiefs--Initial Handkerchiefs
Japanetfc silk initial
Exceldasilk initial (I
Silk Japanese initial 2c
Silk Japanese initial . cqC
Silk Japanese initial
Fancy border Japanette at , ' ' Vsc and' iJir
Ttlack and"white silk lianrllf f-rrhipfo nlm .....11...1 .
r. .: r: : , 7 ,-.""' ""cu.jcc to xj. 00
.n-".tin.iii I'.ni,, ui llbltl-blliCUCU 25C tO Si
ft handkerchiefs. !n neat f.hriKtmac rrv l
tin,:,, i.ii. j in 1
..mi, uiplh ui i-uiuicu uiuiiicis, large or small, .,-ec to $ 00
New Carter & Holmes hemstitched Chnstmes mitfflers "
S 25 to J2.5o
Suit Cases
Best Oualitv. Rest Stvles. Lowest Pim4-
mr,.... . n.,-t;tt cmt case yoo
I.ct marie. nO
. . . 0 ... MmnlrtC
jome in ana look at them, we carry a vr
All Kinds. Stvls or Prices. FotHv
' ijl
A magnificent line to select from Apfeu' ,
ter to the comfort of a man at home au
n - . fanftf Mt"Z
plete and compares very favorably wit" '"J x..
? .1 . . n. .a, anu -1-
lore, we catr unhesitatingly asssure jou
Ahcc ts
Shield Tecks
Shield Bows
London Squares
T 1a. e i. J.1 a. 1L f xl 1 . -
x,u 11 iurBBl ihh ua. e n monti. ol the GREAT CLOSING 0DT of n'l the goods of the Dry Goods Depart
every day,
ma kmc vz c vrii
Best shoe repairing at Tuutacb's