East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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At The Peoples Warehouse
Perhaps, gentle reader, you're rather
weary reading these many advertisements.
We really must apologize for the candle
has been pretty well burnt at both ends.
Nevertheless we feel that there is some
thing we would like to say before Christ
mas, and so we say it. Pardon us this
time. We now announce in detail for the
Gift Certificates
just what article would be most
appropriate, a Gift Certificate will
be just the thing. This permits the
bearer to select exactly what she or
he wants. Certificates for any
amount, for anything in the store,
and also for Kid Gloves alone. This
last time the nature of the Free Gifts that gaves time anfl w and are
are 10 oe urawn a r. m. muisuuj, u u . then sure tllat the recipient receives
iu sumc U112) seems uuiicicaaai y, iui tu
them the prizes are well known. To others
we wish them to know. To the fortunate
ones any one of the prizes will be an im
mense X'mas Gift. Be sure you have some
the gift most acceptable.
Right now is the time to select y0UrC3
Di-ccpntc 'Tis tiiinllv H iff !r-nlf f .i 1
. . j memenl
inst what micrht nlease the i
us not
the largest sum that insures the
most apJ
and acceptable gift. The PEOPLES WARE
pride themselves on the fact that they knj
the ladies prefer. They have gotten up this j
the thought that it will be a reminder ofi
tides you would not have remembered,
claim that you can not get along without
but we do claim that we can help you stl
which will please the woman, the man and (b
Gloves for Men
Kid Gloves, in nil colors, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00.
Kid Gloves, silk lined; prices tliu
Kid Gloves, wool lined and fur
trimmed, 25c to $o.OO.
A good assortment of Golf Gloves,
as well as many other styles.
Bath Robes
Turkish Bath ltobes, in pretty pat
terns, from $3.50 to $6.00. ,
Woolen Bath nobes, $4.50 to $10;
In striking patterns; light and dark
colors. A most suitable present.
Lounging Robes
Without a doubt tlio most beauti
ful things in this line; warm and
comfortable, lust as the nntnn Im
plies, a lounging robe; prices $12.50 TVlinkc nH Qui facne
For Jlen, Hoys and Children, in
plain and fancy combinations; prices
lrnm 50c to $5.00.
I-lnen Handkerchiefs in narrow
and wide hems; other with corded
edges; prices 25c and 50c.
Silk Handkerchiefs in plain and
colored borders and fancy centers;
hemstitched and corded edges; 25c
to $1.50.
! All the new shapes; some just in
i by express; pony Cowboys, new Fe
doras, hard hats, tne new opern hats;
' prices $1 to $10.
to $15.00.
This line is now throughout, now
signs; prices$5.00 to $10.00. Always
nn acceptable gift.
Fancy Yests
This lino Is complete in ever' way.
We have them In pure white, figured,
striped In light and dark effects, bas
ket weaves, plcjues, mercerized silk,
linen, velvet and worsted; prices
$1.00 to $4.00.
Silk Mufflers
The now Heefer Muffler, in black. I
Quilted Mufflers, Mufflcts, Silk in:
wklte and colored, plain and figured;
Just what is right and correct; prices I
from 75c to $2.50. j
Men's Shirts
Fancy Colored Shirts In soft anU i
stiff bosoms, cuffs attached and de
tached; mad rati and percale and ox
fords; the Manhattan Hhirt; prices
$1.50 to $3X0.
Fancy Socks
New ones just in for Xnus pres
ents, the latest novelties, 25c and 60c.
and 50c,
Wo have a nice lino of Men's Um
brellas In all styles of handles, cover
ing In mercerized, silk and serge;
price,-) $1.50 to 97.50. 1
Hvcrybody wears Suspenders, but
many of us would not buy fancy ones
ft wo bad to pay for them out of our
own pocket. If you want to Invest
for Bomeono else, wo havo them from
25c to $6.00. Wo will engravo Initials
free of chargo on all sterling silver
buckles. They make a very suitable
Christmas present,
' Imperials
Bngllah Squares
MldwU -
Toclis '
Club Ties
How Ties
A great variety; .prices from' 25c
A moat useful Xmns gift. Plain
trunks, steamer and wardrobe
trunks, suit cases, in leather, alliga
tor and buffalo hide; all styles and
.rices. $5.00 to $15.00.
Klegant white blankets, also other
in darker colors; I'cndlcton woolen
MIIIk Blankets mid Indian Robes; all
In Sillinlinc and silk covered; fiilo
fluffy Comfortables; also down Com
forts, prices $1.50 to $12.30.
Men's Clothing
Business Suits.
Dress Suits.
That are properly tailored, We're
able to fit you.
Boys' Clothing
Clothes lor the little Junior .Men,
In Norfolk, Husslan Blouse; ages n
to .6.
Junior Suits
In Ix)iig and Short Pants
I Two and Threo Piece Suits and
Overcoats to fit them as well.
Indian Robes
i An entire line of all the patterns I
that the Pendleton Woolen Mills
make. The celebrated Navahoe do-
signs. We sell hundreds of these
beautiful robes. Why not send your
mends back East one of thcm7
Tailor Made Suits
A fow late things In Ladles', just
received for holiday trade; all ma
terials and styles; prices $12.50 to I
Ladies' Waists
In Silk, Velvet, Flannel; In light
ml dark colorings and fancy wash
weaves; prices $1,00 to $10.00.
Silk Petticoats
We are showing an endless variety
of Rlltr Tttlenntn In Mi.t. anA nil I
colors, commoncln's at $5.50 and as
nigh M B9.dq.
Boas, Separate Collars, full sets,
In fox, marten, Baum marten, chin
chilla. Nutria heaver, raccoon, brook
mink, skunk, squirrel, electric seal
and nstrachan; prices $1.00 to $40.00.
Without a iwubt the moHt accept
able Xmas present for the ladles and
children. j
Separate aiuITh tram $1.50 to $10.50
Ladies' Footwear
Jullettes In red, green, brown and
black, fur trimmed, flexible soles;
price 41.35.
Fancy Slippers In two and threo
I straps, with and without bows; price
$1.50 to $3.00.
Fancy Hign Shoes Iff kid and pat
ent cnlf ; prices .$50 to $5.00.
Children's Footwear
Soft soles of all kinds in nil col
ors, button and lace, besides some
nice fnncy moccasins. Fur trimmed
Jullettes for children.
Boll Shoes; largo assortment.
Dress Patterns
Silk Dress Patterns In the best of
Taffetas and Peau de Solo, Gros
Grain, Satin Duchesso; those are to
be had In black only; the prices are
from 58c to $2.50 per yard.
Fancy Waistings
There are hero In -1-yard lengths
Fancy Silks, stripes and brocaded,
heavy curded and solid colored nf
fetas; the' prices range from $1.50 to
$4.00 a Pattern.
in the Velvet Wnlstings .you'll have
choice of the Metallic Prints and Bro
ended; prices are 75c to $1.60 per
Fnncy Vestlngs, the very nowest,
j for Washable Waists; prices are
j tr Din 25c to $1.25 per yard.
Table Linen Sets
I In tlural designs und polkn dots
in guaranteed puro linen damask;
sizes 8-4 square, S-lxlO-4, 8-4x12-4;
napkins to match; prices from $2.00
to $7.50.
Good steel frames. Covered In taf
feta silk, union roll silk, silk sorgo
and mercerized; natural wood han
dles, pearl horn, sterling silver
trimmed, Dresden and gold trimmed
handles; prices ns low as 50c and up
to $12.00.
Nothing nicer for a. useful Xmas
Women's Kid Gloves
Ono of the most acceptable of
Xmas presents. Wo have them in
i suedes, Piques ovorlap scam, Glace.
I 'Tli.. M.i. f'nn.i Puff ninvn Rvnnlnf
Swell line of Men's Slippers just i ninvou m ii,-m ui,n,in oiw.w
received for the holiday trade. Wo unt!tli. Prices 68c, $1.00, 1.25, $1.50,
havo them in colors, plain and em- moo -.r,H osn
broldered; some fancy Low Shoes. ! ' , , " lNl ,.,,,,,
1 A (.lit. IJOUXII, w,w.
As the time draws near Interest Is l Uumdry Bugs, Fancy Scarfs, Htnmit
growing deeper regarding the drawing eil linens, Pin Cushions AH to bo
of the tickets for the seven prizes found In the Art Department at the
to be given away Christmas Eve. Peoples Warehouse.
Golf Gloves
For I-ndlcs and Children. In wool
and mercerized yarn; all colors, all
weaves; prices 25c to 75c,
Silk Mittens, Just In black, suitable
present for the elderly ladles; prices
50c to yl.50.
Women's Neckwear
Women's Neckwear has never been
so much In demand ns at present.
The assortment Is Immense.
, Whlto Ottoman Silk, heavy white
figured Pique, Madras, .Mercerized,
! Moire Velour, Velvet Stqeks, Taffeta
i Silk, Basket Weave silk Stocks, Silk
Kmuroldered Mednlllons, steel bead
trimmed; ninny pretty colors nnd
tasty combinations, prices 25c, 50c,
75c, $1.00 to 3.50.
For every dollar yo purchase be
fore Christmas Evo you'll receive :i
ticket, which entitles bearer to a
chance for one of the seven prizes In
be given nwny Christmas Eve,
Wide ami narrow hemstitched and
embroidered borders, luce trimmed,
Initial Handkerchiefs, one-eighth
hem; prices 1c to $5.00 each. Every
ChrlstmnH wo sell boxes upon boxes
of Handkerchiefs.
Bead Chai
Plain and fancy colon l
nnu nruiileil 25c to $Uj,
Hat Pins
Sterling silver Hat PuJ
mm uiniy prices I5e to 35d
All the new things in Belts, includ
ing the soft nnd patent leather Belts,
ulno Taffeta, Peau de Sole, with
buckles In back as well ;ih the now
dip front, fastened In the ban).:
prices from 25e to $1.25.
Waist Sets
In this line there are to lie found
threo button and llvo button Wni'st
Sets, In pcnrl and fancy painted;
prices 12c to 75c per set.
ladies Girdles In pink, I
wnue, hiik Moire Itlbbon, b
nnd fancy also to lie had h
feet. pri. $2.75.
Automobile 6
Then ntr tn lie hail Id
green. Brown and Wad;
newest latest thingM firlcsil
65c to $4.00.
Abo a full line of Wrist
same colors prhes 25c lol
Art Departml
Embroidered Pillow Tops,!
ileum' wurh jinn-H num
Embroidered Center N
ntnTe1.lli. nll.t tYlltltf fitWl
Cillll n Ui I I II n HUM v-"
(It'NlpiK. prices from $150 til
I ... 1, r. tVhM
ousnions ,iuai mr
cnuchcK and nizy conien;j
from $5.00 to $15.00.
t I f-....- lAftrLSlli!l
Ira cloths priros from 60c to!
ill plain
.FANS , ,
Ivory Handled Fans, In pi
spnniled painted design;
1st Prize-A Columbas Road Wagon
'I'his buRpy, n tho name Siipgests, is tlio vory best jiuidu.
The wlietjlH nrn tlio hIioII hub pattern, and arc niado of A
grado maturial. Tires aro leHt solid rubber. Spokes and
rims A'jgrudo whito hickory, hubs of black locust. Axles,
Oautie pattern. Springs, ojion head rubber. Ik'd, yellow
jioplar. (.Utshions and back of best hand-bulTed leather.
Quick couplings for either polo or shafts. Double reach
and Uiiily body loops. The price of this buggy is $M0.00.
3rd Prize.-fModern Portland Cutter
Latest style solid, panel body, wing dash. Gear well ironed
with selected stock, channel shoes. Trimmings of good
weight gr:n broadcloth. Spring back, open cushion,
painted in browstcr green and black body. Mounted in full
nickel, doublo lino rail, furnished with shifting bar mils.
Guaranteed by tho Umatilla Implomont Co., and can bo
seen in their display window. Price $50.00.
5th Prize-A $35.00 Saddle
Made on tho Crawford tree, tho very best, strongest and
modern tree. The leather is tho heaviest rawhide, full
basket stamp. Threo-quartor scat, steol horn, stirrup strap
2j inch, doublo leather, brass plated diamond cinch. Can
bo seen in tho window of Crawford's harness shop.
7th Prize-Goat, Wagon and Harness
This is ono of tho most uovol gifts imaginable. Wo
woro obliged to send sorao distance for tho gont, but tho
pleasure dorived by tho ono who wins it will cortainly re
.pay us for our efforts. Tho little wagon is a Studebnker,
and takon in all tlioro won't bo a finer Christmas present
anywhoro. You will seo tlio rig comploto at tho store.
"When wo givo anything, boar in mind that it is tho beat.
The value of thia gift is $35.00.
2nd Prize-A Universal Steel Range
Square, with reservoir and high wanning clo-ct. Can
burn hard or soft coal or wood. Porcelain lined oven dor.
One of tht best ranges ever shown in Pendleton. Can m
seen in tho window of The Thompson Hardware Co. This
range is guaranteed and warranted to be free from anv
defective parts. Tho price of this range is $rt!i.00.
4th PrizeA Fine Baby Carriage
Host that could be puehased in the city. Fancy reed
with cano bottom ; the design is of fancy scroll and clew
roll work, with turned wood corner posts; handsomely up
holstered with removable cushions of silk tapestry, fitted
with satin parasol, rubber tired wheels, .foot brake. The
value of this gift is .lvlO.00, and van lo seen in the display
window of Joseph llaslor,
6th Prize-Handsome Doll
We will present the holder of tho lucky number with
very HAN DSCMIC DOLL of tho popular ITatidwcrck
nuike, -12 inches high, lino quality bismio head, bcnutif"1
features, open mouth showing 'teoth, '.no moving oyc3i
painted eyelashes and bvows, natural curly hair, scw
wig, jointed at knees, hipn, ahouldors nnd wrist, remov
able shoos and stockings. Will bo displayed nt The
People's Warehouse. Value $8G.00.
Wo have gotten only tho hesfc in tho irizes offered,
and wo have taken pains to ;ot something for tho man,
something for tho women and children nnd something Jr
tho young mon ami boys. Wo havo done tlio best in our
history this fall, and wo trust you aro one of tbo satwhw
customers of
l.lslc Ukc and Sltl
nnd fnncy 'don;
. Woo'
.the"1' ,
lkt 5U1
Ld by n
tone u
Lata 5
It sale