East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Are not obtained by wearing il Witting
shoos. A porfeot-fitting shoo does double
duty; it is always comfortable and it
wears longer. Such are the qualities of
the shoes we soli .
Debate on the Immigration Problem
Professor Motschmann Hap
Charge of the Music Essays, Rec
itations and Music by Some of the
Best Younger Talent In the City.
I'hone Main 1181.
city where It wns raffleil off Mr. Uoyn-
I ion winning at a cost of 80 cents. Me
H. Nelson, Succeeds In Arranging for was oflereil $:l." for the article soon
High Class Musical Program Next . r having won It, hut refused the
. EG.
II. Nelson, who has been In the city
promoting a hlsh class concert pro
gram for this city, since he sold Ills Department Has a Run and a China
Interest In the Park theater, has sue-1 H
eeeded In getting sufficient encour- ma" "Outened" the Fire;
iizoment to warrant him to announce A fire nlarm was turned In Inst
definitely that ho will give a high- night about U:30 o'clock from the
class entertainment one evening next I Chinese house hack of Leu Teutsch's
week, probably Thursday. store, but after a hard run the de-
The program will he led by Mrs. partment found only a burning chlni
Walter Reed, the well known favor-1 ney, which was put out by a China
Ite contralto, of Portland, who has f man with a bucket of water before
sung In this city In the past, assisted i tho fire laddies could get coupled up.
hy suveral other stars, from the me- They turned on tho water anyway,
tropolls. The event will bo first-class ' and put the Chinaman out.
In every particular, all the numbers
on the program being stnr numbers, I High School Basket Ball,
each person Ineluded capable of Rlv-' There wa!i all lutc.rcstlng gall. of
Ing an entire evening's entertainment , bilKket bn1 , 1( nssomblv hilll r
u -JJlf'., ..... . . I the high school last evening, between
While Mr. Nelson has secured sub-: (he Hrst fc,1(.()m, ,uan- of
sorlbers to warrant tho concert, he Is school Thu ,rH preparing
stl taking tho names ot thoso who , t, w ,ho Bfe (,
nrlul. ... nHaml ,1... , In...... t I . . -
...0,1 ... ... ....... ...u cim-i ...... ......, , hl.,1, u..l,n,.l ,,.wl nr.. n.. I.,..r
Last ' night's game was a practice
Tho pupils of the high school hnvo
prepared an especially, good program
for Friday ovonlng, which they will
render In the assembly hall, and to
which tho public Is Invited. Thu pro
gram will conslRt or tho following
numbers, mid has been prepared with
great care:
.Music, Edna Thompson.
Debate "Resolved, That Italian
hors that 30 head of stock had disap
peared from tholr rango, and at Hrst
It was thought that tho cattle had
strayed awny; hut later It was dis
covered thai they luid been driven in
this ulrectlmi. ami Mr. Starkoy start
ed on tholr trail.
Ho does nut know whoro thoy have
been taken, but thinks that thoy In
all probability have been scattered
through the country, hero and In Mil
ton, and other towns along tho road.
He was around today with sonio ot
the cattle buyers looking for the
brands and marks of his stock, hut
so far hns found nothing.
Relatives of Carl Mueller Wire to
Prepare the Corpse But to Cancel
Joseph Haider this atlurnoon re
ceived a inessagoTrom the relatives
of Carl Mueller, requesting him to
prepare the body for shipment anil
hold until the arrival .of tho relatives
Immigration Is more detrimental than from SpoiiaU( tomorrow night.
mo umncse. iuuriiiuiive, wuuui i,-,mernl arrangements had previ
(lieswell and Fardio Taylor; nega- ,,,,.. ......i,, hy ,, Masonic
tlvo, William McDanlol and Hoy Sal- ,.,,,., , w,,ro cancelled nml the
Isbury. i..i.. ...in i, mmtn rciulv for shin
Music, high school orchestra, under nl(,t) n(t requested and held awaiting
l-iuiuntiui iiiuiBwu- ..,,,, nrriuiirfinimitH nftnr till, 1 CIn
tlves arrive.
the direction of
I Recitation "Reverie In Church,"
.Mamie Nell.
iKssay "Trip to Council," Kmma
Recitation "Nobody's Child,'
sle Olcott.
Oration "National Freedom,"
Chloe Stanneld.
Party Will Organize at the Farm of
Charles Bartholomew, West of
Another big rabbit drive will take
game for the benefit of the first team
primarily. The latter team won the
game by a score of six to five.
Sale by J. H. Garrison to His Part
ner, Gus La Fontaine.
The deed was filed this morning hy
which John It. Garrison and wife
Vocal duet. Uortha Alexander ami transfer to Ous La Fontaine nil of
Grace Hawks.
Recitation The Owl Critic," Eth
el Temple.
Recitation "Guilty, or Not Guilty,'
.Maude Uilllams.
Oration "Enthusiasm," Rertha Al
Vocal solo, Bernlco Ruppn.
Recitation "Spnclally Jim," Kdna
Recltntion "Tho Gladiator,"
.Music, high school orchestra.
Critics' report,
tholr Interest In the lauds held by
them us the firm of I.a Fontaine &
Garrison, for the sum of SS.lfTO.
The lands consist of range land In
tho mountains and in the valley
ranges, upon which the gentlemen
have been running their sheep while
doing business together.
Fine Driving Team,
Judge Bartholomew of Heppnr
Former Umatilla County Boy,
Henry Lloyd, who wiib born on llvi
'.ter creek, Umatilla county, and who
resided In this county lor -'0 years,
now a resilient of Moscow, Wash.,
In tho city today visiting old friends
P. TEMPLE DENIES CHARGES, and attending to business. Mr. Lloyd
was with tho Seattlo Grain Company
as manager, at Moscow, for three
years, 1 ut is now cashier mid IiupI
ncss manager of the Rank of Mos
Says He Did Not Make Any State
ments About Sunday Closing Be
fore City Election.
W. P. Temple, whoso defeat for
place at Echo next Sunday, under .he was In the city yesterday and v'nllo. councilman on last Monday was com-
the .Morning Trib-
I rtnr n n Man, ml Training
. v miici uu....u.uu.un jucic i'icu h nut; ivuui ui umviiik nicntcii upon ly tile .Morn ng Tr b- t, Women's Club of the cltv has
whoso home the drive will organize, - horses from Davo, Cargyle and Unc this morning, says In regard to L,' L, . "" , ' 5 ..
The pests were never so numerous j Swoarengen IJrothcrs. The horses Uk- statements made In that nanar- i,i.i ,i i . uil.v.i ', ...
""inn iiiv hi muju wttitiiiiLL ill
Itcterrlng to tho statements made the Weston normal school, to deliver
in the vicinity of Echo, as thoy are I aro well matched; both brown, and
this winter, and unless some effort are two of the best steppers in this
is made to reduce tlio number some part of the country .Mr. Ilartholo
of tho crops on the outer edges of the
settlement will he destroyed.
mew paid n little over fiW) for the
Three Carloads of Cattle.
Three cars of cattle were shipped
out by J. C. Ijonergan on Tuesday
evening to the Seattlo market, being
consigned to .tile Krye-llrunno com
pany. The cattle were bought of A
Sloan and George McGhagoy, two of
the prominent stockmen of McKay
Owner Since Refused $35 for Coyote
Skin Laprobe.
William Doynton, of the Oregon
Feedyard, is now possessor of a lap
robe made from coyote skins, for
which ho has refused $35. There are
12 skins used In the making of the
T-,,1tn nil ,nnn...l n.wl 1 1... l.n...l
"..v., ...wutw ..lit, nunc uv juiiiil. r-i , .,
It Is lined and finished In first-class ! acr
shape, making a very unique and ser- Oeorge Hays, who was working
vlceablo robe. I for Laatz Rrothers In their wood-
The robe was made by a lady liv- yarcl 'Rit his finger in the saw
ing in the mountains of Kamela, who I yesterday and had the end of the
cared for the hides and sewed them. I flrst nnK'-'r n llls rlnl (,ut off.
The robe was then brought to this ' Tlle wound was dressed and air. Hays
1 'H "nl "fferlng great Inconvenience
' j from the loss
Your grocer is glad to
moneyback Schilling's Heat
favoring Cktructs
"Palmist" Ordered to Leave Town.
Walla Walla, Dec. 10. ".Madam"
j Pattl, a card leader and alleged
, palmist, who has tried to Induce suv
eral young women to enter houses ot
o tne .Morning Tribune, this morn- n lecture at the next regular meeting
ng. 10 trie eiieci mat l was defeated r tho club on the subject, "The Ed-
uucausc 01 mo announcement mat 1 iicationnl Value of .Manual Training."
was In favor of closing all saloons on The exact date of the lecture has not
aunuuy is unirue. Mms announce- yet been decided upon, but will be an
mum wus uiuuc on nuuuiiy neiore nouncod later
election, and, ns .Mr. Wells' petition
was not filed before I left homo. 1
did not know that I had opposition
until sunuay evening.
"While I am not ashamed of being
accused of having made statements
In regard to Sunday closing, I must
say mat tlio report that I did make
such statements is false.
"I was asked hy certain parties 0,
pledgo myself to support certain
measures and certain men for petty
offices, and this I flatly rofuscd to do,
replying to tho offer that I had al-
Attack of Erysipelas.
f JQ - 'Tlrnufn ,.n. ..I tlw. ,..,dl.l.,nt l
V. -.J, A..u,., ...... ...j IVOIUUIIlAi
R. & N. conductors, has been co'nllhx
ed to his homo for the past two
wcolih with a severe nttnek of ery
sipelas, but Is now on the road to re
covery, and whllu.yet confined to his
bed Is out of danger and will soon b"
on duty again.
and nobody wants the monev.. 111 ,,a,1e '". th,s el,,y- wlth.ln th, "fst
' ' weok. has been ordered out of the cltv
j hy tho chief of police.
. A FTEIt an anxious, fretful
JfX Jy! you need soiiiothiiif;
which snail m vour llreil
botly as a well worn alipiier Ills a
tired foot. It must be something
more than food, or drink. If you
want to taste Nirvana and forget
all your tiro and fatigue, take a
cup of one of Chase & Sanborn's
"Original Package" teas. Tlieso
are the leaves which the natives
tlitmselve-i drink with all their
vigor imprisoned. It's a very
different drink from ordinary ten.
Try a lialf-iMmnd.
Orloff (Foraou OoloDg).
Koh-i-noor jKns. BrkUit).
Otioct I'o Inn) (lnlia &, Ceylon).
Sold in l'widlelon exclusively by
Farmers' Institute at Walla Walla,
i The farmers of eastern Washington
j have arranged to hold an Institute at
Walla Walla mi dor the auspices of
the Agricultural college, soroo time
In February
Baking Powder
The remarkable increase !o consumption
roves its purity and wholesomcatat.
With a Coupon
Harry Howard In Town. .
Harry Howard of Cornucopia was
wavx been n fron oifin nmi ,,,i.i I In tho city yesterday, tho guest of
continue to ho one, while in omc.- If Ilis collsl", W. W. Mnrkham. Mr.
elected, as well as outsido of olTice. Howard Is on his way to Walla Wal
".My refusal to pledge myself, an u ln ln l'a' n '0,llny visit to his old
councilman, to objectionable irea?- 110,110 111111 l"r,'H. having been in
uies was the direct cattso of my do- t',n "1,,ltiS "f Cornucopia lor the past
feat, and under the clrcumstouco I tnrt'H yCi.
am not loser. The city needs Inde-
pendent men In tho offices, and If 1 0one to Tacoma.
could not ho elected :,s such r nrnfnp lieorge Piatt, who has been for
to remain outside of tho official ros- Komo tlmc tlw ,lt'nrt waltor nt 0113
ua roniainos restaurant, left last
night for Tacoma, where ho will take
chargo of one of the dining rooms of
tho city.
Michigan Man Attempts Suicide In f
La Grande Over His Sister's Ca- 4
reer, 1 1
I-a Grando, I)oc. 10. 13. A. Kuper, ' t
a recent arrival from Michigan, took f
an ovordoso of morphlno last night, 4
with Biilcldal Intont, because ho lo- i
catod his slstor In tho tenderloin dls-, ?
trlct of this city. '
Knpor ennio huro ln search of his 1
slstor several days ago, and when ho
met her on tho street and attempted
In speak to her, slio refused to no- 4
tlcn him and rushed nwny from his !
sight. I
This so preyed upon his mind that
he took a room In tho Dine Mountain
House last ovonlng nnd made an at
tempt upon his life, by swallowing
two ounces of morphlno. '
A physician was near at hand und
administered remedies almost Imiue-1
dlntoly aftor ho, had taken tho drug,
and It Is thought that he may re-1
cover. Ills sister refuses In lull; !
about him, nnd will not visit him tior'
take any Interest In his fate, j,
Twenty valuable nnd stylish road-
stors, the property of men of lolsuro
In San Francisco, wore burned In a i,
livery stable fire Sundny night. T.
At nn. .
line nt n. .
mm tfi ..
UfTL hflH
-herirgt place in
. j. j.. . . . .
We will niakn Hif T?, .,!,-, .11
" .111 wns wetkc
Men Clothing
t 1 7 wtr .
A-aoies 1 aiioi-iviade Salts
We will sull them less than you pav lor ,,a .
(luce our slock- very much liefore Januarv 1, i(,0. y
munu un 1.111 1,1 50 iur utmi irom regular pnci
f T VrvKTC nilT7n-i A v-rn.
Attendance at Hloh School Has Bro
ken All Previous Records.
Certificates Issued.
Certificates of election have been
lliero aro now 101 pupils In tho Issued bv Hecordor KHz Gerald
iimn scuooi, wmcii is by tar tho tho nowly-elected mon in the city
greatest number ovi;r registered at administration, and thoy can now
nun uiuu ui 1110 year in tno ntstory lane tne oath of offlco nt any tlm
of the school. Ijist summer, at tho
close of school, it was nredlcted 10 Steamer on .-1 R.-,mihnr
tho board by Prof. Conklln that the 'Hie steamor Columbia, plying lie
middle of tho present year would ser; tweon Arlington and Wnlluln. was
u legisiruuon or an pupils, and that lougeu on a sandbar, nenr Wullula
optimistic view lias been surpassed, yeatorday. Several hours were ro
mo worn 01 1110 term lias been 'luireu 10 release her,
goon, and tho attendants has beun
steady, and the Interest and behavior Marrlaoe License
of the students throughout tho A marriage license was Issued yes-
atuuujs nus ueen ot 1110 nest. Tlio i"i"y nuornoon to Wllillold S Hrown
tardy list of tho different rooms has nn,I Miss Molllssa J, Shorbiir'n, both
01 nri oai
Sizes J4 to M
Stiff and Soft Bo oras
Cuff Detached
Regular Values
$J.00t $1.25 and $J .35
i lie mir ncisToni
been kept well down, and tho teach
ors have mado It a point to so Inter.
est their pupils that thoy wish to
auenit win school, and do not hava
to be compelled so to do.
The now branches of tho school,
the manual tralnlm? nml lnin,r.-,i
are proving great sources of interest . Albert A. Honey s dead In Chicago.
to tho students and aro an assured wns 1,10 fo'indor of the Tolegranh-
success. era' Union and Inventor of tho under.
ground trolley. H0 died of paralvsls.
of whom arc- residents of this city,
New Bridge at Wallula.
t now county br dure win i i.i.'h
Immediately at Wnllula. over the
tv.niM vvuua rtv
The buckwheat Hour which coin, s from New York state is
now here, the new Hour of the crop of mio3 V'ou know what
to do with buckwheat Hour, pure buckwheat fluur, and the
?! IS1? Ut-'n at wouhl follow sonie 'nrninK if
hav?i ,0,t- NW buckwat cakes and maple syrup
mU tho n..knWB.,a ?weetnand romantic allim,. W,i not only
sell the pure buckwheat flour, but the pure n ar.Ie ia svrun
sugar t?$ H L " W
bulkwheat floor ? SAIbsyruP.. Wo sell the pure New York
I s- "sroxjisra-Ein. son
j Will Be Put In Circulation as Soon
o uniaiuyucu unu oneiveo.
The now library for tho hlch sclmni
has begun to arrive, nnd In a short
umo ail of tho bookB will he in place
on tho shelves of tho library. Tho
scnoois of this city woro allowed $160
this year for tho purchaso of a li
brary, and so far about ono-thlrj of
me number of hooka ordored havo
reacneu the city. They havo hecu
checked. uii and catalogued, hut havo
not yet been put In circulation. This
will not bo dono until all of tho bookn
nnvo been received .and placed on tho
is for babies and children
who are thin and pale when
they ought to be fat and
ruddy; for men and women
who are weak and delicate
when they ought tobestrontr
and hearty for all who are
not getting proper nourish-
ment from their food.
Poor blood, thin body, open
the door for disease. Scott's
Emulsion bars the way.
Makes the blood richer, pro-
BeJIeved to Have Been Stolen From
Alden, of Starkey Prairie.
J. F Aldnn. n nlo,l.,.nn n a,nH,
pralrlo, Is In tho city today looking dllCCS healthy flesh and abovu
iiir unmri iaui ntin 41.... 1 .1 , 1 w
have toV'dVlvon Into' Huh city 'and M Pr nourishment,
sold to tho butchers of this cltv.
A at...-. ., .. . ' 1 (,,., . . .
nnwiv nun) ago it was discovered I " oa "'"P1' un requ,
, ..... ..cii iiuu some or Ills ueigll. ' TOWNK, l-.arl Slri, Niw Verk,
ill.l llliiiii,.. .......... l
- - ' III, I 'ITTT'iri I I'l'Tri'r'IT'rTTTTT'lllT
- superior urticlo, madf in the latest pat-u-niH.
Tlio Rodgei'B waie is made of solid
rolled eopper, plated on tho outside with
heavy nickel and lined on tho inside with
silver. Guaranteed to wear well and to keep
frpo from foul tastes and arsenic poisons.
We have Lvodjiers' improved ware in Tea
Pots, Coffee Pots, Cfwmb Trays. Tea
Kettles, and Tea Sets, consisting el pot.
creamer and suar bowl on tray Inspect
this ware.
621 Main St.
Are Combined In
Cole'sl Original
TiyM w HeatefS
witr nff 1 .nH.i 1-""
nt 1 .lipir rci
- , ' 1 . .M ii.n
1 rt mi. C. eV tW
heaters always rcc mmend ttic
friends, Sold on) y, in Fendletw.