East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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.-f f. ,,,
l Cold Weather Comforts :
Heavy Suits
Corduroy Trousers
Over Shoes
Woolen Underwear
Lined Gloves and
Duck Clothing
They arc unexcelled in Quality and Price
Eaer St Daley,
Thr-tw. nut if f.iti nf fh aliillt- tifi. 1
liers of Ilouvcr supported the "Civic
ticket," which was beaten In Tues
day's election two to one.
Panama started In business Inde
pendently almost without a dollar.
Practically her first receipts was tno
$10,000,000 of American .money for
the canal route.
The American liner Philadelphia,
from Now York, Saturday last, car
ried 2,700 sacks of mall matter, of
which 400 sacks were Tor Jtow Zet
land and Australia.
At a wako In Brooklyn last Tues
day night, a candle upset and llred
some curtains. A Are ensued In
which two porsoiis were burned to
death and several badly injured.
An attempt Is being made to se
cure a pardon for Iter. William A.
Hinshaw, convicted at I-a Porte,
lud., for tho murder of his wife and
sentenced to tho penitentiary lor
Tho newly-discovered mineral, ac
tinium, can be applied as an absolute
test of a diamond's genuineness. The
latter, brought near it, sparkles and
glows In absolute darkness, which, of
course, no imitation will do.
Herman Dryer eight years ago paid
59,000 for seven acres of land near
Long Island City,. N. Y. He was a
florist, and staked every cent he
could raise and borrow In the pur
chase. Last week the Pennsylvania
Ixms Island railway company paid
him $120,000 for the tract.
The Oregon Dairymen's Associa
tion will hold an annual meeting In
Corvallls, on December 15 and 10.
J. B. Baliou, of Woodstock, Or., has
been missing since December 7, and
toul play is suspected.
The Astoria city park commission
has purchased three kangaroos,
which were brought from Australia
on a French bark.
Harry Miller, Northern Pacific Ex
press agent at Lowlston, commitiod
suicide Wednesday by 'shooting him
self. Financial troubles Is said to bo
the cause.
Frank Buerslck, a farmer living
near Roseburg, accidentally shot and
probably fatally Injured his 9-year-old
son, while attempting to extract a
cartridge from a rifle, Wednesday.
Thero is less smallpox in Oregon
at the present time than at any peri
od since tho end of tho Spanish war,
according to the roport of Dr. Woods
Hutchinson, of the state board f
Tho oxecutlve committee of tho In
ternational Mining Congress, held a
meeting in Portland on Thursday to
consider plans for tho next meeting
of tho congress, to be held In Aug
ust, 1904.
Four carriers on the mall delivery
routes in Portland, have been added
to the regular service, which will
mean an extension of the delivery
system to about 0,000 more patrons
in that city.
Joseph N, Jones, of Astoria, one
of tho oldest river captains on the
Columbia, is under arrest In Astoria
for polysamy. a woman from Seat
tle claims to be his wife, although
Jones says they were divorced In Se
attlo flvo yoars ago.
Mrs. Charlie Lumphroy, a half
breed Flathead squaw, who deserted
her husband on the reservation in
Montana, was publicly whipped Wed
nesday, by three vigorous Indians,
until sho fainted from the pain.
Whipping is still a punishment among
the Flatiieads.
Ot M klndi.
We can salt yoa.
If we have not
listed what yoa
want, we will
find it for you.
V. O, Jku 311
'Phono Illicit 1111 Ofllcc iu'E. 0, Illdg
Hotel Pendleton.
V. Bowman, Seattle.
V. Henry.
Henry Dick, city.
j. Antizek, Portland.
Charles J. Filn, Baker City.
P. U Warden, Portland.
O. I). Galley, Portland.
Olendennlng, Portland.
C. Blackmail, Seattle.
I). Unman. Philadelphia.
M. S. Max.
Oeo. V. Falrbrother, San Francisco
It. H. Caston, Spokane.
C. E. Salisbury and family, Tekoa.
(leorge Banihart, Tekoa.
A. (1. Howard, Spokane.
H. Howard, Walla Walla.
A. A. Smith, Walla Walla.
T. C. Adams, Heppnor.
Cllno Adams, Heppnor,
Walter II. Oan, Heppnor.
B. B. Buell, Denver.
K. A, Goodwin, Maine,
Golden Rule Hotel
M. Beltel, Pilot Hock.
Mrs. C. H. Beltel, Pilot Hock,
Chancle Case, Dale.
W. P. Walker, Spokane.
George W. Stagg, Weston.
H. C. Long, Spoknne.
S. S. GUI. Spokane.
W. L. Rhodes and wife, Spokane.
A. O. .Moody, .McKay.
It. N. Adams, McKay.
1 4. H. DeFord, Portland.
J. C. Jones and wife, Spokane.
J. F. Alden, La Grande.
C. N. Adams, Hllgard.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
by local applications, an they cannot rctcb
tlio diseased portion of the ear. There H
only one way to core deafness, and that
Is by constitutional remedies. Ikafnes3 la
caused by an Indamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Innamcd you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and
when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tutxt restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is notnlug but
an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will slvc One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
I". J, CIIKNnv & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold t-y druggists, 75c.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Citizens of the East Come West, Pur
chase Valuable Land Without Res
idence and Transfer Title to Cor.
poratlons and Syndicates Loca
tions Made In Bad Faith.
The battle Is on between thu
friends and thu foes of existing laws
governing tho disposal of tho public
domain In tho West. Those who up
hold the present laws frankly confers
that thoy have boon used, In numer
ous Instances, to facilitate private
speculation In public property and to
lay the foundation of monopoly in ag
ricultural and timber lands. But they
Insist that this Is not the fault of
the laws, but of thu manner In which
they are administered. And their
remedy for present evils Is, "Enforce
the laws."
Those on the other side of the con
troversy Insist that the timber anil
stone act, and the commutation
clause of tho homestead act slmpiy
ennnot ho enforced In tho sense which
the detenders and apologists ot these
statutes aro supposed to mean. Tint
is to say, they .cannot bo enforced In
n way to prove'iit their continued use
as Instruments ot speculation and
For Instance, take the matter of
limber entries. A citizen comes fiom
Michigan or Illinois to exorcise his
right In acquiring n quarter section
ot timber on tho eastern slope of the
Sierras In northern California. The
law gives htm this privilege, provhW
he acts for himself and desires to ob
tain the quarter section for Ills own
use and benellt. And he swe.fs 'I fit
such Is the case. He gets the tlm
bar fci $2.60 per acre, though' It may
ho worth from twenty to fifty times
as much for commercial purposes.
Purchase Made In Bad F.ilth.
The moment tho title .lasaej from
ho government to tho Individual, the
individual turns around anJ sells his
property to u syudicnto which Is liuy
Inf, timber right and left at ,;1cim
slightly In advance) of what tin gov
ernment has received, but ropiesent
Ing only n small rractlon of Its actual
value. By this method, soti.ctHng
llko 100,000 acres of the finest tim
ber in tho Sierra Novada mountains
have been taken from public owner
ship and created Into u consjliilulcd
holding by a single syndicate i'.'U"' in;
the past eighteen months or two,
It Is no exaggeration to say that It
Is nctually worth tuns uf millions of
dollars maro than It has cojt the syn
dicate. This is on the basta nf Its
value as timber alone, regardless of
Its importance in conserving ,n - wa
ter supply of streams useful fcr iril-
""iMs Idle to talk about "onfort'lia
tho law" In such a case. Tho citizen
sweats that he takes tho land n boo.
ialth for "his own use and benefit.
But when the title is securely ves led
In him, he sells It. Ho liM n
to sell II. Thoro Is no .os.'llhlo .v.iy
of piovlng that ho actoi merely a on
tocl for the lumlwr syad'cilo.
law gave him the right to to ike H.
land. The law gnvo din tho right '
sell It And that Is Just the reason
that a great and growing public sen
tlmcnt demands that the law shall be
repealed. To say that "tho law s
good enough It properly enforced Is
equivalent to saying that tho process
or converting public property into
pilvalu property must go on until ev
ery acre of timber belonging to tho
government has been absorbed by
syndicates and corporations. Wil
liam 13. Hmythe.
President Roosevelt Was a Founder
of the League.
Baltimore, JUL, Dee. 10. The Na
tional Civil Service Reform League
began a two days' session In Lyric
Hull today, it being the twenty-third
annual meeting of the organljaflnn.
President Daniel C. fJTlniau presided
.Hid umong those present wuru r'.prc
Mutative of more tnan thirty local
civil service reform organizations
t! roiighout tho country.
The marvelous growtli of civil ser
:ce reform sentiment In this co'intrv
during the existence ot the lengu U
lelt by the members to have been due
to a vry largo extent to the educa
tional work llrBt undertaken by the
organization under tho leadership or
Hie late Georgo William Curtis, ul le I
'iy Theodore Roosevelt, Charles J.
Bonaparte, William Dudley Fonlko
and others prominently ldcntlflc.1
with the early work of the lcugno.
if,nr. tlm tiin!f lii attendance lit
this meeting overllow with a spirit of
congratulation. Mr. Kouiko anu sev
eral other prominent civil service ry
ot mors are scheduled to address the
i icetlug tonight.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
One .Minute Cough Curo gives Imme
diate lellef in all cases of Cough,
Croup mid I.aGrlppe because It does
not pass Immediately into the stom
ach, but takes effect right at the seat
of the trouble. It draws out the I
llnmniatlou, heals and soothes nnd
cures permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure llfe-;;lvliig
and llt'e-sustuiiilng oxygen to the
blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of
Delia, Tex., pi escribes It dally and
says there Is no better cough remedy
made. Sold by Tollman & COj
Farm for Rent.
1.200 acres near town, COO In cultl
vntlon, 50 acres alfalfa ground under
ditch, vest pasture, now house, good
fences, running wntor, complete nut
fit. See DEAN TATOM.
The First Leap Year In Eight Yearn
Will Modify and Influence Social
Affairs While It Lasts Is Antlcl.
pated With Much Pleasure by Ev
erybody. The subject "f Leap Year Is now
tho foremost one in tho thought of n
great muny ot the young people ot
the city, tor various reasons. Soma
ot tho young men who aro bashful
are looking forward to the advent of
tho New Year with mingled feelings
or hope and fear; somo ot tho young
ludleB aro waiting for tho tlmo to
come In order that they may with
propriety kIvo somo slight hint to a
certain friend ot theirs that the tlmo
limit has been reached, and further
things should bo said; all aro look
ing to tho coming of tho tlmo hi an
ticipation of tho frolic and fun that
will como with tho sonson.
The young people nro beginning to
think or things to do during the boll
duy season, mid especially Is the Now
Year a lime of Interest this year, for
It has the double significance of tho
New Year and of the UBhnrlng in of
Leap Year as well, and to ndd em
phasis to this society Is planning to
have Leap Year features on the? opun
lug days of tlie New Year.
On that day. so It is Biild, thu
young men will bo relieved for tho
time being of the bunion thoy hnvo
been bearing through thq long stretch
of eight years, for there wns no leap
year four years ugo, and will bo
treated ns though they wore tlur gen
tler sex. They will bo requested to
attend the ball as the guests of tho
Indies who will entertain, and It will
bo tho ladles who will furnish tho re
freshments, tho cnb, call Tor the
anxious young man at tlio homo of
Ills mother, support him on hor arm
across the ball room floor and mako
much over him generally. Ho will
bo the guest of honor, will bo tho
gentle recipient ot all tho llttlo fa
vors and courtesies generally shown
by him, and will, In fact, bo fur tho
nonce the belle of tho bnll,
Tho Idea of the subjugation of man
has mot with general favor wherever
mentioned, especially with tho ladles,
and preparations nro bttfng made for
the general overturning of the regu
lur order of tilings on New Year's
Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning nnd Scrofu
lous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and purifier.
Money refunded If you are not satis
fied. COc. and $1.00.
For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Tw Secrets nr
"w iorKisdut:
f "-To its
I1SK5 :
Srrntir1 T.
of its funds:
Send lor "A ft.i . !
tells how il,, ia.nylt
tHt funds in ,h g
Good health and
toward making anyM(
t-'ltll-ln k
Tiik Mutual Life!
JJr 1EV 1
Alma D. Katz, maninr I
Frank L. Hammond, ttj'w
Pendleton, Oregon W
1 am bettet ml
than ever to sJ
l.adies and Genisl
Shoes that VVE.d
ways COMF0RW
Shoes made to I
own measure.
Repairing a !ptt
a. En
J 28 Court Sif
Moved Irom JuddtJ
A. J. BEAl
(looda laktnWolcsienl, 1
Tttrmcil'a. l'Hone tlitn 131,
Colony of Georgia Was Founded 175
Years Ago.
Savannah, Oa., Dec 10. Tho patri
otic societies of Savannah" have com
pleted arrangements for a ball to
night designed to bo one of tho great-,
est social functions in the history of j
tlio state.
The proceeds aro to go towards tho
erection of a monument to the mem-'
ory of General Jamos Edward Ogle
thorpe, who. with his follower 175
years ago, laid tho foundation of tbo
colony that has grown into tho stato
of (Jeorgla. Prominent visitors are
here from Atlanta, Augusta and sev
eral other cities to attend the ball, i
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stom
ach upsets. Electric Bittern will
quickly dismember tbo troublesome
causes. It never falls to tone the
stomach, regulate tho Kidneys and
Bowels, stimulato tho liver, and
clarity tho blood. Rundown systems
benefit particularly and all tho usual
attending aches vanish under its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electric Bitters Is only 50c, and that
is returned if it don't glvo perfect sat
isfaction. Guaranteed by Tollman &
Co., druggists.
Tho Presbyterian church ladles will
serve In tho church parlors, cake and
coffee, Friday afternoon from 2 until
5 o'clock, and all articles left over
from tho big salo last Friday will bo
sold at reduced rates, Thoso ,who
would llko tho worth of their monoy
should como early before tbo rush.
Kvorythtng that will be on salo will
bo rfiiltablo Christmas presents.
Mounted pictures, rugs, handkerchief
cases, dolls, pincushions, etc., etc.
The Lone Star 8tate,
Down In Texas at Yoakum Is a LlK
drj goods firm of which Mr. J, M.
Hallcr Is llio head. Mr. Haller on one
of his trips Bast to buy goods sold to
a friend who was with him In thu
palace car: "Hero, take ono of thoso
Llttlo Early Blears unon retiring nnd
you win bo up early in tho morning ,
foaling good." For tho "dark brown" (
taste, hoadacho and that logy fooling
BoWltfs Llttlo Karly Illsors are tho
best pills to use. Sold by Tollman) & !
Hurry Up Sal
Don't delay! But Come Now and Take Advantage of the Many Rare
The Merchandise in the Ladies' Department is Decreasing very Rapidly
Some Lines are Badly Broken, and on those lines we are making
Astonishing Closing-out Prices. Take advantage of these
while they last.
The Chance of pur Lifetime! Now or Nun
Dress Goods.
50c velveteens 25c-
75c black goods jyc
1.50 black dress goods 69c
75c serge 39c
75c Venetian 39c
25c fancy wool goods 9c
75c wool goods in colors up
Odd lot ol corsets at hall price.
Si. 50 corsets 75c
Si. 25 corsets .' 49c
fi.oocotsets , 49c
75Ccorsets 39c
Girdles at all prices.
Odd lot of ladies' all-wool pants,
regular , Ji. 00, S.t.as, Si. 50, sale
Price asc
Odd lot of ladie's pants 19c
$2 00 union suits $1.19
$3,00 union suits $2.00
Odd lot of children's vests and pants tac
H5C colored taffeta, all colors f,7c
eni rnlnml Pl.t ..:il. -II .i "'
ju- V.U111U aim, uu colors,,
$1.50 black pcau de soi
85c black peatt ,de soi !...!!!
35c colored satins, all :olors.
$1.50 black taffeta, 27 inch, all colors
75c, Si-00 and $125 fancy silk, all
Ready to We.
Ladies' $5 00, S600 and;04"'
for -
75c fascinators, blue and red..
tf, rn Indies' walkinc skirts ;
$2.00 children's coats, short.
$1.50 wrappers ""
Infants' long coats, all P"s
Si. 50 flannelette gowns
8 nice white towels for
18c waisting
I2)4c outing llaunel..
iac percales
30c red tabling. .
25c lining, fancy
40c eiderdown
toe muslin "
15c shirting
Big Busy Boston Store
Boat shoo repairing at TouUch's