DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, "- MQNDAV. DECEMBER 7, 1903- t . Satisfactory Shoes Must combine correct style, best material, proper make, attractiveness in appoarance and have tho wearing qualities. These are always found in the D. Armstrong Shoes ror Ladies and the Edwin Clapp Shoej for Men. These lines are to be had but one place in Pendleton, and that is at LODGE OF SORROW THE ELKS REMEMBER DEPARTED BROTHERS. Beautiful Ceremony at Christian Church Well Rendered Songs by Vested Choir Touching Memorial Address by William Smith. DINDINQER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP I ED WESTON AGAIN PUT UNDER ARREST, BUT ESCAPES AT POMEROY. Was Taken in Custody on a Charge of Horsestealing Brought From Lincoln County Was Out on Bail From This County While Under a Sentence to Oregon Penitentiary. man will address the residents of tho proposed district at their request on the laws governing tho formation of Inn irrigation district, nnd the results thnt will arise from Its estaunsn Imont. showing the benefits to he de rived, and the equity of tho scheme. AT THE INDIAN SCHOOL. Christmas Will Be Celebrated In the Most Approved Manner. The teachers mid scholars of the Umatilla Indian school ore now biiBjr preparing a Christinas program for the celebration to be hold in the chap el at tho school on Christmas eve. Kd Weston, well and unfavorably j it s the Intention to have a Christ known In this part of tho country ' mas tree In the chapel on that cvoiv on nccottnt of his tondness for horso ; inc. nt which each scholar will re' flesh thnt Is not his own. has again ,.,.Vn n nresont and In connection come Into prominence In Washing- j wlth this will bo given a special pro ton, where he has been arrested for i Kram. The teachers nnd scholars horsestealing and has escaped from ' will all take nnrt In this, and It will the officers after havluf, been captur-, i,e most entertaining. ed. ) The Indian scholars are very apt Weston is under sentence In thlsln matters of this hind, and are in county for a term of two and a half the present Instance most earnest years for horsestealing, hut was ad- n,i enthusiastic in working for the mltted to hall in the sum of J500 success of the evening. Every grade while an appeal was pending In the ' and class In the school will have part supreme court. He was hold In tho I n the program, and the participants county jail here for the greater pari nre n0w being drilled by their in- of the summer, and his appeal was . structors In their parts. set for tho November term, but was Tho rhannl will hf decorated In true Christian style, nnd the little Americans will ho gtvon the time of . their lives, "THE HEAD WAITERS." continued. The money for his ball was furnished by bis grandfather, and he left the state as soon as re leased from the Jail, going to Wash ington. He Is said to have storen a valua ble horse from a Lincoln county I An Entertaining Combination of Mu horseman and a reward or $500 was i . j .. .,. i . u. .. I 8IC ano pun- r.-at-l In Pnmnrnv. nn,t while tho of. ! "The Head Waiters- was played to .i.. . a eoort house at the Frazer on Sat in; vttiD liming tuu iu iiic icatuu'i - rant for supper. Weston slipped away "nlay evening nnd was onjoed ( by UII. A Here aa in, w mi ,......, but It wnB a combination of pipe' in the dark, and has not been found H served time In the Walla Walla penitentiary for horsestealing, and it is not llke.y that he will tako another chance at the same place If It Is pos sible for him to get away. THE MILTON PROBLEM. A. D. Stlllman Will Expound "District" Law Wednesday. the dreaming and jokes that took well with the audience nnd made It a sua cess. Joe Kelly, the pipe dreamer, was as disjointed In his talk as his remarks were comical, while tno guneiess in 'nocence of Charles llurkhart as Izzy 'Cohn, repeatedly made the audience roar. The singing wns good and the music of the cntchy sort that takes A. l). stlllman win spend the miu-,the callerv cods ami makes a way die part uf the week in the Invest!- successful. All parts considered, it gallon of the conditions surrounding was a good evening's entertatn- the organization of the Little Walla I tm'iit Illver Irrigation company In the I vicinity of Milton. There is a ELECTION TONIGHT, suit pending In which Mr. Stlllman Is ' interested as nn nttornoy, and he Is Fire Department Will Choose Chief visiting the place to become familiar an0 tw0 Assistants. with the situation and the questions , . . department w hold their .. ":; "",.? . , , ' election this evening in tho office of tlon of at east ,30' that-wU. ZZl Z?S& " ' "" W. It. Wit hue is the only candidate for the place of chief. Thomns Nelson having withdrawn from the race. E. C. Anlbal and I). I). I'helps are tho candidates for the pluce of first as sistant, and .1 T Drown will have nn easy time as the only man after the second assistant's place. J KxiUleite new Design iu I REAL... I CUT GLASS Mont beautiful t-olleclinn ever displayed in Pendleton. THH WHOLESOME Crescent URCH DINN will accompany the rem... - - old home nt Vlnrennes, Iliu., u.. ( He(d Tomorrow Two Blocks . ovcnlng. ... ,. n .., , Cast oretionlan Building. If Mr. Ittluy was a iiiciii.k . " p, ; Congregational dor of Lions, wn.-u- """ ' ' '"" ,- ,.. decorating tho I ill. .CI Unj ----- i.ii.ii,r nnd mnklnc other prepara tions for tho hiiIu nnd dinner which our OI l.n'un, -- arrangement for Hip Mni-ml. Green-Vincent, Bee our window but better . still come in nnd Get Out Prices i t! TALLMAN & GO, B&infc Powder Leatlinir Jrii,'p;lHtK fce remarkable increase in conaumpbeo trove it purity and wnoieomno. ONE POUND 25 CENTS With a Coupon AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA jlAAAAAAAAAi Nr j GOOD, NOT HERE BXLCK WHEAT FLOUR AND MAPLE SYRUP The buckwheat flour which ccmes ' om New York state is now here, the new flour of the crop of 1903 You know what to do with buckwheat flour, pure buckwh' at flmir, and the domestic revolution that would follow some wintci morning if you failed to do it. Now buckwheat cakes and maple syrup have ever known a sweet nnd romantic alliance. W'? not only sell the pure buckwheat flour, but the pure tvr syrup. Note, please, maple SAP syrup, not syn p froir U .d maple sugar, but MAPLE SAP syrup. We sell the pu e tfow York buckwheat flour at market prices, and the pun niaplc sap syrup in gallon and half-gallon tins and quart ynt. i . F, S. YOUNGER Sc :-JJ02ST S. P. Sturfils. Wllllnm C. Murphy. Henry C. Guernsey. The First Christian church was filled yesterday evening with friends and members of the Order of Elks, to witness the beautlrul nnd solemn memorial service, or "Lodge of Sor row," held annually by that order on the first Sundny in December. The church wns beautifully decor ated with the purple nnd white colors of the order, and with evergreens, while the altar was draped in tho stars and stripes. The services opened with a song, "Ton Thousand Times Ton Thous and," by tho vested choir of the Episcopal church, with Miss Cosbi Haley at the piano. Following this, the lodge of sorrow was opened by Exalted Ituler Hart nian, the impressive ritual of the or der, reminding Initiated and uniniti ated alike of tho uncertainty of life, and of tho splendid virtues which should crown nil the accions of men, wns rendered. The roll of tho departed ones wns called, and their failure to respond wns bountifully woven Into a sermon too deep for human speech, by those who had known them In life, and In that moment of meditation, there waB evidence In the moist eyes and bow ed heads of the Elks of a deeper fra ternity nnd brotherly love than Is ex pressed In the outward forms of the order. At the close of the "Lodge of Sor row." Hev. W. E. Potwine oftered a brief, hut touching prayer, after which William Smith, of Baker City, delivered the memorial address. He briefly reviewed the objects or the order, and laid Btrong impress upon tho motto, which Is Inscribed upon all banners of Elks "The faults of our brothers we will write upon the sands; their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory." He spoke briefly of tho eharttnble features of the order, the deep un derlying principles which crown the order with highest honors and bind the members together In bonds of fro ti.mltv nnd fellowship. If the virtues of charity, nlono, ns' exemplified In holy writ, and auopieu by tho order of Elks, as a fundamen tal principle, should govern the ac tions of men, the speaker said, there would he no need for further regula tion In humnn society. "Charity sufforotn long nnd Is kind; charity envleth not; charity vaunteth not herself, nor puffoth her self up; doth not behave unseemly; seeketh not her own; Is not easily provoked: thlnkoth not evil, rejoic cth not in Iniquity, but rojoiecth In tho truth; beareth all things, hopeth nil things, endureth all things." If this creed wore followed by the world, the spenkor said, the sum of human woes would disappear trom tho path of moil, and the tears of the widow and orphan would not embit ter tho cxporlcncos or mankind. Ho reviewed briefly tho history of tho order in his homo town, stating that tho Halter City lodgo had been in existence for eight years, nnd that during the first seven years of Its. lite death had failed to visit its ranks, hut thnt within the past year throe members had passed to that other lodge, nnd failed to respond irt tile roll call on earth. Hakor City lodge has a membership of 300, and lias recently built a fluo lodge building. Following tho address, the vested choir sang very beautifully. "No Shadows Vondor." and the memorial sorvlco closed with tno singing 01 uie doxology by iiio nudlence, niul tilt benediction by Ilov. Potwine. Pendleton lodge No, 2S8 was organ ized In September, 1894. and now lias a membership of 107, and Is In a thriving condition. In that time uui three members hove died Snmuol P. Sturgls, William C. Murphy nnd Hen ry C. Guernsey, whose names were Inscribed on the beautiful momorial programs Issued by tho lodge. Mr Hurt in to take Phu'o tomorrow (Tuesday) Vincent". !Xl Mheome'of onulon nnd evening. There Is a Vincent wen nminii , m , display of goods of all descrlp nrirS Tho n, 0 'stre , ons 1. V- dinner will ho r tho ? S )' Ilw. Juim-iiirst-chiss order and candy and pop ZTfZ is i' Congregational 'com will be served by the young church MIsH'tlfeen Is one of the , ladles-the sweetest and most dellc well known ytiuuR lUlo "f l'""'" lous. iriCIHIS. nil ,,. I ...,,ll ri...H.Mi fur the the rltV ns 11 singer, num. 1 i.nsi ei. m" i--;- , , 1. I I l ustrnted songs at the Shields' Pari; . l(mtm game to be hold In this city, vnudevllle during the greater t"i " . last Saturday, fiiuoru, on.- ... n. I ueiiMin. 11 avers of me inuian mu phi.....'. - ... ,,. inrowu 11.11. "" Five Licenses in Two Days. ti nii.lv clerkV ollice has been doing n big 'business tn the mnrrlnge license business during the past two days, having Issued live permits. Licenses were Issued to Fred l.an z and Mrs. Nellie Minis. iMith or this city. Ileiijauiln Turpln nnd Miss Cnr olync Rartrow. Thomas I. linker nnd Miss Alice H, iiacwi; ii"i) ';: '' dike and Miss May Ilowlsby, nnd Pert Vincent and Miss Ijuira Green. Mr Updike It. n resident of SunnyHlde. Wash., while the rest or the list nre all residents of this city ADOPTED i Wo have three hor ; they are pretty hr,TI I that wo are Roftie to 4 'fuiour coffel That S.S.0' We 'or. team, wns his collnr hone. broken. Ho was taken to me ngen- 4 .. . 1 .1... 1 .... .....I t . cy hospital nun mu .hum- p-i, "u., ( - now nlnmst ready tor nnotner game. te that its RosiBeX Pictttre of Phar0av i that we ... "otK! display inthewindow.6"1' we have adopted thi.l plan to iiiclufeyoatof; our Coffee. ,y u,0,JJ OWLTEOOIISfl 1 .1 ...,. It. vlu tint. Itw. I Wl Xhius points to iniMi - 'ieapest place in I Wedding Tourto California. .Mr nnd Mrs, Fred lintz left Sun- itnv for California, where they will Bowlsby-Updlke. Miss Mny Ilowlsby and Mr. Hnrry Ulidlke we're married this afternoon at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L Uowlsby, the parents of tho bride, on Aura street, Hev. Robert Wnmer, of the Motltodlst church, performing the ceremuny. .Miss Ilowlsby Is well and favorably known to a large circle of friends In this city, whore she hns resided with her parents for stime time. The groom Is n resident of Sunnyslde. Wash., where the vinmg couple will live. Successful Rabbit Drive. The rnliliit drive near Echo ester day wnh n great success, and numb er week's material wns added 10 the store for the cannery. A number of Pendleton people attended the drivi nnd report a good time and plenty to eat. thanks to the hospitality of the lesldents or the sister city. The drive wns over a new territory, nnd the number or nibhlts caught wns cones pondlngly great. ...4.-. -- 1ST. JOE STORE We will make Big Rednctions all this week on Men's Clothing Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits Cloaks and Jackets We will sell them less than you pay for such Roods 1: what is called Closing Out Pricus, as wt are determined to tt (luce our stock very tmicii Detore January 1, 1004 We JI make an average ctu 01 50 per cent iroin regular prices Health Blanks Received. The blanks that have been so lung expected by the local health ollleers. have at last arrived trom tho state printer, anil are being distributed so thnt In the future the vital statistics of the county and stnte may be accu rately kept The blanks arc lor the use or the undertakers and the phy sicians In noting deaths and births and nlso In keeping 1111 niroutft or nil contagious diseases In the comity Successful Meetings. Tho revival meetings which have been so successfully conducted by tho Methodist church for some time past, will he continued this evening nnd tomorrow evening, and possibly all the remainder of the week. The meetings have been very successful In the past, nnd the Interest in them is still great, so that the church is disposed to continue them. For Mayor of Pilot Rock. -Mr, and .Mrs. (iluun Caiiuim. or PI lot Hock, were iu the city Saturday en loute to 1 'or 1 1 n 11 1 1 on business. .Mi Cannon, who was formerly connect ed with Schmidt's pharmacy, in this city. Is a candidate mr Mayor 01 Pilot Ho.-K. Six Plain Drunks. Two white men and lour Indians were lined In the city court tills morn ing lor having been drunk during Sat urday night nnd Sunday. Each ouu either plended guilty and paid his line or put up a hall and forreited it to tilt city. FRANK MARTIN DEAD. Held Fol. Was From Astoria Funeral This Afternoon at Baker &. aom's. Frank Martin died nt the hospi tal on Saturday ovcnlng of Hodgkln'H dlseuse, after a lingering Illness, Tho deceased was 27 years of ago and had been a resident of this city for some time, having been employed on tho construction work of the sowor during tho summer. Ho has a father residing In Astoria, and It was direct ed by him that tho remains he given burial in this city. Tho funeral was hold this alter- noon at 3 o'clock from tho Hakor & Folsom undertaking parlors, tho ser vices, being conducted by IXov. G. W. HlKby. JOSIAH RILEY DEAD. Woolen Mill Employe Carried Off by Pneumonia. Josiah Klley died at tho homo of Thomns Means yesterday morning at 4 o clock, of pneumonia, agod 31 years. Tho deceased was an ontployo of tho woolen mills and had boon a resldont of this city for some time. Ho Pilot Rock Editor. John I'. McMnnus, editor of the Pilot Hock Record, spent Sunday In the city and returned home todny. Mnc reports Pilot ltoek In n thriving condition and from the improved ap. ponrnnee of the Itecord he Is enjoying his Just share of the thrift. ITS WONDERFUL The amount of good you'll receive from a few doses of Hostettor's Stem nch Hitters, esiieclnlly when the stwm aeh Is disordered or the liver inactive. It cures Loss of Appetite, Sour Stom ach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Clhlls or Malaria, lie suru to try It, also obtain a copy of our lllus. trated Almanac for 1904 from your druggist. It Is free and contains In structive reading matter that Is ucll worth having. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. LYONS -MERCANTILE CO. 1 - --------4 .4...,. .I..H I I 1 I I H4"M H IHmHW'HWWWfH t RODGERS FLAT WARE J A superior article, made in the latest iat- i tt-rns. The Jiodgers ware is made of solid I rolled copper, plated on the outside with heavy nickel nnd lined on the inside with t silver. Guaranteed to wear well and to keep ; free from foul tastes and arsenie poisons. J We have liodgers' improved ware in Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Crumb Trays. Tea t Kettles, and Tea Sets, consisting of jiol, X creamer and sugar bowl on tray Inspect I this ware. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. 621 Nail) St. Shirt 3 O-Ig GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINIMIS Isave orders at Ncuman's Cigar Store. 60c Sizes 14 to M Stiff and Soft Bosoms Cuff Detached Regular Values $1.00, i.2s and $t.35 The Big Boston Store ECONOtfl j HEALTH COMFORT Hl Are Combined In HI Cole's Original! Tight WoodHeate2 Hot Blast Co4j!5 They have proven their ,'e' dwd Hundreds of satisfied people in re 1 and Umatilla users of toie t 1 heaters always rccorr enu " friends. Sold only, i I'cndleW TtL TTfi.rfiware leaves a wife who was nresont with him at the time of his death, and who