DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1903. teEE! FREE! jes', ChHdtenfs and Misses' Shoes EVERY ELEVENTH PAIR FREE ! lwhoe business has increased to such an extent that we I01'.' ,.jtisficd we have absolutely the best wearinir 3n.i X lretet" i.j., misses' and children's shnpc tUt -.tctvlisn i'""- ' , . ,, iuuay r Stared, and many people in Pendleton know this, but X P" .r sansfied -we want to sell more, and in onlrr to X '1 oar good shoes into more families we will give away, SatelV Ffee- every ""'j1 ,s,r- Should the eleventh X ike a h oo lad)' s patent kid shoe, or a 50c pair, in either ? .w will com .........,,. ""ci is or me entire I vbof December. Remember, we have a line of shoes that H' 3rjntee to give satisfaction. "All rins sewed fr fs"- I I PERSDNflL MENTION, j LEE TEUTSCH'S 810 STORE COR. MAIN AND ALTA fM"H 1 1 1 1 HK--K-M- -H-W i ! 1 I I I t I I I I ? 1 I 1 t i I I j. City Brevities ' Rider uei sunny ,m Christmas list put down a meats Schwartz & skirts ai.'rlng iswateu H Co. readj-made f: Teutsch's. .'ted daily fresh inmates, find crawfish, at Gratz's. Ifie'erida, the host cigar made, cigar store, uouri street. I toil of imported and domestic i mi clam chowder at uratz s. ncr I Kennedy's cab is at your 6; IT all Hours, roune mam f.pts some rare beauties. line ever shown nere. Han- Delta trade grows daily, be- the real delicacies made by ire sold, pianos, slightly used. Great los. tome quick, inianct Em- Iftano House near bridge. Campbell will close all her : sJlllnery at a great reduction, pacing Saturday, November 7. r. Deals in the city are served new St. George restaurant. it new neat and clean, 25c t consignment of superb pianos red at Inland Empire Piano Store open evenings. Call in ; them over. tut & Bauer's best make of In, mandolins and banjos now in I at inland Empire Piano House. I K.!a street bridge. s are not trying to fool the reo- I Tie people know. Those famil- pa. lormer prices will aDnre- Get Sunny, u C Rader. Swell slippers at leutsch's. Fresh fruit daily at Martin's. Best shoe repairing at Teutsch's The Delta chocolates are different. U . . ... . e outcner, "phone main For Kent A piano, office. Apply at this For your Christmas list put down a 1. it. A beautiful line of sewlnir h.ist-ots 10c to 39c. Nolfs. If you want a piano or organ, read rollings uu. louay. For Rent Four room house; good tunar. 11. j. smiman. The Delta chocolate and bon bons always taste like more. 'Phone Lane's paint shop when you warn winuow glass put in. We are showing a lino of kid body uuns, ivc to 3.y&. NOUS. Children's school shoes that we and look well at Teutsch's. Ring up Main 1991 for Men's Fur nishings. Sullivan and Bond. Wanted A teacher of the Spanish language. Inquire at this office. No limit on quantities on the clos- In" out sale at the Boston Store. Failing has a first-class piano tuner. Leave orders. Work guaranteed. Annual sale at the Congregational church, Tuesday afternoon and even ing. Dressmaker would like engage ments by the day. Apply 120 Grange street Call up 'phone main 701 when you want a cab. Ready for service at all times. Hplllnmtior tha Hlnnnr rif thn rVin. the reductions. The Boston ' gregational church. Tuesday from 5 Beans business and closing out . to 8 p. m. .w. .. , JUBt In. new line of neckwear, silk are absolutely c osine out he V.i j . .l r spenders. Baer & Daley. a.xlated. The Boston Store Annual sale and New England din- 1 business and our word for it WT at Congregational church, on We will make it good. The 1 ueBuay aiiernoun ana evening, tit deiiartmsnt Is iinlrt out. 1 The grandest aBsoriment of mens I letter, as our future plans wait up-to-date neckwear Just received by tt.mlns.tlon of this sale. I express. See window uisplay. Sulli- i van and llond. Joseph A. Owcnhouse, resident pia no tuner. Work guaranteed. Inland Empire Music Company, near Main ' street bridge. e are unpacking our E. p. Wade returned from Portland last evening. W. F. Matlock has returned from a short visit In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hallcy aro home from a visit to Portland. L. O. Frailer loft last night for Port land on a brief business visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Clopton have returned from a visit to Portland. W. Damon, of la Grande, Is a visitor in the city for a short time. A. E. Wise, of Baker City, is a Pen dleton visitor for a short tlmo on bus iness. Lee Held returned from a visit In Portland, where ho has been for tho past week. John Hallcy, Jr., has returned from a visit to Portland, where ho has spent several days. E. J. Sonimerville of Pendleton Is registered at the Dacros. Walla Wal la Statesman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbralth. of Pay- ctte. aro the guests of tho Hotel Pen dleton for a short sojourn in tho city. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Taylor returned Uiis morning from Portland, whero they have been visiting for several days. t SUNDAY AT J THF PHIIRPHFQ M. E. Church, South Preaching morning and evening nt tho usual hours. Communion of the Lord's sup per, after the morning sermon. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Epworth League meeting at 0:30 p. m., led by P. M. Howard, I First Christian Church Sunday school, 10 a. m.: preaching. 11 a. m., subject, "Jesus In tho Home." Chris-1 tlan Endeavor, 6:30 p. m., Mrs. D. C. ' Bowman, leader, rreachlng, 7:30 p. m., subject, "Heaven." At this serv ice W. H. Hawley will sing, "Tell Mother I'll Be There." Prayer meet ing and choir practice Wednesday evening. The public is cordially In vited to attend all of theso services. Fac Slmllte of Ticket No 1 Krcp thtt Tlcel Wa Ktep the Stub, For liach Hollar's Piii-chaw t Th Wuplw WaivtiouA? from November lt , to December 4, 150J, you re velre ticket entitling you to one chance ou Seven l'tlies valued at I400. Col u mini 1 Kange it Trite Rubber Tlteit illiCKr, alue f 14a ami 1'nte Unlvenat Steel t 1-rlte Modern rottlaml Cutter value l.w 4th Trice Uaby Carriacre. value I40 Mh Trire Steel Horn Saddle, value I15 ith True Life Sited Doll, value M 7th lTite Coot, Wagon and Harneu, value Jjij , Drawing takea placejp. m.Thunntay DKCIIMUUR 4, iswj The pays to Peoples Trade at Warehouse NUTIt Should you not want thi, ticket or be far atvay Rive It to . frieca. Don't lose or dettroy It. N. H. Brooks, pastor. o Church of the Redeemer Dlvlno service tomorrow at hours as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; sermon and celebration of tho holy commun ion at 11 a. ra.; evening prayer and sermon nt 7:30. o First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon and sacrament of tho Lord's supper; C:45 p. m.. Christian Endeavor; 7:30 p. m., sermon. Strangers in the city are especially Invited to all these ser vices. Robert J. Diven, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church The Sunday services will be a continua tion of tho revival now going on in this church. Tho Interest In the serv Ices during the week has been good and the results quite encouraging, Farther announcement of tho meeting will be made on the Sabbath. Sunday school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, super intendent; sermon, 11 a. ra Junior League, 3 p. m.; Epworth League, :30 p. m.; evening sermon and revi- val service, 7:30 p. m. A cordial in vitation is extended to those who are without a regular place of worship. Robert Warner, pastor. 10DDZ. MANHAnAHSHIRTS None buttor nindo, in fact thoy aro known ne Tho Host Somo nro $2.00 values and no no aro worth loss than $1.50, Tomorrow, Saturday $1.00 Whilo wo aro about it wt' will add for Good Old Saturday Night All All All 75f 50c 25c NEOKWIOAIt Tios for 60c for Tios Tios for for :15c 15o for for Saturday Saturday Saturday The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE mas Goods ! I Watch for mv advertise- "t- Store ODen evenlnes Itnismonth. Yours for ID GOODS HUNZIKER I Car of Cattle Tonight. J. C. Lonergan will ship out a car of cattle this evening over the W. & C. H. to Seattle, where they will bo used by the Frye-Brubn Meat Com' pany. The cattle were bought of Ma rlon Jack and have been raised and fed on bis-ranch, about six miles cast of tho city on Wild Horso creek. It Is the intention of tho same parties to shin other cars out during the coming week. Every good-enough grocer keeps Schilling's Best Ma ka-ciuc-d tpiCM 4c ILrot'ait xtracat and moneybacks 'em. Costs him nothing; it isn't his money. Costs nobody anything. MFETY RAZORS i.e kind we Buarantflo tn irivfi comDlete satisfac- vUt i reDdera shaving a luxury and entirely ob ill I ri ,le,dung of cutting the face. The blades are " oi the LeHt ntool r..n nmunH and nasilv ooved, and if used for individual shaving will last ..fjears without h on i iicr liavp. them from $2.00 upiS7.So. These make elegant Christmas Gifts. A- C KOEPPEN & BROS., Tie Di "g Store with the Log Cabin Soda Fountain. Congregational Church Corner of Webb and Johnson streets. Sunday sen-Ices in tho following order: Sun day school at 10 a. m., morning wors hip and preaching at 11. The subject will be, "Christianity the World's Ilo llglon." It will be tho last of a series of 12 sermons on "The Genius of Christianity." Meeting of Junior En deavor at 3 p. m.; evening service at :30: Christian Endeavor meeting, with an address on the subject. Jon athan Edwards, pastor. West End Chapel Corner West Webb and Maple streets. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Song service on Tuesday evening, 7:30. J. Edwards, superintendent, o First Baptist Church Sunday bebool at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m., and evening sermon and serv he at 7:30. All strangers in tho city are invited to attend these services. Men's Retort Tho regular men's meeting will be held as usual at the Men's Resort on Court stroet, tomor row aftcrnpon at 4 o'clock. Rev. J. Edwards will speak. All men are cor dlally Invited to attend. GRAIN 8ITUATION. 8lxty-8lx Thousand 8ack In Hands of One Company, Tho Pacific Coast Elevator Compa ny now has on band In tbelr ware houses In tho county 05,365 sacks of wheat and 10,583 sacks of barley. This Is grain that has been put In by those who did not wish to sell for the prices quoted, and that which has been bought by the company and Is now being held for better sales. Tblh Is but a small part of the grain that has been handled during the season. It being estimated at about oiH'-flfth of the total amount. The rc-bt was shipped to the coast for ex port, though some was bougni lor me city mills and sold to them. Theie Is now but little movement In the grain market and will not be lu all probability until later In tho year when tho status of tho next year's crop will fix the prlco for the rem nants of the grain on hand. have been gathered together. The bal lot boxes have been hauled out of tho garret and polished up, tho cob webs have been brushed out of their lnsldea and they nro ready for thu heavy vote of Monday. Tho keys aro In tho possession of tho judge. Tho ballots bavo been printed and aro now locked In the safe at tho recorder's of fice. Tho Judges nro ready for the fray, and tho clerks havo been add ing up long columns of figures for a week In order to bo In training. The polling plnces will all bo swept out tomorrow and fires will bo built early for tho comfort of tho citizens and the benefit of the judges and clerks. Everything has been dono in anticipation of the contest with tho exception of appointing a special po lice force for tho day. It Is expected that It will bo possi ble to get the votes countod tho first day. COMING EVENTS. MIKE GRATZ SELLS OUT. Baker and Garrison Become Owners of the Popular Retort. Mike Gratz has sold his saloon to William Dakr and John Garrison, who will tako possession of the placo as soon as the papers and accounts aro drawn and straightened out. Mr. Baker is now tho half owner in tho saloon of Baker & Ogg, on Main street, while Mr. Garrison Is a sheepman, being one of thu firm of I .a Fontaino & Garrison. Mr. Uratz has not as yet docldod what he will do In the future. Milton Irrigation District election, December 21. Washington Teachers' association, Tacoma, Doc. 2S-30. National Livestock convention, Portland, January 12, 13, 14 and IE. Leave Your Orders With DESPAIN & CLARK FOR; The Knights of tho Mnccubrcs havo about three million uoi.nrs in tho re servo fund, rafoly Invested. It you wnnt fraternal protection, see J. S. Kees or District Deputy G, A. Gruvcs. You don't havo to dlo to win. It In wbut you aro looking for. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laiatlva Itromo Quinine Tabled, Alt druKgliti refund ttie mono? It It falls to cure. E. W. Orove'a ilg nature on each bot. 'i5c. Mr.. Hansford Visiting In Portland. W. D. Hansford returned last even ing from Portland, whero he attend ed the trial of A. II, Thompson. Mrs. Hansford, who accompanied him to Portland, will remain for a couple of weeks, on a visit wth their daughter, .Mrs. j, li. KODUins. Visiting in Walla Walla. Miss Evelyn Somtnorvllle went thl morning to Walla Walla, for a short visit with her bister. Miss Esther Som mervllle, who has been visiting In Walla Walla for some time, and who will return home with Miss Evelyn on Monday, THE SHOE FOR lien and Boys PREPARING FOR ELECTION. Elaboration, Precision, Anxiety and Responsibility. Judge Thomas Fltz Oerald seems to hold the key to the situation In the coming election. All of the materials for the election BOSTON STORE Another Sale of Popular Books Were formerly published at $1.50 -Our Special Price while they last at 69c. Hre are a Kuw Titles. "A 8inarnlar Life." Phelps. "Mr. Dooley's Philosophy." "The Choir Invisible," Allen. "Via CriK'lK," Crowford. 'The Adventure of Hliorlock Holmes," Doyle. "The Prisoner of 'ends." Hope, "Checkers," Blotumua. "JtoraoboH," Corelll. Etc. etc- Leather Goods. Nothing Is more acceptable for the holidays than gifts made from leathor. Cull' boxed. 30c to 11.80. Collar boxes, 48o to 11.06. Traveling cases, IM tofOOO. Music roils, 44o to ft 05. Kto. Frederick Nolf COAL All towns alouu; thu line of th W. A Columbia River Railroad can buy from tin In cnrhnul lots at very leasonablo price. 514-614 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. AjMtM Hartford Xlrw lnurmiu-e Co.fU,9HU,UTH Alliance Assurance Co 'JW,0H9,3 tendon 4 Lancashire Klre Insuranoe Co Jp544,tO North llrltkh A Mercantile Co 19,eSo,074 Royal Insurance Oo ,SV7,1M J.FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT Ml EAST COURT ST. Walter's Flouring MMs Capacity, IK0 barrels day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mil Foed, Chopped etc., always on band. Md, . lASHkat A A AAA A A r TRUSTY TOOLS fortrmty eoile hvre abound tool for carpenters, for nutsoui, any rort of aJtUiujs dependable tools for le hi any and every craft. You may iletwnd, tixi on Ike prlre here bring right und rv xoimblH you mm) we want your trade yt-ar in, year out. SBS J WINDOW DIHPLAY. j W. J. CLARKE & Co, an Court Street 4rirAAA" IELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. Vor.MAVINrKNIHIini.IHNO I ,..,.v ,.T , ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th place of shingles, tin. Iron, mr ujiI gruvol, aud all prepared roofings, For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay, Temperc for all climates, Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Ouaran teed. It will pay to ask for prices and Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFINO CO. Worcester Building. 9W!"t