wE JUST RECEIV MONOPOLE CANNED GOODS AND VEGETABLES ED ONE CAR Monopoie Are very particul Well we feel highly complimented Messrs Wadhams and Kerr Bros., who are the exclusive owners of the Celebrated Monopoie Fruits and Vegetables With your next Order Try a can Monopoie Asparagus about their "MONOPOT P n till fllwAVa tIT-nfnv n !.. I 1 :.. .... K !.. I lhaii !l llil rvf nrrrln A 1 . ... O " . AB resuit we nave bought m0ro of the MONOPOLE goods than any othor - """" wegon. we nave always tried to pleato our customers, and have looked ..u.HuJ u.a Mu.ior moDest goods, until today we are recognized as the finest grocer imuioiuu. ynne we teel complimented at such a recognition, we must in justice have ttie credit placed where it belongs that is to the Monopoie Line of Goods Monopoie Petete Peas Are better than the impored le NOTICE To the Ladies who are on commit tees for lodge or church iccials, we will take pleasure in donating to them any Fruits or Vegetables un der the MONOPOLE Brand for their banquets. 5 WHEN Vhll SEE THE NAME 2 MONOPOLE One Car Monopoie tat; Standard Qrocery One Car Monopoie at Standard Grocery 3 WE CONTRACTED FOR OUR Remember It Means the I BEST OF EVER! I r3 TO EAT i Monopoie Goods ZZZ Several months .iro. You know all canned ZS Roods advanced about double. Therelore wc take pleasure in announcing that we can 3 now sell you the Hest Goods for what you will have to pay others lor cheaper good?. t . i OUR STOCK OF mm I Monopoie Is New If any Com- plaint we Cheerfully y Refund Money d V One Car Monopoie at Standard Qrocery This space is too small to tell you a I) out all the good things under the Monopoie Brand OUR WORD CANNOT EXPRESS How Qood MONOPOLE Sliced Peaches Are STANDARD GROCERY CO. Phone, Main 961 Pendleton's Finest Grocers 214-216 Court St. WE ARE STILL SELLING LOTS OF COFFEE One Car Monopoie at Standard Grocery One Car Monopoie at Sutiulard Grocery Monopoie j m Mt v miuiiiinnn nnnTTT f ftitjiki iiriiii o WfflffliSKUlS, rWULATluri, MU. , v " . f, I - Of P.n. . ... UUJUUIllfi Jont 300,poo, and its Nre miles, or nri tie ..jT-" ir. T. mmana. applled by the de nmaierce and inw abte data on com. , reports of the ft t Panama mi. m, uPn ' - UI1C Tim Mmi.r.n T -pied reoEranht. , ntd annually wn - - wiir ti,, , . " mama railway, 47 miles In len&tn, connect ing thu Pacific port of Panama with the Atlantic port of Colon. Colon, or Aspluwall, as It is some times called, has a population of about 3,000 persons. The city of Pan ama has a population of about 25,000. It waB founded In 1519, burned Jn 1671, and rebuilt In 173, while Co on Is of much more recent date, having been founded In 1855. The population, which, as already Indicated, amounts In number to about 300,000, Is composed of various elements Spanish, Indian, Negro and a limited number of persons from the European countries and the United States, especially those-engaged in commerce and transportation and the operation of the Panama railway. A considerable, number of the popula tion Is composed of persons brougnt i.ihmn. no lahnrftrn fnr the construction of the canal, and of tlieir descendants. Since tho abolition of; slavery In Jamaica a considerable number or blacks and mulattoes have ( cottio tia lathmim as small deal-1 ers and farmers, and in some villages on too Atlantic siue uiuy ie be in the majority, and as a result, tho English lan&usee Is much In use.l especially on the Atlantic side. Some of the uatlve population have retain ed their customs, speech and physical type, especially those in the western part of the province, and claim to be descendants of tho natives found In that section by the Spaniards when they dlscoveied and conquered the country- Of the commerce of Panama the United States supplies a larger share than any other country. The Import ations at the port of Colon during the fiscal year ended June 20. 1003, as shown by the report ol tho United States consul, amounted to $952,684, of which C14,179 was from the Unit ed States, $119,086 from France, 118, 322 from England, $76,386 from tier many. The figures of the fiscal year 1903 suow a considerable increase from those of 1902, In which the value of the imports at Colon were $776,345. Of the $614,179 Imports from the United States at Colon In 1903, $200, 744 was dry goods, $189,333 provis ions, $59,890 coal, $38,642 lumber, tin ton llauors and $3l!940 hardware. The value of the Importations from the United 8tates In 1903 exceeded those of 1902 by ohmit 11C0.000. The exports to the United States from Colon In 1903 amounted to $173,370, of which $75, 432 was bananas, $54,960 cocoanuts, $12,472 turtle shells, $9,400 ivory nuts, $6,460 bides and $5,924 coffee. From the port of Panama the 'X ports to the United States In the fl cal year 1903 amounted to $193,342, of which $56,767 was bides, $49,974 India rubber, $27,805 cocobolo nuls, $16,598 Ivory nuts, $13,372 deer skins, and $6,908 coffee. The consul at Panama states that the Imported ar tlcles come mostly from Knglanu, Germany, France, Italy and the Unit ed States, but gives no statistics of the Imports. Panarau Is connected with Kan FrancUco by a weekly steamer sched ule operated by the Pacific Mall Steamship company, and with Valpa raiso by a weekly steamer schedule operated by the Pacific Steam Navi gation company and South American Steamship company. The time for pasenger trains over the 47 miles of railway Is three hours. From Panama there Is ono cable line north to American ports and one to the south. The actual time con sumed In communicating with the United States and receiving an an swer is stated by the consul to be usually about four hours. There also are cable lines from Colon to the United States and Europe. The money of the cou.ntry Is sliver, the rate of exchange having averaged during the past year about 150 per cent. k NEW IRRIGATION PROJECT. The water will be xoM for $10 an inch, or $1(1 for inch slmre In the Idaho Tract, Consisting of 7,840 Acrtt company ti nther words, u man who to Dc Reclaimed. , takes up ICO acres of Inml can procure With the nceptanre by thu slate ?,'M"L",,','fti,Bhiw,".,,f" oforwfttcr u i . .t. 'r $1,600, Of this amount 25 per engineer on November 30 of ''. (eut is to bo paid cash down and tho maps, plans and specifications of the balance In ten yearly Installments. Smith's Creek Reservoir, I-aui! anil I The promoters of thu rompany aro water company, the way was cleared , "nxlous to havo a wagon road built for the consummation of a compact J ft" ft and practical Irrigation projivt by fn,.H w nain t bo' built. This, It which water will be conducted upou.lH asserted, would form the only link tern ,.r..u ,.t uu ..rii.,.ii.. inn.t nu now inistilnj? in a uoocl wskoii road bo- can be found In trwi state, says tliu !tw'''n Holse and Atlanta. Uolso Statesman, I The plan is to divert tho waters of I . Fall m.ik and Trinity lakes into ourla u reopie. Smith's creek and construct a reser- Hergt. C ( lluuiiiiel of tho 26th voir 5,100 nern feet in extent on the United Slates Coast Artillery writes northeast corner of Smith's prulrie on from Fort Flagler, Wash. THIII Is section 7, townslilp t norm, rungo S doing very Him work among tho neo- east. pie here. I know of twenty uorsons A canal four miles and a half long hem who were cured of the Drink will cut across tho prairie In a south-.Habit. I tako pleasure lu recommend- westerly direction to tho south llnoof.Ing It as a cum , (or tho Uquor and soctlou 30, township 2 north, rungo 7 Tobacco Habit. V, ' east. Eighteen families will winter on Smith's prairie and a number will go into the district In the spring. Con siderable land Is open for entry on tbe tract. Theru is no snow on tho ground up theru at present and the laud can be viewed without discomfort. Mrs. Stubb John, I don't bellovo the man you gavo thu dime to Is really blind. Mr. Stubb Why nqt, y dear? Mrs. Stubb I heard him. whisper to his partner that he was go ing down tho street to get an cr opener Chicago Dally Neir,