DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4.903 m RULE RUSSIA P i SORE HANDS Itching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, With Brittle, Shapeless, Discolored Nails, As Will is Rmgtaess and RNmss. One Mtgfct Treatwent with Citi cm, the Great Skii Cire. THE CZAROWIT2 IS NOW TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Book the hands on retlrlnR In a strong, hot, creamy lather or Cu ileum Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cntlcnra Ointment, the great skin cure and purest or emollient. Wear, darln; the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly In old, soft cotton or linen. For red, Tough and chapped hands, dry. Assured, itching, Xcrerbh palms, with brittle, shapeless noils and painful linger ends, thlstreatmentis simply wonderful, fre quently curing In a single application. Complete local and constitutional treatment Tor every humour of the "tin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, may now be had lor one dollar. Bathe with hot water and Cuttcura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Con cur Ointment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation and Inflammation, and soothe and hcaL and lastly, take the Cutlcura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment ononis Instant roller, permits rest and sleep In the severest forms of Eczema and other Itching, burning and scaly humours, and poLits to a speedy, permanent and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring humours, from pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fail. Urmvt fhmrwlnm Omm4 HO, c wT 1 f n.Oiafe t-iFm,t BmOsWFUii Battoa. is Colon iFMi, rr Dm TMbf Is Nephew of the Present Czar, Who Has Never Fathered a Son Is an Avowed Imperialist of the Agores sive School Originally Frail, He Is Now Robust in Health, bt. Petersburg, Dec. 4. Rullelous services were held throughout the cm. plro today In eclegration of the twen ty-fifth birthday of Grand Duke Mich nel, heir apparent to the throne, who was born November 22, O. S. (De cember 4) 1878. The services also included Thanksgivings for the czar ina's progress toward recovery Notwithstanding the fact that he appears destined to become thcNsar of all the Russias the czarowltz Is probably the least known publicly of any of the members of the imperial family, and it Is difficult to realize that the frail, sickly youth, who never was expected to reach manhood. Is now 25 years old I The grand duke is the third son of the late czar Alexander III., and as a lyouth he gave promise of a useful fu ture, though his elder brother. Grand Duke George, heir apparent to the I throne, naturally came in for a larger ' share of public notlco. With the death of the latter, a few years ago, and the continued failure of the pres ent czarina to bear a son, It has be come more and more o.' a certainty that the young grand duke will some day be summoned to slay the scep- jtre of the vast Russian domains. J Is a Typical Russian. He Is said by those intimately ac quainted with him to be a typical Russian in appearance and habits rf mind. As he has grown older he jss likewise grown stronger and more ro- bust and is said to resemble his fath , er much more than does the present , czar. This resemblance has won for him a high regard from the Russian , people, who have never become recon. died to the idea of being ruled by h little man such as Nicholas II. I The grand duke Michael is said to ' have a strong sympathy with the Russian national aspirations nf the "world empire." and It Is believed he ' would push his country's advantages in Asia and take a dominant nttitud) in Europe should he inherit the re sponsibilities of the throne. As yet the young granu duke is be lieved to be heart whole and fancy 1 free, though rumor has had him be- J trothed to Princess Margaret of Con Jo harness. Simple 1 naught and several other of the ellgi Unlike all others. ! ble princesses of Europe, Promote frse resnir- i ' atiou of lungs. I'fc- eutgciiHaren becom al I" r ! ( l IHk B-Bw JBBI H- . jHa r" Cotamfcw An. No More Roxrad Shoolders The improved KNICKERBOCKER SHOULDER BRACE BROTHERS DROWNED. trace obUlued. Easily adjusted and worn with comfoit. Siaes for men. women. boys aad girls. Cheapest and only reliable com bined brace and mwpender ia the market. BOLD BV F. W. Schmidt Ingsujopeu or rounfl i McFarland Boys Meet Death in Snake ihouldered. A per- ', frt-t skirt Bunnort for I River Eddy. ladies. Phy-,icians ' Lewiston. Dec. -1. Word reached recommend them. A ' the city yesterday afternoon that gentle or, powerfrl I Ephriam and Bert McFarland, broth ers, agea -s anu -4 years respective ly, were drowned in the Salmon river jeddy Wednesday night. The Salmon river eddy is one of the dangerous whirls of the upper Snake river and is located about a mile below the mouth of the Salmon river. The McFarland brothers were ca gaged in saving the wreckage from the steamer Imnaha and were en route to Cottonwood bar with a load of salvace at the time of the accident t Associated with the McFarland brothers In saving the wreckage from I the Imnaha were Franfc and John I Carslay, all of whom had been cm- Iployes of the Lewiston Southern Navi gation company and were with the i steamer Imnaha at the time of the wreck. i I CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Colorado's Y. M. C. A. Cripple Creek, Colo., Dec. 4. Offi cers and leading vomers of the Young Men's Christian association are ' i here from Denver, Pueblo and numer- j ? ous other cities for the annual con- ference of the state organization. The! convention will be In session three' days, during which time there will be I addresses by prominent members nnd ' 4 discussions concerning the future work of the association throughout . the stnte. Otto Franc, a weJ-known cattleman i of Big Hole Basin. Mont., shot and ' T instantly Rilled himself Wednesday. I l,r .1nnn 1 j.i V "j ""h6"t. u iuuucu buuiKun inrouirn a fence, muzzle first. Druggist, PoHt-ofllne Block. Phone Main 851. Wood and Coal Some Fine Dry Wood now on Hand at Prices as Low aE tne Lowest. Also Good Coal. All Cash. Call at 638 Main street or Phone Main 1121 P. P. COLLIER I Structure Just Completed at Alexan I dria, Indiana. Bangor. Me., Dec 4. The Christ gie library, which has been in course of construction here for niotv than a year, is now complete and today the building was formally dedicated. Exercises appropriate to the occasion were held, among the Hi;n.keTB and. prominent participants being Miss Morlca Hoagland of Indianapolis, state library organizer, and President Hobert Lincoln Kelly of Earlham col lege. The library building Is of handsolle design and contains wery modern convenience In the way of equipment for the purposes for which it Is Intended. M. E. CONFERENCE. COMMERCIAL STABLES C M. FROOME. PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Gooo teams with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and .handsome rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family use. Stock boarded at reasonable rates. Best of care given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton Phone Min 161 Suffered Eight Months 1 can heartily recommend Acker's Tablets for Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles. I have been uufferln? for eight months and tried many reme dies without any relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short timo and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for be speedy recovery, I am greatfully yours, Francis t. Cannon, Vancouver, Wash. For sale by Y. W. Schmidt ft Co. Bend to W. H. Hooker ft Co., Buf JbJo, N. Y for a free trial package. (Nothing Lflce Trim.) Georgia Methodists in Session at Brunswick. Alexander. Did., Dec. 4. The Carne al session of the Bavannah confer ence of the M. E. church began In Brunswick today and will continue until the middle of the coming week. In addition to the customary appoint ments and other perfunctory business the program of the conference pro vides for sermons and addressee by a number of distinguished divines and lay workers of tho church. The attendance of delegates and visltorH is large. "Slotless" Slot Machines. Seattle, Dec. 4. Sheriff Cudlhee has so far taken no steps to precipi tate another of those tiresome "test" cases by seizing the new fangled "slotless slot machine," now on exhi bition. Nor do the cigar men display any great eagerness to stir up tho animals by putting up other machines of the sort. The "slotless" Is still the only one of its kind In the city. t3o far, too, tho slumbers of "Pro crastinating Attorney" Scott seem to be undisturbed by the advent of the "slotless," although Deputy Prosocut er Krlete Is quietly looking for new ,dope in the law books. AFTER an unxiuns, fretful day, yoo need something which shall fit your tired body as a well worn slipper flts a tired foot. It must be something more than food or drink. If you wnnt to Uste Nirvana and forget all your tire aud fatigue, take a cup of one of Chase & Sanborn's "Original Package" tea. These are the leaves which the natives HiemwJvw drink with all their vigor Injinisoned. It's a very different urifik frpm ordinary tea. Try & half-onnd. "ORIGINAL I-ACKACE" Tr8. OiloS (Forbou OoloDC). Koh-l-noor (En. Breakhit) Orange Pckue(Imlia & Oriaiij Sold in Pendleton exclusively by C. ROHRMAN COURT STREET SPORTING BLOOD Is apt to run in any family, anil so are Colds To cure a cold remove the cause. A cold is caused by the closing of the secretions pores that carry off the waste matter of the body. ATWOOD'S Ija.a.ti-v COLD TABLETS Cures a cold by removing the cause. It contains Quinine for a tonic to tone up the system, Ipecac to open up the secre tions, Cascara Sagfaiia, a mild, gentle, thorough physic, to force the accumulated poison from the system. Atwood's Laxative Cold Tablets are sold on an unconditional guarantee No Cure No Pay. No red tape about it, you get your money back. For sale by BROCK .& McCOMAS CO. Cor Mam and Court streets, Pendleton, Oregon. Minim iHHinwiiHim- MMH'MIIIIIIIIIH I'M- The French Restaurant Best 25 cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GOS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. 633 Main Street Clairvoyant and Medium You Fttte Revealed.v BEST FOR THE BOWELS if -911 tteuiat. Uaitby mfrwepf mitrr Oat, too v HI or mlU a. JJ: ZtJU.t. MlK rrw7 mt kecirtas l tmmtm f CATHARTIC j EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Zcr koi. rlu lur lr. uuapk. a HUM" KEEP YOUK BLUUU ULUl THE SURE WAY to prevent Pneumonia, and Constipa tion is to cure your coia wnen n urov appears. Ackers cngnen nimtg will stop the couth in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a aulck and aure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troublM. If it does sot satisfy you we win rerun u your money. T. W. 8cal4t If you sick or m trouble, call on this gifted Medium and receive help as none can equal R AiYJM 0 N D The Wonderful Clairvoyant and Medium THE. ARLINGTON (Formerly the Stratum) 6t8 MAIN STREET lltlll HimivMHHH las,, trin if 'tilly "'"K8pn... . KM FfeCOf 0"rI'lf Of Bh. - I -wig i vviruv Jeweler and Sr lw r ON HIS ANNUAL man nrc Utigef hi irieud!- and tiiiib. i.n m,t call di'ler ooly In .Ijlt, rtlt 1 J UPlPir nnnri nn .... i'unuuu iuivo.. i nr. r TV TTT TV vs 9M ft-J II lb Osteopath Chronic k Without theJ faid of or drags. Klltllllll IMI1. .Ill if r. and all Female Free. LET US SUPPLY WITH Building.,. ITIII1U 11 au cit!cni'"rfj' .uoors, urn iuc, Building nd Ti ... . II. a-c flv-ir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 v-- ' hrhftf m . ... r . y i iii 1 11111 rt M. ' it l R Yoflf I PT KCTRICAL ! u .i:hp.nropetlYc"r t.. Hnne if entrnsB1' I . - specialty and " , T "t . iht ;n e deaiets i hle Edison LawP5' I Good Work-Rifbt J. L. VT-o , . RUf,. -y-rMatO' " . r aP.Afl In. 111 tun ftC ill lyini inn in n 7,rti found on -le l milch