miiiiiMiwtiimnnnii tllM, iak and Jacket SALE . -n.t nf Jackets and Cloaks wna Oariarsai . j Ar half durioe our special Thanke- j PEBSDHflL MEHTIOH. kiving sale. Wo hav0 st on hhnd about '- arments, in all the latest styles In Black ad Castor Broadcloths and Black and Blue Klines. All these garments we desire to Out at once. Wo are willing to give ,nfw nn anv earnient in the house. lOOOurj""' " " Try a pair of P. Cogan school shoes. Best it. in " L EE TEUTSCH'S COR. MAIN AND ALTA t WI'i'Hl'H H 1 I I !M I IIHI 111 I H -H-l Brevities Oet Sunny. Christmas list put down a lifli meats. Schwartz ft t.ndi skirts au.Tinc itsch'a. dillr. fresh Utmales, IcrawSsh, at Grate's. Irfda the uest cigar made,1 Lr store. Court Btreet. k nf lmnorted and domestic dam chowder at Gratz's. i Kennedy's cab Is at your hit hours. 'Phone main Is, some rare beauties, :e erer shown here. Han- la trade growB daily, be- I real delicacies made by sold. lex. slightly used. Great I Come quick. Inland Bm- I House, near bridge. bcbell will close all her fiery at a great reduction, i Saturday, November l. i In the city are served L'tEL decree restaurant. lev, neat and clean, 25c ament ol superb pianos 1 at Inland Empire Piano ! open evenings, Call In i over It Bauer's best make of udolins and banjos now in I Empire Piano House, I meet bridge. 1 Mt trying to fool the ikso- ople know Those Tamil- tinner prices will appre- rwuctions. The Boston i business and closing out fcSoa. Iibsoiutely closing out the I koce, no reservations or ; buyers and small buyers tied. The Boston Store aess and our word for it ft I11 make it good. The department Is sold out. u our future plans watt uon or this sale. jut unpacking our , ias Goods j k lor mv advert-. I Store open evenings B3nth Yours for )D GOODS I Get Sunny. U C Rader. Swell slippers at Teutsch's, Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. The Delta chocolates are different. Warner, the butcher, 'phone main 1981. For Rent A piano. Apply at this office. For your Christmas list put down a p, i. n. If you want a piano or organ, read Falling's nd. today. . For Rent Four room house; good cellar. II. J. Stiilman. The Delta chocolate and bon bons always taste like more. 'Phone Lane's paint shop when you want window glass put in. Ring up Main 1991 for Men's Fur nishings. Sullivan and Bond. Wanted A teacher of the Spanish language. Inquire at this office. No limit on quantities on the clos in" out sale at the Boston Store. Have you seen our fancy gift books at 35c; almost 800 titles. Nolfs. Falling has a first-class piano tuner. I.eavo orders. Work guaranteed. Full line li04 diaries, calendar pads, calendars for fancy Work. Noll's. Large sample line Bibles, testa ments and prayer boons. Nolfs. Dressmaker would like engage ments by the day. Apply 120 Grange street. Travel from the country Is more brisk today, owing to the frozen roadR. Call up 'phone main 701 when you want a cab. Ready for service at all times. Schlffler's clothing is correct. Cus tomers are satisfied and always well dressed. Tlio grandest assortment of men's up-to-date neckwear Just received by express. See window uisplay. Sulli van and Bond. Joseph A. Owcnbouse, resident pia no tuner. Work guaranteed. Inland Empire Music Company, near Main street bridge. Bowling alley under management of Charles Whittlesey, of Portland. Prizes given away every two days to the highest scores. Always in first class shape and well conducted. J. A. Owonhouae, mandolin virtuoso, will accept a limited number of pupils. Special attention to teachers and ad vanced performers. Terms $1 per lesson. Leave ordors at Inland Em pire Music Company, near bridge. IUNZ1KER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER , 1903. F. It, Dorn, of Echo, was a visitor In the city today. L. Bergovin left this morning for Athena and vicinity on a trip after stock. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hartman have returned from a visit with friends In Portland. Mr. and Mn. W. J. Jones, of Ever ett, are visiting friends in the city for a few days. William Folsom, the county record er, is visiting friends In Portland for a few days. Joe Hoch has returned from a visit to Portland, where ho has been for several days past. Ralph Ward, the confectioner, left this morning for Walla Walla, on a short business visit. G. W. and J. Hewitt, residing noar Helix, wero In the city today on a brief business visit. J. T, Withron, a prosperous farmer from noar Helix, was in the city yes terday evening on business. G. W. Hunt left for his homo at Foster this afternoon, after a short visit in the city on business. Mr. and .Mrs. James Macley, of Ev erett, were the guests of friends in the city for a short time yesterday. J. F. Nowlln, the county superin tendent of schools, has returned from a visit to Portland of several days. E. J. KIrkman, the leader of Kirk man's orchestra, left this morning for Milton on a short business trip. A. Winters, of Starkcy. one of the prominent citizens of that place, was a guest at the Golden Rule yesterday and today. M. H. Rice, agent for the Oregon Fire Relief Company, at Freewator, came down last evening on business acrl will remain for a few days. Mrs. R. G. Glnn, of Walla Walla, returned to her home this morning, after a visit In this city with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Thompson. Doug Belts, the sheepman of Pilot Rock, was a vibltor in the citly today, having just returned from Portland, where he has been for the past week. Frank Balrd. of Colfax, S. D., arriv ed this morning in search of a busi ness location, and Is visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. T. M. Kel ler, his cousin. W. C. Foster and I. A. Bartlett, of Baker City, are at the Golden Pule for a short visit In the city. The gentle men are dentists of Baker and are on a little vacation trip. Mrs. M. C. Glenn, of Malheur coun ty, an old friend of Mrs. W. F. Mat lock, spent yesterday afternoon In the city, en route from Union to North Yakima, accompanied by her son-in,-inw, L. B. Rlnchar. ; 4 W. H. Miller, of Pilot Rock, 'was d Pendleton visitor today while on route home from Portland, where ho has been on a business trip. Mr. Miller is the candidate for city recorder of Pilot Rock In the coming election. R. A. Kankln, who moved his fam ily to this city from ins farm on tha Upper McKay, at the beginning of the fall school term, came down to join them for the winter, yesterday. Mr. Rankin reports feed plentiful on the McKay, grain hay selling for from t7 to $10 per ton. Fac Simllle of Ticket No. Jon Keep M Ticket We Kttp tht Stub, . For liich Doltstl rurch at Tlic IToplc vrehoue ftom Novtmhrr 1M., to lHvtmt-er M, 1901, you rt rivr HcVtl entitling )ou to one chance un Seven rrite valued M4. Il Prtte Rubber Tired Columbut Bi'KRy. value ui ami Tnte Universal Steel Range value S65 51 IHie Mortem rortland Cutter value lso th Trite liaby Carriage. value (40 jth Trite Mrcl Horn Saddle, value tSS Mh True Life Sited Dolt, value Jjj 7th lTite Goat, Wagon and Harness 'alueltj Drawing tales placesp. m. Thursday lll-CKMKKR 4.,i"J It pays U Trade at The Peoples Warehouse NOTK Should you not want th1H tlcLet or be far away fitve It to a fricua. Don't lose or destroy it. Ill POL MAHiW SHIRTS None hotter mado, in fact thoy aro known as The Beat Some aro $2t00 valuoa and none aro worth less than $1.50, Tomorrow, Saturday $1.00 While wo aro about it wo will add for Good Old Saturday Night NEOKW10AH All Too TioB for 50o for Saturday All 50c Tins for Itfo for Saturday All 26c Ties for 15c for Saturday The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE OREGON STATISTICS. COMING EVENTS. MRS. HEWETT'S FUNERAL. Juror III at Baker. Baker City, Dec. 4. Circuit court was adjourned yesterday afternoon until noon today, owing to tho sud den Illness of a Juror, W. A. Cartmill. The trial of ex-Sheriff Huntington was being heard and will not now be clos ed before Saturday night. Often a soap factory looks well enough when it smells like 30 scents. Uniform price and quality make them easy to buy, and moneyback makes them safe Schilling's Uest at your grocers. FETY RAZORS kind we guarantee to give complete satisfac tlwd 8 8haviu8 a luxury and entirely ob- thfeK 6 cuiuug the lace, me uiaues me L i.8.1.88!. full concave cround, and eaeily U8ed for individual shaving will last $7 50 "oniny. We have them from $2.00 These make elegant Christmas Gifts. ? KOEPPEN & BROS., US Store with the Log Cabin Soda Fountain. Conducted by Rev. M. .P Howard This Afternoon. Tho funeral services over Mrs. J. H. Hewctt were held at the M. K. Church, South, at 10 a. m.. In the pres unnn r.r mlfttlvpu n ml friends. The sermon, by the pastor, Rev. M. I Howard, was preacliea irom joun m 10 ,,mi ". "l liav manv thincs to say to you, but yet cannot bear them now. Your sorrow snail ue turneu 10 joy." Mrs. Hewett was a Christian and lett evidence of her salvation tbiough our Lord, Jesus Christ. She was bur led In hope of a better resurrection. FIREBUG CAUGHT. Man Who Set Fire to Glenn's Ferry Hotel Now in Jail. j Mountain Home, Dec. 4. Through tlie enorts or snenn ruuuunu uu Daniel Mclaughlin, tho county attor ney, ono of the men who started tho fire that consumed the Stockton house at Glenn's Kerry on November 18, and cost one life, has been arrest ed and is now jn Jail heie. Tho of ficers are. satisfied as to Mb guilt, Jle hart iu;n nfrnmiilires and the Sheriff jls now on their trail. It seems tnai snorny auer me " Hocks, while drunk at Glenn's Kerry, stated he and two pals set the place on Are. They bad expected to maVe some money but were disappointed, he said. Ho did not state whether they were to be paid for tho Job or whether they expected to gain by rob bery, although the robbery theory is the one the officers here entertain. He also said the unknown man who lost his life in the Are was "an old stiff and good for nothing and we rated nothing about him." ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. Fact Gathered from the Twelfth Cen. j sus Reports. j Tho following statistics regarding Oregon are gathered from tho nh stract of the twelfth census, just Is sued from the government printing of fice, undor the direction of William K. 1 Merriam: j Oregon is accredited with 122.447 ' dairy or milch cows, valued at $4, 093,333. Thero are 35,837 farms In the state of an average of 281 acres, vnl ' tied at $10,071,328. The uumber of I farms In iho state operated by the I owners is 29,471: the number operut 1 en by cash tenants, 2,fi37, and share tenants, 3,72!). The number of Oregon farms deriv ing their Incomes from different sources are as follows: Hay and grain, 9,712; vegetables. 1,076; fruits. 1,072; -live stock, 10,218, and dairy pioducts, 3,751. The total amount or butter made In the state last year was 12,082.807 pounds, and of cheese 1 .f!fi2,82(T pounds. The number of chickens In Oregon, as returned by tho census, Is 1,290,818; ducks, 19,774; geese, 20, 5S0; turkeys, 30,031. The uumber of dozens of eggs produced last year was 7,709,970, valued at 11,102,071. The number of fleeces shorn last year was 2,939,50., weighing 21,349, 000 pounds and valued at $3,121,000. Tho total corn acreage In the state is given at 10,992. producing 369,523 bushelB. valued at $155,693. The wheat acreage Is given at 873,379, producing 14,508,-30 bushels, valued at $6,358,395. The number of acres or hay Is given at 731,823, producing 1, 117.886 tons, valued at $6,147,018. The number of growing apple trees In the stato is given at 2,826,898, pro ducing 873,980 bushels of apples. Milton Irrigation District election, December 21. Washington Teachers' association, Tacoma, Dec. 28-30. Nntlonal Livestock convention, Portland, January 12, 13, 14 and 15. The Knights of tho Maccabees have about tli reo million uOi.ars In Iho re serve fund, tufoly Invested. If you want tratcrnal protection, see J. ti. Kees or District Deputy 0. A. Graves. You don't havo to ulo to win. It Is what you aro looking for. Leave Your Orders With OESPAIN & CLARK FOR; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Taiatlre Promo Quinine Tablet!. All dtulita refund lb. money II It lalli to cure, E. W. (irore'a almatura on each box. Vie. Another Sale of Popular Books ,NSURE m Krank Moxley, the 17-ycar-old son of William Moxley, of Astoria, who haH been missing for three weeks, has written home Irom Melbourne. Aub- trails, saying that he was "shang haied" at Astoria and Is on board an English vessel going to Antwerp. Were formerly published at $1.50 -Our Special Price while they last at 69c. re r a Kew Titlt. "A HliUllIar Life." Pliflpx. "Mr. Dooley's Philosophy." "The Choir Invisible," Allen. "VhCriilH1" Crawford. "The Adventures of Hherlock Holmes," Doylo, "The PrlHonpr of Zenda." Hope. "Checkers," Blossom. "HoraolKN," Corellt. Htc. etc- All Is fair In love, war and horso trades. THE SHOE FOR lien and Boys Man Killed Because He Refused to Hold Up His Hands. i-.. tii. rw 4 -Kmil Schmidt was shot and kilied by a highwayman about 11 o'clock tnis morning 111 m Maple saloon at Van Asselt a few miles south of Seattle., The nold-ups, two in number, enter ed the saloon and ordered the 12 men in it . 1 tiin tlniH iii hold un their hands Schmidt' aud another man started for the robbers wltn cnairs. cniiit uik lihot thrnueh tho brain. The chair was knocked from the other man's hand and the highway men then made their escape without securing any booty Best shoe repairing at Teutsch's BOSTON STORE Leather Goods. Nothing Is more aoceutablf for the holidays than glfU made frt m leather. Cuff boxes, 3Uo to 11.31). ColUr boxes, 4Ho to 11.95. Traveling cases, f 1.00 to!00, Music rolls, 4Hu to II Ku Ktc. Frederick Nolf COAL All towns along the lluu of tha W. A Coltitiihln Hlver Itnllroad can buy from us In carload lots at very lcawmable price. 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Muin 1741 Reliable Companies That ay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Hartford ire IiMiimnce Co.f l,,0n Alliance Assurance Co tXMXW.MH Ixradou A Lancashire Firr Insurance Co, ... 3,644,tPM North British & Meruautlle Co IB,fl,t4 Boyal Imiumnen Co. . . H.fOT,! FRANK B. GLOPTON AGENT U2 EAST COURT ST. Walter's Flouring MMfe Capacity, 1M barrels a day. floor ts 1 chained tor vhml. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Wi, eta, alvays on kana. TRUSTY TOOLS fur triiaty MJUi)e liner abound tool for carpcuteni, for masons, any fori tif jjUun-leii(Ubr IooIn for ieoitu hi any and every raft. You may depend, too on th prke here Miik right and rum sonablo yon we want your trade year In, year out. !SHK WINDOW DIHI'I.AV. a J W. J. CLARKE & Co. court stt j ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. Villi .MAY IN IKNII llt'll.niNO WllllV.III'T IUHIF ail It 11 li iur,ni,y lo IIKIMiAi K A vvOIIN'lll I lliiwr ELATERITE ROOFING Tukes th . placo -f Miiglefc tin. Iron. iar giavol, and all prepared roofings. For list and sleep surfaces, gutters, vulleys, etc, Easy to lay. Temperr for all climates. Ileasonable In cost Sold oa merit, auaran. teed. It will pay to aBk for prlcesand Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. m,mnit Werce.tar Bulldln9. I Portland. 1