a DAILY EAST QHEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1903. V er K4.l 1 1II"IIHHM PUR SALE MR. ARMSTRONG, repre senting the Miller Fur Co. of Detroit, will be with as Satur day, November 28th, with a complete line of FURS in all styles and prices. His entire stock of eight' trunks of FURS will be on sale at our store this 0110 day only, Saturday, Nov. 2Slh. Don't misg this ereat opportunity to get a FUR direct from the manufacturer. Don't forget the date Satarday, November 28th One Day Only iE TEUTSCH'S 1 j't'H'ttt'I'Tl'VT'i'TT'l'H"! TTTV rTTVT V TV - t iiniinimmmni j PERSOWftL HEBT10II. j m Brevities 0,mnv L repairing at tcuu!uB tell tne meaning of P. L meats. Schwartz & Winter suit or overcont joerger. knidA StlrtS arriving Lcij B8Ve a sam',Ie safe (Call ana examine u. ,. .mot dear made.' Ijar store, Court street. , .i,. black 153 when you , lib. Ready for service a la trade grows daily, be-1 real delicacies ui (anos, slightly used. Great t rnmo nulck. Inland Em-; l House, near bridge. i ai in the city are served 1!W St, Ucorge resiauram. new, neat and clean, l!5r , Inslgnmcnt of superb iilanos red at Inland Empire Piano . Store onen evenings, uaii in them over. i t I nailer's best make of Inuitollns and banios now In : llnlind Emolre Piano House, 1 I street bridge. I L or men from Snoknne will J Lies ntmrters far the Pacific 1 irai)h & Telephone Com the Matlock building. t not trying to fool the peo e teotile know. Those famll I former prices will appre-1 e reductions. The Boston us business and closluc out leitlon. i t absolutely closlmr out the 1!i stock, no reservations or ' Bi; buyerB and small buyers luted. The Boston Store and our word for It We will make It good. The I tie department Is sold out, kr, as our future plans wait Nation of this sale. fers and merchants have Itle f.titli in good goods. Wings Best is beginning ' them the way. Get Sunny. U C Rader. Swell slippers at 'reutsch's. Fresh fruit dally nt Martin's. Fresh oysters at Dcmott & Co's. The Delta chocolates are different. No need to toll the meaning of P. I. It. Get your clothes cleaned at Joer er's. , For Kent A piano. Apply at this office. ' No need to tell the meaning of P. I. n. The Delta chocolate and !on bons always taste like more. 'Phone Lane's paint shop when you want window glass put In. Children's school shoos that wear and look well at Teutsch's. No limit on quantities on the clos-In- out sale at the Boston Store. Carney & Kennedy's cab Is at your Borvicu at all hours. 'Phone black in::. New pipes, some rare beauties, prettiest lino ever shown here. Han ion's. "Tho Captain's Toll-gate," by Frank It. Stockton. New books arriving at Kelt's. Schi ffler's clothing Is correct. Cus tomers are satisfied and always well dressed. The prlco of hay in Union county Is now quoted at $10 to $12 for loose timothy and wild hay, Mrs. Campbell will close all her whiter millinery at a great reduction, commencing Saturday, November 7. Wanted A good, Industrious man with wife (uo children) to take charge of farm. Address box 108, Weston, Ore. M. G. lloyal, former.)- of this coun ty, lias been granted a divorce from his wife at Olympia, on the grounds of incompatibility of temper. They have two grown daughters. So far as Is known at this time, the only case of diphtheria In Umatilla county Is In the family of J. W. Jen kins, residing about two miles below Milton. It Is a dangerous case. Bowling alloy under management of Charles Whittlesey, of Portland. Prizes given away every two days to the highest scores. Always In first class shape and well conducted. M. A. Rader has the basement of the St. Gooree sample rooms occu pied with a largo shipment of dining" tables and kitchon safes which it was Impossible for him to display In his furniture store on account of room. T. J.' Mack, of La Grande, was a visitor In the city today. C, N. Reynolds, of Uklah, spent the (ay In the city on business. G. W. Hunt, of Foster, Is In the city for a short visit on business. Hermann tho Great and his com pany arrived from Walla Walla this afternoon. Fred Judd and I.eon Co'ion attend ed the football gnmo at Baker City Thursday. T. J. Kirk and Dr. Plomondon came down from Athena on the nfter noon train. W. McCaskell, a stockman of Brlgg son, was a visitor in the city today on business. A. Egllbank, of La Grando, was a Pendleton visitor today for a short time on business, J. H. aud B. Day, both of La Grande, ore In tho city for a short visit-on business. Mrs. Leo Moorhouso left this morn ing for Athena for a short visit with relatives and friends. Miss Agnes Fletcher is the guest of friends In Weston and will return to her home In tnis city tonight, R. Albee, or Pilot Rock, was the guest or the Golden Rule hotel yes terday for a siiort time, on' business. Miss Doris Johnson, or Dayton, Wash., is visiting ror a few days With Mrs. J. H. Dunham, on Thompson street. Charles H. Carter and D. P. Smythe left on the delayed train this afternoon for Arlington, to watch the geese fly over. Carl GrlfTiui, of Portland, who has been visiting friends In this city. Is In Weston for a short visit with Profes sor nnd Mrs. George Peebles, of the Normal school. Eyeglasses! IF YOU NEED GLASSES You need thein now, not when it is too late. Every day's delav may be one day nearer total blindness. We test your eyes and fit you with glasses to suit their concMt'ou, aud guarantee every pair we sell to give perfect satififanltnri. Ktt Lenses, la niokie frames, f 1.50 to $2.60. Rest Lenses In best quality 10 yr.- gold-filled frames, $2.60 , i c " v ii nunc1 nuu luiincn, n,.uv m t 1 w ' L. H.UNZIKER Tlln jnu. 1'KUGRESSIVE JEWELER Th Latest and Best Corn Cure OE GUM 15 Corns Cured For 15 Gts. store closes at 9 P. M., except Sat 0fdys, whea it doses at tO P. M., and Stmday at 8 P. M. C KOEPPEN & BROS., lhe Drue w v 1 Lit I 1 1 U Aj III" VjULilll IT PAYS TO TRADE AT- Ite Peoples Warehouse MutSchifTna .6? Marx ltindTiilorcJ 1 AT THE PARK THEATER. Manager Le Vern Will Present a Novel Attraction Next Week. , Gerald and Errol's specialty com pany will hold forth at Park theater all next week, presenting new and up-to-date comedy, music and mystery. representing some of tho best talent In the vaudeville profession. Gerald and Errol themselves are ex ceptionally fine German -lalect come dians of "Webberfield" nature. Miss Catherine Gray Is an elocu tionist of no mean ability. Burt Vin cent, a Pendleton favorite, Is much Improved and will sing "Anona" from Arizona and "Congo Maid" with illus trations, in his own splendid man ner. There will be beautiful dissolving pictures trom the Projectograph, and last, but best of all, Achmed-All-Bey's masterful illusion, the new black art. The most wonderful and seemingly supernatural exhibition ever present ed, requiring tho use of 300 yards of velvet. t A comical contest for boys, and presents for the lucky numbers, as usual. Men's Suits and Overcoats Boy's Suits and Overcoats Little Fellows Suits and Overcoats Hen's suits, $5.oo to $30.00 each Boy's Suits., $2.00 to $20.00 41 Little Fellows suits $1 to $6.00 " OtrrrliM IKK bt lrtlaWtM lUim It is not strange if the reader of Ads is at a loss to know who is right and who is not, when each and every store is ad vertising that it is the place to save money. It lias the right goods at lowest prices. In the light of past events we hope you will pardon us, if we say THE PliOPLKS WARE HOUSE is the store in Pendleton which leads in introducing new and dcsirahle clothing for Men, Boys or the Little Fellows. And in making you feel that you ate paying for VALUE and NOT for a NAME. If our boy has not left you one of our monster price circulars please call and get one. y Our art department has" received new pillow tops, new linens for stamping, new cords, new silks, looms for indian heads, the filo silks, the rope silk, the Dresden silk. In fact everything that ought to be in a modern up-to-date Art Department, with a competent instructress. v.. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Probaeh-Mechtel. Frnnlf A Mechtol and Miss Mary Prouach were married this morning in tho Catholic churrh by Rev. Van der Velden, the pastor of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Mechtel left this morn ing for Wenatche, Wash., where the groom Is engaged in tne uaiiery uus Iness. The bride Is a sister or Mrs. Schwartz, of this city. Kamrath-Allyn. Thomas A. Allyn, or Monow coun ty, and Miss Hulda M. Kamrath, or Birch Creek, were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Car mirhael, or Weston, on the afternoon of the 25th, by Rev. W. S. Payne, of tho United Presbyterian church of Weston. The groom is a brother or Mrs. Carmlchael, and Is a well known young man of Morrow county. Wllley-King. Cards have been received In the city by relatives announcing tho mar riage of William . King, of Rltz ville, to Miss Victoria Wllley, of Spo kane. Mr. King is a well known mer chant or Ritzvllle, and his bride is an Eastern girl. Mr. and Mrs. King will be at home in Ritzvllle after Decem ber 25. Dunn-Adams. Dickie O. Adams and Miss Prudence A, Dunn were married this arternoon in the office or the lecorder by Jus tlco or Hie Peace Thomas Fltz Gerald. The principals are residents or McKay creek, aud will make their home on a ranch there owned by tho groom. Pocahontas Will Entertain, Tho Order or Pocahontas will next Monday eveulng nave a special ses sion at lledmens hall, beglmiTng at 7:30 p. m., to which all the Redmen nre Invited to partake of refresh ments aud listen to a program. Important business is to be trans acted and a full attendance of the auxiliary Is requested. Mast Meetina at Weston. A mass meeting of citizens will be hold at Weston tonight for the pur. pose of nominating a mayor and six roiiiicllmen. Burned the Mortgage. Independence, Or., Nov. 28. The locul G. A. R. post celebrated here yesterday with n grand banquet and ! entertainment, me occasion immn burning of the mortgage which the post has just paid on the auditorium, an assembly hall built by them sev eral years ago. The building will scat about 1,800 people and the post now owns It. Tho Knights of tho Maccabees havo about three million uoi.ars In tho re serve rund, fafely Invested. If you want traternal protection, soo J. ri. Kees or District Deputy G. A. Gruves. You don't have to die to win. It is what you are looking for. Leave Your Orders With DESPAIN & CLARK "FOR? The Coming Sale. I ; The Ladles' Aid Society of the Con-1 i gregatloual church has completed ar rangements for their sale and supper. It will take place at tho Sunday school j it.. n TunurtflV n". room 01 nit; vumwa .( ' . eemler 8. 1 SN At- COAL Jessie Shirley Coming. Jessie Bhlrley will fill a thiee nights' engagement at tho Krazer, December 7, 8 and 9, presenting "A Modem Magdelene," "Canaille" and "Trilby." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Luatlve Broino Quiulue TatileU. All drujrcliti refund the anoner If It fills ,$ eurt. E . W. Grove's ilgnstute on tuh box. 'JSC. THE SHOE FOR Men and Boys i Mim -r i ill l2o sheets fine Note Paper in violet or azure effect, 19c This is the best Stationery value ever put on sale in Pendleton. New Goods Now Ar riving Children's Tea Sets, jc to $3.65. a display almost equal to what you may sec in the largest city stores. Again Today we are receiving a fin cline of Mounting Hoards 5c, ioc and 15c. And Remember i This is the store for 1 COSMOS PICTURES i THE NOLF STORE at All towns along the line of th W. & Columbia River Railroad can buy from uh in curloiul lots at very leattouable price. 614-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 Unparalelled Success In the crowning clllimx a a reward for constant study nnd toll to pleau the peoplr and give them glosses to re store to them what nature lion failed to do. We examine your eyes and make) the prop er correctiou. It Is no gums work with us. Kyw exam. Itiod free. We change lenses fitted by us free of charge when neoensary. A. Blackburn, 0. D. Oraduute Optician Taken Up. A stray hog; owner can have same by calling on J. Dupuls, 1112 East Railroad stieet and paying charges. Celery, eating and cooking apples, gieens sweet potatoes, carrots beets, turnips, caulnlowcr, oranges, lemons, bananas, liorso radish, mlnco meat, squashes, raisins currants citron, all kind of nuts, turkeys, geese, cniruens, ducks, live and dressed. Everything) meals at Martin's family i grocery and bakery. ft AO T A ll CTARF Received dally, fresh tamalea, BU J I V I J I V t L WtfHMnMMMMIMIIIMMW Get a WILSON HEATER And you havo tho best there iH to ho had. Gen uine Wilson Wood and Coal Heiitora(the original airtight heaters) are handled in Pendleton only by us, Don't take an imitation. WILSON WOOD HEATERS, $2.50 to $20 WILSON COAL HEATERS, $7.00 to $20J THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. 021 Main St. i tlHUO " " l fc -....