East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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I'uktlstied every afternoon (except Sunday)
t I'emlletou, Oregon, by the
Tliuue, Main 11.
liallv one year by mall 15.00
DMI), alx months by mull 2.S0
Dally, three months by mall 1.2ft
Dally, onti month by mall SO
Dally, per month by carrier 05
Weekly, one year by mall l.no
Weekly, sir months by mall 78
I Weekly, four months by mall BO
Beral-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00
Beml-Weekly, alx montha by mall .. 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three mouths by mall .. .DO
Tbe Ran Oregotilan In on sale at n. II.
litch'a News .Simula nt Hotel Portland and
1 Uotet Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
Member Scrlpps-Mcltae News Associa
tion. San PranclMO lltireau, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago tlureau, U00 Security llullillng.
Wellington. D. C. Itureau. C01 14th St.,
K. V
Kntered at Pendleton postoRlce as aeccond
clasa matter.
A majestic treo foil nt Its ,
prlmi full on a rnlm evening,
when thoro wns scarcely a
lircnth of nir stirring. It hail ,
withstood n contury of atonus
nnrl now was liroKon off by n 1
zoiihyr. Tlu Recrut was ills,
'closed at Its falling. A lioy's ,
liatcliut had been struck Into it
when it was a tender sapling.
The wound hail been grown over
and hidden away under exuber
ant life, lint It hnd never healed.
So sonid unseen nnd forgotten
sin has left Its wounding nt the
heart. Selected.
Uaker City complains about muddy
streets. She has not yet taken tne
first degree in mud. Come over nnd
post up. To cj.ll It mud ie putting It
The Tnnnksgiving nunilwr of the
Oregon Dally Journal, containing 3G
pages and highly Illustrated, Is tin;
most magnificent paper ever issued In
The republic of Cuba Is now being
administered for $7,000,0(10 per year
less than when Clenonil Wood was in
charge, and yet his defenders are
highly Insulted whun maladministra
tion during his term is suggested.
Although Husslc has studied horri
ble tortures to npply lo the .lewish
rncc wherever found In her territory,
yet. when she wanted to make Dalny.
the Pacific terminus of the Siberian
railway, the greatest roramsrclal
gateway and center on earth, the first
thing she did was to extend to the
Jew all the favored rights of Hussinn
citizenship within that city.
Within loo feet from the .Main
street entrance to the East Oregonlnn
i-ulldlng there have been JIOO.OOO
worth of improvements made and
new buildings erected within the past
ten months. That Is one Illustration
Of the rapidity with which Pendleton
is growing. Other sections of the
city have witnessed an equal and
even greater increase in the same
A clerk In tho linker City postof
lice, thinking that cliculur letters and
papers were of no value to tbe own
ers, threw u lnrgo consignment of
this class of mall into the wastu bas
ket and burned It up to save the labor
of distributing it. He Is now under
J500 bonds for destroying United
States mail. People don't buy
stampR and subscribe for newspapers
lur fun. While this yocng man Is
losing his own Job, ho will probably
save those of other clerks who might
mllarlv Inclined. The
lesson Is sufficient.
Secrotnry Hitchcock hnB Issued on
order, which will turn tho first shov
elful of earth In tho groat work of
establishing Irrigation works through
out tho West under government mis
pices. Ho hus formally directed tho head
of tho geological survey, Charles T.
Wnlcott, to begin work on tho Tonto
basin dnm on Salt river. In Arizona,
nt the Junction With Tonto creek.
The first stop will be to make con
tracts for buildings for the force and
tho machinery thnt will be employed
on the work.
A comont plant Is to bo established,
a temporary steam plant put In, re
pair shop built, saw mill sot up, an
electrlcnl power plant Installed, trol
ley line built, telephone lino strung,
nnd a power, canal dug about two
miles long.
This canal Is a unique feature of
Hih enterprise. Oolng up Etr-vira two
miles a dnm lb to bo built and a canal
led down to the site of tho proposed
reservoir dnm, whoro the water will
bo used at a head of over 100 feet to
operate turbines to furnish power for
the trolley r.ou, the saw mill, cement
works, and other parts of tho work
ing plant.
Tho reservoir dam will cost over
32,000,000, and It is estimated that It
will take two or three years to com
plete it. The reservoir will be a lake
eighteen miles long, from a half a
mile to one nnd three-quarters
of a mile wide, nnd the wnter supply
will Irrlgnte 200,000 acres.
All the owners of land in the terri
tory below, which will be Irrigat
ed, have joined In the wator-usors' co
operative association under an agree
ment with the government to pay
back the cost of the dam through n
period of 10 years. The value of the
shares of stock in this company Is
fixed at $15. Each land owner re
ceives one share of stock for ench
acre of land he has.
Tho water users 'under the Tonto
dam form a small political body much
like a municipal government. No
one Is allowed to participate In the
organization which controls the
water unless he owns stock. Is 21
years old, and of sound mind.
Each share of ntck has one vole in
the choice of officers, and no owner
is permitted to vote more than ISO
shares. The corporation will elect of
ficers anil be giivorned by a council
of 30 members, one-third of which Is
chosen each year. The president and
10 members constitute a hoard of gov
ernors who have immediate charge of
the dam nnd the distribution of
water equitably to all members.
The high school pupils of Fresno,
California, collected nn elnbofnte sup
ply of eaiauies to present in mu imhh
on Thanksgiving day. Tho commit
tees on distribution went out hulls-
rlmlnately and gave supplies to fam
ilies whom the pupils classed among
the needy poor. In several instances
when the families learned thnt they
wore looked upon as objects of public
charity they ordered the scholars
away, refused to accept the gifts and
declared that It was an Insult to thus
publicly class them with paupers, al
though they wore poor. The object
of the high school was all right, but
tho svstom was wrong. Instead of
parading the streets in groups, bear
Ing baskets of provisions labelled
For the poor." and thus humilllating
the objects of their kindness before
their neighbors, they should have
carefully Inquired In advance and se
lected the homes whore the gifts
would have been welcome, and then
qulotly sent the Thanksgiving gifts
of food and delicacies without rudely
Injuring the sensibilities by making a
public demonstration that such and
such rnmllles were considered objects
of charity. It was a case of kindness
Ho Bold that ho resigned because
ho hnd come to tno molancholy con
elusion that at presont Spain does not
want a fleet, nor nn army, nor pub
lic Instruction. It Is Interested only
In mntorlal reforms, in agriculture
In Industry, trade nnd public works.
For his part, If he wore to remain
In office, tho country miiBt want an
army, a fleet, and bucIi a foreign
policy worthy-of It, a foreign policy
frankly accepted w.Vhout fonr of tho
rlskB. To bo on equally good torms
with everybody Is not a policy. To
combat this atnto of public opinion
ho required the backing of a robust
and Btablo party. At certain mo
monts ho had fancied that he might
obtain it. wnon the illusion van
ished, with It went nil tho courage
which enabled him to hold office.
Ho was a man who 'had' lost faith
and hopo. It was expected that tho
prime minister, Senor Vlllavordo,
would vigorously protest against bo
faint-hearted n conception of Spain's
condition, but he fniled to make any
A now sin has appeared to vex the
world. It consists of succumbing' to
tho temptation to advocate queer.-
btzzuro things so ns to got newspaper
mention, or something wildly unrea
sonable to startle tho people for a
minute. These sins range from Mrs.
Sarah Horor's cry that American wo
manhood Is being ruined by eating
too many eggs to the Hov. Merle St.
C. Wright's espousal of "euthanasia."
Of course, Mrs. Rorcr has no reol
fear that women are endangered by
appetite for eggs, any more than the
reverend gentloman with the "Cur
few Shall Not Ring Tonight" name,
would put Incurable sufferers to
denth If he could.
They said those things because
they were queer assertions that
would bo snapped up by the newspa
pers. There Is a growing wave of
this sin, which threatens to swamp
tho cardinal virtue of sincerity. Is
insincerity a sin?
It is tht worst sin of those times.
The young generation is oolng reared
n nn atmosphere of noliow brilliance
nnd quack genius which gonds them
to try to sny things when they hnvo
nothing to say and do things whether
they are worth uolng or not.
This sin Is what makes howling
cranks nnd bothersome faddists and
ridiculous religionists and absurd re
formers, who are usually unfortunnto
persons trying to lie remarkable
when they are really common, ordi
nary plugs. Denver Post.
Kansas harvests more wheat than
any other state In tho Union. In Its
wheat belt of 30 comities not one
county raises less than 1,000,000
bushels. Sumner county has- a
record of fl.812,102 bushels.
If .irllntc wnn, lielislonud tllCV
would nil he able to draw that In nn
artistic manner.
The East Orcgonlau is not interest
ed In the factional fight between the
two branches of the Republican par
ty In this county further than to rec
ord the news arising from tho Dame,
It matters not how many land office
officlnlB lose their heads and roputa
tlons through the machinations of
tholr enemy, the other faction. It
looks very much like tho weak offorth
,,ir the locnl narty organ to bridge
fovor bleeding differences has had an
unnoslte effect, nnd thnt tho half
hearted notes of peace wore really
tno defiant alarms of war. It seems
that it would have been bettor for
the republican party In Umatilla
county If tho gushing hurrah about
,mimi nml hatchet'burying nan
never been uttered. Old heads
streaked with the grim reminders of
experience, have boon puzzling over
reunion for several years. Thoy glvo
It up. U is useless for a raw college
boy. unspotted from tho grimy polltl
cal world, with unstreaked lock
parted In thu middle nnd tossed and
tumbled In Padorowstlc profusion on
either side of an unwrlnkled brow, to
attempt that horculenirtask. Hack
back to tho pop gun, you tun't shoot
Mi, iwrnit tiolltlcal event in Spain
has created such a stir us. the posal
mlstlc nature of tho speech In which
Senor Sllvola announced to tno cur
ies his rotlrement from public llfo.
There is always a fight
o-nirur on in every human
body between health and dis
ease. On One side are poor
food, bad air, over-work,
worrv. colds, accidents. On
the other are sunshine, rest,
('huerfulness and nourish
The reason Scott's Emul
sion fights so powerfully for
health is because it gives so
much more nourishment than
vou can siet in any other way,
Get in the sunlight and try
Scott s Emulsion.
We'll tend youMmple (r upon icqucil.
SCOTT & BOWNK, 409 Pearl Hlrt, Ntw'York
Often leads to pov
erty. No real
woman ever sold
her heart for the
liiYiirlf.fi nf Uff
Dut many a woman who has gladly faced
poverty for the man she loved, may well
doubt her wisdom when pain becomes
Uie mate ot poverty. 11 sue were run,
she thinks, she could find a way of cure.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ii
... . . 1 r .. -ft lift
wltUlu tue reacn ui every unc. n
ai. t 1 .... r p.-. a.li.r.l, wf.if,lia rlnwn
llic uiuucii ......... .....f,..-
those who suffer from womanly diseases.
11 CSiaUliailC ICjJMMH.fcJ, u..v
I .!:.. ItMila inflammation nnd 111-
UK llUliUU, i.wh.o ..... . .
ceration and cures female weakness.
"Vou have my lieattftlt tlwakm for your kind
tdTice to me," writes Mri. Geo. l'letcher. of io
Victoria Avenue, Gait. OnUtlo. "Wu troubled
with catanh of ulerun for over a year. The
f a . . .1 a- . r irnllinHiah At! An,
doctor, wiu i wuum -v 7 -
e ration, but I commenced to iuc IJr. riercc
ccweTV.Uo hU rI.oUon Tablet ami 'AntUeptk
. ..! t....Aln..H J T am rum.
Alia HWHUK, diiiijw"""'"' t , n
pletely cured, after intf lU bottlet of Dr,
now wwviuv.. m
cine tuu made me a uew woman."
Weak and sick women, especially those
tt ,HoiaBja nf Inner xtandintfa,
suit ci 1 uk -r;; - ,
are invited to consult Dr. Fiercely let-
. y. A tl AnMtuinilMtit lit lipid
-I:4l.. !.. anti (UifMVfllv CO 11 II
HH All 11. L J V UllOVb - - , "
dentlal. Address Dr. R. V. Pierw,
Buffalo, N, V. .
u:,t ttaAit VftA rr em
and nleasuut to take. A most effective
Pe-ru-na Promptly
Saved Her Life.
Mi Alio O-Nell, .112 AdamT?
writes: rec,i "rookij
I cannot say too much In favorB, . J
a year ago I was completely Wo r? Jmjl
affecting my lungs. If my system bsni'ih
condition It wm,ik..mP.""nlBil
111n1w Wilms coia, but I caul J? mM
rPy."1! " "'" I took rcn,z: r".
mat it ma the work u fa
week I could see a V0Tm
land I took Pervna tourtveri. J'
healthnow" "r,veenf,
M V - 1 tfl I Pill I X
Miss Alice O'NeiJ
Abont Pc-ru-no m a lline.ly lr All ll--ue of Tlnlr, CuurIu, j
1 Uliu lauirrii,
. 1 1... l.lj lu ,,...11 1.-,,.,V11 lo both tho
That- J'l-ruaa curus cuiurni, rminiin, -imn, -
mwllcal iini'-salou nnd tho pwiplu punonilly. It I- uiulouhtcillj- tho most
popular rmc-dy for this clas cf diseases In cxifltouco. Kead the following
lottors :
lv-ru-nu luri" n Colli nt tlif tlutwt.
Citron com nt tin- iMiiwi. 1 u fey,- doieH novor lulls to run- un;
t. Icaacs, AniHtroii!;, l'a !of n coltl 11(i j Wull throash ltn
l.n TWttllMlflv nillll. .. .,..., l T
Hon. W. J. l'urinun, ox-mnmlier of
Congress from Florida, wrlten from U2S
CI Btroot, N. VT., "Washington, T. 0, as
From representations to me' and
-nfrl,rf I feet lustltled In
wlucu iiiv i'iiiniv louowcti no nam " mjr "
-t rid of, oat Blrirn T have known of the , recommending your Perunato any
.. . . 1. 11 ! mil n-renns suffering wltttm CatttTTtl.
inWI "HW Wlimi llliuilliil Hi" r - ",. .I... I
Vemnn 1. tr.-,. from all this unpleas- nervousness or stomach
aiL- a..a .-. jHUrtns. I regard It as a great tonic and remedy
Ask your Druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 1904.
Vlce-rreaidtinlof tho Fortnightly Club,
"No oc who has tried tho comforts
I'oruna lirinus would over bo without It.
I ucd to dread tho slightest cold, us Us
consequences wcro so lengthy and so
rjnTi1a-int. nnd tho catarrhal condition
wlucu iiiv i'iunly followed so hard to
for such afflictions. I, lit
whom I recommended I
It now with benelldil 1
J. Purman.
If you ilo not derive praoq
factory result from lo 1
write at oiii-p to Dr. Ilartioia
full stutenioiit of yntirtMpd
bit plcasi'd to glv joo. hli 1
vlcu gratis.
Addroa Rr. Hartmu, 1
The Hartmau SaoUariaa,!
I Ohio.
.. . -. . --------
The French
Best 25 oent Mea,l in the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant FnrniBhed RoomB in
633 Muln Street
Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden
Are miaranteed to cure any case of IUieu'
! . I.-1. If lt,u full.
A.C. KoepiMM A Bros.,AgU. for Pendleton
t r
A'T ' W Jf it? r Tv-: -
w VkC 'J il xHy i
Is apt to run in any family,
and so are Colds To cure
a cold rumove the causu.
A cold is caused by the
closing of tho secretions
pores that carry off the
waste matter of the body.
Cures a cold by removing the cause. It contains Quinine for
a tonic to tone up the system, Ipecac to open up the secre
tions, Cascsra Sagsada, a mild, gentle, thorough physic, to
force the accumulated poison from the system. Atwood's
Laxative Cold Tablets are sold on an unconditional guarantee
No Cure No Pay. No red tape about it, you get your money
back. I'or sale by
Cor. Main and Court streets, Pendleton, Oregon.
lo now on at Failing's All the well-known
highest standard Pianos, such as Fisher,
Hardman, Packard & L.uawig aim mne..
Lowest prices ever quoted in Pendleton are
offered at this sale. A. h. Smith, the expert
Piano Toner, iB with us. All work guaran
teed .
A few fine Portters, Lace Curtains and
Rtigs at a bargain.
:t(iS ni-re whrat rind I
frnm Atllf 11a. the bfiltal
county, ia.O00, lu E
(rood worK iionw, w
til Hint nthprmaclilnra
in whmt. B0 acres h
takeu together,
Una without
ery. One-lialf ortwE
li lialnnwdOte
J5(i tww cr.tln ruitb, j
house and barn, W I
lullfK from city, iwB
Alfalfa land. I mild
for pal" very cnap.
All kimis oicujr
cualomera say w
i... ,ii,..aiiMit Intaww
Property in Atitjl
Call for prices.
Boon 10. WW
E. D. B
Has Real &u
.nrtor t'
most Bci0'
e. d.
Flour ei.(
Flour, Mm j
nail "JS
iu 15 eenti-l
Mill '
a cannon,