&7 NOVEMBER , 1903. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. to !,' if: ;&w 729 MAIN WINTER CLOTHING Our Overcoats and Suits, Men's and Hoys', avo made ri-ht, fit right and our prices right OVERCOATS $6.50 $8.00 $9.00 $$0.00 to $20.00 SUITS $7.50 $S.50 $J0.00 to $22.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 to $JO.OO Mackintoshes, Duck 'Clothing and Wool Underwear GENERAL NEWS. Pleasant Judd, a pioneer of Clack-1 amas county, died from paralysis. I Thursday morning, aged 70 years, j The new dry dock for Portland. J which Is being built In Vancouver to be shipped to Portland in sections, is j now ready to put in place and the first shipment has been made. J A. O. Jones, principal of the East lioteinaii scnool. at Bozeman, Mont.. ! was sentenced to five years in the j penitentiary Wednesday evening, for ! assaulting Louise Bosnier, a 15-year-' old pupil. j The relatives of Henry C. Bailor. ' of Scio. Or., have give nhin up as dead. He has been missing since 1 last July, and although Tepeated ei-1 forts have been made to locate blm. ! no trace has yet been found. j The steamers Harvest Queen. Mo- j doc and the four-masted schooner F. j W. Howe, met In a collision beiow the i Morrison street bridge in Portlanc, j Thursday morning, damaging all of them more or less, but none rcrlnub- j ly. I M. Hardin, a farmer living on the ' Sandy river, in Clackamas county, ! killed three bears Thursday morning. They had almost rid the country of pet lambs this tall, and the people ! organized a hun-,ng party for the "brutes. Otto Eastlund. of Portland, has , sued District Attorney Jlenefee, om. j Sheriff Sexton, or Wasco county, for tio.ooo for false Imprisonment. East-1 lund was arrested for abusing and j overdriving a livery team, some time j ago, in Wasco, ana wnue awau:ng trial, was kept in Jail. Judge George Allen and Thomas Larin, rival candidates for a position in the Sumpter council, shook dice liiursday morning to see who would retire. Poker dice, aces high, was selected as the means of determining the contest, and Judge Allen won. with five aces in three throws. NORTHWEST NEWS. i There are 717 college Y. M. C. As. In the United States. Springer. N. M., has been nearly I "wiped out bv a fire which started In , the Salazar saloon. , casn- . ' The White Star liner Cedric. was , not wrecked in mid-ocean, nor met , with any accident, serious or other- wise. ' George E. Weidman has been ap nnlntoH nostmaster of Zlon City. 111.. as nor request oi tiijau Dowie, made personally to President Roose velt 1 r,,.., Cmf f man. de-. pies wUh gtmphaais that he ha.seton. Oregon, for a lerm of five or -? Vn one wife, who : ten years, from April 1, 190. inclua- ur cVt uu --- ls Vnr. no l ilea m iso. i Durlng lui mere were ";" Japan from mo umieu auim barrels or nour; aunuB -were sent, and during 1903, up date, 800,000 barrels were sent. Milga Mlrakovitz, a Servian girl, arrived a few days ago at Pueblo, Col., to "surprise" ner arooncru. fTonlroviti:. to whom she be-, came betrothed in Servla. A few days before abe arrived Cepkovitz left Pueblo for Servla alter avr, REAL ESTATE Tne bet jirapoiliint in Orefoo Fine vacant fots. 6 blocks from Main St., $50 to $150 Two b'ocjw-s, with 5ooo improvements, $7000. 4O0obuy8a 12 -room lious,e and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main 6t. Rents steady at $35. j,Soo Two houses ana 2 lots, good location, together rent for $20. g35oo 8 room House, Lot and a half. Main street. 45o Per acre 20 acre sub" urban garden tract. One block (14 lots), good improvements, with green-house-r-cheap. Beat wheat laud in Umatilla county. Tracts of UK) to 2000 acres. fall und ww 11 r. We call allow T you BomethlnK that you will like. E. T. WADE & SON t 1 V. O, llox Si4 Tbone Btack 1U1 Office In-E. O. BIdg irftau inuia ur mniun 4 STREET HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. A. M. Mackenzie. M. J. Davis, Portland. Frank Johnson, Susanvllle. A. L. Fetteusteln. Chicago. H. Adklns. San Francisco. Edward S. Kelly, Portlnnd. Julius Helnzldrog, Council Bluffs. G. S. Smith. Portland. A. W. Krigler, San Francisco. AV. D. Chamberlain, city. Miss Vanley. S. M. Woods. New York. VH. B. Reynolds, 4ew Tork C. B. Benter, New York. H. H. Booth, Chicago. William Henry. Chicago. C. J. Freese. E. L. Hart, St. Louis. Mrs. S. N. Hume. W. It. Glendenning. Portland. C. E. George. J. H. Start. Arlington. L. Alehoff. Portland. .1. A. Linkse, Portland. G. F. Roberts. Portland. James Gurner. G. W. Hunt. W. R. Parlet, Pomeroy. Thomas McNutt. La Grande. E. D. i.avls. E. Siushelmer, Portland, Golden Rule Hotel F. J. Gardner, Portland. James Jennings, Denver. James Johnson, Denver. L. Cunningham, Portland. H. C. Adams, Weston. Mrs. Coffee and son. Valley. E. C. Rogers, Weston. Frank Young, Weston William Verumler, WaIla Walla. Otto Frank, Walla Walla. E. Clyde. kValla Walla. U Crocker, Walla Walla. Roy Howard, Walla Walla. U C. Smaels, Walla Walla. E. WInsam, Walla Walla. Ed Snyder. Walla Walla. R. F. Patterson, Walla Walla. D. Lankard. Walla Walla. G. Grey. Walla Walla. Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble, I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I Baw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses ralgia. Liver and Kidney troubles and Generaj Debility." This is what B F Bass, of Freemont, N. C, wrjtes. Only 50c at Tallman & Co., druggists. Notice for Bids. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, until December 15, 1!M)3, to lease premises, centrally 10- cated. for postofflce purposes at Pen eauinmenL heat. a fire and burglar proof safe or vault. j, information and blank propos- als can be secured from the postmas- 1 Assistant Superintendent 8alary and Allowance Division, P. O. Depart. ment. Deaf nes .Cannot Be Cured, i ,1 ..ii.i. mm thxr euanot readi , tk dtoead portloo of tlx : ear. Tbere to ' .r VrZln . cauzf:A by an lndamed cooditloo of the mucous lUHOff oi inc nwucuwi - mw, Wh thto tube U iuBamtd you bare, a .mi.tin. .rmnH nr lmwfft brtirlnr. sua wben tt I mUrely eloMd. Vataaat to the result, sad unlwa tbe inflammation can be taken oat and this tub restored to Its normal condition, beartnff will -be de stroyed foreert nine eaajs oat of-ten sre cued by Catarrh, which Is nothing bat an Inflanwsd condition of tbe mucous sur- 'W will nl One nondrsd Dollars for any case of DeafmaB (esuaea V r' that mnnot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Bold by droElt. 75c. Hall's family 1111s are tbe best. Bargain If Taken Soon. 14 (100. new residence with Its own -water plant and all modern improve ments, also chicken nouM and barn; 11 inrs with n second dwolling house worth $800. Will sell seven lots with larirn limine Or four lots With Small 1 house. Easy paymenU. This ls the greatest bargain offered In Pendleton. Call on Bentley a wartmau auu sew full particulars. Doesn't Respect Old Afje. It's shameful -when youth fails to show proper reBpect for old age, but just tbe contrary in the case of , r. King's New X4fe Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe ana irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, -nundlce. Fever. Constipation, all yield to this perfect Pill. 2Cc at Tall .man & o.'s. REBEKAH LODGE ELECTS NEW CORPS OF OFFICERS I Death from Typhoid Fever After a Short Illness Delegates to Y. W. I C, A, Returned from Pullman j Thanksgiving Ball at the Opera ' House School on Basket Mountain ' Closed. I Milton. Nov, 25. J, H. Barton has Just completed a very successful three-months' term of school on Has- ket mountain. Mrs. F. A. Slkes and sister. Miss Espa Pierce, were the guests of Wnl-! la Walla friends Saturday and Sun-A auy. 1 Last Tuesday evenlne Pomona Tie- bckah lodge No. 122 elected the fol lowing officers: Noble grand, Mrs. Alta Evans; vice grand, Mrs. J. A. Ayers; secretary, Miss Jennie Dikes; treasurer. Mrs. Julia L. Williamson. After the election, a lunch was serv ed and a social time -was Indulged In until a late hour. Mrs. F. E. Wilcox came home yes terday from a few days' visit with relatives at Coirax. She was accom panied home by her fatner, Mr. M. C. Kimball, who will spend the winter here. Mrs. Fenetta Sargent Haskell, a noted elocutionist from tho East, will give a recital this evening in the op era hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ireland nave gone to Pen&leton, where they expect to remain permanently. Rev. S. W. Gamble delivered lee tures in the M. 13. cuurch Monday and Tuesday nignts on the Saobatn. Misses Nona U uoves, Celia Moore, Irene 1-nmb and Ida Storla returned yesterday from Pullman, where they had been as delegates to the Y. W. C. A. , Tomorrow night a Thanksgiving ball will be given at the new opera house by the stockholders. Johnson's orchestra of ..hena will ittrnish the music. Died of Typhoid Fever. B. A. Bray died at his home In this place Saturaay afternoon of typho"ld fever. Mr. Bray's sickness covered a period or less than one week. The funeral sen-ices were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon by Itev. W. B. Eakln of the M. E. church. The Inland Empire Music Company will offer special inducements on man dolins and guitars, for the next 10 days, preparatory to the organization of a large mandolin club for this win ter. Parties Intending for lessons, kindly call at music store, near Main street bridge. Messrs, Owenhouse Scott, proprietors. Swell slippers at "leutsch's. YES, And we ate for the patronage they have contributed to us during the year and DURING We extend an invitation to all those who wish to eat their turkey i M4- 4-1-1 mmrnmrnwr AWAM 4-tla9 f -3 CTa StftftfC ValM 'fiaVa tO OclY All. lMIM.f UWS. other stores COST HND Lonsdale Muslin Gc Dress Carabrica 3c Pepperell Sheeting , 19c 75c and $1 .00 Fascinators 25c 25c Colored Near Silk 6ic Gc White Towels 8 for5c $6.00 Ladies' Walking Skirts..: $2.98 $1.50 Woolen Plaids 69c 6c Outing Flannels 3c 50c Tarn o' Shantera 25c 75c Black Mohair 19e $1.50 Blk Silk Peau de Soie 98c WE GUARANTEE ALL THESE PR" THE nun ur mm UNEXPECTED DEATH FROM HEART FAILURE I Will Winter in Portland for Bentfit of Health Mrs. Glllls Is Training Choir Boys A. M. Glllls' Has Sold His Farm for $6,000 Church Fair Cleared $125 and Pays Out on Par sonage, ' Athena, Nov. 26. Jits. Douglas c.ied of a hoarl trouble at her homo . tln-t... Clm h.. Ill 1w.nl,l ' for sonic time. After getting supper she sat down, ready to oat, and was stricken with death In n few minutes. HI 11 miuu. uiv iiua iiuii i. iim... messenger was hastened over to this city after Mr. Douglas, who wns attending lodge of the I. O. O. F. Mrs. Jack Swart spent last week In Walla Walla, visiting her parents nnd relatives. Mrs Dickinson's brother, Will Hanks, nnd his family, of Camns Prairie, will spend the winter near Athena. Mr. Banks hns bought straw to winter his stock from M. U Wntts of this cltyl He has about 100 head of cattle. Miss Folsom of Pendleton has re turned home. She has been visiting her cousin, Hiss I.uclla Cragen, of this city. Mrs. E. 1 4. Barnett and son, Roy. of this city, left a few days ago for Portland, where they will join Mr. Bnrtlett and remain in that city the rest of the winter for tne benefit of Mr. Harnett's health. Mrs. A. M. Glllls is progressing nic( ly in le-ichin; inu;ic to a nitmlicr of young boys of the M. E. church. She expects to nave them ready to enter the choir before long. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ker shew. of this city. Saturday. Novem ber 21, a girl. Orange Chamberlain and A. J. Bagsley have returned home from Welser, Idaho. The first and second rooms In the public school, in which Elsa Rosenz welg and Luella Croigen are teach ers, will give an entertainment at the school Thanksgiving. Profitable Church Fair. The Baptist fair, held In the city Saturday. November 14. was a com plete success. They received $123 clear of all expenses, which finished paying for the parsonage. Farm and Cattle Sold. ! A. M. Glllls sold -ISO acres of land 1 und tu head of cattle to Ora Zulia for 1 $6,0lH). The place Is on the moun tains. Olympia Beer Olympla Ceer. The most popular brand for family Ubo. On draught at Anton Nolte's. He also handles the uottled beer In any quantity desired. We Be Have a Thankful more thankful to the OUR CLOSING OUTSA1 t-w TV Ull J V V 1.UV as you can buy BUSY OFFERED A FREE LIBRARY. If Walla Walla Will Raise $2,500 Year.1 , Out founts P H ly for Support, Carnegie Will Give wuM?'' $25,000. I "ot ChocoUU-" toil Walla Walla. Nov 27. Tho com- 1 mlttec from the Commercial Assocln. tion having in charge the Carnou'e, library proposition, has Just received nn hnn lust rmaliai1 ' a letter from Mr. Carnegie's clerk, In New York City, stating that If Walla Walla would onler into a contrj to I raise $2,500 annually to support a free library. ,Mr. Carnegie woull be glad to give the city the sum of $2S, 000 for the purpose of building and furnishing n free library. The proposition is now under con sideration and the council Is serious ly Investigating the sources of city revenue, before rendering a dc'slon In the matter. The ofilce of pound- master has Just jieen abolished as a 1 means of cutting nown expenses, and 1 there Is considerable opposition to as- suminc this annual, nernetiml debt of $2,500. at this time. For Sale. Eight hundred high-grade stock cat tle at a bargain. Hay to winter cattle If di sired. Enquire of C B, WADE, Pendleton, Or. Destroy the Cause, you Remove the Effect if- Newbro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germ which causes falling hair, and, finally, baldness. No other hair preparation kills the dandruff germ. Stop dan druff, there'll be no falling h.iir, no baldness. lllCKIXiOX, S.I).,JTT.,'. 'I !Ive lM-cn utuis lierplciur. ana lure lucd Al.iut one third o? a Fl bottle, anil find Ihnt V. nil. undrvrn nmrt-.tnnn Ton claim lor jl. It not only cleantf s the auOp from dan. ilrutf and nnM eut in liatr from I ailing nut, lml promote a nrv Krowth. lUvconlruard Uietiu.mtUTnifnttMtMt. bndluiTl nmrr ttnlr ( tnv licad tlun 1 navp had lor rvurt. lalao find tlmt It Leeps ttie hair sort and clour. Kpwabd 1odb. For Sale at all First-Class Drug Stores. AOKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and all disorders arising from Indigestion. Endorse-1 by physicians everywhere. No cure, uo pay. 25 cents. For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Trial package free uy writing to W H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T Good For public at large of this vicinity sw ' - " ' your Diy Goods from 10c Ladies' Hose $4.00 Ladies' Capes $2 00 Children's Coats... $1.50 Ladies' Dressing Suques $5.00 Mackintosh 20c Ladies' Hose 15c Stevens Crash 75c Ladiep' Corsets $1.00 Odd Vests and Pants 0 Papers Pius for 16c Heavy Children's Hose 50c Velveteeus, all colors . . $1.25 Wrappers BOSTON . Hot tld; Frost Queen covered with iv- r. W. Druggist. I'lioneiUijl Save M By buying Lace Curtain, Looking Clt. cic, 011 FAIL I Sole agent for 111 ' Ostermoor matU PROMPT, RELIABU A. J. BI HAULING Of Gnndi taken tat of rtn 4 Tkctkh'i. 1'nont minis! Deal ail us 1 pair to M LES STOI