DAILY EAST ORCGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1903. Hi IIIIIHIIIII1IIIIIIIHIIIH1 IANKSG1VINQ SALES .j,.. morning there has been a continued round Since w" ' barbain hunter The store-has been crowd ttS"u Jnace that time. If you want to be among the rv h0! ,t deaj Yesterday we had not enough clerks t II the mans custoniuis. u wc muse wno wait er nu " .1. n liter Will do better look over this inconvenience. oF THE leaping bargains all this week j PERSONAL MENTION, -Tks and jackets pTh.ntagivl..g4uro ll Ge.TUan k . rrLonbsl-IvlnC jpsae, - ffip5 Vt sale 10.05 Coats, from Kgreduction DRESS GOODSA WATSTINGS 35o Dress Goods lflc tOc " " 29c 05o " " 3Sc $1.25 grade Heavy Skirting.. USc French Flannel Waist Pat terns 79c and 88c White Figured Wash Wait ings, lor waist pattern of 3 yards . . . "S)c and $1.15 IrJcAN'T AFFORD TvO MISS THIS SALE EE TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Cor. Main and Alta f H . i i I I ili J ;ity Brevities ! , nut Simnv. aaer u-- Li to tell tne meaning ot P. ciothcs cleaned at Joer- krated meats. Schwartz & bur winter sun ui r Joercer la 4 Clark have a sample safe Call and examine u. fcforida, the uest cigar made. i tfcar store, court street. lp phone black 153 when you cab. Kcaoy ior survicu t Vila trado gniws dally, be- ihe real delicacies made bi te sold. pianos, slightly used. Great I. Come quick. Inland Era kno House, near bridge. I ratals in the city are Berved nir St George restaurant. ling new, neat and clean, 25c I consignment of superb pianos elted at Inland Empire Piano Store open evenings. Call in t, them over Lit & Bauer's best make of mandolins and banjos now in t Inland Empire Piano House, lb street bridge. be not trying to fool the peo- le people know. Those faniil- former prices will appro ve reductions. The Boston pans business and closing out uention. ire absolutely closing out the stock, no reservations or BL- buyers and small buyers Mated. The Boston Store business and our word for it We will make It good. The ; the department is sold out. Iter, as our future plans wait moatlon of this sale. pple and grocers are equal- Irested in Schilling':. Best tuk'.ag pmicr ftpiiei lUvorins extract! khU ' from the goodness- of neyback dealing. Get Sunny. U C Rader. Fresh fruit daily at Martin's. Best shoe repairing at Tuutsch'a No need to tell the meaning of P. I. It. For Rent A piano. Apply at this office. New ready-made skirts arriving dally at Teutsch's. The Delta chocolate and bon bons always tasto like more. 'Phone Lane's paint shop when you want window glass put In. Fine line of latest bond, onion skin and linen tablets at ..olf's. Received dally, fresh tnmales. crabs and crawfish, at Gratz's. No limit on quantities on the clos-in"- out sale at the Boston Store. Carney & Kennedy's cab Is at your service at all hours. 'Phone black 153. New pipes, some rare beauties. prettiest line over shown here. Han Ion's. Schlffler's clothing is correct. Cus tomcrs are satisfied and always well dressed. For Sale 150 tons alfalfa had at $8 per ton. For further particulars, enquire at E. p. office. For Bent Five acres good orchard, bouse and barn, one mile from city. Itihorn & Swaggart. Mrs. Campbell will close all her winter millinery nt a great reduction, commencing Saturday, November 7. Try to get that FREE turkey at Taylor's, Hardware Store. It costs ; nothlug to try. One chance to each I iierson. I Poultry for Thanksgiving. Turkey, 1 ducks, geese and chickens. Live or ! dressed. Nice fat. plump poultry is , the kind we will furnish you with if I you leave your order with us. De mott & Co. Your Thanksgiving dinner will be corroct an., complete if you lc us supply you with ihe good Ings wo i have In stock for the occasion first. I Parsley, celery, onions, cauliflower, . turnips, greens, cranberries, lettuce and all vegetable? in season. Also I fine mince meat. Den.ott & Co. Celery, eating and cooking apples, greens sweet potatoes, carrots beets, ! turnips, cauliflower, oranges, lemons, bananas, horse radish, mince meat, squashes, raisins currants citron, all ' kind of nuts, turkeys, geese, chickens, ducks, live and dressed. Everything for your Thanksgiving .dinner at Mar tin's family grocery and bakery. IF YOU NEED GLASSES You need them now, not when it is too late. Every day's delay may be one day nearer total bllndneea. We tent your eyes, and flt you with glasses to suit their conCit'ou, and guarantee every pair we sell to give perfect satisfaction. liest Lpiihm. in nlxlrlo fn,,nu tl rVl In 12.50. lU-nt lenses In best quality 10 yr. gold-fllled frames, $2.50 to $3.60; gold frames and lenses, 5.00 to $10.00. L . HUNZIKER THE PROGRESSIVE JEWELER 1 Thm Latest nni Best Corn Cure roE GUM 15 Corns Cured For 15 Cts, stte closes at 9 P. M., except Sat woays, when it closes at JO P. M., and Sunday at 8 P. M. C K0EPPEN & BROS., The Drug Store with the Log Cabin Soda Fountain. J. H. Watson, of Umatilla, is in the city. J. R. Smith of La 'Grande spent to day In tho city. F, E. Foster, was In tho city from Union today on a business visit. H. Tiplar ot Gurdano was a busi ness visitor in tho city yestorday. Mrs. W. .. uurru. 01 Athena Is tho guest of Pendleton friends for a short visit. J. B. Saylor of Echo was lu til city today for a short time on busi ness. G. A. Hartman returned this mottl ing from a visit of several days to Portland. J. E. Smith, the sheepman, left this morning for ills ranch at Echo for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Redmond and family ot Condon are visiting friends In the city. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Catherman of Echo were tho guests ot Pendteton friends today. Mrs. Rose Campbell left this morn ing for lone, called thcro by the Ill ness of her mother. H. S. Van Lamllngham pt Grass Valley was in the city yesterday for a brief business visit. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Porter of Mea cham are in tho city, the guests of friends for a few days. L. Cummlngs, one of the well known residents of Gurdane, spent the day in the city yesterday. Dr. E. G. Klrby of Pendleton, who was formerly located at Elgin, is In the city. iji Grande Observer. Charles Wllklns left this morning for Portland, where he goes to trans act business Tor the reservation. Martin Anderson has returned af ter some time spent in a hospital nt Portland, much Improved in health. Chris. Ranley returned last night from a week's visit to Portland, where he has been on a business trip. W. I). Chamberlain, the county clerk, left last night for Portland, on Ijuiilness in coaneotion with the office. Sam Jordan and Jack Dennlngton returned this morning from Walluln, where they sietit Sunday after goose. George W. Wall arrived last night from Kingman county, Kansas, and will visit with his brother, Charles Wall. F. J, Beatho of Weston, tho road superintendent for Umatilla county. Is in the city for a short visit on bus iness, Alex McRae has returned from Portland, where he went Sunday to accompany relatives on tholr way to California. Prof. E. B. Conklln and Grover Swaggart have returned from a hunt ing excursion to Arlington, where they spent Sunday after geese. Judge W. It. Ellis, accompanied by J. S. Deckwith, tho court stenograph er, has returned from Heppner, where the circuit court has been in session, Sam Thompson, J. V. Tallman, Ot to Boetcher and H. J. Stlllman left this morning for Barnhart, where they will hunt geese for a day or so. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curl have re turned fiom Portland, where they have been visiting for the greater part of the past week with relatives and friends. THE PEOPLES "WAREHOUSE Mens' Suits and Overcoats Copitifht mil by ILttSchalToar Man You shan't be burdened with the words "cheap est," "best" or the worst," but simply tell you that you'll come pretty nearly finding what you want in the way o( Men's and Ucy's Clothing and Furnish ings when you come to ThePeoplcs Warehouse SACK SUITS $5.00, $10,00, $15.00, $18.00, $20,00 to $30,00 OVERCOATS $8.00, $10.00, $12,00, $15.00, $18.00 to $20,00 CRAVINETTES $10,00, $15.00, $18.00 to $25.00. Seven prizes to be drawn Christmas Kve One ticket witli each dollar you buy. Closed the entire day Thanksgiving Suits and Overcoats For Boys Hundreds to choose from. Distinct style, including belt back Overcoats, Norfolk and Russian suits. Fancy Vests. Bath Robes, Separate Pants. Manhattan Shirts for men to be had only at The Peoples Warehouse" The Peoples Warehouse Shields Park Program. The dog and monkey performance at Shields Park last night was very good. The training and intelligence ot tho trouie of dogs and the clown ish freaks of the monkeys Is worth the price of admission. The tricks performed by the seven or eight dogs lu Prof, Hunt's company are wonder ful and this entertaining number promises to be a' drawing card for tho week. The singing by Bessie was very good, and the other features of the program wero amusing. Woodmen Notice. Officers and members of Pendleton camp No. 41, W. O. W., are request ed to meet at J. H. Lawrey's office this evening at 7 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of making arrangement's for tne funeral of our late neighbor, Wel come Walker. Funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock p. m. from tho Christian church. J. H. LAWREY, Consul Commander. Attest; J. E. BEAM, Clerk. Appeal in Probate Court, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 21. The appeal of Mrs, Philo Bennett and the other legatees from the probating of Mr. Bennett's will was filed In the probate cpurt today. Tu-ftnK'.flVA nan.' KtAinnlnt; DRttms culiflliln fur walnts. 1uat ?t)ceived at tho People's Warehouse art depart ment. Mrs. Carlson win ue pieasii to sh.jw them to you alo.ii; with a lot of other pretty new arrivals, Mr, Silas H. Soule, professional ,jnnn tiinr-r will be in tho city until November 20. Please leavp ordera at Tallraan's drug store for prompt at tcntlon, Wanted A good. Industrious man with wife (no children) to take charge of farm. Address box 108, Weston, Ore, General reduction on men's and lioi-s' suits and overcoats for today and tomorrow. Baer & Daley. All kinds of Imported and domestic lunches and clam chowder at. Gratz's. We are offering the best $1,00 Jack- knlfa in Oregon, Nolf's, Purse found; see classified columns for particulars. No need to tell thy meaning of P I. R. The Delta chocolates are different. Olive Trees for City Park, Five Russian olive trees have been donated by Nurseryman C. L. Whit ney to the city park and will add ma terially to tho appearance of tho grove when it reaches maturity, Bays the Walla Walla Union. The Russian olive attains a height of from twenty to thirty feot. has dark green bark, very heavy wood and burns like a candle. Some Europeans call It tho "candle tree," The foliage has a rich, silver, silver color of willow shape with deep golden and very fragrant flowers. It is a very handsome orna mental tree. Tho sun lias not sot on tho day hIik-u September 1st thut has not wit nessed tho arrival of new goods at the People's Warehouse. This wcok we have ladles' neckwear, belts, golf gloves, handkerchiefs, nutomoblle bags, beads and looms. Leave Your Orders With OESPAIN I CLARK Whitman County Co-Operation, Spo kane, Wn.. Dec. 5-13, 1903. For the above occasion tho O, It. & , N. makes a rate of one and one-third j fare for the round trip on the tertifl- cate plan. For particulars call on or address W. T, WAMSIJ5Y, Agent. If A I SNAP 1$ FOR TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Ttke Ltlt Brotno Quinine Tabled. All arurgliu rtluna m moQejr ii una to curs. E. w.Uror' iffaaturton etch boi. 'JSC. Children's school shoes that wear and look well at Teutsch's. THE SHOE FOR Men and Boys l2o sheets fine Note Paper in violet or azure effect, I'jc This is the best Stationery value ever put on sale in Tendleton. New Goods Now Ar riving Children's Tea Sets, 5c to $3,65. a display almost equal to what you may see in the Jargest city stores. Again Today we arc receiving a fin eline o' Mounting Boards 5c, ioc and 15c. And Remember This is the store for COSMOS PICTURES I THE NOLF STORE CO A I All towns along the lino of thft W. & Columbia Illver Railroad rail buy from us In carload lots at very leanonalilu pricm, 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 Unparalellcd Success Is the crowning climax at a reward for constant ittudy and toll to pleat the people and give them glausc to re store to them what nature ha failed to do. We examine your eyH and make the prop er correction. ItUnogutait work with us. Kytm exam ined free. We change leu- fltUd by um free of charge when HHX-Hnary. A. Blackburn, 0. D. (iraduate Optician BOSTON STORE Get a WILSON HEATER And you havo tho boat there in to bo had. Gun uino WilBon Wood and Coal Hoatora (the original airtight heaters) aro handled in Ptmdloton only by us. )oi't take an imitation. WILSON WOOD HEATERS, $2.50 to $20 WILSON COAL HEATERS, $7.00 to $20 . -rurifwtr.rrM uin rvu idp r iiiuriroun iiaiutta.l l.u. T (1P.1 Main St. T ----- J