East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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(iJi ii(
S AXE...
Special Sale Prices on Suits and Overcoats
$G.50 Thanksgiving price..
15.00 ,
...... .. G.00
- S U 1 T S
$7.50 Thanksgiving Price...
S.50 ' " ...
10.00 u..:. " " ...
12.00 " " ....
15.00 " " ....
$(' 50
7 50
Stock Feeding Around Uklah and Al
ba Deer Coming Down From the
Mountains Unusual Numbers of
Coyotes Several Students From
Ridge at Pendleton Academy P. E.
Fletcher Is Building an Addition.
it ttt, rr
a. ..? i . en
One Priced Clothiers, Furnishers and
II atters
Mrs. Phoebe Glffonl died Sunday at 1
rrovtcieiire. r. i., nged 101 years. She
had been a Quaker minister over sev
enty years
It Is probable that the extra session
of congress will be allowed to lap
over anil connect with the regular De
cenihci f
The new steamer Baltic. Just
launched at Belfast, has the largest
carrying capacity 39.S0O tons dis
placementof any vessel in the
world She Is only 720 feet long, and
Is exceeded In length by several
The senate committee has favor
ably reported upon ceding back to
Cuba the Isle of Pines, arid the sen
ate will undoubtedly ratify the ac
tion. Cuba's liberality In giving to
the United States grounds and harbor
rights for a naval station at Guantan
amo accounts for the recession of the
Daniel E. Zang, foreman of the
press rooms of a Chicago publishing
house, shot and killed Emlle Reich
ow, another pressman. Both were un
ion men. Reicbon was on strike, but
Zang refused to go because the cen
tral union had not ordered the strike.
Zang was attacked by several men
and shot in self-defense.
Hinia. a Japanese, captain of the
Tokal Maru, a steamer which was
sunk by a collision in the Japan sea
lately, is the hero of the hour. He de
liberately chose to go down with the
wreck rather than save his own life
at the expense of some common sail
ors. He lifted his cap to sailors in
boats as his ship made the last
Hotel Pendleton.
William Malior. Portland.
E. M. Smith. Portland.
G. W. T. Williams. Portland.
Robert G. White. Philadelphia.
Mrs. A. G. Morgan.
W. D. Chamberlain.
H. U. Joseph. Chicago.
W. A. McLead. Leadvllln.
H. S. Vimdstandlngham, Grass Arul.
Cimsten. Mich.
T. N'ester.
P. R. "Whitcomb. New York.
F. D. Wetherby, Boston.
A. E. .McBrun. Portland.
E. V. Havmyer. Seattle.
W. Shnmpold. Walla Walla.
John B. Asliton, Chicago.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
A. M. Certon, Spokane.
O. Drinker. Spokane.
Notice for Bids,
Sealed proposals will be received by
the undersigned, until December IS,
1!)03. to lease premises, centrally lo
cated. Tor postotfice purposes at Pen
dleton, Oregon, for a term of Ave or
ten years, from April 1, 100-, mcliiu
lng equipment, heat, light water and
a fire nnd burglar proof sufe or vaulL
Full information and blank propos
als can be secured from the postmas
ter M. H. FLINT,
Assistant Superintendent Salary and
Allowance Division, P. O. Department.
Golden Rule Hotel
Mrs. Barker, ficno.
C. Gillespie, Spokane.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
A. Moffatt, city.
F. J. Beathe, "veston.
H. TIpler, Gurdaue.
I, . Cummings. Gurdanc.
W. J. Baltges; Waltslmrg.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
C. Hancke, city.
J. M. Garrison, Forest uruve.
John Kilkenny, city.
L. P. Watson, city.
R. E. Ward, city.
F Jordon, city.
Olympia Beer Olympia Beer.
The most popular brand for family
use. On draught at Anton Nolte's.
He also handles the uottled beer in
any quantity desired.
Ridge, Nov. 24. The Rust Bros,
sold their lambs a short time ago to
n Butter creek man.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopp nnd fam
ily moved to Pendleton the first of
the week to spend the winter for the
schooling of their children.
A run and Chnrlos Futtor of Uklah
passed through here Tuesdny on their
way out north of Pendleton to pre-
,0, j part. iur iiiuviug uirir mime m uu
straw iiems. i ney reporieu iwomy
i Inches of snow on the summit of the
mountains and about six Inches in
the valleys, People are feeding in
the vicinity of Uklah nnd Alba,
The Ogles are weaning calves.
P A. Fletcher is building an addi
tion on his new dwelling.
We have had foggj' weather frr tin
last four days and very cold, too. the
mercury running down ns low ns 22
Sam Carney nnd the Owlngses
moved their cattle from their moun
tain pastures a few days ago,
Ray Wachter Is attending Pendle
ton Academy this winter.
Charles Relmer of Pendleton is
spending the winter with John Kopp
Wednesday last as L. "Wachte-,
Thomas Ogle and J. T. Qgle saw n
large deer on the hillside nt the
old home ranch which the dogs scared
and chased off down the country.
This wng about three miles down
from any mountain timber and has
not happened for over thirty years,
and Is accounted for by the dense fog
nnd henvy snow In the mountains
near by.
Miss Ann Cute of Gun'.nnc Is at
tending Pendleton Academy this" win
ter Telephone Line Finished.
The Fnhrenwnu Bros, have finish
ed tile telephone line between them
and W. O. Owing's farm.
Unusual Number of Coyotes.
The coyotes are gatnerlng around
In large numbers of late. W. E. Ba
ker saw nine In one bunch a few days
ago. L. A. l.lnsner shot two Satur
day and did not get either.
Promoted by Shampoos
of Cuticura Soap
And Dressings of Cuticura the
Great Skin Cure
Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective Remedies
for Skin, Scalp and Hair.
Moki Tea Positively Cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipa.
tion. A delightful uerb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect complexion or money
refunded. 23c. and 50c. For sale by
F. W. Schmidt & Co.
This treatment at once stops falling
hulr, removes crusts, scales nnd dan
druff, destroys hair parasites, sooUics
Irritated, Itching snrfaces, stimulates
the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy and
nourishment, and makes the hulr grow
upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp
when all else falls.
Millions of women now rely on Cntl
cura Soap assisted by Cuticura Oint
ment, the grcatsklu cure, for proservlug,
purifying and beautifying ttio skin, for
cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and
dandruff, and tho stopping of falling
hair, for softening, whitening and
soothing red, rough and sore hands, for
baby rashes, itcblngs and chafings, for
annoying Irritations, or too freo or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, anti
septic purposes which readily suggest
themselves, as well as for all the pur
poses of the toilet and nursery.
Cuticura remedies are the standard
skin cures and humour remedies of tho
world. Bathe the affected parts wlthhot
woturancl Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
the thickened cuticle. Dry, without
hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Oint
ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation
nnd Inflammation, and soothe and heal,
and, lastly, In tho severer forms, take
Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse
the blood. A single set Is often suffi
cient to cure the most torturing, dis
figuring skin, scalp and blood hnmonrs,
from pimples to scrofula, from infancy
to age, when all else falls.
SoMtbmurtiouttheworM. Outirur IlMolTmt.ffle (la
form o( ChoroiAIt Coatrd PITU.i. per nl of U).Oint
nwnt, fiV., London. 2T Charrtl0UM
hq. i Prt.j,UadU ru, ftaataa, Y3 Colurabaj ATI.
totter Itmg Chm. Corp , Col Prop.
. mrbnil lor -llow to cur Ktttj Unmoor."
. Ootfoanuim, . uT "1
1 I USL tvinnr l..-:...
Willi flannel. "nS,
rrost Queen Pi
nuhU Kf
F. W. Set
T)ritirlj t .
Phone 11 jln a 1
Remember the St. Joe Store will
give nwny absolutely free, $100 In
gold. December 24th. A ticket given
with each dollar purchase. See that
you get your tickets.
Save Mo
By buying Ala
Lace Curtains.ll
Looking Gla
Etc. Etc. of
Sole agent for tin
Ostermoor rrtattn
No cure.
A. J. BEi
(ioodi taken belt of nit I
W. H. Hookor & Co., Buffalo, N. T. , Tbcisch'.. rnoneXiiair.. I
euro Dyspepsia and all
arising from Indigestion,
by physicians everywhere.
no pay. 25 centp
For sale by F. 'W. Schmidt & Co.
Trial package free oy writing to
John Maginniss. a marine fireman,
was drowned at Seattle. Monday, in
attempting to board the steamer In
diana while he was in a drunken con
dition. Salem mall carriers are dissatisfied
with the present pay, nnd unless con
gress Increases the salaries there will
be trouble in keeping regular men on
'he routes.
Chris Thomas, a convict 'just re
leased from the penitentiary, passed
a bogus check on Ladd and Bush's
bank, in Salem, Monday, and Is now
in hiding. Another term Is In store
for him,
David Higglns, the man who suit
ed the first dally paper in Seattle,
died. Monday, In that city, aged 76
year He was a pioneer of the state
of WMhington and had always been
prominently connected wit- public af
fairs. Francis M. Ouye, one of tho oldest
pioneers of Seattle, Is under arrest
for attempted arson, having been de
tected in the act of setting fire to tho
residence of his stepson, Charles E.
Plimpton, a clerk in the office of the
county clerk. It was over a iamily
4. . ...
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
by local applications, an they cannot rraeb
tlie dlienwd portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that
is bf constitutional remedies. Deafness In
caiueil by an Inflamed condition at the
mucous lining of the Rostacblan Tube,
When this tube la Inflamed you hare a
rumbling sound or imierfrct bearing, and
when It la entirely cloned. Deafness la the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube reatored to its
normal condition, bearing will be de
stroyed forever; cine omi out of ten are
caused bj Catarrh, which Is nothing bus
an Inflamed condition of the mocotm sur
faces. We will give One Hand rod Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send tor circular, free.
V. J. CHENEY 4 CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by drosgUt. T5c.
Hall's family I'llla are the best.
We Have a
Be Thankful
Bargain if Taken Soon.
$4,000, now resldenco with Its own
water plant and all modern Improve
ments, also chicken house and bam;
11 lots with a second dwelling hrruse
worth J 800. Will sell seven Iota with
large house or four lots with small
house. Easy payments. This is the
greatest bargain offered In Pendleton.
Call on Dentley & Hartman and get
full particulars.
Tba best propositions in Orrfoo J
Fine vacant lots, 6 blocks
from Main St., $50 to $150
4 Two blocks, with 5000 1
i improvements, $7000. i
$4ooobuysa i2-room house T
? and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main
st. Rents steady at $35. t
iSoo Two houses and 2
4 lots, good location, together
J rent for $20.
i $35008 room House, Lot
T and a half. Main street.
45o per .acre 20 acre sub-
urban garden tract.
i One block (14 lots'), good
J improvements, with green-
house cheap.
T Best wheat land in Umatilla
county. Tract of HiO to 21)00
1 Call and see us. We cuu show 4.
you something that you will like,
E. T. WADE & SON t
J o, 1101 m
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken aeverejy sick with
Sidney trouble, I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved'
roe. One day I saw an nd. of yonrl
Electric Bitters and determined 1o
try that. After taking a Jew doses
I folt roliovcd, nnd soon thereafter,
was entirely icured, and havo ,not seen
a sick day since, noishbors of mine
havo ben cured of llhoumatlsm, Keu
ralgla. liver and Kidney troubles
and General Debility' This la what
B. F. Bass, of Freomont, N. C
writes. Only 50c at Tallman & Co.,
Farms for Sale.
We now have listed for sale pome,
of the best wheat farms and stock
ranches In the county. AH the places
are well improved and well supplUJ
with water. Also some very desir
able city property. Call and eet
And wc arc more thankful to the public at large of this vicinity
for the patronage they have contributed to us during the year and
Wc extend an invitation to all those who wish to eat their turleii
other stores as you can buy your Dry Goods from
.Lonfidale Muslin 6c
Dress Cambrics 8c
Pepperell Sheeting 19c
75c and $1.00 Fascinators 26c
2oc Colored Near Silk GJc
63 White Towels 8 for 25c
$6.00 Ladies Walking Skirts $2.98
$1.50 Woolen Plaids 69c
6c Outing Flannels 3c
50c Tarn o' Shanters 25c
75c BlaekMohair 19c
$1.50 BlkfSilk Poau ,do Soie 98c
iuc l-iuuiea xiuuu r
$4.00 Ladies' CapeB
$2 00 Children's Coats.... -"
At Kf TJ! I T ! QantlCB
$5.00 Mackintosh
20c Ladies' Hose
15c Stevens Crash
r. r n . .... """I
oo ijaaiea corsets
$1.00 Odd Vests and Pants
G Papers Pins for
15c Heavy Children's Hose
50c Velveteens, all colors
$1.25 Wrappers - "
Tliooe Black till
Office in'K. O, Bld(
The Inland Empire Music Company
will offer special Inducements on man
dolins and guitars, fur the next 10
days, preparatory to the organization
of a large mandolin club for this win-
I tor. Parties intending for lessons,
I Kindly call at music store, near Main
street bridge. "Messrs, OwoiiIioubo oc
I Scott, proprietors.
Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and Bcrofu
lous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and purifier,
Money refunded if you are not satis-
tled. sue. anu ?i.uu.
For sale by F. "W. Schmidt & Co.