DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1903. tM t mm 1 1 niiHmHfmtnHnmmniMt jBAER & DALEY One Price Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters The Talk of the Town 1 Our overcoats and Suits at $7, $J0 I and $ J2.50. OUR HATS t Elk Brand, and Longley at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 ' OUR SHOES t We have the best makes at $2.50, J $3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 The Very Best Values GENERAL NEWS. Tli-T' is stii i s talk of a thlr i-vm for (Javemor Odcll, of Now York. ,Thc contract for the Indian building at the St. Louis exposition lias Just been let for $25,000 by the govern' went. Leonard S. Allen, formerly general passenger agent on the Seaboard Air Line, died Sunday at his homo in Chicago. At the World's Press parliament, which will meet In St. Louis on May 16. 190-1, every country on earth, pub lishing a newspaper, will be repre sented. The coal miners of the Northern Ulstrict of Colorado voted, Saturday evening, to reject the peace offer of the employers, and will remain out. The vote affects 1,500 men. ' Secretary of War I?oot has srnt a very laudatory report on 0neral Wood's conduct to the sounte invali dating committee, in h"pc3 of soften lag its findings against Wood. Mnjor General John C. Date?, com manding the department of the .Mis souri and the Lakes, turned over the department of the Missouri to Us new commander, Major General S. 3. Sumner, Saturday. The cotton mills at Fall River. Mass., known as the Fall River Iron works, has cut the wages of lO.nno operatives, to take effect December 1. Every operative in Fall River has now suffered a reduction In wages. A combination of the Plats Glass Insurance companies was effected at S?n Francisco Saturday evening, and a.-, a consequence rates on plate glass insurance will be uniformly raised ('trough all the Pacific state i at the tirat of the year. NORTHWEST NEWS. Clark Ycrrlck was killed at Oak land, Sunday morning, by falling on a live wire. Miss Itertna Caldwell, a dry goods clerk, was knoc down and robbed of $1.50 In change at North Yakima, Sunday morning. Earl -.. Ilardwick, night watchman on tho steamer Groy Eagle, fell over iHjard and was drowned, at Newberg, Oregon, Sunday morning. Lars Hanson, one of tho richest stockmen in -.ontana, committed sui cide at Dillon, Saturday night, by shooting himself in tho head witn both barrels of a shot gun. Tho colored Baptist ministers of Washington passed resolutions at Ev erett, Saturday, inviting members of their race to come to the West, and to improve their condition by all hon orable means. The barracks, kitchen, smokehouse and commissary, at Fort Gibbon, Alaska, were burned on November "; loss about J100.000. Tho nows has Just reached Seattle. Fort Gibbon is near Dawson and is in the depart ment of the Columbia, under Funs ton. ... ... .. REAL ESTATE The best prjpotillous lu Ortxoa Fine vacant lots, 6 blocks from Main St., $50 to 150 Two b'ocks, with $5000 improvements, 7000. $4000 buys a 12 -room house and 2 lots, 2 blopks from Main st. Rents steady at $35. fi&oo Two houses and 2 lots, good location, together rent for 20. 35008 room House, Lot and a half. Main street. 450 per acre 20 acre sub urban garden tract. One block (14 lots), good, improvements, with green-, house cheap. Best wheat land in Umatilla county. Tract of 1C0 to 2000 acres. Cull and see us. We can show you something that you will like. E. T. WADE & SON I O, Hot 321 'Phone BUck 1111 Office UrK. O, Dldff ACKERS I.YSPFPS1I TAWFTS euru jjjraiiujjoit uuu utt uiouiuuid arising from Indigestion. Endorsed ... f A.nn nil ,ll.n.,ln iJjf pilBlVJUHb UVUlWUCIU, WMU, .... ir Or rtnnf Trial packngo free uy writing to . 1 o ri Tl..M..ln XT V for the Least Money f WH-tHWH-tttH I I II 1 1 i i HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. J X Hurley, Denver. E. II. nurke, Portland. Will Aldors, Joseph, Mo. Jnmes 1L Smith, I .a Grande, Or, A. Itodrlck, Portland. John Nirren, Portland. F. E. Foster, wife and child. Mrs. J. D. Anderson, Chicago, u. P. Manspol, San Francisco. James It. Lawrence, Hump, Ida. Charles WIcklne, Pendleton. Conrad Peatzorder and fnmllv. It. S. Erb, St. Louis. M. V. Harwlll, San Francisco. It. C. Long, Spokane. Mrs. o. S. Horry, Walla Walla. Mrs. Jack Forrusou, Arterson, S, ). Mara L. Ferguson, Weston. W. I). .Marx, Spokane. Fred Fisher. Spokane. W. H. Pearce, Portland. S. Johnson, Portland. A. Wylander, Portland. C. C. Simpson, Portland. J. C. Ford, Pomeroy, Wash, i.. L. Mony, Spokane. I). Shults, Spokane, Golden Rule Hotel C. E. Snapp, Uklah. G. O. Thompson, M. die Valley. M. E. Patrick. Minnie Valley. W. J. Moore, Spokane. James Johnson, City. A. Derlng, City. T. P. Katojorne. cay, J. J. Fahey, Grangor, Iowa. P. biicridan. Echo, Ore. H. Dunn, Echo, Ore. J. E. Templeton, Echo, Ore. J. L. Templeton, Echo, Ore. E. Shaw, Echo, Ore. P. Calloway, Echo, Ore. W. W. Bristow, McMinnvllle. L. Cunningham, Portland. J. H. Summo:s, Walla Walla. John Framer, Wnlla Walla. S, A. Pennick, Adams. M. n. Ketahn, Milton. I Irwin, Milton. M A. Irwin, Milton. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applications, us tliy cannot reach tin- diseased portion of the esir. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that li by constitutional remedies. Ieufncss Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous linln; of the Kustacnlan Tube. W'lit-n this tube Is Inflamed you nave a rumbling sound or imperfect bearlni;. and vrUeu It U entirely clowd, Ihsafuoiw la tbe result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever: nine caaen out of ten are caused br Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inllamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CUENKY CO., Toledo, O. .Sold by druggists. 73c. Hall's family I'll Is are the best. Bargain if Taken Soon. $4,000, now residence with its own water plant and all modern improve ments, also chicken house and barn; 11 lots with a second dwelling house worth 1800. Will sell seven lots with large house or four lots with small house. Easv payments. This is the greatest bargain offered in Pendleton. Call on Bcntley & Hartmnn and get full particulars. Not a 8lck Day Since. ' "I was taken severoly sick with kidney trouble, I tried all Borts ot medicines, none of which relieved me. Ono day' I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to 'try that- After taking d fow doses T felt relloved, and soon thereafter wns entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since, rtelttbbors of mine, have ben cured of Ilheumatism, Nou-, ralgia. Liver and Kidney troubles and Genoral Debility.'' This It what B. F. "Bass, of Freomont, N. C, writes. Only 60e at Taliman & Co., druggists. Farms for Sale. We now have listed -for sale some of tho ibest wheat farms and stock ranches in . tbo county. All tho; places arc well Improved and well supplI-J with water. Also some very deslr- ablo city property. Call and get prices. BENTIJSY &. HAllTOAfl. The Inland Empire Music Company will offer special Inducements on man dolins and guitars, for tho noxt 10 days, preparatory to tho organization of a largo mandollu club for this win ter, rartlos intending tor tossons, kindly call at music storo, near Main street bridge. Messrs. Owonhouso & Scott, proprietors. Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures Chronic Blood Poisoning and Scrofu lous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic nnd purifier. Mouoy refunded if you are not satis fied. 50c. and J1.00. For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co, NEWS OF MILTON STARTED ON A VI8IT OF I MONTHS TO SCOTLAND. One Case Typhoid Fever Visitor From Hardin, Missouri Mrs. Les sor Has Sold Her Farm Dentist's Vulcanlzer Exploded. Milton, Nov. 20. B, A. Bray is quite 111 of typhoid fever and under tho caro of Dr. 'C. W. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEwon took tholr departure yesterday for n visit to their old home In Scotland. They will not return until next May or Juno. Mrs. Itaiph E, Gibson arrived here Tuesday from her home nt Chord, Washington, ami is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Ira S. Troyer. Miss Bessie AtcDanlel of Hardin, .Missouri, arrived here yesterday anil will spend the winter with her brotu or, Kyle McDanlel. Miss McDanlel at one time lived here, having taught In the public school, and has many warm friends, who nro pleased to welcome her back. Mrs. Mack Hardesty came down Wednesday from her homo at Delight, Wash., and is visiting her daughter, .Mrs. John H. McQuary. .Mrs. l E. Wilcox will leavo in the morning for a fow days visit with re latives at Colfax and Fairfield. Messrs. E. L. Smalloy and E. J. Davis came over Wednesday even ing from their home at Walla Walla and attended a meeting of the ma sonic order. This morning while Dr. S. A, Ful ton was doing some dental work in tho laboratory, his vulcanlzer explod ed, breaking out window lights nnd hurling things in overy direction. Mrs, J, S. Blchey visited friends at Walla Walla Tuesday. W. C. T. U. Dime Social. Tomorrow night tile W. C. T. U. will glvo a dime social In the opurn hall. A short literary and musical program will be rendered and light refreshments served. Sold Farm on Basket Mt. Mrs. Thomas Lessor has sold her property on Basket mountain con sisting of ItiO acres of fruit and pas ture lund, to Wm. Clark. Notice. Itoniomher the St. Joe Store will ' give away absolutely free, $100 In gold, Decombor 24th. A ticket given I with each dollar purchase. See that i you get your tickets. Mokl Tea Positively Cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful .icrb drink. He moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or monoy refunded. 25c. and HOc. For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co. YFi We Have a Good Deal 1 LO' Be Thankful For And wc ate more thankful to the public at large of this vicinity for the patronage they have contribt ted to tis during the year and DURING We extend viUKT siureb COST HND Lonsdale Muslin 6c Dress Cambrics 3c Popperell Sheeting 19c 75c and $1.00 .Fascinators 25c 25c Colored Near Silk CJc 6Jc WhiteTowels ;.8 for 25c $6.00 Ladies' Walking Skirts $2.98 $1.50 Woolen Plaids 69c 6c Outing Flannels .-3c 50c Tarn o' Shantera 25c 75c BlackJjMohair 19c $1.50 BlklSilk Peau do Soie...., 98c ;NEWS OF ATHENA WILL PROVE UP 800N ON IDAHO HOMESTEAD. Stockman Moves to Athena to Send Children to School Visitors from Colorado Returned Home Junior Endeavor Entertainment Rev. Updyke, the Evangelist, Cannot Visit Athena. Athena, Nov. 20. Orange Chamber lain of this city, left this evening for Wolser, Idaho, to prove up on his homestead, Mr. an. Mrs, J. N.' B. Gorklng's (laughter, Mrs. B. D. Saylor and fnm llv of Little Huttor Creek, moved In to this city Nov. 18, for tho purpose of sending their children to BChool. Mr. Saylor Is ono of Butter Creek s CRUSHES THE LIFE The most loathsome and repulsive of all livintr thinirs is the serpent, and the vilest and most degrading- of nil humat, diseases is Contagious Ulood Poison. The serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes through the entire body. Contagious Blood 1'oison, beginning with n little ulcer, soon contaminates every drop of blood and spreads throughout the whole system. Painful swellings appear in the groins, a red rash and copper colored splotches break out ou the body, the mouth and throat become ulcerated, and the hair and eye brows fall out ; but these symptoms are mild compared to the wretchedness and suffering that come in the latter stages of the disease when it attacks the bones and more Vital parts of the bod'. It is then that Contagious Blood Poison is seen in all its hidenus ncss. The deep cntiug abscesses nnd sickening ulcers and tumors show the whole system is corrupted and poisoned, and uiiless relief comes soon this serpent 'disease tightens its coils and crushes out the life. The only antidote for the awful virus is S. S. S. Jt is naiuro' romody, com . dry tip the sores and drive in the disease, but do not cure permanently. Send for our home treatment book and write us if in need of medical advice or special information. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Try "Pendleton Boqaet" Made at home. OUR CLOSING OUTSA an invitation to all those who wish to eat tneir fi iaterp ornfftK vofl have to PAY tb yuu t.u uwy most prosperous stock .men. They oc cupy tho cottnge of Shoriff Taylor. MIsb Susie 1b on tno sick list this week with n gathering in her head. Mrs. Bnrto and family of Crlpplo Creek, Colorado, after n two weeks visit in the city, returned homo last week. The Junior Endeavor will give nn entertainment Friday, Novcmuor 20, at the lie-." Christian church, admit ting none over 15 years of ago. Rev. Updyke Cannot Come. Rev. Jenkins announced Sunday ho had recelvod a letter from tho great evangelist, Ilev, Updyke of 111., that he would he compelled to abandon his nppolntmont to hold a protracted meeting in the Christian church hero on account of Illness. Ho did not feel able to do his duty, nnd tho church must look somewhere else for nn evangelist. Wanted A good, Industrious man with wifo (no children) to tako charge of farm. Address box 108, Weston, Oro. OUT posed entirely of vegetable lugmljents. h. S. S. destroys every vestige of the poison, purifies the blood and removes all danger of transmitting the awful taint to others. Nothing else will do this. Stronir mineral remedies, like mercury and potash, i.nd "Pride of Umatilla." A. ROHDE, Maker. yum .y w 111 I .nHiAc' M li Oil t V U A A nr l r r . , 4M.i-rw liuuioa jan.o $2 00 Children's Coats $1.50 Ladies' Dressing saquea . - i r, fin Mtinlriillnuh - J- Vf.JW WHVMIIIVHU 2Qc Ladies? Hose 15c Slovene Crash - 76c Ladies' Corsets $1.00 Odd Vests and Pants 0 Papers Pins, for 15c Heavv Children's Hose . i . " 50c Velveteens, all co.ors fl.'Jo W.rappor8 . -f not DrlnU.. llaTk' mm m.pvn Frost KlroTS! wun Harmd. . nun i n k(s ...i . i- aiiire-inilnn .jr-0" ChiMr.,,...!. BOLD BY LV TTT nn. .,., n... - ' 4ju v i m - -1 . By buying I fCPi r.itrtoU ... Etc. Etc. of r A I L I Sole agent for t OF . Twnsrn'1 VhrmrtMVnm L-ES ,.