East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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The stormy winter weather demands that yoci
protect your feet. We are feet protectors and
can supply you with good solid, yet neat-appearing
and comfortable; fitting shoes fast the
things for the kind of atmospheric conditions we
now have and can expect for some time to come.
our prices Are right
FOUNDED JAN. 1, 1902.
Has Had a Hard Fight, But Is. Now
8quarely on Its Feet Composition
of the Governing Board Has Over
Ninety Memoers.
Tho Men's Rosort la noarlng its
second birthday, and la now stronger
In membership and interest than at
any tlmo of Its two. years of exis
tence. Tho resort was organized and start
ed on tho first of Jnnuary, 1902. 'by
Ilcv. Levi Johnson, now of Portland,
a stato Sunday school mlssolnary.
When first started the membership
was small and It was hard to arouso
the interest of tho people of tho city,
and for a long time the place had a
hard fight for oxlstonco; but It Is
now being placed on a solid footing,
and Is one of the permanent institu
tions for the good of the city.
Tho resort Is under tho manage
ment and control of a board selector
from tho different churches of the
city, ono member and tho pastor
from each church being on tho board.
E. O. Esterbrook Is the superintend
ent and has general charge of tho
resort, and is assisted in his work
by C. A. lionnott.
Thero are now OS active members
on tho' roll of the organization, and
these, taken with tho Inactive mem
bers, bring tho list of membership up
to 90 or more. Momborshlp in tho
J Exquisite new Designs in J
! REAL... i
Most beautiful collection ever
displayed in Pendleton. . X
8eo our window but lietter
still come In uud $
Get Oar Prices f
Leading DrtitfsI.sW
Dr. H. D. Pak
Successfully treats all
Chronic Troubles
Without the aid of knife
or drugs,
Rheumatism, Stomach
.and all Female Dis-
orders a .Specialty
Consultation ami examination
610 Johnson at, Pendleton
Leave your, orders for TURKEYS live
oSTdressed, with tts at once, and you
can fee awwred of getting aifltce plemp,
tender .bird for your dinner.
resort gives the privileges of tho
game and reading rooms and of the
baths, which nro run In connection.
Fine. Reading Room.
In the- reading room are to ho
ound all of tho papers of the city
nnd many of .uio principal papers of
this stato and Washington. Nearly
all of -lo leading magazines of the
day aro to bo found on the tables,
and this feature of tho resort Is prov
ing a great benefit and comfort to
those who aro In tho city with no
place to spend their ovcnlngB.
Recently a now room has been
aimed to tho Biilto occupied by the
resort, and in this has been placed
sovoral now games which could not
bo handled before on account of tho
lack of rqoui. As tho membership
increases the facilities nnd furnish'
Ings of tho rooms will bo added to
until the place is one of tne most
attractive and pleasnnt In tho city.
Has Excellent Prospects.
The interest in the place Is grow
ing, and tho rooms are full nearly
every evening with those who are
thero to read or play nt tho games.
The management Is greatly encour
aged over tho prospects of thq resort
nnd Is confident it has been placed
on a basis tmit will be growing nnd
a solid one. It h a home for tho
homeless, and a place tff benefit and
recreation for those who have no.
placo to spend their idle time in the
evenings, snfo from tho temptations
of the streets, and should be sup
ported and encouraged by all thoso
In tho city who have children of
their own, or regard for the safety
and futuro of the 'young stranger
within tne gates.
'Eastern Oregon Teachers' Associa
tion, Baker City, Novomber 23-25.
Washington Teachers' association,
Tacoma, Dec. 28-30.
National Livestock convention,
Portland, January 12, 13, H and IB.
Joe Hughes Going East.
Joe Hughes, who has for some
time had charge of tho baggage room
of tho O. IX, & N, depov. has resign
ed bis position and will leave in a
day or two for tho East, where he
Will accept n posltiou with an East
ern road.
Remember tho 8t. Joe Storo will
give away absolutely free, $100 in
gold, December 2itn. A ticket given
with each dollar purchase. See tr.nv
you get your tickets,
Football! Football I
Hlcli school .vs. Pendleton Acade
my, Saturday, 21, on Alta street!
grounds. Only gamo of the season, j
Admission 25c. i
TO CURE .A COLD IN ONE DAY J'bQy and the tor'ror, real or feigned, yhllo thore Mr. Stlllmnn wna honor
fraite ixatire nmiiio (loin)tie Tubieit. All , of tho uttio gir. Especially at the e,i by "being elected vice-president of
iliujtglitsrtfun'i triomorify 11 It fall to cow,
An explosion of dynamite In tho
La Colorada mine, near Hermoslllo,
.Mexico, killed five men Tuesday List.
Baking Powder
The remarkable incftue la coniumption
iroYca it purity and wholeoacae
Especially Desired That the Attend
J ance Tonight Be Large Program
In Full Below Is Regarded as the
Best Yet Presented i nls Year.
' Tho third program bt tho soricB
by tho nigh school 'will bo given this
evening, commencing at 7:30 o'clock
In tho Assembly hall at tho school.
The program this woek will bo tho
best that hns been given so far, as
tho puphs appear to have had moro
tlmo to mako tho best of selections.
Thoy have oeon under tho training
of Miss .Jessie Shoppard for somo
days, and will givo a very credlD.o
entertainment this evening.
It Is desired by tno teachers that
as many or tho friends of tho schools
of tho city as possible will mako it
a point to ,uo present, .as It not only
encourages tho scholars to do their
Iwst, but the program will show tho
training gven tho children in tho
way of public speaking, recitation
and debate.
Program In Full.
The program to bo given is aa fol
lows: Music.
Debate "llesolved, That tho work
of tho federal government in re
claiming arid lands should ho sup
plemented by liberal stnto appropri
ations." Affirmative, William Lowell.
nnu uavid mu; nogativo, Furnlsu
Slater Mid James Harvoy.
Instrumental duet, Jessie Raymond
and Mary Livingston.
Recitation, liny Vogel.
Hssay, Hazel J3urgcss.
Hecltatlon, Herbert ltuppo,
.Music, tho Misses Alexander, Sher
idan, Williams nnd Hawks.
Essay, Geralu Stanfiold.
Hecltatlon, Edith Johnson.
Current events, Clifford Turnor.
Oration, Myrtlo ljizncy.
Hecltatlon. Carrie Burton.
Orntlon, Efllco Smith.
Music. J03I0 Cameron.
Rrltlc'B report.
Special Observance at Church of the
Redeemer Fine Program.
T.iere will uo a special service of
thanksgiving at the Church of tho
itedeemer, on Thursday. November
20, beginning at 10:30 a. m.
Tno service being of a national
character, will bo mado bright and
attractive with special muslc of a
festal order, tho program being ren
dered by a chorus of eomo ,36 .voices
and several instruments.
,l, r , 'V' . uo,lvor?U
tho rector and tho offering wi.l ho do-
Tho address will be dellvored by
voted to cunritablo purposes in tho
Good Samaritan hospital of Port
land. Musical Program.
The following' Is tho program of
music: -
; Opening hymn "Come Yo Thank
ful People, Come."
Special chant and .gloria.
To Doum, by Custanco.
Jublhito, plnln chant.
Hymn "To Thee, O Lord, Our
hearts' Wo Raise." i
Anthem ''Praise tho Lord, O My
Closing hymn "America."
Sleet Resulted in a Long List of
School "Tardles" Today.
I Todav was certainly a slick one.
I much to tho enjoyment of tho small
.high school was tho life of tho school
'children strenuouB, for the Ice-cont-ed
walks and ground mado It a seri
ous undertaking for any ono to get
up the hllK .
The ulgrtliy of tho teachers was
endangered, and in ono qr two In
Btancfls both that and tholr equilib
rium wore lost on tho trip up tho
wallT from Main Btreot. much to tho
Ielight of tho audience of small boys()ini tho extra cars of tno Do Wolf
and girls. ' Hopper company, In addition to tho
n.-irnetH wero laid from tho front r'eculnr train. Bhil also to tho sleet
Lentranco of tho high school to tho
gatoway in onlor nuat tno pupjis
nniihl trot Into, tho building. AB-.a ro.
sultiof tbo Bleet, tho 'list of "tardlos"
was a long, ono, and sovoral of tho
littlo 'girls shed tears at tnoir inei
fectual efforts to get up tho hill, on
tlmo when 'the last bell rang.
ROadbea in Excellent Condition, for
' -Winter 8aoh.
W Q. (Marlon, roatlmastiji- dt
tho W. & C U.. was in tKo city .yes
terday for a short visit in tho intor-'
ests of iho roau. Mr. uiarlon haa flaq
a largo forco of mon on tho roaauoo
nt the w & n. n. this summer and
still 'has a gooa numoor at worn,
ihrt flhtlre rlcht' of way has boon
taken .care of and as a result tho lino
to In tho best of shape for thp' win
ter season' and, no troublo is expect
ed nt any puco on tho grado when
wet weathor comes.
New bridges have been put In at
Kfivoral places along tho lino and
two largo ateol structures aavo been
thrown across the streams. New bal
last has been -nut In, now ties mid
and a general overhauling of tho
system ha.i -een tnauo.
North Yckma Man Telia of Cabin
.Packed With Fowl Llko 8warm
of Qnate.
Klfteon am In one shack with wild
geese so th.?t In tho cabin that .tho
.inmates ct.uld senrcoly 'move around,
iwas tho Uorv hrousiit to waua
Walla by ' auk l'oat of North TCakl-
ma. who has como to Walla Walla
to live, ddvlug overland through tho
Horse Heaven' country with his fam
ily, says tho Walla Walla Union.
Mr. Post camo past the gamo gran
ary eight or ten miles tne other Bide
of Wallilla. Tho fifteen huntors
were from the Couor n'Aleno coun
..y. In Idaho.
.tcese aro thick In, , Horse. Heaven'
tho newcomer said last nlgnt. "As
tho big flocks nppear Just nbovo tho
linnzon they look .o swarms of
gnats tlioy aro so L.ick. Thero aro
a good many huntors coming In from
u.stant points. Tho Horso Heaven
wheat flelaB aro thick wltn tho wheat
feodors and shooting Is good. Tho
Couor d'Alono pot-hunters had
dnatm nunc un ovorywiioro. on tho
rafterB, on tno lloor, on tho walls and
all over."
Program for Sunday Evening, No
vember 22.
Thn following program will be
rendered nt tho Christian church
next Sunday ovonlng. No admission
will ho charged but an offorlnrg will
bo taken:,
Organ Voluntary.
Hymn "Rescuu tho Perishing."
Oimnlne sneech. Bertha Gross.
Sonir "We Aro Coming." by tho
"Soldlors of tho King," exorcises
for boys.
"Cod Wants tho Boys and dlrls,"
recitation by Clom McCoy and QladyB
"Sweet Is tho Song," school.
Rocltntlon, Bell Buzan.
"What Littlo Children Can Do,"
oxorclso or flvo littlo girls.
Song "Forward Soldlors."
Recitation, Ethel McCarty.
"Duty of the nour," speech by
David Hill.
Song "Wo Pralso Theo," school.
"Littlo Boys Mako Men," Byron
"Little Missionaries," by flvo littlo
Song "Missionary Bolls."
"Healing of the Nations," by 11
girls dressed in white and represent
ing different nationalities, each car
rying tue flag of tno country thoy
represent. A vory pretty exercise.
Recitation, Delia Danner.
Recltntion Littlo Th.ngs," by
Letn Kennedy.
Song Congregation.
Stole an Overcoat.
A. H. Carrey was arrested yester
day charged with tho larceny of an
overcoat, the property of Harry
Wright, and was loclcad up in tho
county jail. Both of 'tho men wore
drinking In one of tho saloons of the
city and tho defendant put on the
coat of tho complaining wltnoss and
wore It off. Ho was arrested and
placed in jail, but now Wright does
inot want to prosecute, claiming that
,l ,(, ' ,, , ' ,,. nm, ti,nt
the c!at was taken in a Joke and that
thero was no Intention on the part
of the "prisoner to steal. An informa
tion will ho filed against him this
attcruoon by tho district attorney.
Injured, at Foundry.
William ' Clove, of tno Rlgb'y-Clove
foundry, Is carrying a badly mashed
thumb wltn him and will not have the
ubo of his right hand for some tlmo.
Whllo working with n machine In tho
foundry ho caught the thumb bo
tweon two itenvy steel rollers and
before ho could get looso tho end of
tho thumb was mashed to a pulp.
Dr. Colo dressed the hurt and it will
cause no serious Inconvenience.
From Bar Meotlrtfli
Stotlhon A. Lowell anil A. D. Still
man have returned from Portland,
v'lioro thoy havo bten for several
days in attendance on tho annual
martini nf Mm Stato Unr Association
tho assocntinn from tho sixth Ju
dlclal, district. It Is tho custom of
tho association to elect a ,vice-presl-limit
from each district and Mr. Still
man was tho choico from here.
Dnuble-Header on Spokane Train.
Tho Spokane train loft hero this
niornlnc on time, undor a douhlo
header. Ow'ng to tho fact that thoy
dm tho rai.s, It was mcessary to put
Cm" an oxtra enguiQ to pun yio train
qvpr tho mountain,
New Baggageman.
' W. B. Jett, :whd has been the bag
,gageman at Huntington, has been
transferren' -to 'this plado and is1 now
on duty hero. "MC Jctt was' formerly
'omployed In -tio baggago room horo
for a short tim,o, Ho is a La.Qrnmlo
,ilov. and is known to a great many
iqf tho fooplo of lula' place.
nnaratlon for Arjoendlcltls,
Miss Lenoro Sheridan, who has
'8fforlhK from appendicitis for
davsi was taken totho nospl-
tbls morning and an operation
was performed this laftornoon. This
is tho socona attack that MlsS Sheri
dan has had, and sho Is wry sick.
' .
,xVliltoni Prom 'Cornucopia.
Mr and Mrs. 'Will1 Howard, of Cor-
nucppla, w'cr6 In 'the city yostorday
thp guests or r, ana mm. y. mo.ix
ham, whllo on routp to Walla Walla
fqr a vlBlt with irionuH.
A dose of the
Bitters before
meals will ore
ate a healthy
tlfslre for food
and assiit the
Htoniaoh iniU
work of 'tunes.
tion. Th o n
you'll not suf-
i leriruui
W IntiilAtintr
Sour Stomach
Hlolc Headache
(Dysflla or
We urge
trial at onoe.
bk. , STOMACH 4,
1st. joe
wag (men aas aecertrori vtr
PRICE SALE, whJcr, J, n
oratress monaav. 14.... - m
Tho Dif
ferent Store.
Thanksnivinn C
Never in our fourteen years
history will we offer such
splendid hirds. Never be
fore have we made such great
preparations. Two hundred
young turkeys, some large,
and some small, picked from
nuny flocks, are fatt'injng in
our special stalls. Thejnost
important part of yotirdinner
is the turkey. Make sure of
a good one, 'phone us your
order in advance and we will
place your name upoti the list.
Mince Meat-Its All In Buying
That is why we have had u
run on mince meat ingredients,
wo laid in a lnrge future Htoek,
but the salo on tliebe goods was
so great, that yesterday we were
obliged to telegraph for seeded
raUeus. It's the fresh pure qual
ity of our seeded raUenu, lemon
uud orange peel, citron, Hutanas
and Three Crown ralsens, that
sells them so fast. Mako your
mincemeat this week.
New Electrical Supply
With you on Wiring your
building for ELECTRIC
BELL, or Electrical work
of any kind.
irn --rw r rr ...4- nr- 12 Acrnfl CinrCt
t I
AJT.TEK nij anxious, fretful
day, you need something
which BhallUit your tired
body aa a well.worn slliiperiflts a
tired foot. It must be something
more than food or drink. If you
want to Uxite Nirvana; and forget
all your tire1 and fatigue', take
cup of one of Chase & Sanborn b
"Original Paokage" teas. -These
aro.the leaves whleh.the naUy1
themselves drink with all their
vigor Imprisoned. It's a very
different drink from ordinary tea.
Try a half-pound.
Orlott (t'prrooi Oolong)..
Kob.l-noor (Bug. Drvakteit).
Orange IMkoe (lutlln A Ceylon).
Sold in Pendleton exclusively by
w. , oeueved-ffft-;--.,,
' mrn hi
- . i J '. I
J ;y v'" v,ri
Wffh T.
lookino' fftii t
w u
on that dav. H t.t7.
1 1 tll
store makes gfMt
ior us Special Ihi
ACffrt nfntim-,v;,.
ynu auu ire
v.iiw iu irausiorin
rn flirt n.iu..i
t HVini iim
euesp. We cm i
porieci cuenmber.
row miKI it
Miied "
Alio laiDumnt
1 Chlnnt.nl nf hwl
corn me). nnu1i!tmtf4
iu nnu, bo id, IQ3DH
gallom, in hum til
Doti ea. iniiarrcpiii
njrruu io.no pore.
cis in. HonAmvui m
n ..n.r nnu rni Mil
a CI Id OU TOBT noaiiot
kooni apples.
... s
i r
1 Uuct atfi iimi iiu w -
i .1 InnnflPIII .
once gut youi -
..n trd mi iiv - y
ii an ,k. ill, i n
rmi Bin i '
I If. -
at IDC in. i
Hartford Kir iT..
Alliance AWU"".
.""- ... I. &
at tlio BABi f
ton, on-