East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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, , I Ml I 1 1 IU
PnklUliM ,'verr afternoon (cicopt SuuJay)
t IVhclIci. Oregon, by tlio
Thou,. Main 11 " !
" S U It St 1 1 1 1 Tl U HATliS
Imlly oue jtnr by ill ill I . ., $5.00
Dully, six months b.v mull a.SO
unity, inrw tuotmis D.v mall l.ao
Dally. o mouth by mall , 80
Dully, psr month by carrier' '. . .05
Weekly, ouo yenr by tuall .i l.BO
Weekly, Mx months by mall ....,. ,70
Weekly, four months by mall 60
Beml-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00
Meml-Weekly, alx months by mall . . 1.00
oemi.eemy, mree montns oy mall , . ,.00
The i:at Orogonlan Is on ale at . U.
Blchrt Nowpi Htamls at Hotel Portland and
Untrt IVrklus, l'ortlanil, Oregon.
Uumtxtr Scrlppa-Moltae News Associa
tion. San Kranclsco Unread, 408 Fourth Ht.
Chicago Ilnreaii, 900 Security llulkllng.
Waililntfton. D. C. Itureau, r.01 1-ltlt St.,
KntereJ at 1'i'mlletoii postofflce as secconcl
class matter.
mill .In Bamo speedy vindication, as
luiB Characterized Mr. Moody's trial.
Those ilntllctmcrils nro Just sidelights
on 'thu iidlitical situation In 'Oregon,
and In Mho drama Hint Is holng en
acted, stmio ono must snftcr tho
thrusts of the polltlcnl carving
Wo now stand aghast at the
thought that civilized men
, should hold their fellow beings
, in slavery. Tho men of tuturo
I generations will vlow with.
' equal horror our belief that It
Is proper to build up largo for
tunes at too expense of ehnrae)-
'tor. Tioy will wonder how It
; "was that at tho beginning of the
i '20th ceutury enlightened men
in France, Germany and Russia
could bo projudlcetl against
other men because they were
born of Jewish parents. They
will wouuer win- It was that tho
t men of today bolloved that It
was right and proper to steal
I money from tho government and
thought It wrong onlv to bo
caught at It. Itabbl Enill (5.
The White Houso Is not, big
enough to hold Theodoro Hoosovelt
and Carrie Nation at the same time.
The, teachers of Multnomah county
schools 'who are refusing to pay
the five dollar flnc imposed by tho
stnto on teachers fulling, without n
reasonable, excuse, to attend county
'Institutes, should have tholr certifi
cates rovolicd and bo put at work
on mill; ranches or some other placo
wuere institutes aro not necessary,
Tho state of Oregon has provided for
county Institutes, by which teachers
may hoop In. touch with their pro
fession, and in order to malie' these.
Institutes successful ami give -teach
ers an Interest, the stnto provides,
tho teachers shall draw full pay,
while uttenuing the meetings hold
.during school terms. In order to add
to the offleioncy of the Institutes,
the state provides a, penalty of tlvo
dollars for uon-nttendnnco, this lino
to revert back to the school fund. It
Is a wise law, and a needed law, for
this same spirit which Is .oxhlbltcd
In leslstlng the ' fine, would be -exhibited
In f.-scouraglng attendance,
without the- flnc, and without the
i".w compelling .somo Of these Mnlt
uomnh county teachers-to studv and"
keep pace with their profession,
thoy would drop out of the calling
through sheer Incapacity within a
few years. Judging from their stand
in the matter.
"I'roHt" Dowle has received an
other revelation commanding Ills fol
lowers to sell their property and
raise him $2,000,000, presto. Dowle
would be a drawing card for the
Quaker doctors. His grand .stand
performances hae never been equal
led, from the financial standpoint.
Idaho is now entitled to a front
seat in the hall of fame. She has
doveloped a land office scandal of
the first class. Hut her laurels are
dimmed by the fact ...at an Ore gon
voman originated the Idea of the
rfummy entryman. which Idaho has )
clumsily imitated In the Conor d'-'
Aleno office. .Marie Warn should '
copyright her Ideals.
Pendleton flour now goes to the
Orient by the carload, nnd the visit
of H. E. Dosch to this city yester
day, to urge an increase of tho out
put here, gives an .added Impetus to
the Industry. -Pendleton boasts the
first-prize from Japan on woolen man-
factures, and now enjoys the novelty
of listening to an agent for Oriental
traders beg for more products from
this city anil county. There should
be a inady response to :thTa call, on
the part of I'eudleton millers. It Is
Interesting to know that tho only
word. In the Kneflsh language which
a .returned traveler from Mauchtirin,
could find 'in a remote station on tho
Siberian i railway, was the label on a
sack of Pendleton Hour. It even pre
ceded the Pendleton newspaper Into
that comer of the world.
K 11)11 IrnikL tW't a
a . ill".;
j. ni PfrTulf
tlmnl," "? t
A Ill Hii..
---Hi ii i
Cremo Is a cigar of Invariable goodness that Is sold In every town and at the aru price ot 5 cent. Any
ono that sells it for less does so with the endeavor to reflect on Cremo quality at the cost of profit.
The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World.
Tho Band la tho Smoker's Protection.
message on tho Lowls nnd Clark fair
appropriation, that will be an Inspi
ration to congress to tnko favorable
action on that bill. No other Ameri
can president has done ns much lit
erary work of various Hinds, us Itoos
evelt. nnd ho Is particularly enthus
iastic on historical and frontier top
ics. Ills wldo familiarity with tho
history of his country and with tho
high acii.ovoment of those hnrdy ex
plorers In giving this Northwest ter
ritory to tho United States, should
prompt him to innko a personal ef
fort to commemorate their work In n
lilting manner.
As a student of history, and as a
lover of the pioneer, Piesideut Hons-
It seems quite probable that the
democrats and republicans in the
United Stntes senate will bo sharply
divided on tho seating of Senator
Smoot. The democrats generally ob
ject to seating him, and tho republi
cans favor it, but the petitions com
ing In against seating Smoot aro not
conlined to any section of tho coun
try, nor from any certain creed or
political party, but are evidences of
tho universal ..opposition to tho bar
barous institution of polygamy.
Twelve cratms have visited
White House within a month.
president still lives and the gentle- j nW ,oiie ix
Women as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon ftlie mind,
tliiOur;igc.samlK:Sbt:iis:iiiibitio!i; beauty,
vigor ami elieurlul-
f I. i n ness won disappear
wnen iiieuiuucysarc
0111 ot oruer or dis
Kidney trouble lias
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afllicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates tooof ten, if the urine scalds
the lledh.or if, when the child reaches an
auc when it should be able to control the
JU9lgC J'- Uilll-IWit Will, illU-WCl-
ting, depend upon it, thucausc of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
tliesiMMinnrtntitoru-aus. This unpleasant
.(,,. ' trouble is due to a diseased condition of
tno . . , , 1.,.. .!.!.. .,.,
Is tho joy of the household, for without
it no happiness can ho complete. How
sweit I ho, picture of mother nnd babe,
angels stuilo at and commend tho
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending ovur the cradle. Tho ordcul through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering tlmt
she looks forward to tin- hour when die kIimII
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread nnd
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
.scientific liniment for external use only, wnich toughens and renders
tillable all1 the nnrtn .mil
assists nature in its sublime PS
work. By its aid thousands BftMj
of women have passed this WW Ej I
and without pain. Sold at $i.ix ier
bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless
Talue to all women sent free. Address
Painting and Paper
You'll get jthc ;
Best work
And lowest prices
111 Oonrt Stroet.'
Waller's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 1G0 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped
etc., always on hand.
Ait n
Hun n. .
1 i-i 1 .
11 l;lnifa.njj
ging ftm
"""WW 10
most modem
in f ha li.ti. 1
iM Pam .1..
rnrni r . l
1: it nnim ..
l:. 11. 111 1 1 11
i imea U9, one mi fioit,
TTtiOLUblll 1111 irUDI 161
on right hip, wltecutoa
i'hiu uviici nmt 111 hi
wm Da Btia:orcbiraHki
f 1 lr atik& TJ.
vtuvc uiiii; - waiiwt
comuinin.? over iw Dig
If 1,1 1 1 I H-H
H-t-H"H-fJ"t -t -t -7 I t I I.li.i..f..ir.i. ,T.,r.it..r.t 1111
. . . a . . . . 1 v A t k I .
men with tho unbalanced superstruc
tures nro yet ammig us movinK tht!lr
mysterious way. This sort of thing
-seems to agree with Mr. Uoosovolt,
so the superstitious may sllenco their
fears and await tho" coming, of the
;lth fellow with tho cairn assurance
that ho
will .only runkb tho Whlto
M'.iiiii-n nswi.ll us men nie made miser
able with kidney and bludder' trouble,
anil hoth need the same reat remeily.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. Itissold
1... .1. ;.. r.c... rv-
uy iiiuiaia, 1,1 iiifcji-
ccnt ami onc-loll.ir
si7e bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
liv mail free, ius6 a nom of smivEoot.
. a way station on his road- -
I moiiial letters received from sufferers
The sugfiostlon of Douglas
president ortho OreKonWooTJjrowi
era' Association, aEat ambranebs ,of
tho HvostopR Industry R Orcft'cn bo
lepresented at the innihs qdilonnl
meeting In I'ortlaua should be .'lead
ed by the cnttleM horo. r.oat. and hos
'raisers. Every branch of this great
'industry in tho stutp should bo hoard
in tho councils of that meeting. It
is not u woolgrowcse' convention,
nor a-.cnrtlemen'i) coaventhin. pxcjif
.iively. if 'Is a 'livosW'li convention;
as such should bo heartily sup-
m cured, fn writing Ir. Kilmer & Co.,
Holts, I llinghamtoii, K. Y ntisureiuu mcniiou
llmjajwr uoiri liiaKeiiiiy iiiuiuikc,
'Ut.rwieinucr me name,Bwuiiii-ivuv,i,
Ur. TCilmer'i.'Swauip-Uoot, nud the od-
Irc!..s, lliiiiiauuon, is. v., on tvery
hW;.j .
stpto. .
in that 1 pur
ported atld
every man
suit In the
. ' i
Tho speedy acijulttal of. .Malcolni
A. Moody, In Portland, Wednesday
ovenlng, by n Jury of his poors, bearjj
opt itho statement' mndo by the East
Oregonlan, when Mr., Mooily was,Jn
.dieted, At 'tlmt 'tlhio ''the 'statomdni
iwaB -miiili) that it would require)
something more than barn- .aocuua
tlon to convince tho peoplo of East
ern Oregon- that ottliot1 Malcolm A
Moody, or Asa II, 'xjompson won
guilty of tho crimes charged agalmjt,
To Look Well
your blood must 1kj pure to give
your complexion that ipeculiar
freshness which can only be obtained
when your system is in good
woTl.ing order. Jlcefham'8 ,1'jlls'wlll
Irpnt yol In'con'tioit.. '' ' '
Stiffened EightMnnths
I can heartily recqmmpnd ckef'ij
Tablets 'for' DySp'e'ps'Ia and Stomach
Troubles. I bavo heon suffering for
.eight months' innd -trlod -many 'r6mo-'
dies without any rollof, uitll I got
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, whtchL I
used only a short tlmo and am now
perfectly well, Thanking you for
thp speedy recovqry, J, ,nm creatfully
yours, Francis I, Cannon, Ynncouvor,
Wash. For felo by'Ki W.R Schmidt
Bond to W .11. Hootor &?Co.. nuf.
Thompson, it Is fully bolloved by nll.falo, N. Y,7 forVfroo trial package.
conversant with tho foots, will ro'li"'"""!"
them, and tho somo Bntlmentlsi'ir
fieated today. Tho trial of' -Asa Hi
RETAKE PLEASURE in announcing that Mr.
J. m ACHISON COMPANY will be with
F. C. PRICKETT of the firm
cat nnA v mnuomner j
and will remain until SATURDAY, November 28th. In, order to have
of room in which to place for inspection the samoles. we have secured
rooms of the St. Cieorge Hotel, on Webb street next to the East Oregonian office,
nr,Prickett is a practical tailor and putter, and had perfect success
was nere a short time ago. Every customer
well pleased.
Mens' Suits, Overcoats and Trousers made to order
Ladies' Suits, Cloaks and Skirts'" made to order
for 'the Ladies.
. -He also has with him 150 Ready made Cloaks and Skirts
Venn 'find your , size he has a bargain for you.
Don't forget the time and the place-St George
November J 28th.
& Bon
r, I
r 1 1 M I If 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 ! U i