East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    II -
. .... hut the
I Eastern Oregon Weather
,t ,dVIM
Tonight cloudy with occasion-
rnin; colder.
NO. 41101.
M Lmmj 111 i nil
tions for
a Longer
yjtei Admits inai tia.n
i state Troops Are in
. . . rriu.
n.gihl.itv That They
Called out Governor Pea
minds Federal Troops, But
ill Not Be Sent.
Nov. 20. Agreement has
i .1.. Mtltcnva nnrl thn nl.
mediation commute) may
t plan of settlement which
OilbLDU lJ ,-
for approval.
ernen and mediation com
re in executive Kcsslon at
further attempts to Ann
end tho car strme.
Settlement in Sight.
Mayor Harrison admitted
amoTit .nnt no nail nimnsr.
hopes. Tno steam rail-
ve me BinKu win uv iuu-
Is being prepared for the
Yates In an Interview
in no nur 'hum liuiLUKU
hours, calculations Having
recently lor sucn conun-
may comroni mo nuiii-
.Ihrwlv nails fni. ' nr
Nor, 20. labor leaders
in can nc on leuerai
Tellurite, where a strike
uu niutu jiuy. muy Buy
week. They declare Gov-
V'R fil-nnmn la In ltn'olirn
m u uinr niRniiip rnr nn.
Engineer Disregarded a
With Fatal Result.
, Nov. 20. John W. Heln-
mmivn nnolmini- -,na
to Pocatcllo from Hill-
, uu u cnargo or. man-
was tho fine nraif mi tlm
" mai crasueu into the
otter freight at Inkomon,
tQ nn.l l.lli..., .
uuu iwiitu junies ii..
Wa.t In plinrtrn nf ... t..nl..
- ... ....... n wi mt .......
At tho coroner's Inquest
ai of tho block system
Pfl him il t
RUIHUUI Lllllll.
Thlrty Bodies In the
nuv, ZU, Kim i,,,riirrH,1
n.u luuuicai aim
mu iiuiiuwusi
" -morning. Tho build.
meriy the Tremont hotol.
-ouiue sight, as Su uodles
"'Meeting room. Loss
- o ui mo m
tne ceremony Is
or ono d, '
"Waned by Coe Commit-
t. Kennedy. Lo.
nav. on . ,
ed rimi -"-f'vprpQoi
UIIII U. Imima
mfti.n n ..1
w i c-viivutDuai
" nis todov th .
bean V Ber'8("- The
ueen. verv , .
that LIT l" mantel
.uu.cato a contln-
-c8s and good
" 79
. 784,
Nov. 2o.
'. '6u
canA ii...
-- nneat.
Entombed In a Sewer.
Youngstown, 0., Nov. 20. Men
working In a sewer 15 feet bo
low the Hurfacc, wore entombed
by a collapse this morning. One
body was recovered; another
man was fatally Injured, and
three others are still bencat.i
their timber grave
mi li i
A Third Priest Claims One Dead
Man r'ollowlnq the Other to Den
ver With the Intention of Shooting
Him Row Involves Two Bank
Denver, Nov. 20. Father Lcpore
and Father Sarl-o arc both dying
here as a rosult of a quarrel. A priest
says Sorlcc eamo here for the pur
pose of killing Jjcpore. He claims he
lost $300 In a Pittsburg bank, whlcn
failed, and also lost money In a Now
York bank failure. The latter bank
was conducted by Lepore. The en
mity between tho two men may date
back as far as when they wero boys
together in Italy.
Both Priests Dead.
Denver, Nov. 20. Father Lcpore
anu Father Smiee, !io shot each
other last Wednesday nght, died this
morning. Father Sorleo lot'uscd to
make an ante-mortem statement.
New York &. OttawaChanges Hands
at Auction.
New York. Nov. 20. There is con
siderable speculation in railroad cir
cles as to who win come Into posses
sion nf tho New York & Ottnwa rail
way, which Is to be huiu ut public
auction today at St. Hegls Falls. Al
though tho Ottawa & New York
tho .division which reaches Ottawa
Is operated largely as a separate
corporation, tho fact that tho other
company owns the stock and bonds
of both lines means that tho pur
chaser of tho N. Y. & v. will take
over both roads.
The jJclaware & Hudson railroad
Is believed to have an eye on tno
property, for by the construction of
a connecting line of fifty-live miles
it would havo the most direct line
from New York to tho Adirondacks
and Canada.
HlUyard, Wash., Added to the List of
Free Delivery,
Spoltnue, Nov. 20. iiy the decis
ion of the postoftlco authorities at
Washington, ..iO new rural freo do
livery route from Illllyurd, will go in
to commission on ti.e i'.ist of the
coming year. Thero has been n tan
gle over tho question raised by somo
along the proposed route that the
service would In roaliiy delay ti.o
Tho department has ruled that it
will not. Postmaster Ilarston says
that tho route will bo from Hillynrd
to Foothill iiostomce and icturn
through- Orchaid I-ralrle. It will be
In cnargo of Carrier Uhllg, and will
accommodato over l(,o families in I
tho 25 miles of the route.
Is Son of Ex-Senator Allen, of Seat
tic Was on Spree.
Spokane, Nov. 2D. John B. Allen,
son of ex-Senator Allen, of Soattlo.
wont suddenly insane today noon on
tno streets. He stopped peeplo and
asked them iool questions. Ho tried
to provoke-fights. Ho pulled a knife
when ho was arrested. Ho is locked
up- iHe'Has len here-for a week on
a spree, though was sober when he
wan jailed.
Examiner Ordered tp Take
at Elkhart, Ind.
Elkhart. Ind.. Nov. -0. J'he
tional Bank failed to open for busi
ness this morning. National Bank
Examiner BoBworlh has been In
structed by tho comptroller to tako
charge. Resources and liomniics
each nearly a minion, accorunig m
tho Soptomber report.
Steel Plant Resumes.
PIUHhnrir Nov. 20. Tho entire
plant of tho Pittsburg Steel Company
resumes Monday next, auer u mice
weeks' idleness In which 2,000 men
wero out of cmploymont.
Theater Burned.
Louisville. Nov. 20. iho Hopkins
theator was burned by fire tills morn
ing. Loss, $200,000,
Wife Took His Money.
Wllllnm TlnU-nr of Slinllltor. IS SUillK
tho Suupter National Bank for $800;
drawn out by his wlfo before sho
eloped with tho tinhorn, wniM-r,
President Roosevelt Is So Far Identified With the Irrigation
ists in Favoring Their Repeal.
Brazil and Germany k Stand Ready to Recognize Panama, Great and
Gratifying Progress on World's Fair Trial of Postal Service ".Boodl
ers Postponed Until January Cattle, Timber and Farming Interests
Line Up for Battle. '
Washington, Nov. 20. A sharp
contest has commence,! In earnest
between the vast Western Interests
favoring nd those opposing the re
peal of the public land laws.
The Irrlgationlsts who wnnt tho
laws repealed, seem so fnr to have
the liest of tho argument,,, although
the lumber and grazing interest aro
making a heavy light,
Roosevelt favors the irrlgation
lsts. Senator Hansbrough, of North
Dakota, Is leading tho forces oppos
ed to the repeal of tho land acts.
He will be seconded by senators and
congressmen from Wyoming, Nebras
ka, Montana and other grazing states.
The irrlgationlsts aro exhibiting
ngures to tho legislators, showing
that at the present rato of reckless
and wnstciul lumbering, it will bo
only 40 years bef&ro every foot of
timber In tho United States will be
destroyed, and at tho rato tho pub
lic domain is being absorbed by the
cattle and lumber companies, It will
require but five years to take up all
the land the government has in its
Investigating General Wood.
Washington, Nov. 20,r-ThuveS-tlgatlon
s)t General Wood's couduct
while military governor of Cuba, and
hearing objections to his nomination
to be major-general, began this morn
ing before tne senate committee on
military affairs.
Behind Closed Doors.
Senator Teller and ex-Inspector
Ituthbono worn present as witnesses.
After considerable discussion it was
decided the hearing should be re
garded us executive business and all
but members of the committee wero
requestod to leave tho room. Fur
ther proceedings are behind closed
doors, witnesses awaiting call.
Senator Hanna's Testimony.
Senator Hntina was the first wit
ness before the military committee.
Ho attneked General Wood and de
clared lie used his influence to per
secute Mr. Itathbono, yet the latter
was convicted on hU ovldcncu alone,
and by Wood's direction. This abuse
of power Mr. Hauna contended to
be sufficient to show Wood is not lit
for the office.
Will Be Officially Received.
Washington, Nov. 20. Minister
arllla has arranged to present tho
Pannmn commissioners to secretary
Townshp pitted on Snake River,
of Lewston-
Lewlstou. Idaho. Nov. 20. iho lo
cal land office today received a plat
of township 32, range G west, from
n f nnlmnn Tilt
1 m w o m or entry
land will be tin own open for entry
,,ecomber2 .Tho ton8 lp "
.b.,SJf.k.?',verif".d r' rh
m xAn.Btuu. , , 41
a ready been BPttlod on many of the
places having bem Ihed on for.
Steamer From Cook's
Down With Ten
Inlet Comes
People and
Seattle. Nov. 20. The steamer
Santa Ana, Captain L. J. Schage. ar
rivnrt Inst nlcht from Cook's Inlet
rived last night from Cook's Inlet
and tho Copper river district with
It is reported that Professor R. C.
French, of tho Weston Normal
School, is much better today, and
that It Is now but a matter of tlmo
until ho Is ouco more In his chair
at tho school. This is a great sourco
of pleasure und gratification to his
many friends, for it was thought at
tho time of tho operation that ho had
a very slight chance of recovery.
1 ere Is a great uoal of feeling in
Weston over the case and subsequent
operation, and about tho difference
In tho opinions of tho consulting phy
sicians. It seems that when Presi
dent French was takon 111 6no of tho
physicians of tho city was called and
stated that he was suffering from
colic nnd would bo nil right In. a
short time- This ns not satisfactory
fight has
Hay tomorrow. They will bo recciv
od In the afternoon by President
Debate on Cuban Bill,
In tho house Mr. Ilroussard open
ed the debate on tho Cuban bill when
tho house met at noon today, apeak
ing agninst its passage. It Is expect
ed the vote this afternoon will de
termine the fato of tho bill to
carry out tho provisions of tho re
cent treaty with Cuba. Tho result
Is a foregone conclusion, as tho de
bate has been purely perfunctory.
Americans In No Danger.
Panama, Nov 20.- Reassuring ad
vices from Rogotn state thero is no
demonstration against Americans,
nnd If there are any tho Colombian
government will protect them.
Constitutional Convention.
Washington, Nov. 20. Minister Va
Hlla introduced tho Panama commis
sioners to Secretary Hay this morn
ing. Tho commissioners stated that
the call fcr a constitutional conven
tion would be made soon as possi
bfe. They had a cable from iho gov
crument last night to that effect.
More Recognition of Panama.
Washington, Nov. 20. Cables wero
received by the department of stato
this morning trom Brazil and Ger
many, each Inu.cating that as soon as
a regular government Is at' work in
Panama they aro ready to ofllrtally
recognize that .government.
Trials Postponed.
Washington. Nov. 20. On agree
ment of counsel this morning tho
trial of Machen, Gruff Brothers and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz, enarged with
conspiracy and postal frauds, Is post'
pomil until tho second week in Janu
Relating to World's Fair.
Washington, Nov. 20. President
of the Louisiana Purchase Kxposl
tion, today submitted a report to
President Boosovelt showing pro
gress as the result of the oypendlturo
of $1G,100,000 contributed equally by
tho government, tho exposition com
pany and tho city of St. Lou(s. Re
ports everything exceptionally favor
The total amount up to date for
foreign displays la 7.O00,000. being
$1,250,OmO moro than lie entlro for
eign display at tho Chicago fair.
Tho tinned States government dls
play will bo tho largest over appro
priated b any government. Tho
Philippine exhibit will bo exception
ally fine.
1 70 passengers and $80,000 In gold,
j The Santa Ana also Drought 300
tons of oi
ni!o at E
ore from the Gladbaugh
Hamar, and 1,500 cases of
salmon from tho Yess, ijundas and
Sitka bay canneries.
Among tho passengers of tho Santa
Ana wero E. S. Churchill, who Is at-
mpUng to establish a colony of
yUmB QU peninsula, and
charlw Dedney, proprietor of tho
St Ellas hotel, at Va.dez. The Santa
Ana brings out nearly all the mlnon
Cook,8 countrle,
. ,n ...h ,,,.
Calls for Bank Report. "
Washington, Nov. 20. The comri
trollcr calls for reports of the condl
tion of national banks at tho cJoacol
business, November j!7.
Mayor Bchmltz, of San Franciscrj
has filed a sworn statement mat be
expended )595 to secure bB ro-c)Se
to the patient and a doctor from!
Walla Walla was sent for, - j
A consultation was held apd th
Walla Walla doctor decided that
French was suffering from append!-;
cltis. Tho Weston phytdefan dented
this and objected. U .Ibc .diagnosis','
but the patient was taken In the faco.
of his opposition to Walla Walla, and
tho operation performed, ft
When the cavity was . entd thp
end of tho appendlr "war fcu-d to bo
In a gangrenous i tato u.id the cavity
lined vltiBpitt. .Atjfthntt'MO it wa
not thought ihnfi thai pa icnt could,
live, bUt ilslphjrslcal at'e-nth hai
pulled hlmj through. ial tho operaf?
tion not- been performed, 'l Mon.il
French could .not .havo .Hv d mor
than 36 hours, accorinn- -to tba
statement of his physicians,
Demand Lower Freights,
Now York, Nov. 20. Hallway
representatives arc In confer
ence today with reprosentatlvea
of uic steel Interests regarding
freight reduction on products for
oxport. Tho manufacturers de
mand n 50 per cent reduction, to
enable them-to compote with for
eign manufacturers. Tho rail
roads also demand n reduction
in ocean freight on steel rails.
Believed That He Has Cancer, With
Which Disease His Father Was Ar.
fllcted First Symptoms Were
Identically the Same .ii Both Cases.
Heillu, Nov. 20. A Ecm!-o(uclnl
newspaper, tho Pottsdamer, corres
pondence to which la often Inspired
in palace circles Unlay announces
tho physicians have given the knlsor
permission to spent! Christmas with
his lamlly, but Is ordered to mimed!
ately go south thereafter. Ho will
make a long btay in Italy to rccru.
his health.
Tho report causes great alarm, and
the papers recall that .niperor Fred
erick, after what was announced to
be a small throat operation, was also
sent to San Remo, where the death
sentence was passed by cancer spec-
Death Penalty at Cheyenne and Salt
Lake. "
Cheyenne, Nov, 20. Tom Horn
was hnnged at U:o2 tu,u morning.
Just before tho trap sprung ho de
clared his Innocence. ..u showed no
signs of fenr.
There was not tho slightest show
of an attempt on tho part of Horn's
friends to Interfere. Tho militia was
prepared for a bloody battle with
loaded rifles.
Salt Lake Execution.
Halt Ijike, Nov. 20. Mortensn,
eforo be.ng strapped to the chair,
facing tho riflemen, mudo u long
statement tp tho nuwspaper men, de
claring nis innocence of tho Hay mur
der, I lay lie called his best friend.
Three bullets pierced hlu heart.
Great Impetus From Decision
Princeton to Take part.
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 20 Irinco
ton Untvcislty, which was 'represent
ed in tho Olympic Games at Athuns
in 189C and at Paris In 11)00, has do
tided to take part als. Hi tho athletic
contests to be neld in conjunction
with tho world's fair f Sr.ir.biiiil next
June. "
Amonir those who Hvlll f-omnottt mi
ner the Princeton colors are -U' .i
Marsh, the Intercolleglatu half-mile
runner; J, K.UqWitt, lutcrcolrgljtl6
hammer thrower; nil. 10, WijlJarijs,
I'rlncuton h foremost nnmem J.i M
Porry, W. it, Arms'troui;, nnil'miviTitl
outers yet. io iuu .uwimvii.
Idaho Attgrn'ey "Ondtr Bndt 'F6r6er-
' ' lout Crime.M
LowlHtorf, Idaho, l.ov. 20 Hcott
Ogden, uu nttqrn'py dnd-rorln'r Nomi
nee for uc kxlulntiiro jrnn' N'ez
Perco coimty.-OU. jirellmlnary oxarnl-
nation at tosco'w, has b'don'liold In
$ .JVi borios on. trie rnait!0- ofcnmi-
tinl flmf.-llift" 4 TItm t,.,t.,l(nltiv lil.
ncssf' Is SisV' DuffV; a! If' year' old"
'SlKoi'Trciy, I
. t ifPr Fr, Ordinance
iChlof Pea re. 4t the La,Orande fire.
utparuoetai is Tanning -every c-iori to
securo tue passage of -run fire-ordi
nance, provldiug for tho. alarm sys
tem, over J tho mayor tvoua. He Is
enthuslasticii and In, coriildvnt. that
the eOuncU-wlll uMalu,hlml
- l x vi- j i .
' One ' Main 'Crossed tht Qctan.
pibNfar, Nov. 20. The' Jlttlo
American, sloop Columbia, with'-only
Captain- Vbajsg .aboard', .Brrlyiil' here
tins morning irom. iiiosion, aiur
hundred dav vovaiil " '' '
9ANGERVV 'liL. f
(Vlrt, Fred' W.alte,' LVng' at?' jhe 'point
of 'Death at Colfax.
Fred Walte1 was 'called io Colfax
yesterday by a message Btatlng that
his wife, who has been there for
some time for i'o benefit of her
health, wag supposed to bo dying,
During thb early "part of tho summer
Mrs, Watte began to be troubled 'with
her lungs, and developed a- case of
asthma.. Not being abla to remain in
this climate, she wont to Colfax to
live with relatives In tho hope that
the altltudo thore would bo of bene
fit to her1. This Las' not been tho
case, however, and she has been
growing gradually worse until It Is
not thought that she can recover.
Head End Collision in Illinois
Nearly Wipes Out the Crew
of a Work Train.
Only Fifty Feet Between the Engines
When They Sighted Each Other
Mats of Debris Plied Thirty Feet
High Sound of Collision Wat
Heard for Miles Caused by Mis
understanding of Orders.
I'ooi i.i. III.. Nov. 20. Twentyono
men were killed nnd fifteen Injured
today In a head-end collision between
a westbound freight train and a work
train on tho Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Chicago & St. t.ouls railroad betwoun
i..acklnaw nnd Titnont, 111. Tho
bodies have- been taken from the dri
brls, wlilcn piled ,10 feet high on the
The collision occurred In a dtop
cut nt the beginning oi a Bhnrp curve
neither train bring visible to the
crew of tho other Until wijhln 50 fcot
of each o...er. Tlt trains struck with
such force that the sound was heuhl
for miles nrolind. A second after tno
collision .the boiler of tno work train
engine xp otled, throwing heavy Iron
bars and timbers 200 feet.
salt Lake bridge finished.
Longest Br'dge, In, the ' Wori) and
Cost $6,000,000.
Sail Uiko City, Utah, Nov. 2(1, -Today
marked tho completion and
formal opunlng- of thn- great cut nil
bridge constructed by the. Union Pa
ciflc -itallroad ncrons Salt Lake,,
though tho structuro will not, be
iiseil for regular traffic until the first
of tho coming month, li. 11. Uarrl
man and other officials of the llnltm,
Pacific anil of tho Oregon Short Lino
are hero for flu Official test or tho
bridge. 1
The bridge1 now completed' wits
hi'llll In Die fuce of difficulties re
garded almost insurmountable' mid
Its roiiHlrm-llmi Ik looked upon us ono
.of tho greatest engineering- trliimpbt
oven achieved In the (il. ,'uw
structure is forty milts long audilts
coiinlriictloii i-oiq upwnrdH ot $i,tKK.
W''- .
, ., p'rlE.SBYTpRIAN'siDCIL.;,
SpeclaV Featdrc of the CyJ;n,ln'd h, a
Secret Until You Get There. '
The ladiwi or' il.;.1' vi.'rl.in
clnlfcji wll) give t s'fMal 'this even
IpK at tlio t'litiri-li,.. wh u 'promlXek
to be a unique ii,f(alr TTfy W"'
Bomo novel jlliin '"'fit' fiitertuln'meiit
niUHipud out, but will 'not iho divulged
until tin; people Imvo Kiilhured for
tho- uvuulng. i . rn-i 'i- m
In many of tbn wlndinr,i ofi Hie
liiiulneHH hoiuou diuvii Uiwili, Imvo
been 'placed large placui's tlieatlng
tho letters (i II. H.,
hp tjh U'y (' the sf.
H., which sei'iii.lo
uritt Vr rlii- Vnn.
l)g- I.!0
Jg. tiovvevvr. '(Ill's "Ht t-rt ''1 'pll(Ht
fcalotM giiardbd hiiH Wj' npt.be
lifdloa have glvoTi flcv'ral 'WmJt. ifi'tbr
estlng sodnlsln tbo'iiAHt 'ltvlH"to bo
nreniiined 'thati tbl- oyciiliuc rvUi 1
no' exrep'K'D--'' ' r ' ,i
!ii'- - M---- i.U'l- !
'I - j-m.i.j. i . ,,i ,h i, . j, , ,i
More- Candidate fart t!.. -CkwII,
With Another- Cahdldatt for Mayor
"Pi fneBacTgrduna. - - -- - "'
Petitions aro out- fdT'twif"nttwim
dTdotcs ,for Pht ofilco li jiloi-rBmif
ttoiii- lh- first wurT.-iVuiri,CvKilli
aid WlJIInm F Templif. are botli
after tho honors, and' their pMltlonK
Mhl bu. filed In dim lime - lilnlh nlj
tie paiTH are finding good smijiorl
This makes three candldattts In Ihir
ffj-st ward for two qmres, J, f. For
irhson having been first In the field,
vfltli his petition soMo tlmo ago.
Thero are rumors ot a. new randl
ifSto for mayor but who Is going tot
make tho rucq is nut J.nqwii, jtltbuugh
it is, .said fliat a petition will' be fllei"
nl Iho last moment with a good h)ioh
ig of names. .
. 1 f-
J, B. franklin Will. Have a Hearing
ueiore liomnpssioncr r)aueys
J. It. Franklin was arrested iht
rJSornlng for giving whiskey to Inrtl
ans and Is now In the county JulL
IJo will bp arraigned thin evening
before United States Commissioner
John Galley, Jr., and1 In all prob.i.
Idllty will bo bound over to Itiq fed
oral grand Jury, for tho evidence
against him Is conclusive. This
makes several times., that Frankllrf
Iras been up for tho same thing, li
(act1, he seems th be tho clilefi sOiiri
of firewater- io tbi .tlilrty,rofliiu)p
around this '"y.