East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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The Greatest of Living
Clairvoyants and
THE MAHATMA, the noted
palmist, arrived in Pendleton.
This gentleman has been in many
parts of the world. His lectures
on the science of palmistry and
.-occultism were attended by the
elito of Manchester and London.
Hcver since the days of Dr. Comb
have so many people of note been
drawn to the lecture hall of the
hall of science. Many noted per
sonages submitted their hands to
be read in open assemblage. It
was confessed by many of th sub
jects that the gentleman had no
way of finding out what their in
tendons were only through his
psychic powers. One lady made
open confession that every word
the Mahatma had said was true.
Many were startled when events
of their past were pointed out to
The Mahatma has cngag d a J
Aulte of rooms at the Arlington,
618 Main street, where he will
give private readings hi palmistry.
The press of America and Europe
has given more extenoec notice ol;
"kis psychic an j palmist than any
person in the profession. The
New York Herald says: "Menlike
Chiro and the Mahatma command
attention and respect for their
deep learning and abil'ty in read
ing the liWs of men, women and
cl ildren, from the palm "
The Manatma was at Colorado
pritiRS for three years, and has
'read the most prominent people
in the state of Colorado. If the
Mahatma was not superior to many
who visit the Springs he could not
remain there. Eight months in
Seattle and nine weeks in What
com speak for the Mahatma great
er than self praise. His studio at
Whatcom was crowded day after
' day and the predictions given by
this modern prophet were fulfilled
to the Ittter. It matters not what
you want to know, he can unravel
the mysteries of your life. Your
past, present and future are writ
ten in the lines of your hand. If
you want to learn personal mag
netism, magnetic healing, palmis
try or your psychic gifts developed
call and talk to the Mahatma, it
will not cost you one cent. The
Mahatma read the hands of more
than ,ooo people in Seattle, 2,000
duiing the week of the Elks' fair.
Your ask what he charges you
have the price. No one is turned
away. His rooms will remain
open from 9 a. m until 9 p m.
Home Sundays.
Wfcat Tnev Sav About Him
The Mahatma predicted the'as- J
saSSinatlon 01 rrcaiucui ii.jiiuni
Georges Weekly.
The Mahatrra's prediction on
McKinley came true. Denver
A remarkable psychic. Mrs.
Annie Besant.
1 thank yen for the interest you
I have taken in itrs. McKinley. Am
pleased to learn t'lt will recover.
Wm. McKinley.
Heading correct Clark Bell.
Medico-Legal jou ltd), H. Y.
It's all true. Kit' rt Gi Inger-
God has giveu smiic of his chil
dren the porter to tlivine the fu
ture. Rev. Do Witt Talmage.
vMp-mmmW JIHuggHI
1 B
De Wolf
Charles Dickens' immortal charac
ter, "Mr. Pickwick," on the stngo,
has proven a great treat to Ameri
can lovers of tho famous English
author's masterpiece, and the same
may be predicted in the case 0
Dickens home-country admirers who
are to be afforded the opportunity of
witnessing De Wolf Hopper or "that I
pan the hardpon is nut alike, in
some places It is actually vitrified, !
and in other places you can break it
up. !
I have lost the thread of my j
thought. These old farmers havo
not got a monopoly of language like
tho lawyers, and it is easy for them
to get rattled.
Is Left on the Surface.
These alkalies, this potash, that
we have here when we jour water
onto It enters into a solution with
the water just as if it were In a dish.
It cannot run away because the bot
tom is sealed up. The evaporation
takes place and It is brought to the
surface by capillary attraction.
When our water runs down to the sea
and our great Irrigator, the sun,
shines upon It, it forces out all the
salt and water, up into the clouds
and bears It away and It falls down
In showers. There Is BO alltall, no
salt there. In this cape, the salt is
left on the surface, and because the
most sensitive part of n plant is tne
crown, and when the alkali is on tne
surface that is the very worst place
it can be Now if we can find any
means of stopping the evaporation.
If we can get that not to come to the
surface, and can cover it so that the
evaporation takes place through tho
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Knn Francisco. Oct 5. I
To F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy: j
Dear Sirs There are daily occur-'
ronces in this city that ought to be
known all over the world. A guile-
less old gentleman and octogenarian,
a distant relative of Robert Fulton,
of first steamship fame, nas saveu mu
lives of hundreds (probably thous
ands) after they were believed to be
beyond human aid. His discovery is
undoubtedly the long-Bougui ture jui
Bright's DiBcasa and Diabetes.
TWb Is not easy of lielief, and it Is
the purpose of a number of business
and professional men of this city (of
t nm nnnl tn tell the people.
V uuu ' - -
You arc hereby authorized to tell all
those in your city wno navu bhuui
n,iv,' niconnn n- Diabetes, that
nonriv ninrwtonths of them can re
cover. Among the business men who
are giving moral ana nnnuciai nu im
port ana wno wouiu give "
,,A .inn, won not strlctlv true, are
kill- ' -- -
Hon. D. M. Burns, President Caudel-
aria Mining uompany; r,uuru
n.nalrlnnt nf IllllWl.- jC- JOIH'S COmDA-
ny; Cnptain Roberts, President Boca
and Loyaiton 11. 11. to.; "r"
Patrick, uapitansi; u. iu.
nnitoiit. -or n Price. CnDitallst:
Wm. Bharp, Capitalist; C. W, Clark.
Capitalist, ana many umuro.
nomnlilpts herewith nre to bo given
on (nmilrpr without charge. They
give the complete history of our long
and exhaustive lnvesuguuuu.
yours iruiy,
Presldent Pacific States Ty't&r.'Tonor
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
i.nn.. wltK mmriAlpnt ririvftrB for
commercial men. Speedy horses and
nanuaome np lur uruuiuE iuiu ouu
day drives. Gentle horses tor family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care riven to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton
"Phone Meln 161,
truly great man," next pcacon, When
the De Wolf Hopper Opera Company
visits London and other English
cities. "Air. Pickwick," will bo soon
at the Frazer on Thursday, Novem
ber 19. ABide from tho "Boston!
ans,1' which comes to tho Frazor In
the near future this will bo the most
elaborate production in Pendleton
this year.
leaves of tho plant, the alkali will
not bother us.
We had some three hundred acres
of ground In California and wo want
ed to plant on orchard. The ground
was so largely alkali, that wo could
not start alfalfa. We marked tho
ground out into EOfoot squares,
atid took a bar and punched a hole
down through the hardpan, which
was not far from tho surface. Wo
then broke up the nardpan with dyna
mite. We then planted out our wal
nut trees In the holes and wont to
work Irrigating that land. Alter two
years the alkali came back worse
than It ever was buforo. Why!
(With us farmers the question why,
constantly confronts us.) We dug
down as well as we could and then
bored down and came to another
hardpan. We went to work and
broke up that hardpan and got rid of
our alkali. It was merely a question
Pi 0ettng it to go down with the
It hUK been questioned how strong
on alkaline water can be used for Irri
gation experiments. You often
romo across something you call al
kali, that Is a white ash, volcanic.
Get some paper, you can get enough
to last two or three years for ten
cents. You don't want to take bole
of it with your hands, it Is better
to handio it with a pair of forceps.
Put this in the wator.
We found thnt peas, one of t-o
plants most sensitivo to the alkali,
will stand to be irrigated with water
whuro tho plnkiet piper rcmalnB
pink for five minutes at a temporn
ture of 60 degrees. It Is not tiue
that this water cannot bo used for
irrigation purposes in most cases
taken. Potatoes and cabbage, and
a great many plants will grow in tne
BtrongeBt kind of alkali that you can
find, for instance, celery, onions and
asparagus. These plants will grow
in tho very strongest klud of alkali.
1 Irrigate With Champagne.
1 hncn flmnnprf nnnthpr thnilfht.
somewhere. Oh, yes; there was a
little meeting of irrigators not very
l,inr npn n'tin iiaA rinhnmnnimn i
think they callod it they all sur
vived. 1 don't know whether tho
plant would stand it or not, now
At the little ono-horso experiment
station at union, muy can 11 uur
borse there, wc had a lot of alkau
frnnnrl thnt ipft mum net no SOCd tO
grow on. Ve dug down until we
camo to this volcanic ash. It Is
very porods. Within ono year anor
the time wo dug those ditcbos and
allowed -the water to got out, we
could grow anything on there Just
as well as wo could on any other
place. .
f lu nn rlmlnnrl imtind thfl donthfl
of the drains dopending on tho lkall
nhnwn If vrm hftv n UOrOUS 8U0-
soilrthe drains can be tar apart. By
allowing tho water to run away, you
can get rid of sufficient alkali to get
good land. In some cases where the
fall Is loss than one foot in a hundred
you will have difficulty In koeping
tha drain nrwm. Wn hit On a haDDV
thought there Is always a way of
doing wings ca6y ana aug jiiu
well so that wo couia navo coverou
with n hoard, and we let the
water go in thoro. That well was
deeper than the drain, and the sedl-
martt mno llmniwd down thOSO WellS.
nnd then we cleaned tho wells out.
We roado a success.
At to Different Kinds.
There ar different kinds of alkali.
1.111 finri thnt hlnclf alkali, so-
called, is nothing but carbonate of
soda, and is tne worst xorrn 01 u.
Now, by the addition of quite a small
t aiilnhntn of lime on that
land, from 100 to 200 pounds to tho
acre, placed on that land. It will con
vert' usually the wbolo amount of
m.Unnta nf anrift IntO BaltS. and
thoy do not Injure growth seriously,
unless there is a very isrco uiuv
Black alkali Is always hardor to
wash nut hut vou can always change
it Into Bait, , .
In California I procurca a pmui
from Atmtrnlln known OB tho SOU
bush that grow on alkali land with
great success. I planted It on this
nil-nil lnnJ In Pflllffimln. It WOUld
grow In tho strongest kind of whlto
alkali, but not in tne strongest kuiu
of black alkali. icre is no ques-n-hnt
it would take from the
soil 600 pound8 of alkali. It has boon
said that you couia grow bikuii um
with sugar beets, but this does not
nAnm ft mo nmhnhln. However, it
requires mlldor climate for this Cali
fornia plant, man wo navo ncro.
Strenuous National Campaign in
Their Behalf.
Philndnlnhla. Pa.. Nov. 16. Ab a
result of nction to be taken at tho
convention of tho American Orni
thologists' Union, which began In
this city today, a strenuous crusade
is to bo undertaken to protect tho
birds of North America, working
In coniunctlon with tho various Au
dubon societies throughout the coun
try the union Droposes to make or
ganized efforts to have stricter gamo
laws pasBed in tho various states an
to see that theso laws are rigidly en
forced. The co-oneration of women s
clubs is Bought and ji Is also pro
posed to Interest Bchooi teacners
throuchout the country In the move
ment. The union cites the DgurcB
tn Rhow that hundreds of thousands
of birds are killed annually for their
plumage alone and that this wanton
destruction, unless measures are
taken to check It, must necessarily
result in the extermination of many
species of feathered warbierB within
a Bhort time.
now ModrrM War Mrt fcoa Trr tb
Soldiers' nerve.
Tndnr n man may die as soon a the
enemy's guns, hidden nwny In the dis
tant, cloud topped mountains seven
miles away, begin to talk. Ana over
thnt seven miles he must walk with
caution, with n wide Interval between
him nnd his pals on either hand. He
must lie down at every Bhort halt and
nnrntrn the crouud hurriedly with his
little spade nt every long one, for the
great shells nre sailing toward nun.
and he sees by his officer's eye and
hnnrs hr commnnds that It is con
sidered that he may perish at any mo
ment and that precautions are neces
mirv tn tiri'sorve him. He sees, more
over, bow futile those precautions must
be If one of those monsters uownng
overhead should iuud as near to him as
the last one did to thnt blasted tree,
for Instance, with Its scorched, dan
gling HinbH and the huge charred fls
Eim. In its Rtnot trunk, or as the one
before did to the team of mules In the
ambulance wngon, now a screaming.
Btruccliuc Jumble of harness and
bloody lleah.
All this 1b d sn iritlnc nnd nppears nn-
niwssnrv. The country on all Bides is
ns muceful uk his nntive dale, not n
sigu of an enemy. Even the great blue
hill ahead, on which he is tola tne que
mr'H loin? runs nre nosted. looks as
quiet as the mountain on a ChriBtmnB
card. Yet for two miles ne waits
through death, thinking only of It be
thrrfi la nothinc else to think of.
and then ns twilight falls bivouacs In
extended line, bccb his menus run xor
their tea betweeu the fall of the shells,
notices one of them time IiIb run back
badly and meet a projectile in run ca
reer, to part from It nn awful nnd dis
gusting offense, nnd then lies down in
the darkness with shaking nerves and
the thought thnt five worse miles still
intervene between him und the guns he
knows he Is Intended to tnkc.
Next nioniiiii: he In awakened by n
shell. Is inarched wilh Infinite caution
for two more miles, bhelled the whole
way. Is shelled eveu In bis bivouue by
the' light of the moon und us he watch
es the proJeeWt burnting like water
spouts of lire nlonj; Ills hillside Is glad
when be I told that tomorrow will U
the irattle. nfter wiiW-ti ir he wins mid
if lie lives he may t uMe to walk at!-l
sleep in pwiv for ii s;iticc.-"i M'"'
iimn" in Now oru ortu.
"Little Outcast" Tomorrow.
May Stockton, as Bob, will be seen
In "The Little Outcast" at the Frazer
tomorrow n ht. "The Little Out
cast" has had a Euccossful run this
season and will be a welcome chango
from the musical comedies that are
billed for tnis city. At tho Frazer
tomorrow night.
A Scientific Discovery.
Koilol Dyspepsia Cure does for the
stomach that which It Is unablo to
do for Itself ovon when slightly dis
ordered or ovor-loadod. Kodol Dy-
t PnM mil 1 (im thn natural
Juices of digestion and aoes the work
of the Biomacn, reiaxiuE i"
tension, whllo tho Inflamed muscles
of that organ aro allowed to rest and
beal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and enables tho stom
ach and digestive organs to transform
all food Into rich, red blood. Sold
by Tallmau & Co.
New roady-mad skirts arriving
dally at Teutsch'e.
Mm sc. 1
THE CIGAR that's proud
of its name, - because its
quality is always the same.
Insurance at Cost'
14,370,113.00 J
Of Insurance In force J
A Striotly Mutual Home
H. RICE, Freewater.
Agent for Umatilla County. 2
J. P. WALKER, city agent for J
TXAtirllnrnn A
4 I
Don't be satisfied to move
along in the winie old way for
low wages. We can lit-lpyou
carve out a successful career.
Thousands have incrcaced their
salaries by followinp; our plan.
We can train you In spare time
and at small co-t for any of the
following positions :
Mecliatlcul. Electrical, SteBiu,
or Civil Knulnttr, Kluctriclnn.
Surveyor. Architect, Drnrt
rtin. blooklt - epor, Steniicroph
cr. Teocher, Hllow Card Writer
Window Dretwr, or Art, Writer
Box 799
Or uill on our local reirticntu
the, T W. Bracking, 27Lttstrett
Pendleton, Ore.
When You Order
vou are ure of two thli.gs-
1st. You can't get u? good for
letw money.
2ud- You can't get totter t
any price.
Low price is an argument no
real salesman cuie to nee.
It Ib the best evidence that bi
goods are weak on quality and
quality ii remembered long aftr
price la forgotten.
The quality of our bruntl gives
us the biggest biscuit business on
tiie coast.
It will do as much for you.
i i
Standard Grocery Co. J
Not In njr Trut 218 Court Huovl
A Resident of Pendleton Shows the
Onltf rtnn nrnv in fIirf fl bad back.
Liniments and plasters may relieve
They won't cure It,
Backache means sick kidneys.
Doan's Kidney 1111s euro all kidney
Pendleton people prove this.
Read a case of it:
Mrs. J. Brynk, who lives on Star
stroet, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills arc
a grand medicine, as I know from ex
perience, 'and I havo no hesitation la
Baying thnt any sufferer from back
ache or other kidney troubles who
will give them a fair trial, will be more
than well satisfied with tho reaults.
I Buffered from three or four years
with sharp pains In my back which
bocamo acute when I attempted to
bond over, or to lift anything. Be
sides, I had rheumatism or lumbago
In my loft arm so imd that I could not
raise It nbovj my ahoulder without
assistance from my left hand. I eaw
Doan's Kidney Pills ndvertlsed and
got a box at tho Bro :k & McComas
Co drug Btore. AVnoa I Jiad used
three boxos tho bac0' ho had van
ished and with it tlm rneuruatlc pains
through my arms."
For sale ly ell icalor8. Price CO
cents per box. Foo'or Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.t sole Ofccnts f0r the
Unltod 8tatos. ,..a
Remember tho name DO AN 8
and take no other.
The only smoke that
never changes in
aroma or in price.
The Largest Selling
Brand of Cigan
in the World
it the Smohtr1!
Him 1
l II H E I Ii mm I
I 1 mm
Headed by ihe
Now on Sale at
Brock & McComu
Drug Store
a 2 O'clock
T I HE. tnu
t, .1.1c in mini
3 1 . v .1 nil o.w -
Poultry anu
r P r.nieswor
. Tlx
Aeent for iB
A r.tianCC
of a Life Ti
All laciai .i.m
leavinK n0 til
without leaving w
Call on
T H.
T I Mf
bundrrd. Ttie ,s,,l