East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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baer & d ale y i NEWS OF ATHENA NEWS OF
Remember the St. Joe Store will
glvo away absolutely free, $100 la
gold. December 24th. A ticket given
with each dollar purchase. See that
you get your tickets,
A black bear, weighing 400 pounds,
was killed at Grant's Pass Sunday
One Price Clothiers. Furnishers, Hatters
The Talk of the Town
Our overcoats and Suits at $7, $JO
and $2.50.
Elk Brand, and Longlcy at $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.50
We have the best makes at $2.50,
$3fOO, $3.50 and $4.00
The Very Best Values
M-I f -H I I I M1H1 1 1 l ..H.
The Federation of Labor,
sion at Boston, voted $1,000
In ses
to the
striking Colorado miners.
The Cuban congress has voted
Maximo Gomez a present outright of
JiO.000 cash. Gomez is 7C years olu
and Tory poor.
Mayor-elect McClcllan. of New
Tork, will not stand for a wide-open
town so he says. Such a stand oa ,
tl.e part of a man who ewes his "lec
tion to Tammanv makes the ticer'
J. R. Henry, a great-grandson of
Patrick Henry, was killed by a train
last week at Klliston. Va, His son !
was killed near the same spot two
years ago by the explosion of an en
gine. A heavily armed, irresponsible
crank tried to gain access to Gover-)
nor Peabody at Denver. Saturday (
last. There is little doubt that he
meant murder. He was taken in
Germany "s consular department is
doing business right along with the j
Kepublic of Panama, under lnstruc- j
tions from home, although the new
government lias, not been officially '
recognized at Berlin.
Edward Wentz, the missing mil
lionaire colporteur, was either mur
dered by moonshiners in Eastern
Kentucky, who thought he was a de
tective, or else was murdered for
money, or else fell over a cliff, or
i-andered away and died of star
tion raid exposure, or became sud
denly insane and vamoosed, or else
Is held a prisoner in hopes of a ran
som being paid for his release, or
something else has happened to him.
Gay Harshman. the O. R. &. X.
bold-up. pleaded guilty to all the
tbarges against him in Portland, Sat
urday evening. He will probably get
the limit 10 years.
An outfit at Aberdeen, Wash., is
preparing to explore a cannibal island
ff the coast of Mexico. No expedi
tion has ever returned from the
island, although three have been sent
Charles Erickson and Henry Sture.!
of Astoria, are supposed to have
i T. - j j w "." 1
apen boat for Blind Slough, and have
aot since been seen.
A reward of $1,000 has been offer
ed by the county court of Harney
county for the murderer of Salvador
Olivarles, who was found shot to
death on the range near Stein's
Mountain, some months ago.
Adam Schmitt, of Walla Walla,
las been found guilty on nine counts
uf perjury for swearing falsely to
naturalization papers. at Walla
Walla, during the city election cam
paign in AugusL His bond was fix
ed Saturday at 16,000, which he fur
Tbe beat prapMitiont In Oregon
Fine vacant lots, 6 blocks
from Main St., $50 to 150
Two blocks, with 5000
improvements, $7000.
4000 buys a 1 2 -room house
and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main
st. Rents steady at $35.
X 1S00 Two bouses and 2 4
lots, good location, together
xent for $20,
y, interest in good paying
business on Main st. Stock
at invoice.
I450 per acre 20 acre sub
urban garden tract.
One block (14 lots), good
improvements, with green
house cheap.
Best wheat land In Umatilla
county. Tract of 100 to 2000
Call and us We cau show
you tioiuethlng that you will like
E. T. Wade & Son t
v. o. 1101 ai
Plmne Black till Office in K. O. Bldx -t
to prevent Pneumonia, and Constipa
tion Is to cure your cola -when It Srst
appears. Acker's English Remedy
will stop tbe cough in ft night, and
orlvo the cold' out of your system.
Always a quiet and sure cure for
ABthraa, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung troubles. If it does not
satisfy you we wtll refund your
for the Least Money t
I i f, I 1 I 1 M I I I I 1 1 1 !
Hotel Pendleton.
1. Allenhoff. Portland.
H. H. Codlon, Minneapolis
J. H. Hopkins. Louisville
G. D. Galley. Portland.
Phil Jarcr.
J. R. Basson. Portland.
A. B. Wlnfree. Baker City.
W. H. Wlnfree and wife, Spokane.
u .u. Herman, Chicago.
John W. Hanson, Chicago.
Harry Casey, San Francisco.
A. SInsheimer, Portland.
A. Stringer.
A. W. Whitmore. Portlnnd.
C. E. Bade,
E. B. Knapp, Boston.
J. M. Hogan. Seattle.
George F. Mozer. San Francisco
E. U Barnett, Atncna.
Si. L. Baer. Seate.
A. Myer, San Francisco.
I Allehoff. Portland.
X. B. Macklen. Portland.
C. C. Cook.
E. N. Davy.
J. P. "Wiirong.
C. H'Wilfong.
Golden Rule Hotel
Bernard, rortlarid.
Brown and family'. Big Tim-
G. M. Thompson anu wife. Glen
wood Spur.
Doug Glenn, city.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
A. A. Hernck, Spokane.
E. D. Harris, Spokane.
C. D. Ward, Arlington.
George Dcvelbiss, city.
F. Scranton, city.
A. Pitman. city.
H. W. Would, city.
H. McDonald, city.
W. D. Fletcher, city.
Hugh Glynn, Athena.
C. noblnson, Wana Walla.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
E. Stelger. Portlanu.
D. G. McKenzie, Adams.
Alex McKenzie. Adams
Mrs J Stanton, Athena.
Wants More Trin."
L. F Foster. San Francisco, Cal.,
Feb. 2nd., 1903, writes: "Please find
enclosed draft for Jl 50.00. Sen me
,,,, ,,, ,. , u .... ,,.. .,.
ey 't j ea""m
and never felt better in my life than
I do now. I have gone down in
weight to 195 pounds and never think
of liquor or tobacco ony more. I
know of 25 cures you could get ref
erence from, if you care uj write for
them. Be sure to senu me twelve
Trlbs at once; I want to send tbem
to Honolulu."
Tallman & Co. local agents.
Call for School Warrants.
Alt school warrants for district No.
16, from Xo. 280 to No. 371 and from
Xo. 1 to No. 9 Inclusive, will be paid
upon presentation at my office, room
16, Judd block. Interest ceases axler
this date.
Not. 11, 1903. School Clerk.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
by I oral applications, am they cannot reach
ttte diMoaed portion of tb ear. There U
only one 1017 to cure deafness, and that
U by constitutional remedial. Deemes Is
raawd by an Inflamed condition of tbe
mucous llnlnc of tbe Eustachian Tnbe.
When this tnbe la Inflamed 70a have a
rnmbltns Hound or Imperfect bearlnc. and
when It la entirely closed. Deafness Is tbe
result, and nnleaa the Inflammation can be
taken oat and this tnbe restored to Its
normal condition, bearing: will be de
stroyed foreTer: nine eases oat of tea are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucosa -surface.
We will sire One Hundred Dollars for
any case of DeafneM (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be ured by nails Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
V. J. C11ENEV CO- Toledo, O.
Bold by drusglsu, 76c
Hall's family 1111a are the best.
Bargain if Taken Soon.
14,000, new residence with its own
water plant and all modern improve
ments, also chicken house and barn;
11 lota with a second dwelling house
worth 1800. Will sell seven lots with
large liouso or four lots with small
house. Easy payments. This Is the
greatest bargain offered in Pendleton.
Call on Bentley & Hartman and got
full particulars.
A Runaway bicycle,
Terminated with an ugly cut oa
the leg of J. 13. Orner Franklin Q rove,
III. It developed a stubborn ulcer
unyielding to doctors and remedies
for four years. Then Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured. It's just as
good for Hunts, Scalds, Skin Erup
tions and Piles. 25c at Tallman
& Co.'s drug storo.
Heavy snows are reported in the
Greenhorn district, and slelKblne is
Claimholders In Washington Highly
Pleased Several Severe Cases of
'Illness Moving House Broke
Down In the Street One Runaway
Causes Two More End of a
Thumb Cut Off.
Athena, Nov. IS. Joan Craten of
this city, who spent the summer at
Pullmaif, "Wash., at the homo of his
daughter, Mrs Alph Coppic of that
place, returned home Monday. He
thinks that Is a lino country and in
a few years those who have recently
taken homesteads will have some
beautiful homes.
E. L. Barnett Is down with an at
tack of the rheumatism. He has
been a sufferer from that disease for
several years.
Athena friends received the news
of the critical condition of Lester,
the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cnas.
Beale. He has been an Invalid for
several years.
Mrs. William Kilgore. while tend
ing to her household dudes, had the
misfortune to cut the end of her
thumb off.
Kitty Sharp has returned to teach
north of town after a week's visit at
Athena with her parents.
While Uncle Tom Watts was mov
ing his house across the street it
took a slide and left Mr. Watts In
somewhat an annoying position, for
he didn't much like to live in
Roscoe Dickinson of Uklah
been visiting at ue home of
While John King was coming
from eston his team become fright
ened and ran away, and soon was
out of Mr. King's control. He was
thrown out. The runaway team
scared two other teams and caused
them to run away.
Daughter Born.
A daughter was born to Mr. ami
Mrs. Arthur Schott. Saturday. Nov
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible fo
many a railway wreck and tho same
causes are making human wrecks of
sufferers from Throat and Lung
troubles. But since the advent of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds, even
the worst cases can be curod. and
hopeless resignation Is no longer
necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dor-
chestir, Mass., is one of the many
whose life was saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery. This great remedy
is guaranteed for all Throat and
Lung diseases by Tallman & Co.
druggists. Price 50c and tl.00
Trial bottles free.
Jnlfl IVfnc.
It is difficult tu iici-cunt for the eiior
mous M'locity of xoiiie birds" flight
when migrating. The northern blu
tbrort goes ut the rate of 540 miles nn
hour, flying 4.800 tulles from Egypt U
Helgoland in u spring night of bnrelj
nine hours. Virginian plover fly froir
Labrador to north Brazil. tl.GOO miles
without stopping, going nt tin- nre ol
G3G miles nn hour mid probably more
How can this sikimI lie att:iltnTr Th
birds resort to grcnt heights, where tb
resistance of tbe uir l slight.
Urine l1 M Crutrr.
There is 110 inure inh-ifstlng or curl
ous sight oil tills enrtli than llir interim
of the extinct crater. Ami Shu. iiImiui
thirty in!U' ?om tli- city of Kiiihii
rooto. in JniKUi. This H-euliur !M-ulit
is Inhabited by IUOOO cupk who livr
and prosjier within it leriicsil wnll
feet high. The liibuliltntitK niri'ly iuak
a Journey into tbe outer world, but
form, as it were, a little imtlon us
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, indicated by sores, pimples,
headaches, etc., wc would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a positive guarantee, it will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. 50c.
and $1.00 F. "W. Schmidt t Co.
Farms for sale.
We sow have listed for sale some
of the best wheat farms and stock
ranches in tbe county. All the places
are well improved and well suppU-J
with water. Also some very desir
able city property. Call and get
RaUmvBS Dandruff
and caiutcs thick, glossy hair to sup
puinttbc former thln.brittlc growth.
Mowhro HarftfcIdB
performs its work on tho principle,
" Destroy the cause, you remove the
effect," and consequently It reaches
and kills offtlio crcr-busy microbe,
which is responsible fur all scalp
diseases. It thus makes dandruff
and falline liair Impossible, and
promotes a luxuriant crowtb of hair
that soon becomes tbe pride of the
owner. Even on bald spots it coon
produces hulrfts thick andlozuriant
as anyone could wish for.
Oim bottle will oootIuoh tbt It U Um
oily bur iwmrUiu raaUy mum.
For Sale by all FirttCUu Drug Stores,
Ball at Opera House Next Tuesday
Night C. D. Walter and Fam.iy
Have Moved to Washington Visi
tors From Washington and Other
Localities Merchants Ordering
Holiday Goods.
Milton, Nov. 13. Mrs. Elsie Kil
core who has been hero visiting her
grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth Hopson,
hns returned to her home In Weston.
F E. Wilcox went to Walla Walla
Wednesday to order a line of holi
day goods.
Donald McRae. , who formerly
lived here, was In town Tuesday
Jesse Huffman, who was a student
of Columbia College last year, ar
rived here Monday from his home nt
Leland. Idaho, and hns resumed h s.
studies In Columbia. .
Clark Cunningham, formerly of
Milton, but later or Dayton. Wash
Is here visiting at the home of Mr
and Mrs. George Edwards.
Mrs. Helen Memfield has returned
from Walla Walla, whore she has
been visiting her brother Mr J 1..
Miss Prudy Tweedy has accepu'l
a position tn a millinery store at
Walla Walla, and loft yesterday for
her new field of labor.
Miss Amanda Johnson, of l.eland.
Idaho. Is a new student nt Columbia
College this week.
Xext Tuesday evening the stock
holders of the new opera hall will
give another ball. Klrkman's or
chestra will furnish the music.
Mrs Clarence D. Walter, who hos
been here visiting her mother, Mrs.
Ella George, took her departure this
momiug for West Branch. Wnslu
where she will join her husband and
hereafter reside.
Cured cf Piles after 40 years.
Mr. C Haney. of Geneva. 0., had
the piles for 40 years. Doctors and
dollars could do him no lasting good
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured
him permanently. Invaluable for
cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lncera
tions. ecr.ema. tMter, salt rlifmn and
all other skin diseases Look for the
name DeWltt on the package ail
others are cheap, worthless coun'T
felts Sold by Tallman & Co.
Uom'inber the St. Joe Store will
S'-e away absolutely free. J100 In
gold. December 24th. A ticket given
with each dollar purchase. See tnai
you get your tickets,
No Dessert
More Attractive
"Why u grUiine and
spend hoars soaKing,
sweetening, flavoring
and culuhng when
prodaces better result in two miuntt-sf
Everything in the pacfcuie. Simply mid hot ,
Water and set to cool. i:'-.;rtecUou. A Mir
pri.etot!n; hnuniwifv. I" tumble.
pense. Try it tiwLiy. In r Air I'mit Fife j
vora: Luuioa. Oroucr. Strawberry, lbip. I
berry. At grocer. 10c
m n w
We expect to occupy the Milarky .building, opposite Tribune offifc.
after Nov. 15. and we will not move aBingle Piano or Organ ft0" "v
. a-
prfuenv quart era to our
. . .
riinau An trt otmarh
. nnarn cn rvB nnnnir inn
plating the purchase of an instrument should take advantage of tW.
grand opportunity and Bocare one. , , , :..
Kn HMnnii.lintiH
our stock. They are all
ished. rich barn tones
guaranteed. Call in and inspect them now and don't forget ouri ,
Court street,
Can anyone suppose
that we would double
the necessary cost of
our brewing without a
vital reason?
Would we spend so much on
I cleanliness ? Would we cool the
beer in plate glass rooms? Would
I we Alter all the air that touches it ?
Would we age it for months ?
Would we sterilize every
' bottle ?
We do it to attain
absolute purity to avoid
the remotest possibility of germs
to make Schliti Beer healthful.
Why accept a com
mon beer, brewed with
out anv of these pre
cautions, when Schlitz Q Q
reer cosib no mure r
Your dealer may prefer to fur-
nisli a beer that pays a little more
(profit ; but does it pay you to per
mit it? Isn't pure beer Schlitz
IBcer worth asking for ?
Attftr the Bmiery Boitiixg.
Phone Main 17P1,
The I toss Ice & Cold Stem re
Co.. 414 Main St.,
Tbe approval ol all. who
want the liest meat
most delicious tint nc
no higher in price
riv it
s .
i :a S Wn etiftJI v
new liuiuv 11 ww can uvuiu it. - j.-
i-i . r -, r. . " J Tolfl1ltlas
lino rtr linn no i iroaim nnn mTriTl'H(! ijjdu"--
nnri iwoivp nnvn Trior nnvnnH hvcu --. -
rflvfirtprl or rpinirpi lriHtrnmentS can oe iou" .-
brand new with elegant cases, beautifnUy
and perfect action. Every instrument oou ;
opposite Inuunp.
For rv-1
TilW Til
Wood and
Some Finn TU. tr.
on Hand at Prices u
me .Lowest. Als
Ml n .
vjuai. ah Uash.
638 Main street (j
Main 1121.
. T v if 111
By buying
aWMOv Will SU1U3.
1 TirP I HfTfline
Etc. Etc of
usiermuw mil
Good Ultra Uil ol nit d.
A. Sl. l3VO B. I UUUI aui Ma
money. F, W. Schmidt & Co.
I tbe only means of travel.