East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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1 1 1 ll I m,.t,t tnillllllllllllllllU
I The Light j
! of the Kitchen 1
There is no argument so convincing as an
actual test. If. you cannot obtain Crescent
Baking Powder from your grocer just send us
a post card and we will see that he gets it
and compliment you with our illustrated A.
B. C. book for the children something to
put in their stockings for Christmas.
Tht Price o! Cruchnt ii S Ont
Crescent MaaTg Co.
1111 ii iHH l-H ill J iwt tl'Hl I"i-t'H h.. HftfWH'M:
is a time when one wants to look his
best, and that no one can do with
out perfectly laundered linen. By
means ol our skill, experience and
careful attention to details we will
do the laundering, and when you
once get your shirts, collars and
cuffs done up by us there will be no
trouble in you doing the rest.
Of all Description
Sash, Doors & Windows
Made to order. Building
paper, lime, cement, brick
and sand, wood gutters for
barns and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber
Alt- St, Opp Court House
lon't be satisfied to move
along in the name old way for
low wages. We can help you
caxve out a pneeewfal career.
Thousands hare increased their
ualaries by following our plan.
We can train you in spare time
and at email co-t for any of the
following portion
Xiecllmtlcol. JZlmvtricaU tttmam,
or Civil Enslnocr, Iflectriciurv.
Burvror JLrcMlocU Drafts
man. Boukk-eper, StonoKraph.
er. Teacher, Bhow Card Writar
Window Drawwr, or Ad. Wrlt-r
Box 799
Or call cn our local rtpretenta
tint, T W, Bracking, 127 let street
Rendition, Ore.
Bright' s Disease and
Diabetes News.
To the People of Pendleton:
As San Franc'sco druggists person
ally acquainted wia the facts we are
nuked to cerufy to yon the curability
of chronic Blight's Disease and Dia
betes, and however unreasonable it
may seem to you, yet such is the fact.
Dp to a year ago we never heard of
a genuine caso of chronic Bright's
Disease or Diabetes recovering. Now
it Is a common occurrence in this
city. A great disvovery has undoubt
edly been made. Many prominent peo
ple here have recovered and every
one of us whose names are appended
hereto have either nad recoveries
among our customers or have genu
ine chronic cases now recovering.
And the percentage of efficiency
seems to be very high, for there are
very few failures, yours, etc.,
Ferry Drug Co.
IJon Drug Co.
Itialto Drug Co.
E. W. Joy.
C. F. Fuller.
Green White.
Kilbourne's Pnarmacy.
Raman's Pharmacy.
A, Di .Nola.
A. O. Schmidt.
Klboler's Pharmacy.
Owl Drug Co.
Central Pharmacy.
Depot Pharmacy.
Potts Dng-Co.
B. S. Dickhoff.
F. A. Gay.
C. D. Zelle.
C. B. Pooler.
N. Schwartz.
A. E. Scammell.
and many others.
The above refers to tne newly dis
covered Fulton Compounds, the hrst
j cures the world has ever seen for
I Bright's Disease and Diabetes. We
' are sole agents. Ask for pamphlet
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Wood and Coal
Some Fine Dry Wood now
on Hand at Prices as Low as
the Lowest. Also Good
Coal. All Cash. Call at
638 Main street or Phone
Vain 1121.
nsTed cards, weddlnr iDrlUtiou. etc:
100 eneraed vtilttnjr cards with plate.
41X0; additional cards In future, 11 per
uorI. TIM! mst oreconian.
Yo May Have Come
To Town on a Rail
but we can repair jour rb In firt-chu
shape reasonably. We hnve nil the
modern appliances for dokug thr work.
and BUGGIKd. They are tUt beat
because they are made of drift ni'ibcr
Call and examine our rigs.
imn BIOS., THE mmm&
Agents for Stover Choline F iginm.
Money Back SS5f
fail to care Rheumatism. For folr. by
A. C. Koeppcn&Broa. Afts. forTfndl'n.
Oregon Furnished One Since the
Foundation of the Government, in
Georjje H. Williams, Who Was At
torney General None of the New
States Have Been Recognized.
It is a rather remarkable fact that
Rhode Island, oiio or the original tliir
teen states, has never had a cabinet
officer. The state has produced
statesmen of high rank, governors,
senators, representatives, soldiers and ;
sailors, and it is surprising that po-
litical or geographical exigencies
should have lctt all of these out of
the presidential official family during
tne century ana n Quarter of the
union. It is not because the state
is small, for little Delaware and a
number of other states no larger In
population than Rhode Island have
had any number of cabinet officers.
Some Old States Neglected.
Texas, which has been in the union
for more than half a century, and is
the largest in area of a.l the states,
has never been honored with a cab
inet position. Of course, sinco the
civil war, there have been only two
Democratic administrations, and na
turally the south has not been recog-j
nized very much In the construction
of cabinets. Still, there was a long ,
period before the war, and even
since, when it would seem that some
Texas statesman might have been
found to fill a cabinet position.
Florida is another old state that
has never been called upon to fur
nish a cabinet officer, and while the 1
size and location of the state explains
that fact, the same condition does not
apply to a northern state that has
been a member of the union since
This fs Kansas, the great prairie
state beyond the Missouri, the state
of John Brown, of the several const!
tutions, the scene of free soil and
slavery conflict, and which, according
to her motto, has reached "the stars
through difficulties." It seems to have
Just happened that way, as In the case
of other states. Still, it would seem
that, like her neiguuor, Nebraska, she
might have furnished an agricultur
ist, or. like Missouri, on the east.
supplied a man for the interior de
New States Overlooked.
None of the new states admitted
since Colorado has been honored with
seat at the cabinet board. The
same is true of Nevada, admitted 40
years ago, but naturally the small
population of that state has account
ed for that fact, although it is said
that it would be impossible to find
prominent man who has been a rest
dent long enough to give him a cab
inet office.
The new states admitted in 1SS9
and later, which have not been repre
sented m the cabinet, are idano, SI on
tana. North Dakota, South Dakota,
Utah. Washington and Wyoming.
As might have been expected. New
York, with the largest population
has had the largest number of cab
inet officers, while Pennsylvania is a
close second. Illinois, the -third in
population, has had only six, and is
greatly outranked by Massachusetts,
Virginia and Ohio.
The first two are much older states
and in the early uays of the repub
lic each had one and sometimes two
members of the cabinet. Ohio is
catching up by the sheer push which
the Buckeye state uses in the race
it is making to eclipse Virginia as
the mother of presidents.
Cabinet Positions By States.
The states which have had cabinet
representatives and the numbers of
each is as follows: New York, 31;
Pennsylvania, SO; Massachusetts, 24;
Virginia. 21; Ohio, 19; Kentucky, 14;
Maryland. 14; Indiana, 10; Connect!
cut, 9; Georgia, 9; Tennessee, 8;
Iowa, 7: Illinois, 6; Wisconsin, 6;
.Delaware, D; i.aino, 5; New Jersey,
5; Mississippi, 4; orth Carolina, 4.
Louisiana, 3; New Hampshire,
West Virginia, 3; Minnesota, 2; Ver
mont, 2; District of Columbia, 2; Ala
bama, 1; Arkansas, 1; California, 1;
Colorado, 1; Nebraska, 1; Oregon, 1.
High Class Druggisk
The better class Of drneeistg. everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and ViiA . I
who devote their lives to the welfare .of their fellow men, m supplying the best oi i-fpv. 1
nnr5t mwiieinnl ar?ents of known value, in accordance with physicians'
scientific formula, Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent rernerW &
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation mJ8
They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usnallyjSl1 I
nil standard remedies and corresnondinc adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and tV,. .Jra' .1
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial apt,!;,
The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arise? from a knowledge of tbebe&S
Park and Fraxefs Announce
Good Performances.
Charles Klein Is the author of the
stage version of Charles Dickens'
"The Pickwick Papers." which we are
to have at the Frazer on November
19. and Manuel Klein, brother ol
Charles, composed the music or this
Broadway success. The stage Torsion
Is called "Mr. Pickwick," and De Wolf
Hopper, who originated, tno stage
character of that truly great man, will
be seen in the part when his company
visits Pendleton.
"A Little Outcast
Much interest uas been displayed
by the public regarding the big hit
of the season, "A Little Outcast,"
which comes to tho Frazer next Tues
day, November 17. Extraordinary
electrical effects are a great feature.
while the famous fire scene Is the
most bewildering spectacle ever put
on a stage. Crowded houses attest
to the phenomenal success of "A Lit
tle Outcast," and local theater-goers
aro anticipating a treat in Its appear-
anco here.
After tonight. Nelson La Vera
will discontinue the Saturday nlgnt
performance at the Park theater In
this city, and the entire list of per
formers will be taken to Athena for
Saturday night vaudeville show at
that place each woek during the win
ter. The performances during each
entire week will bo continued at the
Park theater here, with the exception
of Saturday night, with new features
introduced regularly. The grand prize
drawing takes placo tonight as usual.
The matinee was well attended this
A nccicfnnnn In tlir medical nrofpRSifin. iatimnll.
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that 8m
Pigs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefonjbj!
are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of tie dJ2
remedies, and they alwavs take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing tie (S
name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every pv.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipationiS
of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion
Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Oiring to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives acd ft.
immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there m
individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and prindrfe
of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not bcaUfc
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparatina
sometimes have the name ' Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concert
or fictitious fig syrnp company, printed on the package, but they never have the full naiwnj
the Company California Fig "Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitatjonj
should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitsfiosa
they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealerpassa
off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrnp,"
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of thepachp
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter hi
establishment, whether it be larce or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling
physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand '
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased eveij.
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptios!
exist it is necessarv to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return
anv imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name ol theCompsnT- i
i-, "i!, T- r- " . . -i r a 1 J 1 i. 1
vjauiornia rig oyrup vxi. printeu on uie ironi oi ever.) jjiitjvugc, uu nui m-sume " reran ice
article and to demand the return of vour monev, and in future go to one of the better clan ct I
j . i -ii . -i , , " i i .i t i -i , tl.:. I-. l.T.-l: . vi
aruggistewao win eeii you wn at you wish, una me uesi oi ever lumg ju wc nucnin?oiiaoiepricei.
Walla Walla Grocers Object to In
vasion of Their Field.
The Walls Walla Statesman of
Thursday has the following to say of
the enterprising Pendieton firms in
vading Walla Walla markets:
The Walla walla Grocers and
Merchants' Association, organ'zod
several months ago for the mutual
benefit of local retail houses, is up in
arms against .ue" methods being em
ployed by Pendleton grocers in an
effort to capture the bulk of the trade
of local hotels and restaurants
According to one member of tbf
association a Pendleton grocer has
personally visited and solicited trade
from local hotel keepers offering
special rates on staples and fancy
Aii a result of this solicitation it
is alleged th no less than four car
loads of groceries and cured meats
have been shipped iuto Walla Walla
within the past
annihilating the
grocery houses
Advance in Ballooning.
rTiriS. NOV 12. Le&aMj
today sailed their dfrEftle!
from Molsson to Paris, il i
an hour and a half aid laniMk
heart of the city This is ii I
est trip yet made by a i
loon and is a dlFttnrt step hi
Oregon's Greatest Natural Wonder
Many Acres of Hottest Spring: Water
on Earth Marvelously Curative
.ift is: t 1 1 tjjsat' tTttTi ' ,-iie -:-4rS
. ,..3v sw Jr-,,
Steam Arising From Hot Lake-View of Sanatorium, Hoi Lake,"
g6a-Al!i(iiSe 3,000 Ft
A beautiful health report.
Cool in Bummer u"d
It is in the
A Wonderful water and rent cure.
in Winter
Hot Lake is to the Wtt what Ark&ni- Hot Sorinc are to the East.
Grand Sonde Valley, on O. IL A N. railroad, 300 miles from Portland.
For a5 It has been known a the "Big Medlelne" of the Indian. Flow 2.200,000 gal
lons per dy, boiling hot mauy acres of the hottest spring water in the world.
The water Is clear as crystal. The mineral in the water Is in such perfect noM
that no particle of precipitate will fall, even after stincing for days-
Marvelously curative In di-eases of stomach, bowels, liver, bladder, skin and lwed;
also in rheumatism, catarrh, neuralgia and other nervous troubles,
Every up-to-date convenience and equipment of high-class, modern hotel
Bates; Hotel, 10.00 to 16.00 per week. Baths, single bath, 35 cent; one week,""
three weeks 3.60. Mud 4.00 per week.
Bit down and write for our illustrated booklet today, It will Interest you Awrt
T fi XhJ TT A DP fiott Matt cf
Medical Suot, Hot Lake Oregon