DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901 I I i i t t t mn h 1 1 1 ! n initimtM BAER & DALEY 1 ! CLUB AND FEDERATION. One Price Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters i The Talk of the Town Our overcoats and Suits at $7, $JO and $2.50. OUR HATS Elk Brand, and Longlcy at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 OUR SHOES Wc have the best makes at $2.50, $3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 J The Very Best Values for the Least Money iTnl iTnfi ti l ' ' 1 ' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTl'l GENERAL NEWS. funds and accept the Carnegie library ' donation or jiu.uuo. The territorial grand jury will in-1 Coal miners at Helper. Utah, have vestisate wholesale charges of olec- decided to strike, In sympathy with me uoiorauo miners, ami 330 walked out Friday morning. tion frauds in nawali. Two heavy tin-plate establishments m Pennsylvania that have been clos. Miss Hattle Sajior, of Portland, ed down for several months, resume . died Thursday night from bloodpois- onlng, contracted from wearing a pair or earrings belonging to a friend. The Salem, Falls City &. Western railroad, which has been built irom Dallas to Falls City, will bo con structed from the latter place to Sa lem, In the uear future. A. B. Lyon and SVilliaru Lively are operations next Monday. Mrs. F. Jl. Ybarez, a wealthy Mexi can woman, was a few days ago rob bed of JS.nOd worth of gems and jew elry at a ..e York hotel. Both houses of the Boston city council havo petitioned the city school board to have the Gaelic lan guage taught In the public schools. on trial at Eugene for perjury in tes. John H Jones, a famous N-w York "J,1 ,, rthe ,les,ieD,fe, i, a h?m gambler and policy king, has been ' ""-eroro Vnllcd States ,and cantured while hiding in the city. He nmta8loner at Eugene, will rollow AI Adams to Sing Slag. ' H- H. Skews, who forged a check probably I on a prominent Eugene citizen, was . ' , . . . , 1 captured 'at Pocatello. Idaho, Friday, A line of Russian freight and pas- and returneil t0 Lane county where sensor steamers will bogin running ne win answer t0 the cuargo TlAnnm linn "1 Vj-f niun h - TTnltrt.i , States and Mediterranean and Blnc't, 5 , 7 ., ,m, ",nrn?r-1 new members on the state comma Son ,v,rf miners, were Instantly kllied In the;, ,, , .,., ,,. ,,lr ,,, t!,mtl r Lucky Boy mine, near Eugene, Friday All hope of finding Profesjir Hub-. morning. The accident was the re bard and five traveling companions, suit of a premature explosion Ir. tne who started to explore the mterlor j mine. or Labrador, last summer, has l-cen .... ... . . . abandoned Municipal Association of Port- land is securing evidence against the Peter McMillan, of San Jose. Cal.. j saloons which penult gambling -o be is suing the government for appropri-, carried on in their place, with lue ating without reimbursement, certain intention of having their license re designs of his for exterior armor plate voked by the city council, for battleships. I The meeting of the board of the state federation in Pendleton was a pleasant event during the past week. The meeting was called on Monday November 9, and a majority of the noard was present. Preparing Year Book. The important business before the board was a discussion of the situa tion In regard to the federation year book. By some unexplained misun derstanding, the year book as or dered uy the convention lias fallou to appear, an Incomplete club direc tory being the only publication re ceived. The board considered it ab solutely necessary to havo a complete year book, containing committee re ports and recommendations adopted by the convention, and a committee was appointed to prepare and issue such a book at the .earliest possible date. Three of the standing committees of the federation were represented by their chairmen at the board meeting, aud an unusual opportunity was af forded to review and discuss the sev eral lines of work. Federation Is a Factor. The Oregon Federation of "Women's clubs Is now an established factor In the state, recognized by the board of education, the head or state lnstitu-t-ons and the legislative and execu tive powers. The federation In Ore gon hns "arrived, and the club wo men of the state are to be congratu lated. Tbe federation in the state, like the club in the town, reaches its greatest influence and usefulness when its mission to suggest, and not demand, to co-operate with, and not In the least presume to dictate or lead in work already in the hands of others, is never forgotten. Tho federation has been most for tunate in the past in having at the head of its wording forces. (Its stand ing committees) women of rare good judgment; wherever they have come in contact with the officials of the state in any line of suggestive and co-operative work, they have met with cardial reception, and hearty commendation. Many of the same members are still working with other The only Interference with the( united states lswmian policy as u present issues was expected to come from Germany, but that nation philo sophically acquiesces In the .'ntlre procedure. A huge iron gas tank exploded in Harlem, K. Y., that was used to as phyxiate dogs and cats. Five persons were injured, of whom one will die. The explosion wrecked the building , and 150 dogs and catB escaped. j The courts insisted on Mrs. Eliza- j beth Welsen, of New York City, car- J rying out the terms of her husband's will, which provided for the erection ! HOTEL ARRIVALS. of a magnificent monument in Wood lawn cemetery to his own and ner memory. She Is left In penury as a result A German-Russian financial combi nation has been orgnized to break American business influence in SI beria and Manchuria. Among Its ex ploits is a $3,000,000 company to work the Manchurian tin mines, which American capitalists have been ma' neurering for, but are now cut out -from, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. John Thompson, a cripple of Mar- cola. Lane county, committed suicide Friday, in a fit of despondency. Thomas W. Ayres has been appoint ed county judge of Morrow county, in place of A. G. Bartholomew, de ceased. The city council of Grant's Pass has -voted down the proposition to raise i WE CAN SHOW YOU ; Tbe belt pr-ijxnlilcjiu In Oregon Fine vacant lots, 6 blocks from Main St., $50 to $150 1 WO D OCKS, Wlttl $5000 improvements, $7000. $4000 buys a 12 room house f and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main T st. Rents steady at $35. f 4 JS1S00 Two houses and 2 .ILHS, yUUU lULdUUU, lUgCU.Cl rent lor $20, interest in good paying f business on Main st. Stock at invoice. I450 per acre 20 acre sub urban garden tract. One blo.k (14 lots), good improvements, with green house cheap Best what land in Umatilla county. Tracts of 1G0 to 2000 ucrex. Call aud see us We can show you'bouiething that you will like. IC, T. Wade & Son p. o. Hoi an TIK.oe BUck 1111 Ufflu: in E. O. Bldg Hotel Pendleton. W. W. Garrett. Portland. Mrs. A. L. Eddy, Portland. G. S. Youngnian, Portland. E. B. Colman, Portland. E. J. Bell and wife. Laramie. J. F. Libbey, San Francisco. M. J. Davis, Portland. H. T. Booth. J. C. Marr. San Francisco. E. U Halan. Chicago. George W. Fox and wife, Spokane. James Hurcroft. St. Paul. E. A. Carell. F R. Miller, Baker City. I). C. Smlzer. San Francisco. A. C. James, San Francisco. W. J. Mosser, Milton. H. C. Hammon. Portland. M. H. Patton, Spokane. C. M. Smith, Portland. S. A, Frans, Spokane. Golden Rule Hotel W. C. Bassett, Portland. George Jones, city. B. F. Keller. McKay. D. Thomakels, McKay. S. Mead, Meacham. W. J. Moore, Spokane. Sam Lee, Spokane, J. A. Stanton, Adams. G. C. Stanton, Adams. L. O. Wells, Adams. W. Corley, Adams. G. F. Jones, Adams. J. W. Hartnet, city. J. T. Lalng, city. V B. Alnsworth, Walla Walla. MEN'S RESORT. Services Tomorrow Considerable Im provements Have Been Added. The Men's Resort has been putting In some improvements. One more room has been added, and will be used for a reading room, and the room that has been used for a reading room win be used for .games. There have been several games added, and nu merous other Improvements, Includ ing a light at. the foot of tbe stalra. The regular men's meeting will be held as usual at the rooms tomorrow. Sunday, at 4 o'clock p. m. Rev. Rob ert Warner will conduct the meeting. All men are cordially invited to at tend. Come and bring someone else "with you. Lot us see if wo can nil ue rooms to overflowing at tho Men's Resort, In the Dcspain building. Call for School Warrants. All school warrants for district No. 1C, from No, 280 to No, 371 and from No. 1 to No, 9 inclusive, will be paid upon presentation at my office, room 1C, Jtidd block. Interest ceases aiter this date. JOHN HAILEY. JR. Not. 12, 1303. School Clerk. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and all arising from indigestion. disorders Endorsed Potatoes to Kansas. A Denver firm has shipped 1,600, 000 pounds of potatoes from the vicin ity of IkjIso City, Idaho, Into Kansas, during the past month. Tbe price paid the growers was S5 cents per hundred. Mold Tea Positively Cures Sick Headache, Indlaestiort and Constlpa. by physicians everywhere. No cure,,tIon. A delightful erb drink. Re no pay. 25 cents moves all eruptions of the skin, pro- For sale by F, W Schmidt & Co. ducing a perfect complexion or money Trial package free by writing to refunded. 26c. and 60c. For sale by W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. 1 F W Schmidt i Co, I tee, mid tbe board looks for the same wise conservatism that has charac terized their action in the past "Not a force but a power" is a motto well to bear In mind. Various Committees' Work. The committees of club women, under tbe direction of the committee on hospitality of the woman's club. did good work during the irrigation convention in showing tbe visitors of the city the social courtesies of the oc casion. The recejitlon and ball with liovernor and Mrs. Chamberlain as guests of honor was largely attended, and tne ladies having it In charge re ceived many appreciative compli ments. The various sub-committees on badges, decorations, refreshments, and reception proved to be the right people in the right places. Mrs. J. J. Geer, president of the state federation was also an honored guest at the reception. Woman's Club Entertained. Wednesday afternoon the Woman's club held n called meeting at the home of Us president After the regular business was disposed of, the club held open house, and with its guests, the visiting members of the state board, a most enjoyable social hour was spent. Mrs. ueer was to have been tbe guest of the day, cut a death in her family cut her stay short, to the universal regret of the club women, many of whom came to I meet the state president. The club. its hostess and its guests greatly ap- nreciated the thouchtfulness and courtesy of the hospitality commit- j tee In sending the beautiful chrysan themums from Music ball to decorate the club house of the day, In honor of the stiests. Four new momberB were added to the club on Wednesday. Thursday Afternoon Club. Tho Thursday Afternoon Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Huffman this week. The subject for the meeting was "Oregon Authors," and the following Interest ing program was rendered: "Sketch of Joaquin Miller aud poems," from the Philistine, by Mrs. J. E. Bean; "Select reading," from Mrs. Ella Hlg glnson'a works, by Mrs. John Halley, Jr.r "Mrs. Eva Emery Dye," by Mrs. James A. Fee; "The Isle of the Lop era." (Mrs. Higglnson) by Mrs. C. F. Colesworthy; "Edwin Markham" and reading of "The Man Wjth the Hoe," Mrs. M. J; Lane. A. letter irom Mrs. Higglnson was read, giving brief ly tbe inspiration and foundation of her story, "The Isle of, the Lepers." 1 which wbb read by Mrs. Colesworthy.1 A general discussion of Oregon authors followed, during which the different works of Joaquin Miller. Mrs. Dye. Mrs. Higglnson, Edwin Markham and other leading -authors were talked of. A amau print of Mil let's famous .painting. "The Man With ; tho Hoe," was passod around, follow Ing tbe reading of the wonderful poem by Markham. After the program, re freshments were- served. Mrs. Sam uel White, of Baker City, correspond ing secretary of the state federation, was the guest of honor at the met. Ing. Next Tuesday Afternoon Meeting. Mrs. Sidles, clialrman of the man ual training committee of the wo man's club calls a meeting of her committee, and all who ,aro willing to assist in the sowing class, on Tues day afternoon, at 2: 3D, at the com mercial club rooms. It Is hoped that tho sowing clasB will be permanently organized next week. Sacajawea Statue. Attention Is called to tbe following communication from tho Sacajawea Association, received too late to pre sent at club meetings this week. All Oregon women should be willing to contribute their mites or If able larg er 'amounts to this patriotic cause: Dear Madam; Feeling that every town In Oregon I will want to contrlbuto its share to ward the statue that Is to perpetuate the memory,, of tho only woman In the Lewis and Clark expedition and her heroic services to them (soo en- 'closed booklet) we have proportioned the sharo to bo raised In each town on a basis of $20.00 to every tuousan Inhabitants as nearly as wc could compute IL If every town contri butes the exact amount asked it will only raise about one-third the amount required, leaving the balunco to be raised In Portland nml outside tho state. As wc will soon have to make the contract with our artist It Is of the utmost Importance that the mat ter be taken up by you ns speedily as possible. We would like to have you net ns the vice president of cur nssocintlon for your town and will leave the manner of rnlslng the amount entirely In your banas, though we suggest it being done by soliciting among people either identi fied with the early nlstory of Oregon ir In the success of the Lewis and Clark Centennial. As an Incentive we have concluded to mako the following offers: First For every $10 sent .n. In dividually or by a society, we will present an autograph copy of "The Conquest." Second To the town sending the largest amount in proportion over tne sum opposite Its name will be given the privilege of naming the woman to unveil the statue. Third To the town that sends In the sum opposite its name FIRST will be given the flag that veiled the statue The amounts received from time to time will be publ.shed In our daily papers. The city or Portland will not be in this competition on the lusi two prizes. Tne second offer will be left open until April 1, 1904, but we should like the sum asked as early as possible tat we may be justified in making contracts for the work. If you are not able to undertake this work your8cl'' you will secure for us some one In your town who will net, nnd let us hear from you AT 'ONXjE thfct the name ' of the vice president may bo entered upon our books. I I enclose you sample of button which we sell at 10 cents Vach. If 1 you think you can sell somovo wiU I send them to you. to bo paid for when sold. The money over the nc tual cost of the buttons will K ac credited to your town: We wIU 'bo send you booklets it it would asst you in raising the money, noplar to hear favorably from you, we reH main Very .ruly, EVA EMERY DYE, President, Oregon City. SARAH A. EVANS, Secretary, Oswego. Address communications to the Secretary. The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railways are sparring for territory j and right of way In Northern Califor nia and Southwestern Oregon, Tho former seems to have the call on the situation. 0LD 0X13 X Sd at. GOOD WORK Clothing LADIES' AND Gentlemen's Cleaned. Pressed and Repaired Work called for and delivered Jnes & Cooper (01 Onrdcn Strc ot. Comer Vt ebb PRICES RIGHT t DRUGQSi Post-office Elk. &, PROMPT, RELlABDsl J, A.J.BEi 'HAULING OF U Goods Ulenbtiioft-i.,) , GRAND OPENINi Failing's New Music Store Therkelson's Old Stand, 315 East Court St. H The New Music Store is now open and in readia supply the public. Two car loads of Pianos and Orgai Have been received and are on display in our ro is the largest and finest collection of pianos and org shown in Pendleton. We will inaugurate a grauo n ory sale and will offer prices 20 to 25 per cent loi ever given here, during this sale. We bought our stock for cash and are not a coi house, hence we are in position to sell, at the lowc nncsihto uhirh will mean h hi savin? to V0U if y;- plate bu) ing a piano. We cordially invite you to cJ the new stock, all new. We have been among m? nnd niir nersnnal puarantee. as well as that fi ' standing firms we purchase of, is back of every i we sell. JESSE EAILI 3 A. J. Smith, the expert piano tuner is with us. W orders at our store.