East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 13, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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' ' --
Eastern Oregon Weather
TonlRlit and Saturday clomljr,
with occasional Bnow.
NO. 48j)5.
is at
Heavy Police Details to All
Cars to Insure Travel.
Chicago. Nov. 13. Five trains, with
15 policemen riding on each train and
followed by patrol wagons loaded with
ofllcors with riot guns, left me
Wentworth avenue barns this morn
ing. Policemen wore stationed along
the tracks holding the crowds back.
I Thn prnvd wna mntpnt vlfh Inni-lnn-
OClllsiVB Arguments bul made no attempt at violence.
a. i I uniB ami nuiiiiiiiy.
Its Necessity tO At 12.30 Rnother string of street
cars, neuvuy gunroeu, stancci, tnc
police In the meantime dispersing all
crowds en route, Including the down
town districts.
r. f I CMIt H.
.... ckAir ne Seized
"7 "
Financial Agent Returns
Promise of Funds.
Spokane, Nov. 13. M. O. Reed, fl
anclal agent of the Lowlston-Hunt-
fnptnn rnnrl hna rnfni-nofl fr-rm Mnw
Out the County Debt york, .jjoro' ho says he secured funds
unM the Special Ses. and that actual construction work
" r ,ull1 l,or(n Alni-r.r. 1
This r.ountv $6,000 i
M.Mi,!i r.nnlln I rrnn side nf Snnl.-n rt-er mirl will mien
up a magniiicent nelt of timber ami
u,v i mineral.
. . ... f I
U;il iv.fc,.. 'lri..irt r.ln., II Ac n .iiliii ..I ...
.t.- 1..1....1 . . . . .
In answer in iuu evidence by uie editorial stall of the
In regard to a special Herald, the chief of police has lieon
From It removed. me iieraiti came out
Tuesday vim a lu-commn expose or
liquor Joints and gambling dens.
United States No Longer Holds Colombia Responsible for the
Canal or for the Isthmus,
Acceptance of VarllbVs Credential Marks the Beginning of an Epoch in
the History of the Western Hem Isphere It Means That Uncle Sam
Wll Olg, Own and Be Responsible for the Canal Bill Introduced for
Reciprocity With Cuba.
Washington, Nov, 13. The United wise than by nn act of mngress, or-
States made formal recognition of tho lglnatlng lu said house.
Republic of Panama this morning Also, consular fees 011 Importations
when President Itoosevclt received from Cuba must remain the same as
Minister varum and accented his ere-, with all othor foreign couutries.
the need of a session,
UI UI1U nun ivuuivo
-r 11.- -
nrnan b l-cilci.
Or.. Nov. IX. 1903.
. City.
answer to yours of
Tlepty Iby Sultan.
ConstanUnoplc, Nov. 13. The Rub-
alan and Austrian ambassadors havo
been notified the sultan Is preparing
a satisfactory reply to their dnm.uirir..
Kaiser Improving.
Ilerlin. Nov. 13. This 'morning's
is tie pro.ier time to
debts as well as prl-l Millionaire Dead.
nllwtmiiifl. TCnv. 1.1. ttlfi-u.l Tlml
UlaiKi- ai iivuciji in vr.il tlwi m nnalrn utnvn mil mi ri:
or county warrants
o - f - " ' J ---
i) 15 montns scrip
generally are not
n their private debts,
asKfcl to nnv it on
would, unless money
i) usui sen ai par.
t one if. nun in in.
bl. besides a whole
Is undoubtedly right
fhn DAUInn In
n. rnminir rrnm nn
baa no stnudiug In
rtalnly a very good
'S Seattle, Nov. 13. John A. Nlnk, a I ferentlal tailff and no reductions from
1 .. uu""ay is prominent Insurance man. was biiol the regular tariff shall bo allowed
mat me members d0Wn from an ambush on the street. '.any other foreign country on sugar.
"ucsi'uuaes 10 lUOJat lthls morning. He had Just been
iin.'ii uu c rantlw n il vmvii from lilR wile Willi
whom he had not lived for 10 years.
Tlie would-be assassin lay In' wait
with u tIHo, and as Nink passed a
dark comer, fired from behind and
escaped after a running fire with the
There Is a Woman in 'the Case
Claimed Deed Was Done to Prevent
His Marriage Was Recently Dl
vorced. v
dontlals, with the uslial exchange of
speeches. Hp was Introduced by
Secretary Huy.
Ways and Means Committee.
Washington, Nov. 13. Speaker
Cannon today announced the new
ways and moans committee, which
will at once ptesent the Cuban bill.
The new republican niembors on the
committee are Watson, of Indiana,
.who succeeds Steele as the latter
failed for a re-election: Boutcllo. Il
linois, succeeding Hopkins, who went
to tne senate; Curtis, of Kansas, suc
ceeding Long, who went to tho sea
ate. The new democrats are Wli
Hams, succeeding nichardsou; Champ
mark, of Missouri, succeeding New
land, of Nevada. The fight of the
Now York delegates to have McClel
land retained on the committee was
successful. Among others holding
over Is Victor Metcalf, of California.
For Reciprocity With Cuba,
Washington. Nov 13. Payne, chair
man oi tne ways ana means commit
tee, today Introduced a bill to carry
Into effect the convention between
Cuba and America, which was sign
ed last December.
It provides that whenever the pres
ident shall have received satisfactory
evidence that Cuba Is making pro
vision to give full effect to the treaty
lie is authorized to Issue a proclama
tion declaring ho has received such
evidence, and on tho 10th day of the
month thereafter It becomes effective.
It 1.... tlinf nil nntlnlaD nr.... n.l.
Ill jjtuut:n iiiul uu ai nucp nun uu
, mltted free from Cuba shall so re-
main and all others be admitted at i"
1 per cent "less tariff than the same
goods from any other foreign country.
Also that no Cuban sugar shall bo
admitted at less than 20 per cent dlf-
County Judge
Hums Favors.
IJ-Mayor Williams POllew.
statement that tnat Nink for tho past year has been
IlOti' In... t ... I flMMnw lf tlimmn T. I cur.li h .. flT !
" is not In tho lu-1 1'lchly respected family, and it Is al-
-v. ,,i ui LXIt IUIUS- I HHJJ' "KIU LU UC llll"l
iople, that an ..vtra son as Nlnk got a divorce.
.Mrs, KirsChnor's family has been
Heard r, moving lioaven nnd earth to keep
eceived letterx t'mm Nlnk from Getting a divorce, and thus
... .7.', rH Irom nrevent thn rnnnln marrv nc.
uii lined 01 tne
prevent tho couplo marrying.
Nlnk believes he Is the victim of u
It provides further that nothing
therein contained shall be construed
as nn admlss.on on the part of the
house of representatives that the cus
lorns duties can be changed other-
The committee on rules Is expected
to grant a rule prohibiting all amend
ments, so as to pieem u rider abol
ishing the differentials on lpflned
Colombians Furious.
Colon, Nov. 13. The steamer Ori
noco, which convejed the loyal Co
lombian troops from Colon to Carta
gena, has returned. It icpoits tho
populace of Uaran Qfillla furious
against America. One thousand
troops wero ready to embark for the
isthmus, but wore refused transpor
tation by the captain of the Orinoco.
Excitement in Bogota.
Washington, Nov. 13. The state de
partment has received u dispatch
from Minister Deupre, dated Novem
ber 9.
"There is great public cxcltemnn
in Bogota. Large crowds paraded tho
streets yesterday, crying, 'Down wliu
Marroquin.' A mass meeting follow
ed, which passed resolutions calling
for 'a change In tho government. It
adjourned to tho front of tho palace,
where a distinguished Colombian gen
eral demanded President Jlr.'roqulr's
resignation. The mob was dispersed
uy government troops and several ri
oters wore killed and wounded. .Mar
tial law Is declared In nogola.
"The American legation Ik now
guarded by Colombian troops, but
Beaupre says apparently there Is no
personal danger for the representa
tive of the United States. The feel
ing is directed against the govern
ment." It adds that the residence of the i
president's mim has Just been ntlackn.l ,
and Htnnal.
Cabinet Is a Unit.
Washington. Nov. 13. Tim ''Ublnei
meeting today was devoted almost
entlicly to Panama. Roosevelt's of
ficial recognition of the new loi.ublle
this m'orniug, through the reception
nnd exchange f courtesies wlthjTTS-It-tor
Varllla, received the approval
of tho entire cabiait. The tirCMiiil.
peaceful condition of affairs it lie
iftlimurt Ih satisfactory
Gang Operates and Original Method of
Stealing at Pasco.
lasco, Nov. 13. A plot Involving
the wholesale robbery of wheat carR
Ln juM. been imcaithevl at this place
The plan Is to have a member of
tho gang working In each warehouse
along tho lines of railroad. When this
member gets a chance to bill a car
It Is marked short n certain number
of sacks although the full number is
loaded on the car.
When tho car arrives lit Us desti
nation another member of the gang
takes charge of tho sacks that are
thus shipped without billing and dis
poses of them,
A "hobo" who had worked wllli tho
gang nt Llnd, Washington, gave tno
scheme away yesterday and several
arrests oro promised,
Improper Conduct of a Physician and
a Matron.
St. Louis, Nov. 13. Dr. John Lo
brocht, a prominent democratic poli
tician nnd one of the best known phy
sicians In the city, was arrested last
night while trying to enter n room In
the fcmnlc hospital.
After Investigation this morning
tho health commissioner discharged
Bertha Kelm, the matron, on charges
connecting her with Lcbrccht. Tno
latter was charged with disturbing
the peace and wns released on bonds.
Execution at Michigan City,
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 13. Tho su
premo court having refused to grant
n nuw trial, lid ward Hoover will bo
executed today at the Northern peni
tentiary at .Michigan City. Hoover's
crimo wns the murder of his fathor-in-lnw,
Krnnk Stilton, in this city last
Eleven Peoplo Lose Tholr
Lives in One Day by Burn
ing and Crushing.
Five Persons Cremated After the Ex.
plosion of Gas From a Leaky Reg
ulator Head-End Collision In Ken
tucky Followed by Gunpowder
plosion and Fire Six Persons Burn
ed to a Crisp Under Wreck,
Rebels Are Successful.
New York, Nov. 13. Tho steamer
Cherokee, which arrived today, ro
ports the robels as almost entirely
successful In San Domingo, Tho Che
rokee wns held up several times by
revolutionary gunboats.
Sixteen Thousand Are In the Philip,
pines Five Thousand Desertions
Last Year Ten Thousand Disabili
ty Discharges.
The Heirs of Albert O'Hara Ask for
Shares In Estate.
.A suit was filed today In Ihi cilli"
of the county clerk by Stlllmun u
Pierce in the case of Agnes B. Hiadley
vs. Annie O'Hara, Ida Prandergast.
Mary L. Wood, Ulllan O'Hara anil
Krank O'Hara. It Is a suit In : aii
luiT. and asks that the west half of
ttJISWCr til hlc In. I . . ... .41... u..iillinncl niif,i:t- IMP print t,'-
e special session. Jw assasBln' c',mmlou U WU'M hK o thrUthwest quarter. tht
i peut, so the may. least half of the northwest quarter
n.,.i fiir, tvi4i- linir tir Yiie nurinwftu
quarter of section 14. In townsnip i
Washington, Nov. 13. -The annual
"i'-jii. of il.o adjutant-;creri was
made public unlay. It shows lia
prsent land stiongth to he 3,600 oftlc
th and li'i.CDO enlisted men and 8,000
in the hnspllul corps and Philippine
Of thete. IIUHHC me In the Pliillii-
pines mid 43,ouo In the United Slates.
The remainder am dlMflbuied
' Ainui p. Hawaii. China and Porlo
and was brought to iliu county Jail i Itico,
to await bin preliminary examination . Twi-nly-flvu onicers nnd 37 enlist
lie had been nuked at the time to led men died if wounds and diseases
marry the girl, but refused. After during thn pan year.
some time spent lu the Jail, however. The most Htarlllni: figures am thosa
ho'caine to thu conclusion that ho had showing 6,000 desertions and nearly
ouuer acceue to uie wisiies of ilia jo.ouii discharged for disability.
p.uwits of the girl, and todav tho cer- The total organized militia Ih I Hi.
cmony wns performed, in accordance 000. New York. PeiniHylvanla, Illinois
with their desire, and he was rcleas-1 nnd Massachusetts have the greater
ed from eustedy. j niimbci of militiamen In 1 1 1 order
i named.
.Marlon, Ind,, Nov. 13. Ilenjnmm
Hyatt, bis wife and two smalt child
ren and Floyd White, a boarder,
wore nil fatally burned by a gas ex
plosion at the Hyatt homo this morn
ing. Gas accumulated In thu base
ment from a regulator nnd whon Hy
ntt attempted to light a Jet nn explo
sion followed.
Wreck In Kentucky,
Nowhope, Ky Nov. 13. Six men
were killed and two Injured by a
wreck on the I.oulsvlllu & Nashville
this morning, by a head-end colli
Blon of freight at Tllfnrd'a switch.
Tho dead nro: Mark Cannon, engi
neer: Kd Sturgls, Morelnnd Qravoa.
nnd Klremnn John Reynolds, John
I.each, William I.ydon, Fatally In
jured: Read Humes, brnkeman, and
seriously Injured, Jonn Winkler.
Tho iloubln-hnador was under full
speed whon It struck. The cause was
n mlsunderHtiindlng of orders.
Tho three locomotives wero demol
ished and thu enrs plied on top and
tho engineers killed. Instantly the
wrcckngo tool; fire.
Burned to "a Crisp.
The trains rolled down a 30-foot
embankment, Gun-powder In tho earn
mado repeated exp'oHlnnr, Ah tho
flro reached tho victims they were
burned to n crisp.
Dynamite Explosion.
Philadelphia, Nov. 13. A dynamite
explosion IIiIh morning led tho pollco
to a room whore six men wero ar
restod who are believed to bo profes
sional cracksmeu who wero experi
menting with explosives. All wore
more or less shaken and bruised by
the explosion nnd mm Is lu n nospltnl.
Town Deatroyed by Fire,
Albla, Iowa, Nov. 13. Tho buslncHi
section was duMtioyed by lire i'hl
morning, Loss $300,000.
HOMV In lt,r, ...
immaterial to that
6r Is a session or
Wages Raised in Utah.
Salt Lake.. Nov. 13. The Utah
Fuel .Company, controllns tho Utah
1 callinc a KPnoUm mines, has dispatched 25 armed
I of thn coimiw nnrH Bleu ,to the Sunnyslue camp. "No treu
, '"- I I .... . i. .. 1 .. ., .1 .j.r,
uttq one on ao-1 ' mher yt-Biciuuj unit
or the Siii,. comnanv has announced a raise of 25
rl .v. --"-on am .- ; .
" cnarter pro- vula '" wages per any
My assess limn. I ""
i In il. . I hi
lilt Pit,, fn. I uci vm nVUCIM Ift III.
London. Nov. 13. General Hoherts
rof the session for ,s rfil,ored III with pneumonia,
II nl- ... I
ioo wisnns it u i
a counle m- McCallum Files.
Uie rf.iipo0r,.' ... J. H MnCVilliini (hp u-pll known in-
i,rri;;"r.'";"1"ves ,--;;---:-, ,.',,,. f
use inoiUBelvcs ubbui aim uiiuiug uiubci
lenUlfliinr. I Sumntcr whn him linen susnected of
"Uie mixed' in his croi)Ielne8S for some time, was ar-
senator can rosl0(I Wednesday night lor issuing
lUemntlo. .... i DOCUS cherti Thn constable Ol
ti ny pvene n Sllmmor turusu humane motives
fe momlior ,.f .v.- locked McCallum In a room in his
, telre n ,.. own house. Instead of the city Jail,
I H.I " I'lTLIUl I - . . ,
,"" "M how anv nna on Thursday mornlag his pns-
n aAcl.n : ' I flnni. l.nrl ir. Inavna viirlnilH
"lit PUCIl ft nu iiunu, lie iliiilo
r clrcuim.iir, creditors In Sumntor. Baker and
IMi.l.. " "IL-IJO. .. . ' . .
i , T- I - ' - ' VVH L ..J U ,. . ,,.u .w
"ICU ha.... ,
"im ami ii, i raKima LueumDcn.
all . . ' ii- mi . . . , l
t aeslrotiB of ine cucumper narveai is over m
singio growi:i
tons of tho green
Sound to be used lor
north of range 35 east bo divided and
nartltiou .anions the parties of the
mil, who are' the heirs at law of Al-
Lert O iiara, aeceapeu mc iann m
question i& a large tract of wheat land
about one' mile and a half northeast
of Weston.
1 Rteei.
l Cltv .
He " e 6':
. ' rr tf
-cot u truoon
Ul Ollt." K.
Bull.. ' blt
lght Mci Now Placing the Maehin
ery In Position and Getting Ready
.for a Run.
IV. D. Fletcher, agent for the Kcho
Cannery company, has Just received a
letter from 11. U. wuim, sucieiuiy ui
the company, to wuicu Air, vviiiik y
that Jie now lias eight men at work
nlaelne tho engine and machinery in
position anu woiua ue riuy i"i
within a very few days.
Mr. Willis has just recovered from
a serious Illness, which lias delayed
tii work on the cannery. Thore aro
now orders ahead which will keep the
force busy for weeks. A laige ship
meat of hare for cold storage In this
city will be received this evening.
Judge Fltz Gerald Officiated at Mar
rlage of Echo- Couple.
William Jones and Cora B. Thorn
i .worn married at the courthouse
yield for this year was cut short by 'this morning by .
many of the vines. Next year
wora wl
Steps Being Taken to Erect the OM
ficlal Designations of Graves. i Durned Sugar Sarsaparllla Three
G. W. ItU-by and If. Shockey. as a I Men Claim They Want Work.
iu i "I v.i.." . .,r: .
- unices of vanoy. A
, lV It Is ex 8f'PP'od ovor 100
Of IK,, '" " I VmrolnMr. Ir. I h O.
..... uiiawertl I o--i lvj v in, a
i . . . .- "iionHrH . "
. me on......... I luuKintr mm nli'ltloR. lllinv ii'jc:.wit
- "e win answer " u Prcparine for piantiiig larger
ert(r areas next season. They claim the
crop is worth $200 to J400 an wo
when marketed by the dozen. Th-1 to ,were niarnec w u '--
yield for this year was cut short by this morning uy . ""dr1'rj0,'n7
the appearance bf ants that destroyed Thomas QeraW. nd n PJ
manv of th vinpa. Nnvt vear the tuce of T. O. Halley and T. l). lay
th7pestsWl" "80 ,n8er'"'"lefl n,! k"TTl.iB Ib the outcome of a seduction
i -use from iscno mui.
. . . . . " . . . . , I i. . or,., in whir-h Jones was accused
inn m t ii " i Amnrii-a of seducing Miss Thornton. At the Right Germun-made railway loco
i5,J,i (Ho,c?m,0 VLjS!' 'le o ho iutoriitatlon being filed motives arrived a few days ago at
1848 and claimed tO be tllO lira tlllOW . time l i ranrntnn Rnotnn rn,- aa r-nnaiUnn mllriMrls.
er of beor In this country. ' Jones reiuseu iu u..w , -
committee of the old soldiers, havo
been arnuud the city today with a )io
lltlou asking help of tho c.?'.ciu lu
raising money for tho erection i. the
government tomlit tones over tho
giaves of the old veteran' of th civil
nud olhor war. The (Jtlrens luivo
taken bold of the matter fn loyal
style and quite aji amoun' wus inlne.1
tntb morning. -Tl.o
government has soul tomb
stones fur all of liio old soldiers who
have been provided with none, uud
the (i. A, It. posts Ure expected to
place them in position Thm will be
done here a. tom ah practlcul,
Enormous Amount Paid by This Com
pany in Oregon.
During the six months ending Juno
30. 1903. policy-holders Of The M.u-
tual Ufa Insurance Coapany of New
York, residing in Oregon, received tno
sum of )2G,287. This large amount
does not Include sums pafd In Ore
gon for rent, taxes, salaries, medical
examinations and the like, but Is ex
clusively money In settlement of
The total payment of the company
for the same period amounted to
over 112,273,000, a sum more than
sufficient to pay all the legislative
salaries and expenses of the United
States for the fiscal year 1902, or to
purchase tho total coinage of all the
United States mints in dimes, quar
ters and half dollars for tho entlro
year ending Juno 30, 1902.
floy Campbell, John Kennedy and
John McNally were arrested last
night for vagrancy, and spent tho
night in the city Jail, This morning
in tho police court they lold tho Judge
lliut they were lu the rlty to look for
work ami had been unable so far to
find It. Thoy weri. given until
o'clock this afternoon to either find
work or get out of thn city. They
promised io uunt up tno none or tho
newer construction work anil nnd a
Job, and were allowed lu go.
I). S. McArthur was arrested yes
terday ufternoon for peddling without
a Jlcensu, and was fined $10 by thu
judge. In default of the payment he
wuh sent to the city Jail for five days,
hut expects to find the amount this
McArthur has been for several days
peddling "Or, Hoods" sarsaparllla and
celery compound In tho city. The
bottles were bought here and tho fa
mous medicine manuiartured from a
small amount of burned sugar and
a largo amount of Umutllla river
water. It has a label on the bottlo
anil Is sold at the rate of 45 cents a
bottle for advertising purH)HeK,
Boycott the Baths,
The labor unions of Uolao City
have enforced a boycott on tho nata
torium at that place for the past
month, because a man who was on
the ''unfair list" was employed to
make some needed Improvements
about the buildings,
Additions to the Commercial
Association Library,
J. A. Keo and Dr. V W. Vincent, u
tho trustees of the Hturgls library
fund, loft Bomo yenrs Ago for the es
tablishment of u library for tho Coin
mcrclul Association, Tumi been mail
ing a pureliasd of books for tho li
brary In accordance with tho wli'iei
of the founder of tho fund, They have
bought tho latest encyclopedias, lha
works of Uoothe and of Hugo, nnd aro
now contemplating tho piirchaae of
Voltaire's works,
As soon as a list cornea that limy
havo sent for, they will purcbasa
about 10(1 volumes of the Intent Me
llon, tho books that will bo In tho
future a camparatlvb standard of the
llloraturc of today. Tho association
now has a largo number of good
books In Its library and tho number
Is being added to horn time to time.
so that there is a foundation for one
of tho best libraries In Ihu o.ialora
part of thu statu.
Wants Eddy Law Repealed.
The Sumpter Miner, Hpeakng of thn
work of tho probablo special session
of tho legislature says: "If the min
ing men of thu stafu have any In
fluence, now Is thu tlmo for them to
exert It and forco the repeal of th
obnoxious Kddy law, If members of
the statu legislature from tho mining
districts, especially (bono fronu East
ern Oregon, know on which aide
their political bread Is butterod, now
Is the tlmo fur them to stand pat and
forco this Issue on tho pumpkin
pushing Htuteameu of tho Willamette
valley, who passed tho oppressive
measure and who are now clamoring
for an extra session and an amend
ment to the tax levy law."
Against Severe Whipping,
The school board of Rod 1odgu,
Montana, has taken active steps to
punish a teacher with the law, who
severely whipped a scholar tbts week.
Extension Delayed,
Tho early hnows In tho Bluu moiiu-
tains havo delayed tho building of the
extension of tho Sumpter volley vail
way. jvosiuoni uavld ISeeies w
It was thu orlglnul Intention to com
plete tho extension this fall to Tip
ton, but thu early bad weather hat
Indefinitely delayed tjio work,
The Canadian Pacific railway hui
gotten all of Its dispute with em
ployes settled, except that the eii:
gineers still Insist upon o wage ad
vance of from 10 to '16 pr cent,