East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 12, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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One Price Clotfalers,
The Talk of
Our overcoats and
and $12.50.
Elk Brand, and Longley at $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.50
We have the best makes at $2.50,
$3,00, $3.50 and $4.00
$ The Very Best Values
South American papers have dls
fovered that American adventurers,
by and with the moral support of the
United States government, are re
sponsible tor the secession of I'an
una. A company of Ashovllle, N. C. men
bought a "petrified" man for ?3,500
cash. Now thoy have hrought suit
lo recover the money, claiming thoy
oere' lllm-tlammed into buying an im
age made of Portland cement.
Utah coal miners have been grant
ed an Increase of pay of 10 per cent.
The step was taken as a method of I
"luck-firing" against the great strike.
as Its managers anticipated much
from the co-operation of the Utah
The New York City Wine. Liquor
md Ueer Dealers' Association has
raised $"50,000 to fight temperance
legislation in that state. There are
S.000 dealers in Greater New York.
They claim to he able to handle $5,
WO.OOO nationally for similar ends.
A Justice of the juvenile court in
New York City declares that a great
many juvenile thieves are developed
iecause children have no money al
lowed them for spending, and have
ao training in the first principles of
money getting and spending.
Raymond McVeigh, of Brooklyn. N
Y., membr of the Cadillac fooioall
team, was kicked on the bead during
a game November 3. The Injury re
sulted in brain fever, which causeu
Us death. Accepting the diagnosis
is correct, many Intelligent people are
sreatly surprised, as they did not
think it possible.
Mrs. I. L. Leith, of Salem, aged 79,
tied Wednesday.
A pet stock and poultry association
was organized at Salem Wednesday.
James S. Stewart has Jusi been ap
pointed a United States commission
r for Fossil.
Portland is bidding ror the 1904
iieeting of the Traveling Passenger
Agents' Asociatlon,
At Dletz, Wyo., 600 coal miners have
itruck in sympathy with the Colorado
niners, who aro out.
S, W. uurley, an Oregon ploneor of
Ui&i. died at his homo in Drowns-
trllle, Wednesday, aged 73.
A. I. Gale, of Union, has received a
cold medal for having the best dis
pjay of plums at the .National Irri
ration congress at Ogden in Soptem
Miss Blanche Shelton of Butte, com
mitted suicide Tuesday by drinking
tarbolic acid. She was an orphan
fged 1C and reputed to bo tho hand
tomest girl in Butte.
Willis Galloway, of Hfilsboro, Ore.
who was hauling wheat near Biggs,
lost an arm Wednesday by being ac
cidentally shot with a Bhotgun he was
carrying on bis wagon seat.
Albany is demanding mora letter
carriers. There aro but two on duty
In tho city and owing to the immense
amount of mall handled letters aro
often two days old when delivered.
Lewellyn Roberts, of Hamilton
Moat., has been lost in the mountains
for four days and is supposed to tie
ead. tils companion, will Harlan
was found Wednosday nearly dead
from exposure.
..... 4. . . 4. .
The belt proportions In Oregon
Fine vacant lots. 6 blocks
. from Main st,, $50 to $150
i Two blocks, with $5000
J improvments, 7000.
' $4000 buys a 12. room house
? and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main
st. Bents steady at 835.
. JtSoo .Two houses and 2
I lots, good location, together
rent for $20.
1 interest in good paying
; business on Main st. Stock
at invoice.
8450 per acre20 acre sub
4 urban.. Karden tract.
4 One block (t4 lots), good
improvements, with green
house- cheap.
Best wheat liuwl In IT... ..tu
county. Tracts of lfiO to 2000 f
Call mid see us, We can show
you soruethlnt' that you will like.
tt. X. Wucle . Bon
, I. O.Uoi 331
'Vbone UUel; lilt Office In K, 0, Bldg:
Furnishers, Hatters
the Town I
Suits at $7, $JO f
for the Least Money t
t"H"H'm"i'-n-t.t.n..i..iiiii. it
Hotel Pendleton.
U. E. Beach. Lowlstou.
It. K. Allen, Walla Walla.
W. P. Knylor.
James P. house, Detroit.
V. R. Mead, Sumpter.
F, E. Horbach, Salt Lake.
Irvln I j. Harlow, New York.
George F. Williams, Portland.
H. S. Harmon, Astoria.
J. B. Crnnfiold, Portland.
E. L. Bunco, Spokane.
William Henry, Portland.
II. G. Morrill and wife, St. Louis.
N. G. Dickson, Genessoo.
A. II. Hanson, La orande.
P. W. Von Dyer.
Jason Host.
A. H. Ellison, Portland.
H. M. Vandness, Portland.
P. D. Miller.
Mrs. P. Vanzandt.
H. J. Von Elshirz.
John Barker, Heppnor.
L. A. Lavlns, Portland.
E. P. McIIappy.
C. B. Donden, Uoseburg.
M. H. Caroy, San Francisco.
E. O. N. Widson. Spokane.
G, D. Galley, Portland.
T. Wondell.
Thomas J. Clark, Walla Walla.
Golden Rule Hotel
G. C. Ilalner, Athena.
Miss L. Michael, Athena.
Mrs. II. Perry and daughter, Athena
George C. Francis, Yale.
II. lines. Portland.
Sam Brlndle, Portland.
Mrs. J. Morrison, Arlington.
A. J. (lies, Wallace.
J. W. Porringer, Adams.
C. E. Cookerly, Portland.
Itoso M. Shenck, Toledo.
A. L. Swaggart, Athena.
P. C. Searcoy, city.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
Iijr local applications, as they ranuot reach
tun diseased portion ot tuo car. There Is
only ono way to cure deafness, ami that
Is hjr constitutional remedies. Ileafnss Is
caiiMsl by an Inllamed condition of the
mucous limns or the l.ustaclilan Tube,
When this tube Is luuanied tou hare
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely cloned, Deafness Is the
result, and utiles the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearim: trill be de
stroyed forever; nine roses out of ten aro
caused by Catarrh, which Is uotbinir but
an Inllamed condition of the mucous ur-
We will ulre One Hundred Dollars for
any case 01 iwatness (caused oy catarrn)
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
cure. Menu lor circulars, tree.
V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 73c.
Hail's family Tills are tho best.
Are You Up.to-Date?
If not, wo can help you, ns we arc
horo for tho purposo of helping thoso
with a limited or no education to
qualify tor a good .position without
taking any time from present occu
nation. Now is the time to act. Call
on or drop a card to our local repre
sentative, T. W. Bracking, 127 Leo
street, who will bo pleased to explain
any or all of tho 152 courses taught
by tho International Correspondence
Schools. Wo aro making special
prices on all courses during tho win
daw display at tho postofllcc.
More Evidence of Trjb Good Work,
Baker City, Ore. Sept. 9, 1903. 1
was a constant user or both smoking
and chowing tobacco :for 40 years.
took a treatment of THIB about threo
months ago and can Indorse It as a
cure. My general health Is much Im
proved since I took your cure. Sin
cerely yours,
Tallman & Co., local agents.
Farms for Sale.
We now have listed for sale some
of the best wheat farmu and stock
ranches In the county. All tho places
are well Improved and well supplied
with wntor. Also some tery doalr-
able city property. Call and get
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and Scrofu
lous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and ptirlflor.
Money refunded If you are not satis,
fled. 60c. and $1.00.
For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Correspondence School,
The display of the International
Correspondence School In tho post,
ofllco window should bo seen by
everyone. Tho local .representative.
T. W. Bracking, 127 L.eo street, will,
uo pioasca 10 givo you any informa
tion iiosireu relating to tho school.
Mbkl Tea Positively Cures Sick
Headache. Indication and Conatlua.
tlon. A delightful uorb drink, ilto
moves all oruntipns of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect completion or .money
roruntieii. sac and boc. For salo or
F. W, Schmidt & Co.
Returned From Chattanooga for a
Visit Mr. Helmlch Is III Sale of
Interest in 500 Acres W. R. Tay
lor Has Forty Head of Cattle Miss
ing In the John Day Country,
Athena, Nov. 10. Theodore Kits
sell, of Spokane, Is visiting at the
homo of his father-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Catin.
Mrs. Ed Mannsso, wife of a mer
chant of this city, has been sick. She
Is some better at present,
Frank Tharpe has returned homo
from the Hot Lake, his rheumatism
greatly Improved,
Boy Beck loft Sunday for Holdman
lo teach school.
The Epworth League social was a
success, that was given last Saturday
for the purpose of raising funds for
the now M. E. churcii. The proceeds
of the evening was '$40.
B. F. Oglo has returned from his
Willow Springs rniicn. ho sold :12
head of beef to Fryo-BiUhn. He 10
ports that there Is about eight Inches
of snow on the Blue mountains near
his place.
Mrs. C. Waterman recently sold to
Will McCollum her home up In the
upper end of town. Airs. Waterman
will live with bur son in Spokane.
Ed S.mpson has of late been making
some Improvements on his Wild
Horso ranch by making a loveo two
hundred yards long, for the protection
of his bottom land.
Mrs. Andy McEwen has returned
from Chattanooga, Tennessee, where
she has been visiting relatives and
mends of her early childhood. .Mrs,
.McEwen found that things had
changed so much It did not seem like
the place she loft several years ago,
Mrs. Arota Plamonuon of this city
has just returned from Lewlstoij
Idaho, where sho has been visiting
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Samuel Boonen's lather, .Mr
Hclmick, Is on the sick list this
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Osburn of this
city will leavo for Portland Decern
ber I to spend the winter.
George Hartman of Pendleton . as
recently sold to his partnur. Mr. Badly
near this city, his his share or BOO
acres of land and his machinery and
Calvin Ogle, nephew of B. P. Ogle
is a guest nt the Ogle home for a few
W. A. Miller's concert was a success
in every way. Four or live hundred
people were there. A beautiful thcr
mometer was given as a souvenir to
each family. They wer6 entertained
by the Johnatun orchestra which gave
some very nice mucic.
Cattle Lost or Stolen,
- W. It. Taylor of this city, who went
over to John Day a week or so ago
to turn his stock ranch and cattle
over to Messers. Johnston and Lu
Dolph, was greatly disappointed by
finding that about -10 head of his cat
tie could not be found. He is still
looking for them, but with little
hopes of finding tnem.
To Fight Against Disease Unless They
Strike at the Underlying Cause.
To treat dandruff and falling hair.
with Irritants or oils on which a para
sitic germ will prosper. Is llko scoop
ing water from the ocean to provent
the tide from coming in.
You cannot accomplish a satisfac
tory cure without a right understand
Ing of tho fundamental causes of the
You must kill tho Dandruff Germ.
Nowbro's Hcrpiclde docs this he
causo it Is specially made to do that
very thing.
When the germ Is removed, tho hair
has no cholco but to resume healthy
growth and beauty.
"Destroy tho causo, you remove too
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c
In stamps for sample to The llornl
clde Co.. Detroit, Mich. F. W.
Schmidt & Co., special agents.
Their Forefathers Fought In the War
for Independence.
FL Wayne, Nov, 12. Ft. Wayne
is entertaining today a numtrer ot
women from all parts of Indiana who
take prldo in tho fact that their lore-
fathers were among thoso who fought
for American Independence
The occasion Is the annual meeting
of the stato society of tbeiDaugntors
of the American Revolution. The
gathering was opened with addresses
of wclcomo by Mrs. Clark Fairbanks
and S. M. Foster, to which response
was made for the visitors by Mrs. C.
C. Foster of Indianapolis. A recep
tion ror the delegates is to bo given
tonight under tho auspices' of the lo
cal chapter of tho organization.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo does for the
stomach that which It Is .unable to
do for Itsolf oven when slightly dis
ordered or over-loaded. Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure supplies the natural
juices of digestion and does tho work
of the stomach, relaxing the nervous
tension, while tho Inflamed muscles
of that organ are allowed to rest and
heal. Kodol Dyspopsla Curo digests
wnai you eai anu onnuiea 1110 mum-
ach ond digestive organs to transform
all food into rich, red blood, sold
by Tallman & Co.
Bargain If Taken Soon.
34.000. now residence with Its own
wator plant and all modorn Improve-'
monts, also chicken house and barn;
11 lots with a sccqnd dwolllng liouso
worth SSOO. Will soil sovon lots with
largo house or four .lota with small
house, Easy payments. This Is tho
greatest bargain offered In Pondloton.'
uau on iientiey narimnn anu ,soi
full particulars.
M. R. Stuart Has Moved From Moscow
Marshal Wilkinson recovering
From Football Accident Bond
Propositions Carried by Heavy Ma
jority, Milton, Nov. 10. S. K. Coe returned
Sunday morning from Hoppner whoro
ho went to attend the funeral of his
biothcr-ln-luw, A. O. Bartholomew.
G, A. Graves, district director of
the Knights of the Maccabees, who
has been horo In tho Interests of tho
order has gone to La Grande,
Mrs, J. M, Hill and daughter Mrs.
Bertha Brackott have returned to
their homes at Walla Walla, after a
lew days visit here.
W. Earl Shattuch, who was em
ployed In C. P, Collins' drug store,
has gone to Spokane In responco to
a telegram announcing the serious
Illness of his slstox-.
Next Friday night the ladles of the
M. 13, Church will serve a chicken plo
dinner in the building formerly oc
cupied by A. Allon.
Miss Nora Arnell or Starbuck.
Wash., arrived here Saturday' and
is a guest, oj her cousin Miss Nora
Miss Flora Sharer, of Joseph, is a
now student of Columbia College.
Mrs. Samuel Huffman of llldge Is
hero visiting nor daughter, Mrs. F.
J. Uealo.
Miss Colin Moore hns returned from
Echo wheo sho spent several days
visiting her parents, and Is again on
rolled nt Columbia COlloge.
Mr, and Mrs, Isaae Wilson came
down from their home at Dayton and
are visiting Mr. Wilson's mother,
-Mrs. M. A. Stout.
.Marshal Wilkinson, whu had his
collar hone broken In a game of foot
bull nt Walla Walla, has returned to
Whitman College, after a week's
stay here With his parents.
The Artisans entertained their
mumliers and friends with a social
and supper last night In the Odd Fel
lows' hull.
Air and .Mrs. J, E. Nichols spent
Sunday at College Place, tho guests of
.Mr mid Mrs. I). It. Nichols.
Moved' From Moscow,
M. K. Stuart, of 'Moscow, has ac
cepted a position w.m the lln.clwood
Co. and he and his family are snug
ly domiciled in the rooms above Col
lins' drug sloru.
Bonds Carried,
The election for rebuilding .Milton
City for the Improvements In the
wator works and electric light system,
mid also tho taking up of the old
bonds which are duo, was hold yes
terday in the opera hall and resulted
In an overwhelming majority for re
building tho city.
State Teachers' Association Meeting.
Baker City, Or., November 23-25,
For the above occasion a rato of
ono-thlrd fare on the certificate plan
la authorized to Baker City. Tickets
oti sale any three days prior to open
Ing'day. For particulars, call ou or
address F. F. WAMSLEY,
Chambermaids Wanted.
Chambermaids are wanted at Hotel
Inland Empire Piano Hi
We expect to occupy the Milarky building, opposite Tribune
present quarters to our new home if we can avoid- it, we M
prices on our superb line of Pianos, Organs and Stringed in
v,n . ..n-t .4,nAi,,r Aa,a .imf anvrine even1
Dliitine the nurohaseof
grand opportunity and
JNo aeconu-naua,
our stock. They are
ished, rich harp topes and perfect action. Every wra"J
,guaranteod. Call hi and inspect thorn , nowr and don t torgev
address. Court stroet, opposite Tribune.
ri . .
Magnificent Scenery With This Dra.
matlc Production, '
Tho dramatic field Is always opon
for novoltlos-rln fact, It Is essential
that now Ideas bo constantly supplied
to keep up tho Interest of a stage
whoso superficial devices pall with
repetition. Ono of the noteworthy
now things that stand out prominent
ly among tho season's successes is
E. J. Carpenter's groat play, "A Lit
tle Outcast," which comes to tho
Frazer next Tuesday, Nov. 17. It has
With "A Little Outcast,'
been making a sort of royal progress
thrpugh the country, and there has
been 110 limit to the pralso both the
play and tho players havo won, and
tho money receipts havo been In con
sonance with uio praise extended by
tho critics.
Tho scenery Is unique In Its cor-rectnoss-of
detail, magnificent furni
ture, draporles and general plan or
the boudoir In the second act is a re
plica 01' the famous "Colonial itoom"
In Mrs. "Jack" Gardner's palace In
Boston, which was a nine dijys' won
der to tho decorators and aroused the
envy of every woman of the Fotlr
E. J. Brooks has been appointed
postmaster nt Junenu, Alaska.
You wear a coat. Why?
To keep the cold out? No;
to keep the warmth in.
What of the body that has
no warmth the thin, poor
body that lacks the healthy
flesh and fat it needs?
For siych we say that Scott's
Emulsion provides the right
kind of a coat. Why? Be
cause Scott's Emulsion builds
firm, solid flesh and sup
plies just enough fat to fill
nature's requirements no
more. That means bodily
We'll wild you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT Ai 1IOWNE. 409 Peitl Street, New York.
an instrument should take advance;
secure one. ' , be-fo"
reverieu or repaired lUHuruuicmi:
all brand new with elegant cases,
i . 1 1 1 . . . iiiarruuiv""
BOLD oxl
Sash, Doors 11
Made to oidaj
paper, lime, ad
and sand, weejj
barns and dwtiJ
Oregon 1
Alts St, 0pp. Cl
The ippii
want thti
most dtlii
,no highera
Thi Oreoon Diilrl
found on ule at fm
our i'