DAILY EVENING EDITION . ... .n "ad"' Eastern Oregon Weather J5JJ ,111 bring Tonight nnd Frlilay occasional snow. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEGON, Til V IISD AY, NOVEMBEK 12, 15)03. NO. 181)4. gBEomuN EFT IF JinflRESS Lb of Irrigation Log Oregon" His Sub- .ic nc PRE9- unt - ... B.ui.w of the Old i iM rhl Rlate iibu " Step Toward nnnn Needs UW. paper wan rend i convention by Lowell of this city, c rculatlon nnu int. lillktttWIO nd Kcntlcnicii! .i H K TTntfnH ij the subject or ir threo gcnernl sub- of the English com rives tho riparian i. ik Jflnm rt trnntn W IUU Ml OXI HUM, Quantity and un- tv sumccL univ iu . II . . .1 ....... ,. r riparian pro- i many phases as Region Doctrine, (round of beneficial do duoiii- itmi IlUl of the Atlantic the newer states In the third, those was once Known as Impracticable. are of tho guar- of the race and of its purposes. ninrnpc ni ,t irimon tWi Republic have mistake, and not Is law of waters, s theory had Its lit onnrflttnnn Mile irrigation a ersnin nr 4i.ni . ... iim,i:i mill. W responsible for owner of the land. wnicn tin Hii-oimi the owner iif tlm ......it,,,, nviiL wre, Ho could not I... : " " "MO UUt till (toe principles of "7 the Anmrl win t a time when men uhii in r.. .... wre to obtain In ana tho non ..r-iiaii liinnnos iiv umii i rwedent th unttirwi wy or tho states. t. the mistake and 'laturo and theJ . Riven to ft modified rule, .i.uu m Oregon. J Improvement, elimlnatlnp tho or or basin in , 'Pi In mnsit afy. hilt hnn ,W Wraisten l Value ii toward V"VE: in ti-, . irrigation development of California, Colorado and Utah began to attract attention to tho unrivaled resources in climate and productions of the semi arid regions, this state awak ened to the neede of its own vaat area o kindred. JjOjlTJiescattered Irri gation projects in the eastern and southern counties began to disclose sources of wealth and possibilities for homes of which the founders of the commonwealth hau not dreamed, nnd' of necessity the courts were brought by the force of public inter est, .which is always paramount, to approach, as rapidly as the conser vation of vested rlguts would permit, to the Arid Region Doctrine, and the legislature in 1891 supplemented the effort by tho following declaration: "Tho ubo of tho Water of tho lakes and running streams of the state or Oregon for general rental, salo or distribution, for' tho purposes of Irri gation ajid supplying water for house hold and domestic consumption and watering livestock upon dry lands of the state, is a public use." The act of which tho above language Is a prelude, provides nlso for the condemnation or rights of riparian owners, preserving to the latter, how ever, sufficient water for domestic use and Irrigation for crops actually growing. Judiciary Is Up-to-Date. The Judiciary of thK state, In appre ciation of the great needs und pos sibilities of Its arid acres, which con stitute probably two-thirds of its ter ritory, has in the last decade viewed with 'broad vision Its importance to tho future, and its Intimate connection with public interest, and has Justly endeavored to place the consideration of tho subject upon tho high plain which it. deserves. The opinions pro mulgated in recent years have hap pily far removed us from our common law beginnings. Synopsis of Oregon Law. Th law of Oregon then, stated in guneral 'terms, is ns follows: 1. Tim water of the lakes and streams ,s' public property subject to appropriation by public corporations, for public purposes, limited only by the vestod rights of prior proprietors, and the rights of riparian owners to the extent of their actual needs for domestic purposes, watering live stock and actual present (not pro spective) Irrigation. 2. 'As between approprintors, be ,who 'is first in time is first In right. An Appropriation 13 1101 uoiermineci -r ' (Continued on. pace 3.) MONTANA SPECIAL . SESSION CALLED IMPRESTS OF ALL THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT. STRIKE RIOTS ifi NEW SYSTEM JUHIfflBO P 'PHONE CALLS Unions Claim the Street Car Companies Have Armed the Strike Breakers. TEAMSTERS MANAGING TO CREATE BLOCKADES. Especially Intended to Secure Legis lation to Prevent Tie-Up of Mining Industries Will Secure Jury Trials In Certain Cases. i knot inj i - in adr,nfln lu? there and - l Wavnrto In .... In -i . . . "'lull - "biub cannot " Jarcer mi,?'8 regarded .tiat' ilhere' ani It I. , '.'elousl Butte, Nov. 12. All mines, melt oi s and otliqr works uf the Ainali;a mated 'Copper Company in this and otlie,- states, which were s,hut c.own (n account ot tlio recont court decis ion, weru ro-oponod this morriliig ns a. result of th'o call for nn extra ses sion oi the legislature to enact a "fair .trial law." Thcro is great re joicing throughout tho district. Tho proposed "fair tr'nl law." de manded by all the people of Montana lrrespectivf ot business or other af filiations, wlh provide: First, Jor tho operation of all -min ing properties pending suits and ponding tiio settlement by arbitra tion, or .agreement of disputes be tween llclgunttj and owners, and also during the hoaring of suit, disputes and arbitration proceedings. The wunu boing,' designed to protect all and common))ntore8tB trom the ehock of unexpected sh'ut downs piocipltat ed by, the whim of disgruntled liti gants -ind often supported by Injunc tion proceedings. Second, for Jury trial of cases in all mliiine HUeation wherein a Jury trial Is possible under tho stnto toiH Htitution, thus taking from tno coiu-is tho burden of responsibility which, as Illustrated by reoent-events, too fre quently react upon tho personnel of the court to tho subversion of tho re spect for .its decjsioife and tho Judicial systom generally. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations-Furnished by Coe Commls- alon Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo cal Manager. Pendfcton, Nov. 12. Wires arc all down 'today and no mnrket letter waa secolvcd. Chicago, Nov. 12. Wheat Opening. Hoc f 76 May , 7C Corn Doc 4214 May , 41 Minneapolis, Nov. 12. Wheat Opening. Dec , 76 May 7C Close. 70 7C?4 41 41 Close. 75 7C Postoffc6 Trafficking. Omaha, Nov.-12. Tho fedornl Judgo has taken up the charges of trafficking in postofflcoB In which Senator Diet rich la implicated, Twenty-One Lines Tieti Up Trains 'Mobbed and Overturned and Train Men Assaulted Mali Trains Not Disturbed Directly, 6ut Are Nces sarlly Delayed Five Hundred Po lice Squad Nearly Overcfome. Chicago, Nov. 12. Representatives of the employes thlr morning declare the Employers". Association has furn ished the non-unionists who are ex pected to take their places, with GOO Colts' revolvers. The Employers as sociation officials deny tins. Last night the committee from tin union called on Mayor Harrison- and assured hlra the strike will be con ducted orderly and no effort made to Interfere with mall mrs, and any sfriker Indulging in violence will bo summarily punished by the union. The mayor assured them there would bo no city interference unlessJ-there Is violence. ' Strike !IE On. Promptly at 4 this morning tha greatest car strike in the history of Chicago commenced and 21 lines are tied up, comprising all tlnj Chicago railway companies. The strike order was formally Isnued by a ratification meeting last night. , It was nearly 8 o'clock befora any attempt was made to run, while tho south side cjtfvated and the. Illinois Ceutral were -.overtaxed 5n efforts to bring belated workers tnd business men down town. Rlotirjf Began at'Once," " Shortly before 8 the big carbarn dooxh swung open and six trains, in cluding the mail train, which was sandwiched 'In, started out with non union help. No effort was rando to stop them mntil tbny passed outside the police detailed nt tno tiarns, wnen they were greeted with a storm of missiles. . Three tiaiiih managed to weather tho storm, but the other thiee crews abandoned ;thoir curs .and lied io tho barns with bleeding wounds. Oikj man wns so liad'y hurt lie was taken to the hospital. The mail train was not molested, but could not he moved because tire trains ahead and behind were aban doned. Teamsters Organize Blockades. The first curs reached the down town "Wertt worth llne.nnd hnd an un eventful trln until they reached Claris and Van Uuren. where following tho usual custom, teamsters who wer.o in sympathy blockaded the tracks, hopo" lesslv entangling them. From all tildes came bombardment of tthe .care. Windows wore riddled and holes knocked through tho roofs, and pinto glass windows !n nodrby stoien suffered. Several people in the crowd were .hurt. The police finally dispersed the mob and ears piocecu At lrt:3K fh-i first Cottage filove nvnmio ear returning was again blocli nrW hr teamsters and a mob. A Hjuad of 500 police charged tho mob, lint were .met ho determined they were .almost overpowered. The grlpman announced ho had had enough and would step, off thq train as soon as it raurne.a to tlieruarn. too cruwu, i-hnoroA am! ineedl'lv onened the way.' The grlpmen of the three succeeding-: ipfltnc nlun reRle-iwtu. a mnh at Forty?seventh and Cbti tago Grove ftvenue' stojiped the carf and pulled the crew, off and tieat them nnd tipped closed .coaches .ovor and smashed the grip apparatus. a rrf.fi Reduced. tn.ll Mann VnV. 12. NotlCOS were posted at Fall itiver mills tA. morning announcing a in per oni dijctlon of wages effoctlvo November, 23 It anecis au.uou wurnuio, . , I Shipping' in AustWans. Now York, Nov, 12. A carload of Austrian non-union mine jic shipped to tho Coloriflo coal fields take the nlaco of ilitn - strikers. Prfessionaland Business Men Vaht Improved Telephone Sifvice. BEL ISBOX SYSTEM IS ANTIQUATED. Butchers Strike. Cincinnati. No.v. 12. Seven hund red butchers struck this morning for n 10-hour day nnd 10 por cent In crease In wagos. Settle With Queen's Heirs. Holgrnde, Nov. 12. Tho Servian government hat paid 100,000 to tho sisters of the hue Queen Draga proceeds ot tho sale of nil her prop erty. Pension Bill Passed. Havana, Nov. 12. The Gomel bin porislontng i ubnn patriots today pass ed the senate. OverC00 'Phones In Pendleton and Changes should Be Made In Moving IntjSJWw Quarters Business Done by ..Company In Pendleton Justifies BesServlce In Use Question Is Being Agitated. I There is very strong sentiment among the buslnuss and professional men ofl'endleton in lavor of nn lm proved i telephono system In Pendle ton. The Pacific States Toiphonc and Telegraph Company lias over tiOO 'phones in this city, and according to the ttopulatiou Pendleton is one of the very best patronB of the telpbono ou tho Pacific Coast. At its present stago of develop ment the telephone company is now operating the largest possible area of telephones with tho smallest possible force, making the system-very profi table and the expense ot handling it very light, compared to the amount of business done. While Uie offices aro being changed from the present quarters In the Sav ings Dank building to tno elegant new offices in tho Matlock building, It is highly important that the change bo asked at this time, and thero is a movement on foot to ask tho company to favor 'Pendleton by installing the "express system" of calls now In use In Portland and other large cities, in stead of '.nstalllng the same old- fashioned .hell call system now in use In this cur. ' lt"-wlH"bo""neocssary to put In differ ent fixtures and switchboards, for tho new system, and as tho offices are to bo moved, the expense of ma.g the change during tho move will bo much less than after tho old system is put in place in tho new offices. The "express system" of calls does away with tho old bell box and instead of ringing up "central" and waiting to get her, and then giving her tho number wanted, with this new system a number drops in front of the oper ator the Instant u receiver is taken down, and "central" Immediately calls for your number. Tho bell box is unknown In tho "express system" and tho 'phono can bo moved from the center table to tho dinlug table or any other conven ient place in tho home, making Jt n convenience and pleasure for profes sional men who uro subject to hund reds of telephone calls during the day and night. As It is now, an antiquated bell box must be uttached to tho wall and tho person wanted must answer tho 'phone In tho hall or other out-ot-tho way place in which the cumbersome box may bo located. BIG SLIDE AT BINGHAM. Thousand Feet of Bluff Fell Onto Track and Right of W?v. Last night nenrly 1,000 feet of the bluff a mllo the other sido ot tllngham slid onto tho track and right of wny of tho O. R. & N. nnd has held the trains thcro until late this afternoon. Tho track at that point runs under n steep bluff of scale rock and dirt cov eted with trees and brush. It has been a troublesomo point for years, nnd toHay loosened by tho recent rains, the largest slldo of all occur red. A train left here this morning which picked up all tho laborers this sldo of Dtngham, and over SO men have been nt work nil day clearing tho lino and laying new track: Part of the mass had to be blasted out of tho way, as It was composed of boul ders too large to movo. Trains 5 nnd 1 and 21, west-bound, C east-bound and two oxtrnB. have been held at tho sccno all day, the first one passing the slide about 2 o'clock this afternoon. LAND OFFICE APPOINTEES. Appointed and Confirmed by Request of Senator Mitchell. Portland, Nov. 12. The Journal's Fpoclnl Washington correspondent pays Senator Mitchell received unani mous consent in oxecutive session to day for consideration of tho Oregon land ofilco appointments, nnd tho sen ato confirmed Edward W. DavlB na register at La Grnude; A. 8. Dresser, ns register at Oregon City; Charles U. Snyder, as receiver and John Wat son as register at Lnko View, SUMMONED THE FORCE. Will Find Whether They Know as Much as Tney Claim to. Topeka, Nov. 12. Ab a result of a 10-column story In last night's edi tion exposing tho joints and gambling houses In Topeka, tho entire editorial force of tho Evening Herald was sum moned Into tho district court today to glvo evidence. OPINIONS OF LEGISLATORS Members of House and Sen ate Are Responding to the Governor's Request. The Dalles Military Road. Portland. Nov. 12. The Journal fcreclal Washington correspondent says the secretary of the Inter'or .to. day approved the selection ot The Dalles Military Ho.nl Company of 25, 243 acres in the Burns land district, SENATOR SMITH FOR THE SESSION WILL BE GOVERNED BY HI8 CONSTITUENTS, Has Sent Letters of Inquiry to All Parts of the County He Says Amend tne Law and Adjourn Re. plies Favor the Special Session. al und buhiucss men nro unanimous in their wish thar the company would instull the new system in making tho change from the old to the now omcos. Thov feel that the busluess transacted hv tho telenhono company in Ibis city justifies tho demand for the Im proved service. PORTAGE ROAD CASE. Dr. C. J. Smith was ten this morn ing In regard to his position on the special session of the legislature, and Hutul that he had at this time no opinion, hut was waiting to bear from the county. In order to find out the conillllou of the county nnd tho desires of the The profession-1 people Senator Smith has mailed over .Judge Bradshaw Overrules Demurrer to the Complaint In the Portage Case Yesterday. Portland, Nov. 12. Judge Urad shaw. at Tho Dalles, yesterday over ruled the demurrer of tho O. R. & N. romnanv to the complaint of tbo jitato iu tho nonage roao conaem- nation proceedings, for tno ngni oi way for tho portage, over tho land be longing to the company. The grounds of the demurrer W that the state could onry conaemn land for a crossing, and not land that extended longitudinally along the track of tho company. Judgo ilradshaw hold that the state could condemn any lund not actually In 'una or occuDled by tho tracks of tho eqtnpony, or that tne state couia ex nrclsA the right of eminent domain over any unoccupied portion of tho right at way. The portage roan survey loucnes the O. R. & N. right of way at five points In tho 11 miles, but at no point does Jt approach nearer the track than 30 feet. Right of way through all other property lias been secureu by the state. Fire in Constantinople. Constantinople, Nov. 12. A serious fire in the Kroba took place today. Valuable public buildings were de stroyed and seven were reported killed. Trying to Be Reinstated, Washington, Nov, 12. Threo naval cadets recently found guilty of haz ing and dismissed from Annapolis, aro trying to get the presdont to re instate them. 25 letters, sending them to all of the principal school districts of the coun ty, and one to tho mayor of each town; also one to the county Judge, asking them what Is the condition of their finances, and what would bo tho result of no session. As yet h hus received but few answers, but nil of them aro in favor of it special session, saying that the schools and cities would be emlmrrapsed by not having a tax levy. While Governor Chamberluln whh In the city he and Dr. Smith talked tho plan over, and the governor thought that It was a good way to determine tho sentiment of the peo ple and expressed a desre to seu tha answers received, Until al), or the majority of tho letters have been an swered Dr. Smith will make no state ment as to his opinion in regard to tho session. In any ovent bo would not bo In favor of any outside legis lation should tbo legislature be call ed. He would wish to settle tho tax question as quickly as possible and then adjourn, not tuinkng it advisa ble at this time to attempt any other legislation. THOSE NEW CARDINAL9. No ''American Appointed at the First Public Consistory, Rome. Nov. 12. Tho first public consistory of Pope Plus X was held today with great pomp. Tho proces sion was headed by tho Swiss guards, then the cardinals, then the pope, boruo by eight. He was followed by great throng of prJests. Ho con ferred hats on threo cardinals, boing Talianl, of Vienna; Alutl, of Lisbon; Katschtaler of Suisberg. Merry Del val, secretary of state, and Callcglar Haduo, after tbo consistory, confer red tho pallum on Archbishop Bourns, of Westminster. Prussian Diet Elections, Rerlln, Nov, 12. Keon Interest Is taken In the election of members to the Prussian diet today. The social ists expect to gain a footing. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF CORVALLIS HEARD FROM. Not Much Unanimity of Opinion Some Seek the Repeal of the Cor poration Tax Law, or Consideration of Other Matters Than the Tax Law Others Stand True to Issues of the Hour. s Tho following concensus ot opln'on from the members of tho legislature, on tho special session Is gleaned from tho stato press: RepnUentatlvo T. N. Murphy, ol Uuloii rtvinty, w!i Is nt pit sent con fined nt his homo In La (Irnndo with Illness, will consult with his constitu ents nnd act In necordnnco with their sentiment In the matter. He has not answered the governor's letter nnd Ir not In position to do so until ho con fers with tbo taxpayers, Senator Justus Wado, of Slimmer vllle. Union county, favors a special session, but believes tho tnx law hhould bo remedied and tho hcsslon oil sim.'t to save expur.sos. Senntor Watt Tylor Smith aiid Hep rcscntntlve 11, F. Jones, of Lincoln county, havo joined with tho couuty Judge nnd other citizens in petitionee for a special session to relieve the financial conditHn of that county, oc casioned by tho loss or tho tax levy. Representative I, U. Rlddlo, of Douglas county, believes the session should be called but the legislation confined to tho tax law alone, to save costs on tho people. Herbert Holmnn, Joint roiuesents tlve from Clucknmns nnd Multnomah counties, Annts to wear no mntxle and will not agree to consider noth ing but tho tnx luw and says H tho sosslon is held other matters of Im portance should be attended to and refused to answer tho courteous let ter from tho governor. Hu'unan would like very much to sec I ho cor poration tax law repealed at the spec ial session. It is rumored. The common council of the city of CorvnlllH has put (tinned the governor to call n special sesson to provent financial onibarrnssment to that city. Washington county members will not express un opinion hut lire delw mined not to agree to confine . idr nftlon to the tax law, alone, us ther are other matters pertaining tn tho nlTulrH of that county which demand Immediate roller. One of the matters that would he luouglit up from Wash ington county Is relief fiom the pres ent damuglng congeston of trulllc o the Southern Pnil- Hues hi that county. , ,, Rcprebontntlvo l,uurlcH V. (.ullo way, or Yamhill county, boliovoi th session should be culled nml thut It should bo Just us short na tho con sideration of the tax law will perm t of, hut ho declines to pledge hlinroll not to consider any other measure, uiniim. unit lie desires to be free to do bin duty by his constituency under all circumstances. llowHvnr. Mr. (lul owiiy tntnics uiai Inasmuch as the legislature mutto mlatiikii In tin tax aw. llio monioein should remedy tho law, free of chart 10 thu H!opo of tno sunn, nnu him no pay should bo allowed legislator for tho special session. Representative W, It, llllym, of Linn county, says If the legislators do not pledge themselves to consider nothing but tho tax law, thut tho cor poration tax law will bo assiiled b tho special sesslou, nnd that tho cor poration tax law must not bo touch ed until It has been thoroughly -to!' cd. Ho favors u special session if It can be confined to remedying the fin law. ' Representative Thomas I). Kay, ot Marlon county, stands pat with Utt, governor, and believes that tho siv inl mission should not bo prolonged If consider general legislation. He jayi. tliorn Is iii-cent need Of ino mi iuvj of 1903 In many portions of the statu ' ,,1.1 imt uflu'ii this remedial leglslir , tlon Ih passed, tho session should nd Journ without Imposing unnccesHarj ' oxpenso on tho taxpayer. Mr. Kny was a vigorous oppotmu or the new tax law last winter- Ho will nstcu t the terms of tho governor's deraane hy promising not to consider any other matter thun the tnx law, nlw some emergency not now oxisUns should arise. Raker, Hurney, Malheur and Grant counties havo not boon heard from yet, hut It Is thought that the mem bers from Uakor and Orant at least, will favor tho repeal of tho corpora tlon law at tho special session, owing to tho mining corporations In thus counties that are so bitterly oppus:wi to it. Thero Is no truth whatover In the report that J, Plerpont Morgan w retire from active, business life,