East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 11, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Men's Suits $ 5.00 to $15.00
Men's Salts J 2.50 to 25.00
Youth's Suits 4.00 to J 4.00
Boy's Suits 1.50 to 5.00
Men's Overcoats 5.00 to 20.00
Boy's Overcoats 2.50 to J 0.00
0. R. & N. ENGINES
All Goods Guaranteed Satisfactory
V I ': tttt I t t -rH- H HUH 1 j f M
This year's corn crop la 2,313,000,000
bushels, which averaged 25.S bushels
In the acre. Tho quality averaged but
S3.1 per cent
There aro antl-olerlcal riots In San
tander, Spain. The convents and
residences of the Jesuits have been
mobbed and troops hnve been called
The Chicago city council has pass
ed an ordinance imposing a lino of
$100 upon anyone who sells, loans or
furnishes a toy gun in which an ex
plosive can be used.
Tod Sloan, tho famous jockoy, who
earned a largo fortune at races, at
one time making $M),000 in one year,
lias gone broko and Is chaffeur for a
Parisian automoblllst.
.Martin l.oew, n medical student In
Baltimore, is dead from injuries re
oelved by being hazed by fellow stu
dents. The hazing was the process
of being initiated Into a (ireek letter
Stephen D. Winner, Si years old, is
dead at I'ougbkeepsle. N. Y. He is
said to have been tho oldest living lo
comotive engineer. He first ran an en
gine in 1852 and followed the busi
ness -16 years.
C. .1. Lord, of Olympla, is a candi
date for governor of Washington in
Antonio Bruno, a merchant of Pla
cervlllc, Cal., was killed by his son,
Louis Bruno, In a family quarrel Tues
day morning.
A branch of. the Oregon Mining As
sociation has been formed In Sump
ter, Frank Shelton, president, and
Anthony Mohr, secretary.
Ashland has just installed a fire
alarm system at a cost of ?2,nuu,
which will reduce tho rates on flio
insurance about 0 per cent In that
Tho employes of Wells-Kargo Ex
press Company, in San Francisco,
threaten to go on a strike because of
the officials of the company fighting
the unions.
Ronnie Bayard, a 10-yoar-old boy.
accidentally shot and killed . Percy
Smith, ageil G years, at Vancouver, B.
C. Tuesday morning, while playing
with a gun.
A burglar entered the home of John
Stout, of Salem, Tuesday night, and
m frightened Mrs. Stout that she
fainted, and while sho was In a swoon
tho house was ransacked and tho
burglar escaped.
Jerry Leslie, of Portland lias sued
Chief of Pollco Hunt for $25,000 dam
ages for 17 days' false imprisonment,
in which the damaged man was kept
In shackles. Ho was arrested for
murder and afterward released,
George J. Schleigc, a farmer of Mat
son, Wash., who was riding on tho
"blind baggage" of a Northern Paci
fic train, Tuesday morning near Seat
tle, was attacked by robbers, and after
being relieved or nis monoy moy
Hotel Pendleton.
J. E. Bradley, St. Louis.
J. Johnson and wife.
A. N. Scliss.
J. H. Lowell, Caldwell.
H. E. Bickers, Salem.
B. W. Dennis, San .Francisco.
Horace Purdy, Portland.
J. N. Morrow, Portland.
A. Nylander, Portlnnd.
J. WlthycomLc, Corvallls.
F. I j. Knot.
J. C, Tlmmers, Chicago.
C. E. Roosovelt.
D. C. A. Klrkwosd, Chicago.
Maud U. .Milliner.
Horace Marlott.
Richard Golden and wile. New York
F. S. -Morrison.
J. ". Irwin, Tacoma.
Dr. J. II. Sponakle. Athena.
F. s. Ale.Muhon, Portland.
J. A. Newton, Vale.
A. It. Grant, Portland.
A. F. Cavanaugh," Portland.
G. Martin, Adams.
Leo It. Deuman, SpoKane.
Frod Oloson. San Francisco.
L. Gandlor Topekn.
W. N. Grimth, Spokane.
A. Anderson and wife, Spokane.
V. Wolf, San Francisco.
Golden Rule Hotel
C. Oberg, McKay.
George C. Francis, Yale.
J. W. Perrlngcr, Adams:
J. E. Brown, Portland,
T. C. Grimes, Harrlsliurg.
Mrs. J. Brown and sons, Portland
C. Wood, Weston.
F. E. Young, Spokane.
A. D. Sherman, Now York.
J. Montague, Pomcroy.
C. E. Cookerly, Portland.
Guy Osborne, Portland.
William Harkness, Portland.
II. C. Means, Ashwood.
F. G. Wall, Ashwood.
C. C. Culloy, Walla Walla.
i. Prnebstel. Weston.
It. G. Sailing, Weston.
J. H. Kyle. Moacham.
James Smith, city.
W. F. Kyle, Spokane.
Jj. Cunningham, Portland.
George Mansfield, city.
G. W. Burt, Birch creek.
Farms for Sale.'
We cow have listed for sale some
of the best wheat farms and stock
ranches In the county. All the nlaces
threw him from the train, seriously, are well Improved and woll supplied
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
by local applications, us they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to core denfncsw. and that
In ly constitutional remedies. Deafnesu Is
caused by an Inflamed condition or the
mucous lining of tho i;utachlan Tube,
When this tube Li InHamed you have u
rumbllmr sound or ItnDerfect hoarhu.'. and
when It Is entirely closed, Itaifncss In the
result, una unless tne innammation can po
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hcarlnc will be de
stroyed forever; nine coses out of ten are
caused ny catarrn, wtucn is nothing Due
nn Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any esse or ix-amess icauseti by column
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
cure, wena lor circulars, rree.
V. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, .
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's family Tills are the best.
If not fatally injuring him.
James Fennlng, alias, Jim James,
arrested by the sheriff of Multnomah
county for complicity in tno u. u. s
N hold-up, has been released from
nnntndv the sheriff having arrested
tho wrong man on tho description of
Harshman, the robber who was shot
on the night of mo uoiu-up.
with water. Also some very deslr
able city property. Call and set
The belt propoiilluns In Oregon
Fine vacant lots, 6 blocks
from Main St., ?5oto 150
Two b'ocks, with $5000
improvements, 7000.
$4000 buys a i2-room bouse
and 2 lots, 2 blocks from Main
st. Rents steady at $35.
JSiSoo Two houses and 2
lots, good location, together
rent for 20,
y, interest in good paying
business on Main st. Stock
at invoice,
$45o per acre 20 acre sub
4, urban garden tract.
! One block (.14 lots), good
1 improvements, with green-
house cheap.
? Best wheat land In Umatilla
T eounty. Tracts of 1B0 'to 2000
i Cull and see us. We can show
? you something that you will like,
t E. T. Wude & Son
Ti: o, itox sit
'Phone Black 1111 UClce In E, 0. Uldg
Cured 20 People-.
Sorgt. C. C. Ilummol of the 26th
United States Coast Artillery writes
from Fort Flagler, Wash, TltHl Is
doing very flno work among the peo
plo here. I know of twenty persons
here who were cured of the Drink
Habit. 1 take pleasure tn recom
mending it as a euro for the J.lquor
and Tobacco Habits.
Tallman & Co. local agents.
Correspondence School.
The display of the International
Correspondence School in the post-
offico window should bo seen by
ovoryone. Tho local representative.
T. W. Bracking, 127 Lo streot, will
be pleased to give you any Informa
tion uoslred relating to tho school.
Six Inches of snow, the first of the
season, has fallen at Salt Lake City.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why uso gelatine and
spend hours soaking,
sweetening, lUvoriuji
and coloring when
produces bettor results in two minutes?
Every thing iu the pucVage. Simply udd hot
water and set to cool. It's perfection. A bur
priso to tho housewife, 1K0 trouble, less ex
pense, U'ry It to-dny. In Four Fruit l'hu
vorst Lemon, Orongu, Strawberry! Rasp
berry, At grocers. lOo.
Officials Do Not Deny that New Sim
ple Engines Are Coming as Soon
as the Factory Can Turn Them Out
Compounds May Me Remodeled.
au tne cngltiomen on tho O. It. &
N. nro rojolcing In tho nows that now
engines of tho simple typo have been
oruored for tho mountain division,
lho compounds now In sorvlce
here, l Is said, will either bo changed
to simple engines and retained In part
at i.a urnntio, or sent to The Dalles
and Portland divisions.
The process of changing a com
pound to a simple engine costs about.
7l,uU0 each, for a now set of cvlln
dors and saddle, and while It Is not
uollnltoly determined to do "its yut,
It is thought to bo the plan of the me
chanical department.
The compounds now In sorvlco here
are known as tho Vauclnln type, or
four-cylinder compounds, mid were
manufactured by the Baldwin loco
motive works of Philadelphia.
Thoy" are supposed to bo moro eco
nomical In the uso of both water and
fuel, and more powerful with tho
same steam prcssuro nnd sizo of cyl
inder, on account of tho additional
power they got from tho second use
of steam, through the compound
principle, than a simple engine.
They require vastly more repair
work than a simplo engine, and on
account of their size and the com
plicated apparatus In -using steam
through four cylinders instead of two,
they got out of order with hard usage
moro readily than tho simple engine.
uno ot tne nrlncliinl o lifec-tlmm
among englnemen to th compound is
the constnnt rattllntr or 'nonnillnu-
of tho side and main rods, '1 no weight
of tho two immense pistons on each
side Is so great that It deems impos
sible for mechanics tu take up and
keep up all the lost motion and annoo
on the pins.
Another objection to them is the
constant leak of steam at the pistons,
caused by the falluio of all ordinary
kinds of packing to make 11 ticht
joint. Tills steam, In the winter sea
son, Is very annoying, as It o'listructs
tno view nnd causes great annoyance
In watching for signals and other fea
tures of operation of trains.
The COniDUIIllds hsivo Imim blvi.n n
thorough test 011 the mountain, and
while they are good engines from a 1
mechanical standpoint, their opera-'
tlon has not proved as successful on j
the alow mountain runs as on more
lovelruns. ;
There is 110 doubt about the order 1
being placed for tho now engines, and 1
as soon us the factories enn build
them they will tako tho place ot the
prosent locomotives. I
"De Wolf Hopper" Coming.
Tho nunoiiiicoinoiit that Do Wolf
Hopper and his excellent company
nro to appear hero In "Mr. Pickwick"
nt tho Frazor Thealor, Thursday,
Nov, 1!), la an event that Is suro to
rtttrnct the attention of theator-goors,
book-lovers nnd nuinlrors of Charles
Dickens. "Mr 1'lclcwlck" lias been
tho sensation of tho past and prosent
season In the theatrical world, Its
He will tell you
That barley -malt is a
half-digested food,ns good
as food can be.
That hops arc nn ex
cellent ton.ic.
That the little jilcohol in
beer only 8 percent
Is an aid to digestion
But Purity
is Essential
I3ut he will tell you that
beer must be protected 1
from germs, and brewed
Gertrude Taylor, With Dewolf Hopper ; absolute cleanliness.
V . ,i 1 , . , , , I He'll say, loo, that agel
comedy Is so delightfully quaint, 10- . . . r 1 I
lined and unique; Its characters so , is important, for age brings!
true to the famous conception of perfect fermentation.
Dickons and Cruiiishauk: thu ntmos- . -. 1 c ,
plicro of the days of the celebrated Without it, beer ferments
.Mr. Pickwick and his contemporaries! 011 the stomach, causing
so delightful that It appeals not only I bjj0lsness
l UOUUI HIIHIUI 'KtAJI , Dili lli V UJ i
poi son who enjoys tho celebrated j Schlltz beer is brewed with all
I'.iigiisn authors most famous worn, nrecaut bus. It s the rccoe-
w. Sch
"Little Outcast" Coming.
"A l.lttle Outcast" Is the most con
spicuous diamatlc sensation of the
hour. It Is a stirring and coherent ro
mantic play iu four acts and seven
scones, and Is played by a great 'ast
As the material aspect ot the prudui
lion, such as scenery, costumes, fur
niture and tapestries, a high degre
of excellence has been loached, and
I heater-goers will be treated to maii
views of niagulllcent stae settings.
"A l.lttle Outcast" Is presented at the
'razor next Tuesday, Nov 1",
uized standard all the world
over, because of us purity.
'likforihc llrmtij DoMing.
l'honn MulnlTW,
The How Ic-u & Colli KloraKO
Co.. 414 M11I11 Ht,
Chambermaids Wanted,
Chambermaids are wanted at Hotfi
P udleion is the home of J I It.
k 1
Snake River Steamer Imnaha, Crasti
ed on Rocks and Loses Entire Car
go Passengers Escape. ,
l.uwlston, Nov. 11. The Snake river
steamer, Imnaha, belonging to the
Iswlston Southern & Navigation
Company, and plying between this
city and the Imnaha mines, near the
mouth of the Imnaha river, was
wrecked yesterday evening, by being
uasned on me rocks in .Mountain
Sheep rapids, two miles below Kurckn
Tho cable caught In tho capstan.
causing the vessel tu swing violently
around, striking tho rocks with great
force, completely destroying tho en
gines and disabling the boat In other
The passengers wero nil rescued
nut me cargo, valued at 18,000, was
lost. The boat was valued at $25,000
and has been doing a heavy business
since It was put on- the upper river
Is .vn ordeal which r.U
vti'iuc.-i approach with
iiulel:riliublo fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
r'tiilil.liirtb 'PI,., tt.,, ,..!.
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women'
' mother
A7 issxatvrfs
Of allDescrip
Sash, Doors & Vol
Made to order. bJ
paper, lime, cement j
ami sanuwood gatisj
Darns and djvellings i
Oregon Lt
Alt:; St, Opp. Ccmll
uuve louuu mat tne use ot mother's l-rieml during pregnuncy n
t.uiiiiiii;iiiciii ox an pain ana danger, ami insures s-afcty to lifcol
uu unuu. iins scientilic liniment us a god-send to all women at tl
ume 01 tneir mo?t critical trial. Not 01
Are You' Up-to-Date?
If not, we can help you. as we arc
hero for tho purpose of helping those
with a limited or no education to
qualify for a good position without
taking any tlmo from present oecu
pation. Now is the time to net. Call
ou or drop a card to our local repre
sentative, T. W. Bracking. 127 Leo
street, who will be pleased to explain
any' or all of tho 1G2 courses taught
by the International Correspondence
Schools. We are making Bpeclal
prices on all courses during tho win
dow display at the postoDlce.
State Teachers' Association Meeting,
Baker City, OrY November 23-25,
For the above occasion a rate of
one-third fare on the certificate plan
la authorized to Baker City. Tickets
on sale any three days prior to open
ing day. For particulars, call on or
address F. F. WAilSLEY,
Sweaters- and Jerseys.
Tho sweaters and jersoys for tho
'endleton high school foot ball team
have come, and aro now at Sullivan
& Bond's, through whom thoy were
ordered, Tho uwoators aro red wltn
largo letter "P" on tho breast.
whllo tho Jerseys are black, with the
same letter. Thoy will both be used
In tho next game played,
Estray Notice,
There came to my place lust Slay
ono .black heifer, about 9 months old,
Invisible hair brand on left hip, Own
or may have tho sumo by calling at
my plac, eight mllos east of Weston,
and paying all charges.
Drlggson, Or.
llv does Mother's Prlnmt
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coining event, prevents "mominc
sickness," and other dis- b
containing valuable information free. JgJg JTsfM sf
Tba Bradficld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. jf ifltlELmW LM
II lescke
The approulo
want the bctil
most delicionij
no higher in f
Thi Orenon Dally J
found on sale at Friltrtl
Mokl Tea Positively Cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful uorb drink. Ilo-
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect complexion or monoy
refunded. 25c. nnd SOc, For salo by
W. Schmidt & Co.
According to the monks of tho boa-
pico of St. Bornard, tholr famous
dogs save on an avorago twenty lives
ovory year on the mountain.
Inland Empire Piano Hoi
We expect to occupy the Milarky building, opposite Tribune olhftj
atter iNov. lo, and we will not move n single nano or urgan i ,
A it Wn shall fl".
prices on our superb line of Pianos, Organs and Stringed Instrnnie i
down so low during the next twelve days that anyone even cod k -
.,ni !iiiv tliA ni,inlinDa rC nr nialmmanl alirnll tnlra arlvAnflKTO t)I
grand opportunity and secure one.
rxo secontinauu, rovcrieu or lopuiieu iii.hu uuitJint? M .J jj gn-'
our stock. T.hey aro all brand now with elegant cases, beautifnliy .
. .l in 1
Nn KPnnnrl-liniifl. rovprted or ranairerl infltruments can be lou"1 J
ished, rich harp tones and porfect action. Every lnstrumom u" ' ;
guaranteed. Call in and inspect them now and don't torgei om
address. Court street, opposite Tribune.