East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 11, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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It is with pleasure that we
announce to the ladies of
Pendleton that w have re
ccivod our complete stock
of the celebrated D. Arm
tronR ft Co.'s Shoes.
TJm amttroag Shoe are retognlred
too most Mylatb. but mad and prettiest
hoea mat's We handle exclaiirely In
PandUtaataa Armstrong Bhoea. To be ad
mired li kul u ee Yon are Inrited to call
am laaUUariae rtranelf wltn the choice
thlnri lm ladlai' hoos u ther are shown In
the Anasarca- llae.
Dindinger, Wil-
O r Good shoes
SOll & UO.C heap
Greatest Street Car Strike In History
of Chicago Is Imminent.
Shicago, Nov. 11. Following tho
conference of labor leadors this morn
ing It is given out to proparo for tho
biggest strike of street car men over
contemplated by tho local unions.
Both sides declare It la Inevitable, ana
unless at tho last momont there is
somo Intervention, tomorrow will linn
one-fourth of tho railways tied up and
half n million people without serv
ice. The unions demand a 20 per cent
; increase for train sorvlce, and with
drawal of tho ban against tho union,
which contains 2,200 members. Mana
ger McCullough says the railways can
not grant either.
Boss Farley, tho strike breaker,
and 400 men, are quartered at hotels
awaiting action.
Tho pollco fear rioting.
The postmaster declares the mall
cars shall run oven if troops nre
necessary, - Ncij;
A mass meeting will be held at 'C
tonight, when tho trainmen are not
expected to take out cars, but will
attend for tho purpose of ratifying
tho final action of the officers of tho
union, and appointing a time to walk
Will Open Retail Markets In Pendle
ton and Other Towns as a Measure
to Get More for Their Stock Said
rto Have $60,000 Capital.
Walla Walla Man Gets Six Months for
4 Tampering With Mall.
L "Walla Walla, Nov. 11. Ed Hall, of
J? this city, has been sentenced to Ta-
coma to six months servitude in tho
J.' United Stntos penitentiary on Mc
Nell's Island, and to pay a flno.of $100
t'- and costs.
f-- Hall is tho man who took out a let
jr ; tcr addressed to Maggie Hall, Walla
r Walla, extracted a $10 bill and retain
ed it It was possible for Hall- to got
. 1 out tho letter, because his sister was
t-v.,df fho same name as the lady to whom
ilt was addrcsed.
Hr .Hall was arrested nt Pendleton in
W&Uly, and ho has been in Jail at Ta-
v-fj.eoma most of the time since, i'ost-
" ' office Inspector Clark secured an in-
dlctment against him In Spokane.
4 (Hall is tho man who was arrested
j ' - by Doputy Sheriff Blakeloy in this
I city in July, on order of tho Wnlla
;v, Walla county oBlclnls.)
Sovoral days ago O. N. Prather, of
Klllbrldc, was in the city and at thnt
nmo, though he wouiil not disclose the
nature of his business. It was sur
mised that ho was hunting a location
for a butcher shop. Mince he loft the
wholo purposo of his visit has come
to light.
Tho stockmen of thu Susanvllle
country, and all of the stock raising
districts in that part of the state,
havo como to tho conclusion that they
aro not getting a fair deal at tho
hands of tho cnttlo buyers for export
ns well as .at tho hands of tho retail
men of the local markets. A compa'
uy of these men, representing at least
$60,000 in capital, have theroforo
banded themselves together for tho
purpose of realizing more on their
stock. It is their Intention to ship
their stock to the coast markets di
rect, and to sell them direct to the
meat companies, thus saving tho buy
ers' profits, besides also holding the
possibility of being able to force tho
price up to a reasonable figure.
Tho company will havo Its own
shippers permanently employed, and
tho scheme will bo practically avcnttlo
pool, embracing all of tho principal
herds in tho interior.
In order to get nt the local dealers
who, so tho men claim, nre not giv
ing all that thoy could afford to for
beef cattle, it is the intention of the
stockmen to estnbllsh retail markets
In Pendleton and Baker City, and it
was to gain a desirable location for
such a place that Mr. Prather was In
the city. If such a market is estab
lished In the cities mentioned, If will
have a tendency to put meat before
tho retail customer at a lower flguro
than at tho present time, for there
will bo no middleman s pronts to over
Just when the enterprise will bo
launched is not at present known, but
It is understood that tho matter nas
been definitely decided upon, and thnt
tho near futuro will see tho opening
of tho shops and tho commencement
of the retail work.
Caldwoll, and tho Multnomah and
Morrow county delegates went homo,
Meetlnn Was a 8uccess.
Tho meotlng was successful from I
every standpoint. Tho visitors wore
all well accommodated, tho enter
tainment prepared by tho women's
clubs was highly succossful, tho in
terest taken In the meotlng by all tho
delegates was very marked, and all
tho proceedings passed off smoothly.
Tho papers and addresses were abln
and thoughtful, and all showed deep
study of tho subjects treated. Not a1
Jar of any nature occurred; not a
word of bitterness was Bpokon, and
not a voice was heard In selfish or
narrow Interests and overy dolcgato
Interviewed by this paper was free
in his expressions of praise for the
city and citizens of Pcndloton. and
all expressed hope that futuro meet
ings might bo held hero.
Plaintiff Alleges Desertion and Cruel
A divorce suit was filed this morn'
lng in the clork's office by Mrs. Rosa
Koblnson, asking to bo freed from tho
bonds of matrimony existing botwecn
herself and Georgo W. Koblnson. Tho
couple were married nt Seattle, No
vember lv, iauu, ana came to tms
stato soon aftor, where thoy lived at
jji Grande and afterwards in umi
tllln county.
Tho plaintiff alleges that soon after
their marriage the defendant ahand
oned her, leaving her alone among
strangers and 111. Ho has since treat
cd her cruelly and has refused to live
with her. Sho asks for an absolute
dlvorco and tho care and custody of
tho lu-montns-oiu son, tne issue of the
marriage. L. A. Estobb, of Echo, is
tne attorney ror the plaintiff.
7ie Laxatire Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
.draxglita refund too money, II It ulli to cure.
. uroTe kignamro on eacu mix.
HM4MI' 'I1 'I' 4 'I1 1 "H 'fr
X Exquisite new Designs in
9" X TTT A T
Most beautiful collection ever
displayed in Pendleton.
fp$ onr w'uuow uut better
wT-y,- 'till coiiio'in and
p&Get Oar Prices
Iieutfiuf; Druggist
f I itH'tH i 1 1 1 IWIHiH
tho past year, not Including this
meeting, to bo $190,. and expenditures
$180, leaving a bnlauce on hand of
Tho receipts of tho session in this
city were something over $7G, from
membership fees, which amount to
$1 each.
Resolution of Thanks.
After the election' of officers, A.
King Wilson, of Portlnnd, introduced
the following resolution, which was
unanimously nilopted:
Resolved, That the sincere thanks
of this association bo tendered to
Mnyor Halloy and tho citizens of Pen
dleton generally, for tho courteous
treatment of delegates: to the Com
mercial Association for tho uso of Its
rooms; to tho press for notices of the
meeting and reports of tho same; and
especially to the ladies of Pendleton
for their efforts in our behalf as man
ifested in tho musical selections by
Mrs. J. A. Borlo and Miss Cozbl Ra
loy, and in tho further efforts of the
members of tho various women's
clubs of tho city In arranging tho
most enjoyable reception of Monday
Tho convention adjourned at G
o'clock to meet at Ontario, Malheur
county, on tho second Monday In No
vember, 1904.
Delegates Go Home.
.Many of the Eastern Oregon dele
gates left on tho evening train for
their homos. Professor A. II. Leek
enby, of Union, Intended to remain
over until today, but was called homo
yesterday evening by tho news of tho
death of Sirs. I.ccltcnhy'a brother.
J. H. Lowell, of Idaho, left on tho
early morning train for his homo at
Food eaten without npnetlte always
causes gastrin disturbances, Iwcauae un
less the gland of the stomach are stim
ulated by a dexlre for food no digestive
jllUes are formed. Consequently tho
food Is waited unci clogs up the bowels.
For Iob of uppetlto ami constipation
there Is nothing to equal tho Hitters.
Try a doso before) meals. It also cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Insomnia and
Malariu. Fever and Ague.
jroasicw JLsuvava irKaavw uwait
Dressed Turkeys Dressed Chickens
" Fresh Vegetables and Fruits of All Kinds.
Signs and Awnings Were Torn Down
by a Gentle Gale This Morning,
The high wind of today has been
plnylng many pranks with signs and
awnings over tho city.
Tho awning in front of tho Ited
Front Saloon and Sullivan & Bond's
store was blown bodily from tho fast
enings and it was only by somo rapiu
work on tho part of somo passcrsby
and the proprietors that tho plate
glass windows were saved, as tho Iron
framo of tho nwnlng was beating on
It when tho help arrived.
Signs havo been ulown down, tho
branches of shade trees torn off and
electric wires crossed. It Is estimat
ed that the wind reached a velocity
of nearly 40 miles an hour during
part of tho forenoon.
Adopted a Daughter.
A petition was filed with tho county
court this morning by George M.
llanntstor and wife, asking that they
bo allowed to adopt Helen Russel, tho
2-year-old daughter of Theodore Itus
sol, of Spokane. Tho mother of tho
child Is dead. Tho petition was
granted and an order of adoption was
To Recruit W. of the W.'
The Woodmen of the World bavo
:aimciicd a campaign for an increased
iremlf.rship. A solicitor has boon
secured and during tho winter there
will be an earnest effort made to
greatly Increase the enrollment of tho
Returned to Morrow.
(!. W. Phelps, F. P. Farnsworth
and Phil Metschan, Jr., all of Hepp
ner, left this nfternoon for their
homes, after a couple of days spent
hero as tho Morrow county dolegatlnn
to the Irrigation convention.
J. M. Bealer, of Morrow.
J. M. Ilealer, tho county road su
perintendent of Morrow county, was
a visitor in tho city yesterday, hav
ing come to attend the last day of tho
irrigation convention. IIo returned to
his home this morning.
Drunk and Disorderly Indians.
Two Indians from tho reservation,
found a sufficient amount of whlskoy
yesterday nfternoon to make them
drunk aim disorderly and they were
arrested and put up $5 ball aplcco,
which they forfeited this morning.
Colonel 'Boyd's Health Improved.
Colonel 13, D. Hoyd, who has been
In Portland for tho summer nt onu of
tho sanatorlums is expected to reach
homo Saturday or Sunday, much im
proved In health.
Council at "Kinn Dodo."
Owing to tho attractions of tho
theater last night, the council meet
ing failed to materialize as all of tho
aldermen wore at tho theater listen
ing to tho witticisms of "King Dodo."
Returned to Portland.
Governor and Mrs. Chumbailsln
left for their homo in Portland yos-,
torday aftornoon on tho delayed train,
after having visited in tho city dur
ing tho Irrigation convention.
Farm Sold Near Dlalock. "
Adolph L. Schaefer and Albert H.
Schaofer havo sold to M. S. Koblnson
for $3,000, 260 acres of land In tho
vicinity of Dlalock.
Marriage License Issued,,
A rnnrrJago license was issued this
inoinlug to Georgo C. uanslor, of this
city, und Miss uornova Lootiy, of
lilrch creel;,
Policy King In Prison.
Albany. N. Y Nov, 11. Tho cov
of appeuls today ufllrmn tho convic
tion or Al Adams, tho policy Tiing,
who is thus curnpolled to servo the
Tomulmler of hiu penitentiary sentence.
Joseph Wiilltouheimor, an ngod
bachelor, died In squalor in a cnbln
in tho ontsklrtn of Uos Moinos, whoro
he had lived fo vdars. Ho was sun-
posed to bo a prttipor, 'but left $25,0001
No Darkened Rooms Will Remain in
the Building Cement Pavement
Will Be In Front, and the Entire
Front Will Be Remodeled.
Tho workmen have been tearing out
tho Interior of tho Golden Uulo hotol
for somo days, and havo nearly com
pleted the carpontor work in tho re
modeling of tho upper floor. Thoro
wore sovoral dormitories In tho build
ing as It was before Mr. Beard bought
It, but ho is having all of those torn
out and lusldo rooms built. Tho
rooms will all bo so arranged that
each will bo lighted and havo good
ventilation, making It as convenient
and comfortablo as auy house in tho
The Improvements that will mako
tho most show, however, will bo on
tho first floor, whoro n general over
hauling of the office and bar arrange
ments will bo made. The portion of
tho building whoro tho entrnnco now
Is will bo mado onq solid window,
and the main entrance wul bo placed
whoro the present door to tho bar
room now is. This entrance will bo
sot back from tho street a little ovor
six foot, and will be reached by n
flight of stono stopB extending the
width of tho room.
Tho bnr-room will be placed in tho
rear of the present room, and it is
probable that it will bo eliminated en
tirely. Tho partition between tho
present office and tne bar will bo
taken out, nud both rooms will bo
thrown Into ono main lobby and of
fice. A now front and now steps will bo
put to tho room now occupied by tho
Enrnhart real estate ofneo, ond this
room will bo used as a snmplo room,
or rented out for an ouco or a storo.
Tho front of tho building will bo
overhauled, a now cement sidewalk
put around tho entire building, and
Improvements amounting to nearly
$5,000 will bo mado. It hi thought
that tho changes will bo mado and
tho houso ready for tho public by the
first of tho year.
Railroad Is Being Patroled by Armed
Men Two Miles Apart. .
Chicago, Nov. 11. Another letter,
threatening to dynamite Rook Island)
trnlns in Iowa unless tho writers aro '
given a largo sum of money, is Bald
to havo boon rocoivod by officials of
tho road horo, but thoy rcfuso to af
firm or -ony tho report.
A dispatch from Dob Moines sayB
ll,n mm! frnm tlinrn In Karthnm iff bn.
ing patrollod night and day by armed f
guards two miles apart.
Robbed Him and Afterward the Post
office and Then Escaped.
Morrlmac, Mass., Nov. 11. Four
men held up tho city marshal at art
early hour this morning, took his
watch and monoy nnd revolver, snap
ped his own handcuffs ovor his wrists,
oponed tho cnlabposo and locked him
in. Thoy then blow tho postofllcd
safe, held up tho night watchman and
escaped. Pursuit today is unsuccessful.
Commissioner Richards Has Stopped
All Carey Act Contracts.
Bolso, Nov. 11. Tho state land
board Is in session today and has
under consideration tho recent niling
of Commissioner Richards regarding
lands taken up under the Carey act.
Tho ruling of tho commissioner has
tied up evory Irrigation project in tho
stato, and the land board has been
overwhelmed with rcquosts to tako
somo action to bring about a modifi
cation of the ruling which would per
mit tho companies to proceed with
tholr work so that additional lands
could be thrown open to tho publ.le
for settlement.
Mocha K
ieeung ot the
Sue our new Toilet SJ
Swell sltppors at 'reutsch's.
Why do Ion (
H'..u,m II1IUK7 Arft
fllllf It nfln Ar I
,,.i ,ualCi)5 On I
and fnr too often runa t
sumption and miu i. j.
you afford a trifle ulu iH
7 7ZZL Hr En'M
.... uwubUD, lyUius ana Hsu
Is lievnml nnesflrm iv.
all modern remedies, nit
riiiiKii in ouo nignt aid It
a cold in a dny. u .
fJrninv rrllfvn till,.. ... J
... . ..,IU4 rtUQ
sumption. Our faith In H
tie to give satisfaction 1
back. For snlo by r, W. !
with a ivAme back? I Ladies' TaiUos-Mac!e Si
1 1 I L 1
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost evervlmdv who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maue oy ur.
Kilmer's Swamp-
8 rv-ilr II! Koot, the great mil-
It is the great med
ical tnumpu ot uie
nineteenth century ;
discovered of teryears
of bcicntific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
lilmliler snecinlist. and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
liright's Disease, wlucli is tne worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. KIlmer's'Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney', livfir or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. 11 has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work nnd in private practice, and has
1 cn successful in every case tliat a
special .arrangement has been made by
wlncu an reaucrs ui iui jjupvi, .....
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, alson book tell-
!n. mnn- nliout Swalllt-RoOt.nild liowto
fimloutifyouliavekidncy or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generoustifTer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., lUugliaiiiton,
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-cent nnd one-
dollar Size bottles nre Homo of Swunp-Boot.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Diughamton, N. Y on
everv Irattle.
We Guarantee you cau't euual them uli v where for lesill
On account of late arrival we make the low mice we do. Wtv
make low prices on nil our Coats and Jackets duriue Bale. Bent
4100.00 in Gold Coin to be given away Dec. IMth. A ticket witid
f l.uu purchase.
M H 1 1
TTTI I I'T'J 'I 111111111 tTTTtTtttTTTT
Our Great Big
Baking Powder
The remarkable Increase In consumption
craves its purity and wboletomeaess.
With a Coupon
a a . a m m a a a i I t 1 f tufcifcil -
f t ytyrf ttttttttttt ft iw ttvi
Insurance at Cost
Of Insurance in force
I A Strictly Mutual Home
M. H. RICE, Froewater.
I Agent .for Umatilla County,
f J. P. WALKER, city agent for
I Pendleton.
euro Pyanopsla and all disorders
arising from Indigestion. Endorsed
by physicians overywhora No euro,
no pay. 25 coats,
For salo by P, w. Schmidt & Co.
Trial packago freo ny writing to
W. II. Ilookor & Co., Buffalo, N, T.
Saturday Nig
Free Distribution
Is Worth Investigation
$30 Worth Given Awfl
The Boston Stoi
unn ? The more
. ,i, letter
patrons in PedWjJ
wc call for and ddffeffl
. n. tunslilDKi
anu jaiiiiM - . (m
New Electrical SudpIv Hoi;
With you on Wiring yof
building for ELECTRIC
BELL, or Electrical worK
r$ nnvr Lr2n1
COURT STREET, west of Boston f
casn to reiativou in Ut. Louis.