East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 07, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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AQK as
I.VW) twenty payment life, annual
premium JW.C.
Caih YAluosXtli yet f2-.M3.5o.
Or paid up policy for JJSco.
And Cash $lo;u.
Total coit (or HIcKO.180
Indlatiapolli Indiana
W, J. HOMKli, Manager
Judd Bld'g. Pendloii, Orego
Ways and
aM Their Realm I,
You May Have Come
To Town on a Rail
but we can repair your rit: in tlrst-clas-shape
reasonably. We have all the
modern tmnllmiuex for doini; the work
alltl lUIOGlKrf. They ale the twat
leoaUMe they are made of dried timber
Call and examine our tiga.
Agents for Stover Gaollne KngineH.
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day.
Klour exchanged tor wheat.
Flour, .Mill Feed, Chopped vVbi!.
etc.. always ou liard.
Joftarson no Augolls nnd company
In Sam C. Sluibort and Nixon and
Zimmerman's production of "Tho
Toreador" will bo Been hero In tho
near future. In tho character of
Sammy Olggr, tho English footman,
who, through an adroitly conceived
tnln of humorous complications. Is
mistaken for the champion bull fight
er of Spain, Air. Do Angells Is seen nt
his best. Ho has never had a rolo
which gavo htm such exceptional op-1
portunltles for fun making us his
present character.
Tho attraction at the Frazor on
.Monday night will be "Uncle Josh
Sprncohy." Tho eolebiated Now Eng
land comedy drnnia has become vory
popular. The scenes of the play wero
taken fiom Vermont. The prluclpul
character In the play Is Tluele Josh,
an old "down east" farmor, and an
opportunity is piesented lor sorao
noxt week at this popular resort, nnd
tho usual Saturday matinee will' bo
continued during tho wintor,
Unusual interest attaches .to tho
announcement that Ilonry W. Sav
ngo's elaborate production of "King
Dodo," tho highly successful Pixloy
nnd Luriers comic opera, headed by
Itlchard Golden, wllf como to' tho
Krneer next Tuesday, Novombcr 10,
for'ono night. "King Dodo" la an
American work from start to ilulsli
interpreted by ;in American company
01 conspicuous nullity. Tho enviably
record for long iui,s made by "Kins
uoao" is a matter or theatrical his
Uuy. At Daly's theater lu Now York,
the Studebakur in Chicago nnd the
Tremont lu Hoston it ran for months
lo crowded houses. It bent all ice
urns in ujucngo, where it ran for 30
weeks. The complete production will
in- seen horn-with the bin cast nnd
mi augmented orchestra of solo mu8l-
Candy Kitchen
J. A. Herron Successor
to C. R. Dutton
A Specialty
Kicnard Golden, with "King Dodo."
R. .1. NIXON, Manager
Heury W.. Savage offers Iliohatxl Golden
In the conttily opera success of tho decade
By l'lxley aud Luders
Charming Choral t!olirt. Special Stage Effect
King Dodo's Own Orchestra Price-
CONV'lrwerveil) 11.00; GAIjLBRY, olio.
Seats now on Sain at Brock & McCoinas Drug Store
V't-y strong dramatic situations, as
Hell as pure comedy and wholesome
fun. In these days of "faico enme
i.ls" it is a lellef to witness a pluy
i i this kind, a '-arlonil or special
M-pnory is used, and the gvoat snw
i. .Ill scene Is piusented. Songs, dances
n.id many unuiu specialties abound.
'i ho company carries 20 people. A
1 iyr street parade !s jslvou nt noon
t'ich day. The musical routines In-
Unit- a big baud aud a splendid or-
.icstra of in pieces.
This is the last season of ".Mr.
rickwlck," the.Dc Wolf Hopper opera
company's musical production of the
mules Dickens niasterwork, to lis
(Jen at tho Frazcr. Tho famous piece
v.-Jll oe taken to London, England,
i est season, to 1111 a half-year en
igenient In that city.
The grand prize drawing at the
l ark theater will take place tonight.
.n entlic new bill will be piesented
clans. Itichnrd Golden, long n fa'
vorito comedian with tho American
public, has made tho hit of his life
as King Dodo. Others of noto In the
cast nie .Maude Williams, Claude Al
bright, Oertruile Homes, Daisy Ham
If ii. Arthur Wooloy, Charles W. Mey
ers and Hurry Davies. Thu chorus of
pietty girls a chorus famed for its
beauty Is one of the strongest fca-
tuviM of the pioductlon. It "Is not In
beauty alone, but voice as well, that
the chorus excels. The production
from a scenic nm. costume standpoint
Is particularly rich and beautiful.
Miss Jlny Stockton, tho star in that
big melodramatic success, "A Little
Outcast," which will bo seen hero on
November 14, Is one of the most pop
ular footllght favorites, being remem
bered in such roles as .Aland Chartls
In ".Mr. Harnes of Now Vork,'TiiBgs
In "A County Fair," "Little Lord
Kanntleroy" aud In ingenue roles with
the late Sol Smith Hussell.
Your Patronage is Solicited J TREATY
Phone Main J 53 J
Reliable Companies
I'fimc Limit Probable On Debate and
i , On the Final Vote General Repub
T J licari,' Undc'rsfandlng There Will Be
I No Financial ?.l!egislation Message
Will Be Read Monday.
That pay their losses
promptly. Our companies
stand at the head of the list.
Hnrtforil Kire liiuimm-e Co.fliflt
Alliance Assurance Co . ai.fMSI.Wi
London & Lancashire Kire
Insurance Co 2,SM,6W
Nortli British & Mercantile
Co 10,696,974
Royal Insurance Co. . . . 22,897,15.'
Wusbington, D. C, Nov. 7. The,
ratification of the Cuban reciprocity
treaty is 'all that is Included In the
present prosram of tho extraordinary
esslon of crmgicss whieli will open
next .Monday. It" was originally do
.ircd b;' the admiliis'iation to take
i financial legislation al the special
legislation, bul tho Idea has now been
abandoned, and unless all signs fall
i.'ouipurntlvely llttio attempt will be
made to accomplish anything f Im
portance othor than tho rntltlcatluu or
the Cuban treaty.
The reciprocity treaty has beeiujat
ificd by tho Cuban congress, andjjbnfy
mcks necessary legislation -JjyJ$le
United States congioss to beConfojef
fectlve. Tho Initiatlvo for tlilsiroslii
with tho houso of representatives.
The fact that sevural weeks nro ro
(lulled for tho organization of that
body has excited apprehension in
some quartors that there will bo con
siderable delay in getting tho recip
rocity Joint resolution lu shape, and
that action may bo prevented at the
called fccsjlou.
In circles iictter informed, however,
thero oxlsts no apprehension on tills
accoint, for while .tho speaker is not
likely to have all the committees
ready for announcement before De
cember, he undoubtedly will nniiounco
tho committee on ways and menus
unit tne committee on accounts and
rallcago somo time during- tho com
ing weok.
Time Limits for Debate and Vote.
Wbllo there is likely to bo a vigor
ous demand from tho Democrats for
1IIjit.iI dobntc, It is oxpcclcd u limit
will be fixed when tho resolution is
rcporlcd, und that a tlmo also will bo
fixed for a flnul voto. With regard to
tho question directly Involved, It. is
not believed thero will bo any great
dilferciwos in tbcdiouso, but tho Dem
ocrats may attempt to make capital
for tlio next pr.eBldcnllal olnctlon by
debating Uhe Atarlft and offering
amendments .-that will not bo enter-
Uftn(iV f ji rilr Jf Olland riwert talnod by 'the.Jpresldlng omccr
iTIUIIUj LaciV Hpirlls nf Hdfii Howover, thoro Is reason for tho bo-
full to cure Rheumatism, h'or Hnlc by ir that'tlio liuuse will bo able to
'A. C. Kocppeu & llros. Agts, for I'euiU'u. soud the resolution to tho senate bo-
The French
Be.t 25 cent Meal iu the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant Furnluhed Rooms in
633 Main Utrtet
1 1 ire November 20. The lattei body,
! having ratllled the reciprocity trcutv
bv an almost uunnlmoiis vole, mny be
expected to tr.ko up and dispose or
the matter without much debate.
No Financial Leg. elation.
Tallin with leading Republican sen
ators point to a general ii'idcuitnnd
mg tluu no linnuclal legislation will
be attempted at tho extra session.
During the time the noiiic Is consid
ering the reciprocity matter tho don
ate ulll have plenty or huslress te
u- np its .tti'iitiun. t'lio executive
1 iisiiiess alone is nt vast volume, f(i"
the appointments ninde (iiirlng the'
iece number thousands. Tho. will
by. in be repelled to the snnte for
lis .ulvlio and consent and their con
sideration will keep the senators busy
1 he first ten days nt the session. Tho
iliiauclal bill will bo considered by
membcrb of the finance committee,,
and cloak room confeiences may be
expected among leading senators on
both sides, but no bill will be formu
lated until nfter the, Christinas 'holidays.
Monday will be devoted to the load
ing or the president a .message. Tho
general expectation is that the mos
ago will bo brief and will deal only
with Cuban reciprocity nnd liosslbly
with financial legislation, lu his mes
sage It In expected that th& preshlont
iiilll direct the attention of congress
r6' the moral Obligations affecting
Cuba, ami point out tho duty of tho
house to Indorse the ncjtlrin of tho
iennte in passing a Cuban reciprocity
Shaw Cave the Cue.
If the subject of financial Icqlslu
tlon Is totiched upon, It Is believed
that definite recommendations yilll
he made by the president along tho
lines of the speech delivered in Chi
uigo somo timo ago by Secretary
Tho dlfforoncos or opinion enter
tained by tho administration nnd uyi
leading Ilopubllcan mombers of con-i
gress on the question of financial leg-i
islatlon vondurs it hopeless to expect
that anything along this lino can bo'
accomplished In the short time which,
(ho oxtra session has before it, and In
viow or theso facta It Is altogcthurj
probable that the matter will bo loft,
out Of tho president's message entiro-j
ly, though ho had previously .deter-)
mined lo glvo it oapcelnl prominence.
A Runaway Gicyole, !
Terminated with an ugly cut ou;
tho log or J, ill, Oroer KratiltlMi drove,'
III. It developed a stubborn ulcer
unyielding to doctors and remedies,
for four yenr3, Then Tlucklou's,
Arnica Halve cprod. It's Just 'as
good for lliiniH, Bealrts, Hltln Krup
lions and I'llcs. 2Co at Tallnian
& Co.'b drug store,
Frazer Theatre
It. J, NIXON, MIl.
GeatSawmiU Scene
Hayseed Band
And New Specialties
Uill IAI,. i, !
We have
.1 :c some l
r "Hani. iu.
li rOHIl. lint...
7 room l,u,7''
c osets, Slot, .i!i
. Ohoice'bnlldiT'.S
irom wainstrei
"you vi,nt ( .
.will prove t. , vou ..
PRICES: First 6 Rows, $1 ; Next S Rows,
75c. ; Last 4 Rows, 50c Gallery, 25c.
Seats now on Sale at Brock iV McCcnias.
osrae of them. A fall supply always kept in stock.
ii. D.
Hub VduI r... .
f sidle lor
raniMtity fi-,,,
" " o o nvul a
rt-Hiuence to one of
in me limits of th( ,
oi l'entlletoii.andfna
farm nf u r....
vooil ulrulfu
thousand of tan
whent land Call or
I : u ufiirtt a.
l. kJ . iw i ii. in uiun
noi urn i nr
uuiiiiiiuuuinL u
cumincrclul meu. Sneedr
handsome rigs fof evenltj
day drives, Gcutle boric: f
use. Stock bearded it
rates, Heat u care filvec to
Htnck. Opposite Hotel
'Flioun Mi' ! 1C1,
Oregon's Greatest Natural Wonder
Many Acres of hottest SprinR Wuter
on Earth - Marvelously Curative
Steam- 'Arisiig From Hot Lakc-i-View M Saiatortam,
3,000 Ft
A Wonderful water timl rwt cure. A beautiful lieultli resort. Cool In Buuuuer mW
In Winter. , .
Hot. Luke Is.to the Wmt whut Arkansas Hot Biirlnirs uro to tho East. ltil'lU'
Oranil Ilomle Valley, im O. H. &. N. railroad, W0 miles from l'ortland. ,
Fomwos.U has been kuown iw the "Big Medicine" of the Indian. Flow S.LUO.OOO.g' .-
lons.uer Uy, boiling hot-?innny aores of the hottest spring water in the worm
Tho-wftterls olearas.crystal. The mineral hi the water Is la such perfect twi"lw
that no particle of preolpltate will (all, even after stand lug for days.
JJarvelously curative hi til teases of stomach, bowels, liver, bladder, skin anil N '
ulvo In iheiiiuatism, catarrh, neuralglu and other nervous troubles,
Every up-to-date convenience and equipment of high-class, modern hotel
iiatesi .Hotel, ,10.00 to 16.00 per week
.;uree,wtHJK a.ou, uuu i.uu per weea.
Bit down and write for our Illustrated booklet today,
Uaths, single bath, .35 cento; one wwi
It will Interest you.
Or: f. W. TAPE, aeii; Man., or Dr. W. T.
Medical Suiit.. Hot Lake Oregon
mm i .fe N. r. i
A i A i I I i I - A