i DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1903. SAY CALL THE 8ES8ION. I BAE R & HALEY 729 MAIN STREET j GOOD DEPENDABLE CLOTHING 1 FOR FALL AND WINTER Men's Salts Men's Sultsf Youth's Suits Boy's Suits Men's Overcoats Boy's Overcoats,. All Goods Guaranteed Satisfactory (l ,H,,,I,,f,vHH"I"H,ll,V T'l" T GENERAL NEWS. llrltlsh Columbia is hard up, nnd work on all public Improvements has stopped until the legislature meets. Evidences and suspicions are nccu-mul-illng that tho United Mates will not .illnw Colombia to cource Panama back Into her government. A fast train and n fire truck drawn by running horses collided in Chi cago. Tin horses wore killed and several firemen nadly hurt. Charles 1). Purry chief of the iev York lire department, contemplates resigning. If he should he will re ceive n pension of $3,000 per year. Thirty-two thousand dollars in cash prizes are ottered tho national Hor.su Show association, which holds an ex hibit at Madison Square garden No vember Strenuous efforts are being made to .settle the differences between coal 1:1 e:s ami u'nritiis before next Monday In the Wyoming, Colorado. I' tab. and New Mexican fields. There Is no liKelihood of trouble along the Mexican, frontier from Im portation of Chlneso into the United States, as Mexico will readily absorb a largo number, and cannot be easily overstocked. NORTHWEST NEWS. The national Woolgrowers' conven tion will be held in Portland in Janu ary, in conjunction with the N'atlonr.i Livestock convention. Tho stranger who dropped dead on the streets of Portland lust Sunday, has been identified as Daniel Nash, a resident of Halsey, Or. Henry M. Barrett has been relieved of the )Msltion of superintendent oi city delivery In the Portland postof fice', and hereafter will servo as a clerk. The town of Hauler has been order ed closed by the city council. Gambl ing has become a nuisance, and here after no games of any kind will be al lowed. Charles Oberg. a plasterer of Port Und, has sued tho Northern Pacific for $30,000 for injuries received in tho wreck of the Elks' excursion train, near Centraiia, some weeks ago. Kris Klein Is on trial at Seattle for entering a pasture belonging to tho J. J. Hentloy, Sheridan, Wyo.: "Her-rrqy-Hrubno Company and driving out piclde is excellent for cleaning the 111 head of mutton sheep, afterward scalp." Sold by leading druggists. ' w.'lllng the sheep back to tho owners Send 10c In stamps for samplo to The at ti goojl price. ..erplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. A section of the dam on Silver Schmidt & Co., special agents. creek, near Salem, belonging to the' Salem Light and Power Company," MODEL RAILROAD STATION, was washed out Ftiuay morning, scrl- ousl'y damaging the now work in pro-, Fourteen Million Dollar Structure gross there. Will Be Duplicated. Tho Marconi Wireless Telegraph i Washington. I). G Nov. C The Company will this month begin tho installation of a system out of Vic-, torla, H. C. to extend to tho Aleutian j Islands, and thenco down the Asiatic , coast to Hong Kong. Fierce storms at tho mouth of the rviiiimiiia river h.tvn waahmi nut three sections of the jetties since ! Tnursday night, causing a loss of,l'urllu" euecuveness never oe- ,i,h,iU.-m,iK or fir iii.irf! nmi ,lnlnvlnir thn 1 government work greatly. i Tho comity clerk of Union county, i...t thn aimpnrn nf thn tnv low will work great hardship on that coun-! ty. It will cause the price of rants, now selling at 95 to 90 cents on .. : .. . . , , ... me uouar, to uepreciaic anu cuies will almost be compelled to suspend ' i business. , j ' " T WE CAN SHOW YOU The betl ft jpoii 1 d ill Ort-fon Fine vacant lots, l'o;ks i 1 T from Alain M., 50 to S130 i Two h ocki, with 5000 ;hnprovcniunts, $7000. . mt t . 1 4uuu uuv.td 1 i luuui limine anil 2 lots, 2 1 ocks freni Main st. Runts steady at $35. tiBoo Two houses ami 2 lots, uood location, together x rent for $20. T xt interest in good paying T business on Main st. block J at invoice. T 45o er acre 20 3cre sub- urban garden tract. I i One block (14 lots), good T improvements, with green T house cheap. , ileal wheat inml In Umatilla county. Tracts of 1U0 to 000 aoref. Call and sen us Wo can show you something that you will like. t E, T. Wiule a Sun i' o, lion aji 'I'lioua DUck 1111 Oftlcc In K. 0. Bid; $ 5.00 to $ J 5.00 J 2.50 to 25.00 4.00 to J 4.00 J. 50 to 5.00 5.00 to 20.00 .. 2.50 to J 0.00 TTTT, I HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. Will n. King, Ontnrlo. Edward S. Kelly. Oregon. W. (J. Ordway. Denver. G. W. Hunt. Foster. John K. Smith. J. P. Ilrndley. A. C. Kolley. S. L. James, San Francisco. Haul Miller. Athena. Mrs. Nelson .Miller, Athena. Clyde Evans, Portland. William Winters, Spokane. J. W. llaker, Cottngo Grove. Dr. T. B. Adams. D. M. M. C. Adams. H. Shtiman, Astoria. It. Alexander. O. Eppengor. Geo. II. Sutherland, Walla Walla t P.M. Novins, Seattle; J. H. Ackenson, Salem. John O. Hultrlfh. Golden Rule Hotel J. F. Spangler nnd wife, Spokane. S. E. Johnson nnd family. Echo. Simson and Fotor, Echo. O. H. Arnold. Farmlngton. Walter Arnold, Farmlngton. C. Pooler, city. C. Pickle. Pilot Hock. 0. U Holweg. Olklah W. C. Cook, Portland. Fay Slttlcmier, Nolln. D. I.. Gibson and wife, Pilot Rod;.' Joe Carmon, Athena. II. Plcard, Adams. A. U Duck, Gresham. C. W. Stein. Milton. J. Wnlters, Spokane. Ethel Galbralth, Prairie City. FROM FOUR STATES. Testimony to the Efficacy of the New Scientific Dandruff Treatment. James C. Rowe, of Livingston, .Mont.: "Herplcide cured my dandruff nnd stopped my hair falling." Orange McCombs. St. iinthouy, Idaho: "Herplcide cleaned my scnlp of dandruff and made my hair soft as silk and glossy," j W. H. Otis, barber, Uinmpalgn, III.: I "'I used Herplcide on one customer or dandruff and on nnother for falling hair with excellent results." F. W. Woody (assistant postmaster) Champaign, III.: "Herplcide complete- ly stopped my falling hair." $14,000,000 railroad station which the Baltimore & Ohio nnd Pennsylvania Jfallroau companies will build at Washington will bo represented at the St. Louis exposition by a model wlth a oat of 80 feet, a depth ot 40 feet and a height of 15 feet from tho tioor; n wl 'e on a scale of pro- ro attempted in an architectural ,TIOt' -rhiL t-ii, -. rj n" Thinks Trlb a Good Remedy. P. Oray, Portland, Oregon, July war-;!"". 192. writes; "I bellove your remedy for tho liquor and tobacco ,inl,tt "Trlh 1 n c,nl fiitn T rtr' tli.i ' Keeley cure and it cost mo $150. i think 'trlb Is honestly the best euro of the two. It I ever can bo of, any I asslstanee tn vnn. let mo know. I tvirifllrlitt vnn hnvn flnnn mlih fnr mo." Tnllman & Co local agents. Farms for Sale, We now have listed for sale some of the best wlieatfarms and stock ranches In the county. All tho places arc well Improved and well suppILJ. with water. Also somo very desir able city property. Call and got prices. DBNTLEV & IIAItTMAN. Deafness Cannot Be Cured, liy loral uppllratlons, an they ruunot rrach the dUeasnl portion of tho ear. Tliero H only one way tu cure ik'iifnes.i. and that li by coottltiittonal remedies. Deafnras li raunfil by un lullanieil ronilltlon of tlio mucous lining of the lCuntucliiun Tube. When HiIh tuba Is inllameil you have a rumbllnj; aounil or imperfect liearlui;. and when it In entirely cloned. Deafuen U tlm result, and unlesH tbe Inllammatlon can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be d utruyed forever; nine rates out of ten are raunnl by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed coiiilltlon of tbe mucous sur faces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for liny case ot DeafnenH (caused by catarrh) tbat i-anuot be cured by Hull 11 Catarrh Cure. Hend for circular, tree. V. J. C1I1:NI;y & CO., Toledo, O. Hold br ilruirulsta. 7rc. Hall's family l'llls are tbe best- flot your wlntor suit or overcoat made by Joorgor. SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes j Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent J i Have you ovor started out In tho ! morning feeling disgruntled nnd out ot sorts nnd chnnced to bo greeted with n cherry smllo? IUttf ovor your list of friends nnd acquaintances and try to remesiber which ono pleases you mo.tt. Is It she who meets you with a frown, who Is gloomy and sour, or Is it she who, smiling her cordial greeting, places you nt onco on better terms with yourself nnd tho world? A smile is n tonic nnd If a smile has ovor been a ray of light to you, then a smile from you would brighten some dnrk corner in some Menu's heart, or some one who drops In for n call. Thero Is much value In a smile. It Is good to have ono always with you, at home and abroad. Quiet Week Socially. Socially, the past week has been rather unlet outside of a reception and a few informal nffalrs. Thoro has been little doing. Society's ranks are being rapidly doploted by tho exo- dus (if some of Its members to various climes. For thoso who remain at homo there will bo a round of quiet "small and earlies" that will partially relieve the tedium, along with some good theatrical nttractlons that are promised us this winter. 1 Much attention tho past week has been given to the work of the differ- out committees In charge of the re- coptlou nnd ball to be given Monday evening nt .Music hall, to the visitors attending the Irrigation convention, -t. . Mrs. Henderson Receives. A very pretty reception in all Us appointments-' was given 'on Friday nfiurimnti frn'm4lin r. at the homo l.of .Mrs. T. M. Henderson,. who invited about ono hundred ladles to meet Iter husband's mother, Mrs. J. T. Header- son. of Covington. Intl., who is their guest. The house was especially at- tractive with a decoration of ferns, palms and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Pejcrson met tho guests at tho door, from where tney were ushered OIIMriAV AT wit ouiNum rti i l THE CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal Church 10 a. m.. Sunany school, A. J. Owen, su perintendent; 11 a. m., preaching; 12:15 p. m.. class meeting, Ilov. G. W. Hl.gby. leader; 3 p. m;, Junior League; (1130 p. m., Epworth league ; 7::!0 p. m., service of a revival char acter. These meetings will continue during the week. Ilov, Armflold, of Athena, will assist. All interested are cordially Invited to be present. Hubert Warner, pastor. Congregational Church Sunday yiCOr and good Spirits, services will take place at the usual 1 time. Sunday school at 10 a. m.: I lie Emulsion increases morning worship and preaching 11 digestive power and Strength o'clock, subject of sermon, "The Hlble " . . . & , in Utorature." Christian IMdeavor, ens the Vital organs to get meeting and preaching service In the the best and make the 111 OS t evening. A cordial welcome to all. , c it ..i .i c it Jonathan Edwards, pastor. t of all the Other food. It First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m., serman by the pastor, to be followed by a 10 minute conference with tho conKrega- tion upon matters vital to the church work. All persons in any way Inter- ested In tho work of this church are most cordially invited to be present. H:I5 p. m Christian Endeavor; 7:30 p. m sermon by tho pastor. Strangers and all who have no regular place of worship are especially invited to wor ship here. Ilobert J. Dlven, pastor o Temple and Pleasant View Ituv. It. L. Alter wilt preach In Temple Chapol at 11 a. m., and at Pleasant Vlow at 3 p. m. o Church of the Redeemer Divino sorvico tomorrow nt hours as fol lows; Early celebration of the holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.j morning prayer and ser mon at 11; ovenlng prayer at 7:30. Christian Church J. Ji. Listor, of Kugene, will supply the pulpit tomor-r row for Mr. Hrooks, who has gono to Ktgin to assist tho pastor thero in, a.' meeting of some weeks. Subject at 11 a. m "Workers tor Christ"; 7:30 p. m "Illpened Christianity." Tho Sunday school, which has grown to such proportions as to be too crowd-1 ed in tho lecture room, (234 In at tendance last Sunday) will hold open-. ing exorcises In tho main auditorium. Classes will be assigned separatee places. Y. P. S. C, K C:30 p. m. t o M. E. Church, South Sunday school at 10 a. m., I. E. Earl, super- ' Intendent: at 11 a. m Ilov. G. W. Iligby will preach rand at 7:30 p. no also. Como.and hear sometning nne from an old veteran. 1 Men's Meeting Tho regular men's i meetlne will be ncid as usual at met ...en's llesort in.tha,Desialn building:! tomorrow nt 4 o'clock Ilov, it J. Uiven will speak. Subject, "Christ as a Man Among Men." All men are, cordially Invited to attend, I Horses Strayed. Strayed from Platzoodor's old" slaughter house grounds. One white horse, branded S on right hip, with harness marks; one grey rcaro, branded 19 on right shoulder, also! saddlo and harness marks; both Bhod all around. CONUAD TLATZORDEU. If you are troubled with Impure blood, Indicated by sores, plmnlos, headaches, etc., vo would recommend Ackers Blood Elixir, wlilcli wo sou undor a positlvo guarantee. It will always euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons and nil blood diseases. COc. and 11.00 P, W, Schmidt & Co. Tho East Is wild ovor P, I. It. Into the parlor, Here Mrs. Henderson nnd her mother received, assisicu uj Mrs. OeorRO llobblns. In tlio dining room Mrs. Johnson served tea, nsBlst ed by Misses Winnie Privett, Esmn Sawtell. Hessle and Gay Campbeu. t,ulto a number of ladles called dur- lag the receiving hours, though the weather was very Inclement, - Social anu Personal. jnBa Cosblo Kaloy waB a visitor at tllt, teachers' Institute nt Weston dur- af, tw week. jjgg I'arkh'urst, who has been the K11est of Mrs, Itador, returneu to her lumo n Chicago last Tuesday. . irf,. a. W. Nye lias beon confined to lor homo for tho past few weeks, iiuo to an attack of rheumatism, Mrs. J. A. Horle spent n few days In Weston, this week, where she went to sing at the teachers' Institute Mrs. William Hlslop and her guest, Mlas Florence Walkor, spent n couplo of days at Weston and Athena this ( week. A numbor of young peoplo gathered , at tho home of Elllnor Vincent on last Saturday uvenlug. to Investigate the mysteries of Hallowe'en, Mrs. Fred Judd and Miss Roberts were the guests of, honor nt n musical given at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Koss Dickson Monday evening, Mrs. Otto lioottcher, who has been visiting jit Chicago for tho past few months, returned homo Wednesday, accompanied by her sister, who will remain during tho winter. I Mrs; Fred Jund and son, Hcury, accompanied by Miss Itoberts. left Thursday evening lor n visit to their former home. Hurtfortl, Conn. They expect to be absent until after tho nonuays. An Informal but dellghttul little company that has received no provl- ous notice, was held last Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. Norboi n 'm Ilorkeloy entertained a few friends nt bridge whist In honor of Mrs. Fred Judd and Miss Roberts. J. Plorpont Morgan lias bought a resldenco property at Herts, Kngland, and will reside there. GROWING LENGTHWISE You want the children to grow, but not all lengthwise. When they start that way Scott's Emulsion will help them to grow right with due plumpness and outward i proportion, and with inward gives a kind ot help that every growing child ought to have. We'll euJ i y i a sample frre uon request scorr & bownk & Pearl street, N . Vurk. 4 BIG REMOVAL SA . . If 1 r" mi We expect to occupy the Milai:ky building; opfoite Xribu6Wj r Nov. 15, and we will not move a sinelo Piano or Organ fro A present quarlors to our am. tin ih nut' a nnni'n .1 1 piaiing ijie purcnaaooi 1 jtUtlU vUlll VVI4,LJ UAIVt tn QAontw . hntir our stork. Thov aro iQltnI rirl hitrit nnnu ' ----- r- uuarantrod. Call in addvoss. .Court street,' INI A Nil FMPIRF PI A Nil 11 II 11 LI Baker Citizens' League In Favor of Quick Action. Ilakor City, Nov. 7. Tho Citizens' league of this city at a nootlng last night decided to potltlon Governor Chnmberlaln to call tho oxtra session of tho leglBlnture In ordor to rollovo the financial situation throughout the state. School districts and city govern ments will be compellou to suspend iiiiHliinss If taxes for lflOS aro not col- lected The countlos might tide over, ( Ul't 11 WOUIII HO uiBuaiiuuo wth kj them, recites tho petition. Tho sentiment of both people nnd officials Is In favor of calling the s'os slon at tho earliest posstblo date. I 'rob Economy Brand Evaporated Cream goes farthest tickles tho palate, pleasing in appearand., ituws smoothly from the can. most ap petizing, most nuunsmnK. The abovo cap libel on all our brands is an Insurance policy (or Its integrity, purity ana jxunui preparation. Insist upon your dealer divine you Economy Urand ana see mat our lace, is on the can. Take no sub stitute. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Highland, Illinois. LET US SUPPLY WITH YOU Building... ...Material I D' JMEN8IOXLUMI1EU OK nil descriptions. Basil, Doors, Uliuils, Mould ing, Iliilldlug ami Tiir Pu,er. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Oop. W; & C. . Depot r u 1. m ! PianosOrgans STRINGED INSTRUMENTS new home if we can avoid it, a . a T - t tl Til nn nr r nnna i irrrflno nnri rriniriwi n 1 ti.i 1 irta in an instrument snouiu tano aavunibv CUUUAU U1IU . 1 1 rnri.vtnrt ri (nnnirol t not in nmn I a fflll UC Uk nil hrftnd now with alfipnnt cases, beauinwiy t nurl nni'ioot ontinn ITvni'V HlfilTllIflUUl' " - ; 1 - ' y . ...f 1 and inspect thorn now and don t torgeium oppoaite Tribune. II IIL I 141 W iv MAIN STREET NEAR BRIDGE Uover Cream Is a n. " sunburn, j, Plication i before Posure to sun will ,1 ll sin 25c aBoitlf A sample 0 asking on!v i: Thn Pnllnhl. n... Pmtoffice Block. Building Kir 1 I 11 1 1 vr 1 un lcovi II) HI W II MFa.'lM'in 1 CncU fin- f. II' uujii, uuuiii u n puji, nine, ttmcai, and sand, wood goua barns and dwellings! talty, r t Yatd HI III - U eats Meet The anprovi! want the most ucuuw no higher in pi rnmiT S! 1 nj urcuon uni v