Sfflii DAILY EVENING EDITION the wont you want! jukDW.n to get your want I llrln, classinod col- r Eastern Oregon Weather fjZ Orcgonlnn. j ! Tonight clomly wlfli probnbly occasional rnln ; tmndny cloudy 4-.-. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COTJNTr, OTiEcioy, SA'ITlt DAY, NOVEJlmil! 7, lilOU. NO. 4S!)0. si or 0 HOSPITAL tell On I?nnrllirtfiH ;es win - Bishop O'Reily at 3 P. Tomorrow. r THE FINEST IN THE NORTHWEST, L and Thoroughly Modern In It, Equipments Furnished Elevator and Lined With Ad- Plastering Cos! of the lure Heaay iur I Thousand Dollars. lorK at tlio itispltnl hub reach- fccglnnliig of tut: enu ami in a tit ilme will 1)0 ready for tho Itients. Inu carpenters, uie and linemen arc all wonting for the early completion or k and by the time tho house I to be thrown open to tho pub- Irrow afternoon, everything i nlacc ana all will be tlnlsn- file exception of n few of the retails .which can bo attended ly Id the future. bme days past the Sisters of Ids have been busy cleaning building and putting things proper places as fast as the were out of the way, and Ivork it is honed to havo all Ir the dedication on Sunday lomphtte and Elegant. is but to see the interior of : in Its finished state to form a of Its completeness as a and Its value to tho city, itnrc 'Is 'beginning to arrive disposition of the rooms nas e. The lodges and tho indl- ho are Intending to furnisn id beds aro gett.ng their turn. aay, ko that all will be In- iten the place Is opened for Hon of the public. of the building through- M nml varnioiied, making ter-proof and germ-proof, walls are finished In nda- sterlng. and all the woodwork natural finish Details of Arrangement. t wing of tho third lloor is :1 ojr the sisters as sleeping aeToom in me extreme end iag on the north side Is set a Elck room for tho Bisters, room just across tho hall, in cast corner of the inillillni? Jtted up as a chapel. The ' upper floor Is for the use Pitai patients. ngement of tlio second tactically tho snmo ns tho 3 on this lloor the- rooms oj prlvatu subscrlntlon bo- war On i.ie northeast cor- mie or rooms wnleh will be "1 Mrs, I . A Tbotnnonn r down the hall is tho Odd un tho lower lloor. In corner Is tho room to ino Ellis. It is d rcctlv te fitted un bv Mm and .b Identical with It In tondcred at tho Hotel Pendleton to Bishop O llolloy. Governor Chamber. lain and other of tho friends of the nospitai by the Sisters of St. Francis SNAKE RIVER RISING. O. R, & N. Boats Will Soon Resume Runs on Upper River. Lcwtston, Nov. 7. The water gauge at tne whnrf of tho Lewlston & Southern Navigation company yes terday morning showed that the river nau risen an men during the night, and during tho day tho water was still coming up. It is bollevcd that within a few days the river will be sufficiently high to permit the steam er Imnaha to resume the traffic on me upper river as a raise of six Inches will make navigation safe as rar as turcica. Tho company has sufficient busi ness now in sight to keep the boat engaged for soveral months, and much of tho freight now awaiting smpmont is needed at tho camps and will be moved as soon as the boat can bo started. The Yellow Boy Mining comnanv has a largo amount of ore that will bo shipped to the smelter at Tacoma as soon as tho boat commences to make regular trips, and it is probable mat otner mining companies will havo ore to bring out later in the season. Large quantities of provis ions, lumber and mine equipment are now stored at the company's wharf, and more will he shipped as soon aa me dock is cleared. Loaned the State Money. Salem, Nov. 7. The state board last evening examined n large num uor of applications for loans on ac count of the Irreducible school fund, and of tho many applications received 10 were approved, these loans aggre gating $55,050, while hut two m-pre rejected, amounting to $2,100. Meteor Causes Terror. McMInnville. Nov. 7. A large m teor which swept through tho air just anove tne housetops with a horrify. ing noise last evening caused almost u panic in this city. F UK GERMAN WILL OCEAN MAIL SERVICE. 0 RECOGNIZE PANAMA Germany Was Expected to Be an Obstructionist, But Declares "America's Action is Reasonable and Legitimate." France Is Satisfied Because It Secures 'Protection of French Interests American Cruisers Beginning to .rrive at the Isthmus The Provls. lonal Government on the Isthmus Has Officially Declared Its Independ enceGreat Excitement Prevails at Bogota. Berlin. Nov. 7. Tho German for eign office has authorized a statement as follows: Germany approves America's no- tlon ns to Panama, which is reason able and perfectly legitimate. Every groat power would act similarly In me same circumstances. The senatius. all warmly congratu lated thu president on his prompt ac tion taken yesterday In recognizing tho Panama republic and assured him of the senate's support in the mat ter. Hegardlng Cuban reciprocity meth ods whereby tho president's plnns uermany recognizes the new re- i. .,,;ij . .... ". ilondtnv Pr,ahCtlCa",y an Air'C1,n dV: H hu not bo Welded pendency. She welcomes the change I wnclner j, Hha)t Il0 by hm or Jolnt resolution that Cuban reciprocity IN RELATION TO A SPECIAL SESSION GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN IS AS YET UNDECIDED. pit, I Class Operating Room, 'rating room has been fin rows time and Is one of the i. hi i nl8'l on the " tiled in whit,. ,.,i,i Mils urn nt . ... IH 11. . ' """'"MUl pias- I" the whole interior is cov- linl i. , ,or namol-flnlsh "UK it Olmn hit.. I., lU f ln8 carefuy clean- ItiVLV. . ")rnor 10 corner. W nail from the operating P anaesthetic room, whore 'to be operator! mmn to ,. L"'e 'nn-enie of the to ii. .... m ,,lere across room is I the Instruments are kept K?1?' PWo in I '"ough not b0 inr. nflr. 17. . . the Mate. K. and u.i, ""lle ovor Hldta. jfn rf!!l'lcte tho Hr,V,,u" cost In No Especial Demand for it Yet, Not a Member of the Legislature Having Expressed Himself in Favor of It Governor Chamberlain late yestor day evening gave out tho following brief Interview on the quostlon of the special session to the Oregon Dally Journal. The governor said: "I have received no request from any senator or representative elected from any county that Is presumed to bo liable to suffer It n special session of tho legislaturo bo not called. "If any of tho counties, cities or school districts would bo crippled In theft- corporate functions, I should hear from members of the legislature representing thorn. "So far, I have not dotcrminod wluit course I shall pursue. I am looking into tho matter and am Informing myself as to tho condition of the state's finances. I find that the busi ness of tho stato would go on without Interruption ur serious inconvenience, oven though thero -were no extra ses sion, nnd tho expenses were provid ed for by tho issuance of evidences of Indebtedness, "Thorefore, so far us concerns tho state government, there is no press ing need for a special session to cor rect defects in tho inx laws that havo been pointed out In the opinion hand ed down by tho supreme court." and jM-cfers that the canal be under the wntrol or America rather than of an unstable South American state, whoso whim might lead her to block the 'canal and bombard tho passage of ships." France Stands Pat. Paris, Nov. 7. The news that America has recognized the new re public ol Panama favorably Impress ed the Fiench officials. The government has now definitely decided to follow suit provided Pana ma guarantees me maintenance of the rights of of the French Panama Canal Company and tho protection of trench Interests. Constitutional Government. Washington, Nov. 7. Panama ad vices say the revolutionary govern ment has Issued a call for a constitu tional convention to meet Monday, for the purpose of adopting a perma nent form of government providing for the selection of a president and for a cnnal treaty. A White House Conference. Washington, Nov. 7. An important conference took place at the white house this morning, at which Aldrlch, Allison, Spooner. Hale, Cullom and Piatt of Connecticut, discussed Pana ma ami Cuban reciprocity. shall ! made effoctifce. Cruiser Has Arrived. 1'annmn, Nov. 7. The cruiser At lantn arrived at Colon this morning. Panama's Provisional President, Washington, Nov. 7. Consul Mai mros, of Colon, cables tho stato de partment .his morning that Proforlo .Menendej; has been nppointed and Change In Service to Shorten the English-American Time. New York, Nov. 7. Tho departure of tho steamship Philadelphia from this port today marks the Inaucura tiou .of thu now sailing schedule of the American line. Instead of sailing Wednesdays, as heretofore, tho steamships of this line are hence forth to sail Saturdays. Tho princl pal object of tho chnngo Is to ntd tho United States postal authorities in Improving tho mail service to Great twining O N SCHOOLS APOSTATE ZIONISTS, Deserters From Dowie's Colony Are at Portland. Portland, Or., Nov. 7. Wllllnm Itodgers nnd seven ciders from Zlon City aro here, and will buy land In tho Wlllametto valley nnd start n col ony tn opposition to Elijah It. Thoy havo deposited large sums in local banks nnd will biing nt tho start 150 families. ONE-THIRD LESS COTTON. Much Less Ginned in 1903 Than In 1902. Washington, Nov. 7. Tho census bureau this morning Issued n bulle tin showing tho quantity of cotton ginned fiom the crop of 1903 up to October IS. It is approximately 3, SOO.000 bales, as against nearly 0,000, 000 ginned up to the- corresponding date In 1902. Princess Attempted Suicide. Paris, Nov. 7. Tho Happclo today asserts that Princess Loulso recently attempted suicide. Troubles sluce she eloped with Glron aro rapidly unset tling her mind, and sho will shortly inaugurated governor of Colon nnd i ,10 SPnt n asylum. nas omciany proclaimed tlio independ-1 AT ST. LOOIS HUH Superintendent Lyman Now Touring the Stato to Arouse Interest, EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT WILL BE CREDITABLE. Teachers Urged to Gptlect Original Essays From Puplrs to Form Part of the Oregon Display Botanical and Forestry Exnlblts Will Be Elab orate Good Position Secured In Building. enro of the Republic of Panama. It adds that everything Is quiet there today. A message from Vice Consul Khrman, nt Paunma, says qui et prevails there also. v Excitement at Bogota. Panama, Nov. 7. A belated dlB patch from Minister Ueaupro, at Bo gota, dated Nov. 4, says great excite ment prevnlls nt Bogota on account of a serious disturbance on the isth mus, tending toward a movement for Independence. Tho state department has advice that Burneaii Vnrllla has been chosen by tho new republic as Its diplomatic representative at Washington. Ho is n prominent financier nnd one of tho most Important stockholders In the French-Panama Compariy. "Went A-Kltelng." Dover. England, Nov. 7. S. F, tody, the kite expert, succeeded In crossing the channel In n s'mnll boat drawn by kites. Hit started Wodnesday after noon and nrnved this morning. MAYOR HARRISON FIGHTS GAMBLERS DON'T BELIEVE HIM. GRAIN MARKETS. Confession of Complicity In Kidnap. ping of Cudahy Boy. Omaha, Nov. 7. The pollctt anil Cudahy discredit the alleged confes sion by Costello at St. Joseph, that ho assisted Pat Crowe to kidnap the Cudahy boy. Neither will investigate, costello worked In tho Cudahy plant at tho time of the kidnapping. He Is a hard drinker. WILL NOT RENEW LEASE. IMPLICATES THE BIG FOUR. BLANKET ORDER TO RAID EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. Company Responsible for an Illegal Rate of Speed. Indianapolis, Nov, 7. The coroner at noon, after hearing moro evidence as to the lata! Purdue wreck, fore casted his verdict by criticising tho Big Four officials. He said tho en glneeer was not altogether to blame, as the 'suiterlntcndent allowed only live minutes to go two miles Into the heart of the city, whereas the law ! only allows a four-mile speed. Piofessor II. S. Lynuin, superin tendent or schools of Clatsop county, nnd nlso superintendent of tho Ore gon educational exhibit for the St. Uttils fair, arrived In thu city this morning on n tour of tho Knstern Oro bon counties, In the Interest of tho exhibit. Professor Lyman tlnds thu Interest In tho educational work very groat in ovury portion of tho stale, and has just returned from a very successful trip through Southern Oregon, whero ho wns rewarded by receiving assur ances of nctlvo and energetic work, on tho part of educators nnd cltlzuns Interested in making a credanble showing at tills fair. Ha is organizing the work princi pally through tho superintendents ot the dlfforont counties nnd Is confer ring with Supcrlntomicnt Nowlln to day, who Is also n momber of . the educational committee of thu state In charge of thu work. Features of the Exhibit. Tho educational exhibit will con sist In a display of tho toxt-bookH ot tho dlfforont grade's, used In Oregon schools, and a full complement ot class papers and completed lessons accompanying each grade showing tho faithfulness of teachers und scholars, in following tho prescribed courso of study mapped out In tho text-books. As one of thu special features ot tho exhibit, Professor I.yinnn desires to hnvo as many descriptive articles on different localities and Industries In Oregon as possible, to lend an orig inal, local features to the exhibit, .In addition to tho prescribed lessons I rum tho lext books. Toachors nnd pilni Ipals of public Hchouls, aro es pecially ruiiui-sted to collect us.innny Mrs. Green Is Opposed to the Sale of Intoxicants. Cincinnati, Nov. 7. Mis. Lewis Green, widow of the millionaire- whis key king who died at Ixis Angeles a year ago, has Issued notices to a number of bur tenants, saloon keep ors here, that she will not renew their leases because she Is opposed to the sale of Intoxlcnnts. Transporting Troops. Belgrade. Nov. 7. Ordinary tralllc has been' suspended for two days to permit the transportation of troops nnd military supplies to the Turkish Irontier Tin- reason Is unknown. SIX-YEAR SENTENCE. Harold Haynie, of'Seattlc, Will Go to the Penitentiary. Seattle, Nov. 7 Harold Haynie, tho notorious "spotted horse" bandit, was1 sentenced for six years this moiuiug. Haynie did several hold-up jobs, using a hoiso and buggy and compelling his young wife to hold tho horso while ho jumped out and held up the victims, Row Results From Investigation of Charges That the Gamblers Have a Stand-In Wltn Officials at City' Hall. Chicago, Nov. 7. Angered bv rovo- J billons made before tho graft Inves tigation committee, Mayor Harrison this afternoon sent out 20 detectives Willi a li anxet order to ralil nvnrv gambling house In Chicago. It Is lliol'T "'In eharaclor of articles as possl most sweeping order .ii yearB and "10, aim lorwani them to Astoria, ndds a sensational chapter to tho ! Tlio botanical exhibit from this moral spasm now slinking the i-lty j "into will lie especially Interesting on Two days ago reputable cltlzoim I ount of great variety of plates and tostllled to games operated within a flowers lo be found and tho wonder- iniuiiDN wiiiiw in mo city mill, ill- ui wiwua mm can no coi- i though the filler of pollen staled Icclcd uiidur thu head of forestry. Uheio Is no gambling In the city. ' I'f'fi'asor I ymnn Is meeting with n citizens niso teslllloil that gnnibl- "cuny reception in overy portion or f'ls were always given a tip from the Inside when a raid wub pioposnd. In some Instances (hoy bud tlino Id re move tho entire furo and crnp wheel layouts bcrore tho police arrived. The first place i aided today was a room In Shorman Place, w.'iero n pol icy layout was poized, including bund Receiver Appointed. Heading, Nov 7. A receiver was appointed today for the great Carpen ter bind Company. tho state, nnd fools confident that ho will bo nblo to ninko n showing from Oregon fuily ns creditable as any of tho older states, which havu mado ed ucational work special foaturos for nearly a century. Excellent Position, DM,. 41.... 1.1 l .eda of tickets and u largo sum of llla" v,ir vmT o money. Two operators wore arrest Z & Ilund o'ark stnto commission, hns nocurcd ono of -,.. M.7Zlrr "lc '")Ht portions in tho Oregon build Expressman Murdered. ,ns for , inUo,,,,. ,,,!, ,, Texarkana. Nov. 7. Rxnrnssiiinii ovcrv visitor ttw rummm i.. r ..,, Couoluml, non-unionist, or tho Pacific! of tho building, will como In direct uuiujiuiiy, was nssassmaiou last night i contact with tho exhibit. Ition Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis. slon Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo cal Manager, Pendleton N'nv 7. Wires ale down ,, utrit- uiTriiHH , -- - l"0 table. A.Hninin i., today and no market letter hns been Mm l. -i-"""!. "in i , , , . , ).,.,, Wie Slerllmni? I kvi. whuiu nuora -it ui" ........ viu.ii jcoiuiuuy, Chicago, Nov. 7. Wheat Opening. Doc 7SV4 May 7&V4 Minneapolis, Nov. 7. Wheat Opening. Dec 78 May 77 Chicago Wheat. Chicago, Nov. 7. Wheat oponod at 78; closed 78. '. MO.OOO " 3 P. m., Sunday, Close. 7S',4 78 tt Close. 78 78 in..! r ""clock T, '""X th I"10 People aro f wr, ,r'7'n.. and at 3 Uomn;'1a K IbIP I" wake tin ' "1H"P lrnor oi ,p,enlnS "' 1 m aiirtro rlum w" I of tho mi , V u A"0 cnurcii h'lualol"".' 'ni""lnd. Illi i .vllle addresses v. - t mrnuttt . . P t the n i, n lon m t Lp"b c ami thoy st ha fP tho cm rWni .WT Provided and enro of nquet will bo FINAL COMMITTEE MEETING. Last Uetalls Will Be Attended to To night at 7:30 O'clock. Tho final mooting of the general committeo to make preparations lor tho Irrigation convention and the en tertainment of tho dolegatos will be held this ovenlng nt 7:30 Jn the rooms of tho Commorclal Association. At this tlmo all of the final nriyingo monts will bo mndo und the work of entertainment will ho apportioned. TWO GREAT STRIKES ARE IMMINENT i wiiiio unioauing irolgbt. The nssas sin escaped on horseback. Tho sher iff Is In pursuit with bloodhounds. It Is not bclloved ho was klllod on ac count of tho strike, but because of an old feud. Chicago. Nov. 7 The stieet car employes by live to one, voleiK' to strllto. The ofllcors or the Interna tional Association of Street Car Work ers Immediately prepared to hold a conference with tho street railway of ficials. ; The latter say thoy will arbitrate all legal demands, but inasmucl; as thov have repeatedly reHised an In crease In wages, or to recognize the unions, tho linmesslon Is growing that a strike cannot be averted. Conference Next Monday, Chicago. Nov. 7 A conteience or ofllolnls or the street railway employes and tho Chicago City Hallway Compa- nv will bo hold Monday at wnicn tne employes' demands for an Increase of lour rents an hour will lie uiscusseu. I twas to have been hejil today, but tho railways aro not proparad to lis ten to tho employes' rnprcbentativos. Thu belief is pievalent that a strike is Inevitable. There is some talk or application for an Injunction restraining the uillon officials from oiderlng a strike. Chicago May Not Be Affected, Chicago, Nov. 7. No official notice of u general strike has been received here of tho structural Iron workers, Olllclals suy tho building season is iiuuny over ami mat less man j.zuu would be affected by a general strike order. Secretary O'Brien Is of tho opinion a strike will not bo called against tho contractors who are not affiliated with the New Yoik associa tion, with which the union has Its dispute. Arlington Robber Captured, IJeppuer, Nov. 7. Sheriff U, M. Shutt has captured K. I), (iruun, one of tho innn nccusid or robbing tho Arlington saloon or $000, some weeks ago. Oreen was asleep In a hay mow at lono when the capture was iiiuilu. Fire In Shaw's Gardens. St. Ixiuls, Nov. 7. Fire this morn ing destroyed many rant plant In Shaw's Hardens, which eannnt bo re placed, and $10,000 worth or other properly. "Didn't Know It Was Loaded." KnlsVlllo. Utah, Nov 7. -Clyde Lambert.' 10 years old. was shot and Instantly killed by hia 12-year-old brother with a 22.callbro rlflo. Ho did not knpw it was loaded. LIVES LOST IN MONTANA MINE HORROR Butte, Nov. 7. Tho Korsargo mine at Virginia City, Is burning. Eight lives arc reported lost, including It. II. Turner, tho superintendent and one of the most prominent mining men or tne West. Six others are In the mines Turner Sacrificed Himself, From Co to 55 men aro still in tho mine, Supcilnlendent Tmiiici gave his life for his men. Ho was at breakfast when the alarm enme, and rushed to the main tunnel, fit 'ling everything ablaze. He and om- miner groped their their way dow r l drugged out five Thoy then n .do a secohd at tempt at rescue, id failed to come out Later they were taken out dead, British Cabinet Resignations. , Liverpool, Nov. 7. Tim Post says Iyird Stanley, who was recently up pointed postmaster-general, and Cav edlsn, tho financial secrutnry of tho .casury, are picparlng In resign. Bishop O'Reilly Will Arrive. Bishop C J. O'liellly will leai h the city this evening to be present at the dedication of tho hospital tomorrow. Ho has been ut Helena, Mont., to at tend the funeral of Bishop John 11. Biouditll, of that city. Tremens or Insanity, Joo Hughes, the old inun who was arrested some days ago for having In his possession the sack of tobacco taken from the seno of tho fire of Sunday night is In the tounty jail with an attack of tho delirium trem ens, or else ho is insane. Professor Lyman will have direct charge of -iu exhibit at St. Umls. mid is very desirous of having all tho stato exhinlts ut Astorjn by February 1, In order (hut they may be plucetl In tho Oregon building in Ht. Louis by April 1, tho tlmo fixed by the man agement for the closo of the exhibit It 1h hoped that Umutllla counlv teachers and parents Interested In making u good showing or tho state-, will mnliii u' specialty or suturing urlx Inul descriptive urtlclos mid oshioh mi Oregon topics, for this dlspluy. 8TATE GAME WARDEN IN CITY. Has Much Trouble Vlth Violators of the Limit of Killing Clause. J W. Baker, of Cottage drove, the stale me warden tftu L.v i i uun ty, Is In the city for u Mliorl visit Mr linker Is making a tour or Hie Man to meet the various wiuiIkiin or He state und Is nnv the mienl oi Nye. .Mr. Baker is from the lund or the China pheasant, and U having a great deal of trouble In ciuthlng the clubs who kill ovor thodnd..fi &&& men rtoiu the Portland game shoot liiK clubs who kill ovur the limit nr 10 birds a day. Those men will take a couple or boys with them ami thou divide tho birds, t (lint when tho warden holds thorn up there In no moro than an nvorago of 10 birds In tho party. Birds In tlio valley are very plentiful this season, and tin sportsmen are reaping a harvest. Tin Mexican government nnd Mex ican corporations are actually encour aging the immigration of Chilli " coolies Into (hat country 1H f.-i