East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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It is with pleasure that wo
announce to the ladies of
Pendleton that we have re
ceived our complete stock
of the celebrated D. Arm
trong & Co.'s Shoes..
The Armat-ong Hhnes are recognized
the most sljllih. brat mado end prattleat
hoca madu We handle excluMrely In
Pendleton tee Armstrong fihop. To be Ad
mired la but toiee You ate Invited to call
Mid latnlliaiice yourteir with tliu choice
thins In ladlei' ahoea an they are ihown In
the Armstrong line.
Dindinger, Wil
son & Co.
Good shoes
C h e a
State Treasurer Moore Says to Leave
it Unchanged.
State Treasurer Moore, In speaking
of the corporation tax law, and of
the prospect of the special session
changing it, said yesterday:
"The corporation tax law should
be left unchanged. The corporation
tax is not working a hardship upon
any legitimate corporation, and it is
Will Shorten the Running Time and
Bring Some Trains Into Pendleton
at More Convenient Hours Eating
Stations Cut Out and' Diners Added.
The passenger schedule of the O.
It. & N. Is to bo revised over the en-
tiro system during this month, In or
der to reduce the running time from
the East to the coast. Superintendent
O'Urleu yesterday stated that tho
time of the trains running out of
Portland and through Pendleton
would perhaps change in about tho
lonowing manner
No. 2, east-bound, which now leaves
Portland at 9:20 n. m. would be chang
ed to 8:45, which would put it
through this city nearly at 4:45 p. in.
No. G, which loaves Portland for the
east at 8:15 p. m., would bo sent out
at 7:45, which would cause it to arrlvo
In Pendleton at 3:45 a. m.
No. 1, would reach hero at 10 o'clock
a. m., according to the new schedule.
and No. 5 at 12:45 a. m.
These changes are mado partly to
insure connections with the Northern
branch nt Umatilla, and to make time
faster to the East
Dining cars have been put on nil of
the through trains and thu eating
stations have been cut out so that the
trains will not have to stop for meals
ami overy other Item In tho running
that will shorten the time, will bo
taken ndvnntngc of.
The new schedule will go into effect
bringing a large revenue to tho state. , auollt (ho maaie ot the month, hut
luo only concerns that demand a
change in the law are tho 'wildcat'
companies that cannot afford the in
corporation fees. Any company form
ed upon a legitimate basis with a cap
ital of $1,000,000. or any other sum,
tan afford to pay the fee. If a com
pany is formeu upon any other than
a good business basis, the state is
better off witnout it."
Elks' Memorial Services.
The Elks' memorial service or
"Lodge of Sorrow" will be held at the
Christian Church on the first Sunday
In December.
until that time tho oxact timeB of tho
trains will not be known.
Take Laxative Drama Quinine Tablet. All
drmrg-lau refund the money II It fail to cure.
E. V. drove denature on each box. 23c
ihiii m i in ii ii i ii i
Exquisite new Design in
t REAL...
Most lieautlful collection ever
displayed iu Pendleton.
John W. Kimberlin Passes Away,
Aged 62 Years,
John W. Kimberlin died at tho
home of his daughter, Mrs. J, H. Dry
ant, this morning at 5 o'clock, after
a long Illness of dropsy and other
The deceased was born in Marlon
county, Indiana, in 1841, and was a
veteran of tho civil war, having en
listed in the 122d Volunteer Iowa
Cavalry- at the first of tho war, and
serving with that body of troops dur
ing the entire war. He has been a
resident of this city for the last nino
years, and is well known here among
the old soldiers nnd the elder resi
dents. Ho is survived by three daughters.
Sirs. J. H. Dryant, of this city, and J
Mrs. Jessie Catherman nnd Mrs. O.
C. Smith, of Umatilla.
The funeral services will be held
from tho residence at C21 Willow
street, tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock, under the auspices of the O.
A. It. Tho sermon will ho preached
by Kov. G, W. Itigby and the inter
ment will 00 made In Olney ceme
tery. All old soldiers are respectfully re
quested to be at the residence prompt
ly at 2 o'clock.
toratcs in Maine, Massachusetts and
Khode Island bolero ho came to Ore
gon. He Is also n man among men,
affable, approachable and hearty,
having had experience in the United
States nrmy as a chaplain.
As a pulpit orator ho Is not sur
passed on tho Pacific Coast. His ser
mons havo Increased in interest and j
power day by day. Tho uftornoon '
sermon of yesterday was unique,
original and practical, dealing with
the lions that Christian people have .
to slay In ordor to mako progress In '
tho Christiau life. It mado a pro-found-Jmpression
upon those present.
Tho ovenlng sormon wns "niblo I
Pictures on Confession of Sin."
' trying to mako nrrangpmouts 'to go to
I Portland for ono game, olthor with
tbo Portland high school, or with tho
Portland Academy. Tho only thing
I that is holding them is flnancos. and
If they can arrange this they will play
there on the zibi of tuis montn, as 1
that date la open to thorn. j
One niore date will bo open to them
nnd thut will perhaps bo played with
Union tho day after tho Thanksgiv-
Complete Lineup of Both Teams Is ( lng Bamc Bnkor CUy
Given ueiow rtign scnooi team is
Improving Steadily Will Play at
Baker City Thanksgiving Day.
Vlie members of the Pendleton
He hlch school football team, uccomnan-
drow his material from both tho old (.,i hv their coach, Dan P. Smythe,
nnd now testaments, drawing vivid, will leave in tho morning for Weston,
alluring word pictures nt those who ' when, tbev will meet the WcUon
dind been forgiven, team on tho gridiron In the ntternnon.
During the day, as on other days, 1 n in thought tbnt the team wllL put
tlio doctor sang solos with good of. 1 tlp a good showing In the game nnd
icct anu no anu Airs, ixnvoil sang
j Second annua,! meeting Oregon Ir
' rigntion Association, Pondloton, Nov-
I O nnrt 10
Eastern Oregon Teachers' Associa
tion, Daker City, November 23-25.
Washington Teach or s' association,
Tacoma, Dec. 28-30.
National Mvostock convention,
Portland, January 12, 13, 14Tnd 15.
duets in an Impressive manner.
Tho doctor will preach his last sor
mon on this, his first visit iu the city
this ovenlng.
All regret that ho has to leave so
soon, for if ho could remain two or
three weeks he would move tho whole
city. Hut it Is a great thing to hnve
a man who is a pastor of one of the
largest churches in Portland to no
away for a week. Wo aro thankful
to him for his services and hopo he
will he nblo to como again and that
In tlio near future.
All Menbers Are Especially Request.
ed to Assist in Making Irrigation
Badges Tomorrow.
All tho club women of tlio city are
respectfully requested to be present
at tho county courthouse, tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, to assist in
making the official badges for the ir
rigation delegates.
The badges will consist of a spray
of alfalfa, a head uf wheat and n
sprig of sago brush, tied together with
n ribbon bearing the place nnd date
of tho meeting.
It will require at least 1,000 hadges
and everyone is requested to bo on
hand to assist In tho work, in order
that everything will bo in readiness
for the opening of the convention on
Monday morning.
Ontario Will Be Here in Full Force
and With a Purpose.
V It. King, of Ontario, was In the
city today, having some business be-
line the Hum emu court. Mr. King is
enthusiastic over the Irrigation eon
ventlon. nnd says that there will be
a largo delegation here from Malheur
county, probably over 25 men.
Tlio delegation Is coming here with
the Intention of taking back with
them the convention for tho coming
year, and will use all of tholr influ
ence In this direction. They will
leach this city on tho evening of Sun
day, nnd will be nil ready for business
as soon as they como. Mr. King re
turned to his home this ovenlng. .
Pee our window Imt lelter J
still come In nnd ?
Get Ot Prices
hemline; Druist
Principal of La Grande Schools Will
See if the Truant School Law is
La Grande, Nov. 0, Professor
Hockenberry, superintendent of the
city schools is making an effort to
eradicate truancy from tho public
schools and will enforce tho state law
compelling parents to send their child
ren to school.
Of late, tlio number of children io
mninlng out of bcIiooI has become
alarming, as it demoralizes the
classes and makes a bad showing, m
the school records. Arrests will bo
made It attendance is not enforced by
Sermons of Surpassing Interest at
; Congregational Church.
1 It is a rare treat that some of the
people of this city are enjoying tills
1 week in listening to tho scholarly ser
I moils of Rev. Dr. House, of Portland.
He is u graduate ot Harvard College
j and the divinity school of Hoston Uni-
verslty and has hall successful pas-
Rev. Howard, of the Soutn Methodist
Church, to Hold Services at Thomp
son Schoolhouse.
Ilev. M. V. Howard, of the South
Methodist church, of tills city, will
leave for Echo In the morning, whore
he goes to hold services nt tho
Thompson schoolhouse, on Ilutter
creek, Sunday morning nnd evening.
Hov. Howard preached in this
county somo years ago, and lias many
friends in tho nutter creek district,
who will bo glad to welcome him to
that neighborhood again. He expects
to return Monday morning,
Five Violators of the Law Pay the
Penalty in the City Jail, in the Ab
sence of Cash.
Five prisoners were before Judge
Fits Herald this morning, as follows:
My Kainanii. a Japanese, charged with
starting n lire lu nu open lot, fined $5;
John Hendrlckson, Charles Johnson,
John Shinn and James Casey, all
charged with bolng drunk nnd disor
derly, wmo each lined $5 and costB,
and in the absence of the price, will
m- , out the fine In the city jail.
that It stands n good chanco of bring'
ing back tho victory with It when It I
returns to tho city.
Attorney Crawford to The Dalles.
Attoni"by-Goneral A. M. Crawford
For the last week the boys havo 1 has returned to Tho Dalles, wboro he
been working hunt and have knocked
off many of tho ragged edges of tholr
piny. Mr. Smythe has groat confi
dence in his boys nnd will piny thorn
to tho limit when they meet the Nor
mal school. Tho line-up of the two
tennis will bo as follows:
Pendleton. Positions. Weston.
Forrest left end Ebort
Menus left tackle . . . .ltnnbeck
Milne loft guard Uldenor
Scott center . ...H. Graham
Heeves rigut guard ....Drlskell
Williams... right tackle ....Warren
Stanflold .... right end . . . .Hanscom
Strand quarter Marsh
Hnrtman .... loft half .... Swaggort
Cronln full back ....Strickland
McCnrty right half White
Tlio substitutes for the Pendleton
team will bo Storle, Hupp, Thomp
son anil l-eezor. Tho referee will lie
Murk Muorhouse, nnd the lineman
will le Hoy Conklln.
The team is attempting to make ar
rangements for tho rest of the season,
but tho only thing sure so far Is the
regular Thanksgiving game witli Ba
ker City at that place. The boyB are
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is n disease prevailing iu this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. AlllltyKUIltlCtl
deaths nre caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
eil mooa will at
tack the vitnl organs, causine catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
urcau uowii anu waste awuy cell ly cell.
madder troubles almost ill way h result
from'n tlenimjeiiicnt of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing IxiUly von can make no mistake by
takliiR'Dr. K.!hi6t"3 Swamp-Root, the
grc'ntk'idney', liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to'hold urine mut
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
comtieHed'to go often through the day.
and to get up mnnv times during the
.. mm. ...:t.i i ..
effect of Siwimp-Uoot is soon realized.
It stimils the highest for its wonderful
cures' of the most distressing: eases.
Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to take uud is
sold by h11 druggists in fiftv-ccnt and
one-dollar M.e bottles. You may haven
upuplc bottle of this wonderful new (lis
ecu cry and n book that tells all about it,
liolliseut free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer it Co.. Hinghauiton, N, Y. When
writnis mention reading this generous
offer iu this p?per, Don't make any
mistake, inn remember tuo name, h wiimp
Root, Dr. Kilmer'-- Swamp-Root, uiul the
address, Ilim.'ltaintoii, IS. V, on evert
will remain until after tho session of
the' circuit court, before which ho has
some cases on trial. After tho cases
havo been tried ho will return to his
home in Salem,
And .x !
natir-nr. "i "t
must h,v7u, " 1
iuie 1 n -
to biend "
I lilt him
'." '"Cbas l,,.:
lor ll, i-
a nnenf..-
-" US in .
to craill..
0,,r coffee, 2
cxquisiiP.1.. "
tllfm I..,.- "I
---..4 ijiiipr s.j
nun ..
mmrnrn m u a m
uiil i run
Ladies' Tailot-Made
WP. PUT THEM ON SAT.K WHll P rum,,..
We Guarantee you can't equal them anywhere for !,
I 1,1 Itl.lutllTlT fll I11IH UrriVIll Wl! IllllKIl I.llf, IflU, .1- ...
iniLKti low iineexi uu tin uui v.umn uuu juukklh nnritifr Hnib i.
siuu.uu iu uimi u"u iu ue given away uec. zh. A tickrt via
tl.Otl purchase.
You May Have Come
To Town on a Rail i
shape reasonably, we have all the
modern appliances for doing the work
but we can repair your rig In Unit-class
aud JIUOGIE8. They are the beat
because they are made of dried timber.
Cull and examine our rigs.
''Agents for Stover Gasoline Engines.
We want all
sickly men and
w omen to
k ii o w thai
go, m1 health
will return if
they will only
try the Hitters
frimwl thU trim
ft Italwayecures
Dysncpila. or
Malarial Fever
mid Aliue.
Try it today.
Dressed Docks Dressed Geese
Dressed Turkeys Dressed Chickens
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits oi All Kinds.
9ult to Recover an Account.
A suit was filed today In tho circuit
court by tloorso DcMott t-o
against S. h. Wakefield and wife, to
recover ?22.75 alleged to bo due on
goods and morchnndiso purchased by
tho defendants botweon tnu nates oi
Hrmtnmlinr 30 and November 5, of
this year, together with tho costs and
disbursements of the action. Cnrtor
& Ilaloy are the attorneys for the
If you havo a room to apaio, roport-'
to either Tallmon & uo., me uosion
Store or tho Peoples Warehouse.
Every room will be needed nnd oven
though you don't wish to accept pay
for tlio room, wo will bo Willing to
uso It. Tho Irrigation convention is
ono of tho most Important to us that
we have over had here, and wo want
to house everyone that comes.
Marriage License.
A marriage llconso was Issued last
night to Carl B. Hart, or rroscott,
Wash., and Miss Anna M. Hawks, of
this elty. Iloth uf tho applicants wore
under ago, and tho affidavits in their
parents wore filed with tlio elorU
whon tho license was ashed for. .Miss
Hawks is a niece of It. O. Hawks of
the Ilyors Mill.
Second Ward Candidate,
13. J. Murphy lias filed his petition
In the office of the city recorder, ac
t-opting tho nomination for alderman
from tho second ward. Thoro aro 119
signatures to the petition, which nam
her la nt least half of tlio legal votors
of 'that ward,
Tho East Is Wild over . I. It,
Our Great Big
Saturday Nis
Prpe Distribution
Is Worth Investigation
stm. , -m ym 1 V"V 1
a i u at mm w mi m m m m munw c ' a m. i i
JL K. B W ILr vr j vr
V VTTV , . fTTTTTTTTl t 1 , . aa. ------
Baking Powder
The remarkable increase in consumption
troves IU purity and wholttomenes.
With a Coupon
"To Keep Well"-
every organ muKt bo tloing its
duty Ktomnch, liver and kid
neys must each be in thorough
working order. If you are not
as well as you ought to be take
a small dose of
Sold Everywhf tr. In lioxf 10c. and 25c.
Suffered Eight Months
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for Dyspepsia and Stomach
Troubles, I havo boon suffering for
eight months and trlod many rem
dies without any roliot, until I got
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I
used only u short time aud am now
norfoetly well. Thanking you for
(ho speody recovery, I nrn grcattully
yours, Francis 'I. Camion. Vancouver,
Wash. For salo by V. W. Schmidt
& Co.
Bond to W. H. Hookor & Co,, Buf
falo, N. Y for a froo trial package,
(Nothlnp Like Them.)
Is a necessity for
you who desire a
clear, beautiful complexion-it
is opposed
to sunburn. An ap
plication of Clover
Cream befoie ex
posure to wind and
sun will positively
prevent all roughness
of the -skin.
a Bottle
sample for
asking only at
F. W. Scfunidt's
Tho Reliable Druggist
punofficr Mock.
Phone Main Sji
J TJ onalff
Wnrk m ed for WW
J nes & Cooper
prices riohi
' . I UIUI I
All Kiuua -
Hams and S
Prices as
Carryalls for picnic partlea. Qood
teams with compotont drivers for
commorclnl men. Siioedy horses and
handsome rigs for evonlng and Sun
day drives. Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock, Opposite Hptel Popdleton,
'Phone MpId 101.
SZnxra IV HI
Lace uun
Etc. Etc ol
So e aceni.
HetArmoor w-