East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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729 MAIN
Men's Suits ......'..!....$ 5.00 to $ J 5.00
Men's Satts-.....::.!.'.... J 2.50 to 25.00
Youth's Saik 4.00 to 14.00
Boy's Salts" t.50 to 5.00
Men's Overcoats 5.00 to 20.00
Boy's Overcoats...... 2.50 to J0.00
All Goods Guaranteed Satisfactory
mi mi H"M"M-
Central American republics will soon
.enter upon a gonorul war of reprisals
and biisuwhacklng.
The Santa TVj railway company will
spend $2 000.000 filling In -ChlnorBa-son,"
a great mud Hat on .tlio edge of
San Francisco Hay. adjoining the com
pany's -property.
'Thomas Walsh, 1 years of nge,
was drawn into a- rope-ninking ma
chine ut "New York, and his body torn
and perforated with 1,QQ0 steel need
les. He still lives.
The Itogota. the loyalist gunboat
..from, which shells were thrown Into
Panama, has had a very varied career.
"itJs an American-built boat and has
been wrecked four times.
Senator W. A Clark Is being sued
tor JSfiO.OOO. alleged to be the vnluo
'-of -ort' talreu from drifts extending
Trom -"his prnpurty into that of P. J.
-Hennessey and W H xbbott, at
' William J. Honn, of Charleston, III.,
has been Indicted by the grand jury j
Jor murder and his. bond fixed at $7,
000. He was last January forced into
a midnight marriage, and his wife
died suddenly soon after
-' Miss Clara J Collin, daughter of a
wealthy New York broker, has mvs-
terlously disappeared. - Her family
nnd friends believe she wandered
away during temporary aberration of
mind, caused by .excessive, application
to Iter school studies.
Jameti C. Beasley, who forged two
.government checks: at .Nome for J3,
800, is under $10,000 bond at Seattle.
George Gregory, formerly of Ellens
dale, "Wash., was crushed to death un
der a loaded wagon, on the Nome
river, on October 24.
'Fat cattle from Jackson and Jooe-
phlne counties are selling-at 2 contsfdencu of TRIB'S good work.
for cowh and 3 cents lor prime
steers. This stock all goes to tho
San Francisco market.
Frank B, Poor, prodtdont of the
Citizens' Light ami Power Company,
who Is under arrest for larceny on
nine counts, at Seattle, says tho ar
rest Is nothing but spite work on the
jiart of his enemies.
One hundred decorated and Illumi
nated automobiles will be in parade
ih the. coming auto show, to be held
in San Francisco, November 7. A
silver cup worth 100, will be given as
a prlzo for the be3t show made In the
Tho Kaga .nam, an uriemai snip, i
qSi ThiiMdav md rel
. . , th S 'from th0
porta, that the "towaya from tho
Amer can sli p Benjamin Sow eU who
- . . . . . i
have lK)on eaton by the na-
tives. . !
W. H Wehrung, of HillBboro, who
will have charge ot the Oregon ex-;
hiliit at the St Louis fair, will make
a p'Tsoual canvass ot tho state this
. month, for tlw purpose of collecting
the exhibit, and arousing an Interest.'
in the subject among the various
county courts.
Ovcl -Moe, who died in abject pov
erty at Olympia, Thursday, hold a
note for $50 against John Alexander
Ihiwle. the- "Zionist," who is worth
millions of money The not
wuti i
seven months over duo- at tho time of
Moe's death, and will to immediately
T 1
. The bvit pr)poti tout iuOttgon
I Fine vacant Jots, "h t o ks
.from Main , 5oto 150
i Two h oclcs, with $5000
T (mprovunmntri, 'tfood
f VJ IV t7 J J t A AWWtyfWiw
and 2 lots, 2 b'ocks from Main
st.. Itentsr steady at .J3;..
iSoo Two houses and 2
a 101s, Kuu" luudiiuu, iugt:ii:iu
T rent for $?o,
T interest in good paying
business on Main.st. iitoc
at invoice.
- s- J4So!per acre 20 acre sub-
' 1 urban garden tract.
une uiock 114 lots), goou
imprctveinents "whb green
house-cheap., '
Bmt wheat land in Umatilla
county. Tracts of 100 to 2000 ,
Call and see ut We can show
you boiii'liltlng tuut you w.ill like.
T K. T. Wade &. Bon
V O. lloi M
Tlioas Black Jilt UBlce in K. 0 IUdg
-h-h-h-h-h-h. 1 1. a .n.
Hotel Pendleton.
.Frank Sloan, Echo.
51. H. Coffee. San Francisco.
AY. P. Jenknls. Chicago.
C. Y. Cotton, San Fraucisco.
CJeorge Nipple, Philadelphia.
E. C. Brady Spokane, ' ,
C. F. Whaley. Spokane.
It. S. Butler. Spokane.
O. Allison, Omaha.
William Henry.
J. E. Dodil. Peoria.
S. B. Calderhead, "Walla Walla.
H. Nelson, city.
A. D. Spencer, Chicago.
W. It. Brpnk, Chicngo,
Frei! "I'lebron, St, Paul;
.Edward Shield's, Portland.
J A. ' C i'c ki , San .Francisco
J. H Davis. Walla Walla,
H. D. Dryer, Tacoma.
0. W. C Aklns. St. Paul.
MoRer. Seattle
Julius Green and wife, Portland.
It. E. Collins, New York. '
Golden Rule Hotel
Airs. W. Cheney, city.
C. B. Clement; Sail Fraucisco.
XI.' Si Campbell and. sister, City.'
F. L. 'CoHrern, HoVeman. - -
A. W. Ward and, wife. Colfux.
Charles Gay, Athena., ;
' Ji Ifopkluii. aiilll wllej lone. s
W. J. Moore, Spokane.
H. Winters, Spokane.
Joe Leezer, Echo.
A. G. Newton, -Hollx,
O. C. Beck. Athena.
Dr. L. E. Bullinger of San Francisco
Expresses an Opinion Regarding
the" Greatest Liquor Habit Cure on
Dr. L. E. Buinnger of San Francisco
writes: "I was prejudiced against
TIUB, coming to me as it did, but I
see now I was mistaken. I have been
traveling in England nnd the eastern
states much lately and find much evl
I bought
twenty-five treatments for friends
nnd every one has done its work
State Teachers' Association Meeting.
Baker City, Or., November 23-25,
For the above occasion a rate of
one-third faro on the certificate plan
in nuthorlzed to Baker City.. Tlckots
on' sale any throe days prior to open
ing day. For particulars, call on or
address F. F. WAMSLEY,
Farms for Sale.
wp nuw navH liBiim inr Hate HiimR
--- , . r 7 . , I ,
ot tn0 1,081 wheat farms and stock
ranches In the county. All the places
improved and well aupplU
VOry deslr-
; prices.
)f you are troubled with Impure
bood( indicated by" sores, pimples,
headaches, etc.. vo would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir,- which wo sell
tindor a positive) guarantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. 50c.
nnd $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Horses Strayed.
Strayed -from Platzoedor'ti old
slnughtnr bouso grounds. One white
horso, iii-andud i on right hip, with
harness marks; one grey mare,
l.rntuli.il Ifi on rlL'lit shnuldnr also
saddle and harness marks; both shod
all around,
Sick headache absolutely and per
manently .cured .by using Moki Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Con
Ntipatlon and indigestion. Makes
you eat, sleep, work and happy.
Satisfaction guaranteed or monoy
hack, 25c and 50c, V, W. Schmidt
& Co,
The New York City postofllce will
bo thoroughly Investigated according
to tho most approved BrlBtow meth
ods. No Dessert
More Attractive
"Why tuw golalliie and
spend liou. soaking,
Rweetoniiiu, flavoring
Mid coloring whan
produces iwttcr nmiltii tu two imautosr
ilvervtliiiii' lu the imakime. Himply add hut
water aud set to cool, It'aperfuotlon. Abitr
priso to tha liousowlfu. No troublo, leas ex.
jwnse. Try it toluy. In Four Fruit Fla
vors) Leuum, Orongo, Btrawborry, lUap-
tony. At frucurs. iuc
Washington and California Outstrip
, ping the .Webfoot State In Making
' Themselves Known to the World
Large Attendance Promised for
Lewis and Clarke Fair, (
Governor Chumberlalrt ill speaking
of the need of advcr'tlslng'-OroBon re
sources more thoroughly, says:
'!JuHtfat presort) it lit Oregon's In
dustrial rosources .' that) need adver
tising; nnd to thlsy wtJho)ld glvo more
attention. There fs "woeful Ignoranco
concornlng Oregon nil through the
east Men who Travel know sonic
thing of this country and its advan
tages, 'but the. great mass of indtvutu
nls know nowilng of the opportunities
when are hero offered for homeseek
ers. California on the south nnd
Washington on the north have been
extensively advertised, while Oregon
has been neglected. The railroads
hnve done some. .advertising for us,
but if wo are to experience the growth
we desiro we must remember our
state and 'Fly with our-own wings.'
' A prominent eastern railroad man
told me' one day 'that" for the man
who lias capital to .invest Oregon Is
the most promising field, for It is yet
almost untouched and its resources
are as unlimited as they are un
known. By proper advertising at St.
I xtUia and elsewhere In the east, a
larger .number of people can be
brought hero to purchase property
and mnk' homos.
'"I believe there -will he a large at
tendance, of eastern iieople at the
Lewis and Clarne fair, and that In the
next few years thore will bo a heavy
immigration to this state, but this
will not be brought about without
hard work on- the part of our own
"I have talked Oregon and the
Lowls and Clark for everywhere I
have beon. This Is a great state with
a -great future, and I realized It more
than over since I have returned trom
a circle around the "United States. I
am happy to-be hack here again In
my own beloved Oregon."
Work Will Be Rushed on Some Minor
Matters While School Is Dismissed
for the Institute.
WhlU the schools of tiie city aro-
dismlssed for Jhc teachers' institute.
Hie Janitors nnd -ecrpeiitei'i nie busy
placlns some new book c:i3cs and li
brary shelves in the dlfforont ruuius,
and In the manual training depart
ment. sju.iuwaojiIuii p,poyu ot(
induio.-) 01 'aujnnru jon sj iooijds
0iM '.iun)j(iiIdo Bt(j sohu) pnw 'joj
intif am Jo pB 010 hija 'scpjnjus
uo "unUu p.og pun auUVJ (DUUIilU
oifl auputtoja jo jom or;j jo u.anut
l!Up)p UOnq HTJtl UIUO0 J033JJOJJ
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness Is responsible forj
many a railway wreck and the same
causes are making human wrecKB of
sufferers from Throat ,and Lung
troubles. But since the advent of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
Hiimption, Coughs and CoUIb, even:
the worst cases can be cured, and
hopeless resignation is no longer
necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dor
cliesUr, Mass., is one of the many
whose life was saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery. This groat remedy
is guaranteed for alt Throat and
Lung diseases by Tallman & Co.,
druggists. Price BOc and $1.00.
Trial bottles free.
La Grande City Council Adopts, the
Plan of Fire Chief, and Improves
the Department.
La Grando, Nov. 5. (Special to tuo
East Orogonian.) The city council
last night votud to put in tho Are
alarm system, to buy the chemical en
gine and team of horses, nnu put a
paid .fireman on duty, as recommend
ed by Fire Chief J. II, i'oare. The out
lay will amounc to about J4.S00 and
the Tire Insurance Underwriters' As
sociation has agreo- to reduce Insur
ance rates 10 per cent in tho city,
whenever tho now -system is installed.
Walla Walla Produce Men Invading
Other Fields.
Walla Walla. Nov. B. The apple
Hltnntlon Is such In the Walla Walla
valley- tuiB-fiuagon-tbaL.local.produca
men. bavo been, compelled ,tp Jnvde,.
other ifrhlt auctions 'of fha stato" ,tb:
obtain, aifficlenti stock .to Oil thctr.or-!
Yakima and Wonatchea fruUi&.b
Ing shipped by Walla Walla produco
bonnes In large quantities nnd a fur
ther drain on these sections 'will
have to be raado to fill largo Eastoru,
orders being constantly received,
Will Consider Stubbtefield Home.
Walla Walla. Nov. G. At the rcgu'
lar meeting 'of tho county commis
sioners yesterday 'Joseph McCnbQ fllod
his nlut of Watertown addition to
Valla Walla, which was approved by
that body. The commisatonors ae
voted the rest of tho day to auditing
and checking up tho bills of tho va
rlotiH county officials. Tho 8tubble
fluid homo appropriation question will
bo takm up Saturday.
In Honor;of Bishop Foley.
Detroit. -Mlclt.. Nov. -fi.'-Blshop
ley of tho Catholic dloceso of De
troit was tho reclnlont of Innumot-'
able congratulations today ,ou the oc
casion OI ,nis spvunuem fjirmuujr. n
big focpptlon In, honor ot. tho hlshop.
Is to be held .this pvonlnB at tho Hotol
f Chamtoormald Wanted,
Chambormalds are wanted at lI,otcl
Pendleton. "
The one cigar j'ou can depend upon being the same in quality
whether you smoke one or ya thousand. Always 5 cents
and so good the
Inland Empire Piano Hoi
We expect to occuov the Milnt'kv buildinc. opposite Tribune oR
after Nov. 15. and wo
present Quarters-to our
prices on our superb
down so low durini:
plating the purchase of an instrument should take advantage of I
trrntifl m.nnrtunitv, and PHCiire one.
No second-hand,
our stock. 'J hey are all brand new with elegant cases, tteautitniiy 11
ished. lich haro tones and perfect action. Everv instrument dowl
"'uaratiteed. Call in
address. Court street,
A Runaway LMeycle,
Terminated with an ugly cut on
the log ot J 15. Ornor Franklin Orove,
III. It developed a stubborn ulcer
unyielding- to doctors Tnd remedies
for four years. Then I'iucklon's
Arnica Salve cured. It's just as
good for Bums, Scalds, Skin Erup
tions and Plies, 25c nt Tallman
& Co.'b drug store.
Brazilian uiid Uruguayan frontlori
pollco have had a fight, resulting in '
several of each Bide -being lUHlod. The.
Jtmiru; jgoyeruments have bogun to
spar, and serious complications are
iatiead.f ' ' J
H Luxuriant
I 1
U10 chlol tuljuui-t
of beuuty.'U uoir
l.luwd witnlu tlio
'new sclcutluo' dticorury that cHcc'
tuolly doatrovs tlio microbes rcspopsl-UeIi-ullcalpdUuacs.
It not onlyinakc dandruftiono taw
hnrtiair tbinw of tlio jKut.-biiUiuvIa
imt tho hulr roots, coming u ton.
thick grnwtli to supplant tho old ttilu
brittlo ouc. ilcro U what ouo
JiiitiT vyjmiu ay;
1 " itiitiriniisa,H
MYfaalrwucuitii mil lar.nom .uu
(ll ttViix win enltrelir bulrtmml wUlnK on
pllmtiuim my Ualr lopiwq tMllnff, nna.u
euoini In kiiJi nnl' tliick-. J"a.o tw
IletplcHla. Mia. Ms Omtoovicu.
tr Kl Mt M rU-irClataDriiu .Stares.
The '"Smoke o! Peace."
The Cream
of the Islands
dealer can t attord to cut the price.
Largest Selling' Brand of
Cig'ars in the World.
The Band Is tha Smoker's Prelection.
will not mbve'ii siuele Piano or Organ from i
new home if we can avoid it. We shall ci
line of Pianos, Organs and Stringed lnstrumenj
the next twelvo days that am one even cgmtu
rev - rted or repaired instruments can be found!
and inspect them now and don't forget our futt
opposite Tribune.
Leave Your Orders With
All towns' along the line of tli
W A Columbia Hiver Itallroad
can i buy from us in -carload I
lots at very leasonablo prices.
514-514. MAIHSTfiEETj
Phone Main 1741
The French;
Beet 25 ceat Meal in the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant 'Furnished Rooms in
633 Matu Street
Sash, Doorsi
Made to.ori
naoef. H"t'.,
harnS and J"!
Alts St. Off!
II eet "
want j