DAtUY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1803. THE- ARMSTRONG SHOES ARE HERE. It is with pleasure that we announce to the ladies of Pendleton that wc liave re ceived our complete stock of (he celebrated D. Arm tronp; & Co.'s Shoes. Tho Armstrong Htiott are ncogolted Ike moil elTlIsh. bt made and preltlMl hoe ravin We handle exoliMirely In Peodtetou tne AimttmnR Shoe. To be ad . ratted la but loaee Yonue Invito! to call himI "famlllariM youneir with tlie choice ihlnn In iadlcr' hoe n they are-shown In the Armstrong line. Dindinger, Wil- 0. P Good shoes Mill Ob UU.c h e a p III SUPRE1WE COURT INDIANS MARRIED. Henry The-Pipes, and Miss Nellie To Mat Were Wedded Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock Henry The-Pipes and MIes Nellie To Jtat, two young people of tbe reserva tion, made application at the office of tho county clerk for a marriage license and were married In the nflinn by Judgo G. A. Hartman, doputy ! court HEIRSHIP CASE FROM range very good in -every locality, 'and sheep in fine condition to begin the wintor. H 1b hord Is In especially good condition, on account of tho great aniount of summer range at his dls-1 . I posol near tho headwntors of Beaver creek, In Union county. Ho owns a PROBLEM IS NOT AN ! I " - .. " l.nJ tliniw. ...1.1. ASTOTHE POLLTAX Clerk B. B. Hall and Miss Delia B. Crigler, the stenographer of the office being the guests of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. The-Pipes are both residents of the reservation and are full-blooded Umatilla Indians, and are the holders of a goodly number of the best acres of tho reservation as their own. The bride is a well edu cated young woman and wished to be married according to the laws of the Amorican, hence she brought her spouse to the clerk for the necessary erniit and ceremony. , The attention of the supreme court was occupied this morning by tho ense of Agnes Kalyton, by Louise Ka lyton, her guardian ad litem, appel lant, vs. Mary Kalyton et al, respond ents. It is nn appeal from the court of Judge W. B. Ellis, and Henry J. Bean appears for the appoliant, while the respondent Is represented by T. G. Hnlley. The suit is an action In equity brought by the plnlntlff to establish her right to a quarter section of Innd .on the Umatilla reservation and al lotted to Joe Kalyton, deceased. The plaintiff claims the land as tho child and heir to the deceased, and the de fendant sets up a like claim on the ground that she is the sister and heir of the deceased, who, so she alleges, died intestate. Tho court bolow found that the child was illegitimate, and from this decision the plaintiff ap peals. The appeal of Sarah C. Miller, plaintiff anu respondent, vs. The Head Camp, Pacific Jurisdiction, Woodmen of the World, defendant and appellant, was argued this afternoon before the It is an appeal from tbe circuit THE RESERVATION. 1 '"Pi1 '!" t0roI.WJ!S I crowded, bis stock has fared execn- OJuestlon of Property Rights of Legal i "nnr well this year. Inheritors and Natural Descendants Suit on a Policy In the Woodmen of the World, the Order Having Taken an Appeal. - TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Large Attendance and Great Interest -Taken In the County Meeting Now ' in Session. ' Tho tlon. But at the best the question is a mooted one, and it is not thought that tho city will be nblo to collect all of tho money that is duo It from this cource. It sccm8 that any able-bodied man in tho city ought to bo oblo to ralso 1 ti, omnii nmminf rnnuiroa in mo law IEASY ONE TO HANDLE. ! fQr tho ucnont 0f the city in which ho lives, when he enjoys nil of the , . .. xa,u usiii advantages that the city convoys. Not Certain That a Man Who Will . But ,f tncy ,j0 not rocognlzo this Not Pay ilt 'Can Be Made to Only ! fact t is the opinion of tho marshal Two Hundred and Nine Poll Taxes ' that they can spongq off tho munlcl- Have Been Paid In This Year. I"ty h" mucb 6aner ot un- "a i pleasant consequences. COMING EVENTS. The poll tax question Is a bad one in tho nollmntlnn nf Mnrnhnl Shoor. I Umatilla county teachers' In- n hns elven him no end of trouble in I " ntltuto .at Weston waB woll attended the past and now It is up ngain. and I Second annual i meeting uregon ir on the first day, thoro being 132 rog- is causing Him uneasiness. It seems I rigntion Association. Pendleton, Nov- lstcrcd .yesterday evening. t to bo a bad law In tho application of , nna m u , Dr. Sheldon, of the department of it, and one hnrrt to handle If a man I Washington Teachers pedagogy, of tho State University at wants to pay the tax ho will do so, T acoma, uec. i-3U. Eugene, delivered a forcible and in-"and If ho does not tnoro is no easy structlvo lecture on "Nature Study," followed .by President 1L C. French, of tho Weston State Normal. The official program, published association, In im tn i-nmwt 'him tn do so. I Return to tcno. It Is provided 'in tho law that If a i Mrs. A. W. Itoblnson ot Echo, Is the man will not pay, his property can 1 guest of Mrs. Iee Teutsch, and will be attached and sold, 'but this Is a , return to hor home tomorrow, accom Robinson, who has been the guest of miss Nellie McMullen for several weeks. court of uarney county, M. IX Clif ford, Judge, and was argued for the appellant by A. D. Stlllman, nnd for the respondent by Biggs & Biggs. ' The ense is a suit brought to re I covor on a policy taken in the Wood men of the World by F. T. Miller, de ceased, made pnyablo in favor of his mother, the plaintiff. The order claims that the plaintiff was not in good standing at the time of his death, and therefore refused to pay. The lower court decided in favor 'of the plaintiff, and from this decision the defendants appeal, th East Oreironian sorno time ano i ! hard thing to do nnd one that the . ponied by her daughter, Miss Juanlta being carried out In full. Tho meet- "ulcers are loath to execute. The Ings are hold in Chapel Hall, of tho city will lay ItselMlablo If it proceeds Weston Normal, and tha people of , unwisely. and under those conditions Weston are cntortamlng tho teachers ",u "'- , , Ulc Insuu. nuMi:rui. u 1110 juiuu- tlon to cot all that ho can from those in tho city who will pny, and If tho .. 1 V Vtm f..nn thn ' in a royal manner. Judgo Stephen A. Lowell .delivered a lecture last night on "Horace Mann," which was well Attended. Judge Lowell is a student of educa tional methous and his lecture was a gem from a literary and educational standpoint. Superintendent J. 1". Nowlin and his committees on arrangements have made the institute a groat success, and It is one of .the moat profitable, if not the very best meeting of teach ers, ever held in Umatilla county. Expressions of appreciation for the hospitality of the people of Weston are heard on ovory hand, and the teachers and visitors are enjoying the visit to the fullest extent. At the institute this afternoon, there wore over 200 in attendance. State Superintendent Ackerman, who fit sending And coff,, ,i ' Pat,e .nd,S' must have 1 ' the stfr . . Our business-1 for Placed , : CXmiicJlo , ..v, 0r We know how To Wend ai, . " "' i, OWL TEA HQI mnttor, he will do so. Two Hundred and Nine Have Paid. When Mr. Sheer went into offlco all the cream of tbe populace had paid their taxes, and thoro are now on the rolls 209 men who have paid up, nnd more will undoubtedly come to the mark betweon this nnd elec- An Education Without Strain Sixty-nine Geese. Elmer Turner returned this morn ing from a hunting expedition to Arlington with 69 fine fat geese to his credit He reports that there ore large numbers of the birds flying now and that it is not & hard task to -pick up a hag full with good luck. CANDIDATE FOR FIRE CHIEF. At a team last evening, W. R. Wlthee was placed in nomination for re-election J as fire chief for tho coming year. At Returned to Colfax. a meeting or wo nooK ana lauuer Mr and Mrs c ? Williams have company several nights ago, Tom refurn'to If-W 5 & citr Mrf behttfparant. . held the first Monday in December. I It is expected that the other com nnnlna in thn p.lv mav hnvn tin tit. i-TanK 1 os, wtio was sentenced to 25 dates for the office, as each wishes to poor train connections, and instead of the lecture which he was to have J delivered, there will be a musical pro I gram, at Chapel hall, in which Miss 1 Ethel Garfield and other well known I Umatilla county musicians will take W. R. Wlthee an Thomas Nelson, part. The regular program Is being and Perhaps Others Will Be. enrried out today. Tho Pendleton meeUng of the Alert tlose . ,..,... nrt nrt ,nU)n rllvn in. tcrest in the work of the meeting. iSB. Paid Hit Fine. days in the county Jail for catching (,0 hnVe a man from' its own ranks nt .uiuiun in me mm race last evening i the head of the department, naid the remainder nf hlR flnp ' amounting to tU. and was released j from custody i upon the family purse. There is a way for the father of the was to havo addressed tho teachers f- ;),, tn nrnnr fr tK ,l tonight, failed to reach Weston owing Iam,l W prepare tor the eclll- rauuu ui 111c cunurcn, anu at the same time protect the family in the event of his death. Our books, " Five Per Cent. Twenty-Year Gold Bonds,"and "A Banker's Will' sent on request, contain information that may be helpful and will certainly be interesting to any parent. ThU Company raukf Ftrtl In Assets. First lu Alnonnt raid rlu vhoMers. in.'-lu Ayf. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Kichaxd A. McCcxuv, President. Alma D. Katz, manager, Boixc, Idaho. Frank L. Hammond, District Manngor, fonaieton, Oregon. COMMITTEE URGED TO MEET. UNDER SUSPICION. Chairman Alexander, of the Irrigation Reception Committee, Issues an Urgent Call. In order that tho proper attention may be paid to the guc3ts who are cxiiected to attend tho irrigation meeting next Monday and Tuesday, in this cfty, the reception committee, appointed by tho citizens to receive j nnd welcome the visitors and dele- , gates, must meet tonigui ana mar ' oughly organize for this task. There must be no delay or friction ' t - ST. JOE STORl JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, T ,4W T Ms TIT! J. c WE PUT THEM ON SALE WHILE THEY LAST $15 Wt Guarnuteeyou cau't eoual them anywhere for iu On uccnuut of Jat arrival we make the low price we do wVSn 41(10.00 In Gold Coin to be given away Dec. 24th. a tlcktuS 11.00 purchat " LYONS-MERCANTILE CO. -4 -------.. i-M- i-n-i-i-i 1 n 1 n iii'M-mHi " 1 nftrs r Iki v I r 1 1 n rc irtJ n tn nrrlvn nnrl netumin'o wi.h th- RH, Thought That Mr. Hughes May Have j ,n orJer arc for th(J wor the ttt , 9 , , , w ! 5,0,en Tobacco in His Possession. committee must have a meeting, de W. W. Ilaker. a hanker of Walla' i-i,i ,,nn ti,r. Hntnlls nf the work- In hand, anu roaue rcaay 10 greoi " irrigation delegates. This commit- AValla. accomnanied hr his danchtqr.; An old man giving his name was in the city today while en route Hughes, was arrested yesterday after. V. r 1 1t l 111. A I ' iinnt, nittVi o r.nnt nnn t n I rt I It tr 1 TS I1H fi mains of .Mrs. Baer 'who died there j 5?os of tobacco of various brands in e I. LSX SL , to soli the stuff on tne street and It is I al Association nt 7:30, without fall. to curf a oni n m onk dav bought that it came from the scene The following gentlemen compose TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY . .." . ,klir , !,!,' the recent on commlttoc; It. Aloxan- Tke LuatUe Brcmo Quinine TbleU. All,. . , , , ntt 'i,. ,v, dcr. W H. Hawley. W. J. Furnish, dxuKfflt Kfnnd the edadpt- If Ir fill tn cure. 1 r.. n. urore's iiEnaiarean cscn box. 2ic ldentiiication of the goods'. I 1 I. II, IIMl DWN OM MOUNTAINS. Exqulefuuew IX-signs In Kve our window but better still come Ju and t REAL...... I CU4"GLASS i t I Get. Om Ptices.f t 1 TAL1MAN lj Oil land Sweet Spirits of Eden Ate gnaraiittetl to cure any case of Rheti niatisjur-iutcy.wc-, , tuey jaji . 1 A C.'Koeppen & Hrtk.,AgU. fur I'cndlcton 3-1 t Jlost beautiful collection ejA dUjvlayed iu Pendleton. ' " $j Sheep Arc Brought From Summer the Winter Ranges and Pastures. L H. Siinderman was in the city yesterday, having just returned from a three weelts' drive in bringing tils hord ot sheep from the summer range on the head of the- Grande Hondo and leaver creek ti. the wlutor range near Efho Mr Sundorman ruports. tho lau Ifiumih Ilnnlnr A Klinknl. M A. Ila- 1 dcr S. H. Thompson, W. 1). Hansford, Ju, Hoch, F. X Schompp. W. E. IinifL- V M nilvnr. .T It Wilson. V. to S. rotwine. E. W. McCornns. T. G. .Montgomery, J. m. iientiey, j. xi. ley, leo Moorhouso, Ralph Ifolsom, L. Huiizll;er, U 1). Header, C. U. Wnde, E. M. Lyons, VtawY. Curl, C. C. Sharp, A S. Kooppen, E, J. Murnhy. L. E. Tarhett and J n, Dickson. R. ALEXANDEH, Chairman. THE WHOLESOME Crescent NOTICE TO COMMITTEES. 'I Every Member of Every Committee 1 Urgently Requeoted to Attend Meet. ing. 1 All irrigation committees are urg- 1 0. requested to meet nt the rooms ' of tho Commoiclal Association murs j day evening at 7:30, nnd mnke full I reports and estimates of amount of I money required. I , Tho time is drawing near and we 1 must be prepared to entertain mir Visitors u. A. HAlll AlArS, Chairman. You May Have Come To Town on a Rail hut wc can repair your rig In lirat-elu.s? slinpe rca8onuhly. We liuve nil tlie modern nppllareen f'ir doitur the w(rk SreourWI NONA WAQONK, HACICcJ anil lU liiME. They nu- thf Ut becnUM- thev are iiiautM'f dried iiuibet Call nml examine our rige. HEAGLEi BROS,, THE BLACKSMITHS J ' AgenlR for Stover (ino)!ne Tinginei' Our Great Big Saturday Nighl Free Distribution Is Worth Investigation i $30 Worth Given Awaj t FREE it I The Boston Stort Baking Powder The reroarkatle Increase in conumption troves its purity and wholeomene. ONE POUNDS CENTS With er Coupon Baker County Could Wait. Ex-Stato Senator William Smith of ; BaKcr county, who has been attend ing supremo tourt, loft for bis home yesterday evening. In speakinc of "I tho need nf a special session of the leKlsinture sir. Smith said that ynue Baker county could, -tldo ovei with ' out this year's tax lovy, it would be I disastrous to school districts and rou ) rili'lpnlltics, to cause them to .wait I another year for their taxes, 1 NOT GOOD, NOT HERE .: iVTTTTTTrTTTVTTrV'TTTVTTTVVTTTTTTVVTrTTVrr7VVTTTTTT inn uinnt enmern nr trnnci iei our y If want something Fes& Mince i Apple Btttteff good eat in get our hulk in Jais -3 j. !.u:rV:!s-. wm.v. 3F. S; LOUNGER & SONt Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; I NOT GOOD, NOT HERE TVTrTTTTTTTYTrTTTrTTTTTYTVTTTTTVTVrTTrYTTTVTTTTTTTX A Fow Days More, .Madam Thompson, tho clairvoyant, w'bo has been so flucccssful In her readings, will ho at tho Ciratz rooming hoiiso for a few days more. Persons who desiro to consult a clairvoyant who Is roliablo, should not miss visit ing Madam Tompson during her stay here. Lumber' Arriving. The lumber for the Uownlan build ing lias begun to arrive, and tho workmen aio nt work putting In tho Stringers for tho iloor, proparatory to commencing tho brickwork of the wulls Forfeited His Ball. Ono lono Indian was heforo tho city court this morning, charged with being drunk, and put up $5 to Inruiro his appearance in court. When tho time for trial camo .the culprit for- I felted his bail for ...e good Of tho city treasury. LET .US. SUPPLY WITH YOU ...Material IM liNS JOJJLU MR 10 It OV '. ' all fltwirijiti'ins. gash,' .Doorn, Bliuda, Moulil UK, Ihiilding and Tnr J'u,tr. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get. Our Figure's, Grays' HartorTom. Co. Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot THE SURE WAY to provent Pneumonia and 'Constipa tion is to euro your cold when It first nppears. Acker's English Remedy will stop tho cough In a night, and drlvo tho cold out of your eystom. Always a quick nnd suro euro for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat nnd lung troubles, If it docs not satisfy you wo will refund your monoy. V W. Schmidt & Co. Money BackuKK fall to cure Rhcuuintlsai, For Snle by A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. Agts. for l'endl'n. ream ITSvTl Js a necessity for yen who desire a clear, beaut'ful complexion-it is opposed to sunburn. An ap plication olr Clover 'SCreaniJ befoiji C3j; "Postifeto wind anL sun will positively prevent all roughness of the .skin. 25 c a Bottle A sample for asking only at the F. W. Sctmidt's Tho Roliable ' Drnggiat TlMloflKX Illock. rhoncilaluJji GOOD WORK LADIES AS Gcr.iltoM'l COMMERCIAL STABLES I C. M. FROOME. PROPHIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Good teams with competent drivers for commercial men, Speedy horsos and hnndaorac rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family; use. Stock boarded at reasonable rates, Best .of care given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendloton Phono Mp In 101, Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Recalled Work called for nul l,n J nes & Cooper ' Ml OarrtenSi eel, Cora PRICES RIGHT f Conrad PJatzoedei ? 1 I All kinds oi Fi . altt'aVS OS hnnd Fine Bacon, Hams anJ SauWM Prices as lo as the H Save Moj rv hi.vinff MattWl Lace Curtains. 1 nn.r Olas-I Etc. Etc. of P A I LIN Sole agent for theg Ostermoor mattre5